A new monthly magazine, called Second LIFE Magazine just lanched in SL. The cool thing about it (apart from the content) is that not only is it available on the web, but it is also distributed in game (as bundled notecards -- nice). The first issue has an interview with Phil Rosedale, and some nice stories on the new animations. There is a story on GOM being defrauded, but it is just a copy of GOM's press release. All in all, a great job by editor Lorelei Patel and the SLMag team. Now the question is, how long before they get tagged with a trademark violation.
Read it, long, but cool stuff. Well I don't think they will be in trouble, lol, since they interviewed the big man, himself.
Posted by: Ian | June 29, 2004 at 07:27 PM
I don't mean trouble with Linden Lab, I mean trouble with Time/LIFE corp. But don't worry guys, we got your back!
Posted by: Urizenus | June 29, 2004 at 07:38 PM
Well... Life magazine has this nasty habit of going out of business each time they try to revive it. (Wish me more luck than that!) I wonder if there's anyone left at the venerable Life offices to notice us. Ah well, Time/Life will tell...
Posted by: Lorelei Patel | June 29, 2004 at 08:06 PM
They recently announced they were coming back yet again. Let's hope SLMag is so successful that they actually do care enough to challenge you!
Posted by: Urizenus | June 29, 2004 at 08:50 PM