In a resignation letter released to the Second Life Herald, Mafia Boss JC Soprano has announced his resignation from TSO (speculating that EA will shut it down after racking up some Christmas sales) and has begun to form a guild in Star Wars Galaxies. Of particular interest will be the purported full confession which JC includes in the letter. Among other things, he finally comes clean about being Alex Sanchez , the Alphaville Government?s CIA director (we told you we told you...), and being Ben Carrington, the Treasurer of the Calvin?s Creek Government ? a position he used to siphon money from the CCG treasury. His other stealth accounts included Bill Gates, Donald Trump, members of the Sim Liberation Army, and at least one additional account that ran GIR. He denies, however, that the Alphaville Elections were fixed (he claims that was merely discussed).
Open Letter to the TSO Community from JC Soprano:
Everything that has a beginning has an end they say. Effective immediately The Sim Mafia is dismantled and no longer exists. I am also retiring from The Sims Online permanently and making my primary focus Star Wars Galaxies. I will however be taking precautions to make sure no one may try to assume the JC Soprano character name in Alphaville.
There are many reasons for this decision, the main one being I feel that The Sims Online's days are numbered. I personally believe that EA Games has plans in place, or is at least already discussing the possibility, to shut down Sims Online. Those that know me know I am a betting man. My money is on EA Games announcing the closure of TSO sometime shortly after the New Year, this way they can get the money of unsuspecting Christmas shoppers, just like they did with Earth & Beyond. With Sims 2 coming out later this year people's time and focus will turn from Sims Online as well. In all honesty I think the only reason why EA Games has not pulled the plug yet is due to the press individuals like myself, the SSG and the Alphaville Herald produce. Sometimes bad press is good press. In this case, it was free advertising for EA Games. Maxis Tigger told me once over the phone that EA Games does not promote this type of activity. She was right, they don't have to, and we do it for them... And for free.
I have been playing Star Wars Galaxies for a few months now on the Eclipse server and have a guild already established called The Mafia Underworld. We also have a small city currently called Underworld City. You may want to note as well that you will never see JC Soprano playing SWG. If you do see someone with that name, it is not me and you should report them to SOE as using a character name from another video game is a violation of SOE's terms of service. I have already had to enforce this once, quite successfully. While I do have one or two TSO players within my current guild, the stuff that happened in TSO stays in TSO. Hopefully, those who dislike me in Sims Online that play SWG can be mature enough to move past the silliness of Sims Online. Star Wars Galaxies is so much better on so many different levels, including respect for other players. Frankly, Sony Online Entertainment has the best customer service department I have seen for any MMORPG.
While I am retiring from TSO I am not retiring from the Spotlight. Currently, talks are in progress for a possible documentary being done on my new Star Wars guild, as well as, I will continue to do interviews in regards to The Sim Mafia and The Mafia Underworld and my roles within those groups. If you wish to follow my new guild you may do so at The site is still in progress, but will be completely done shortly.
Now that I am retired from "This thing of ours" it may be a good time to come clean on some things and bring some rumors to a close. There are some that will not like what I have to say. You either hate me or you love me... There is no middle ground I have found. I expect mixed reactions from everyone in regards to this. I am also sure the immature players will make comments to not only prove their immaturity, but to try to say I quit or am a liar or whatever. I am retiring on my own terms and I operated my guild, as I felt needed. It's as simple as that. I can retire happily now, feeling accomplished. I only wish that everyone could wish me a good luck and a job well done, rather than a good ridden and so long.
It was rumored that myself and Mr. President of the Alphaville Government rigged the elections. This is not the case. The elections were never rigged, although it was fully discussed. One thing that is true though, I was head of the CIA of the Alphaville Government. Detective Sanchez was me. Fans recruiting me as JC Soprano, but I turned the job down as JC. I recommended my good friend Alex Sanchez to Mr. President after me and Fans plotted to keep my true identity a secret. In the CIA I had control over military and intelligence areas of the Alphaville Government. If I did not like the actions of an enemy I simply fed the President false intelligence indicating an attack. Mr. President did not know that Sanchez was myself until about 1 month into my taking power in the CIA. After that he kept me on, as head of the CIA, but my identity remained a secret. When I tried to quit the CIA, Mr. President asked me not to as everyone was quitting the AVG at the time and he did not want to look the fool. Basically, the AVG was crumbling and has been ever sense.
My group?s dealings with the Alphaville Government go back far and are vast. We have been hired by the AVG to take out opponents, we were contacted about rigging the elections, hell we even paid for the Alphaville Jail in exchange for a get out of jail free card if you will. I was contacted about the CIA job as the AVG had been getting most of their intelligence from my group or me already. The AVG is corrupt; it's as simple as that. Mr. President may have been running the AVG, but my group and myself were the puppet masters of the AVG. Just like the real Mafia, once we get our foot in the door, you can't get it out.
I was also Treasurer of the Calvin's Creek Government. This was run by Seth Galloway who to this day still does not know Ben Carrington was me. I took the job to siphon funds from the group. Many of you probably ran into Ben Carrington in CC as he ran a top lot casino that netted millions a day when it was open. My group had a secret stranglehold on CC as well that we never advertised publicly. This was evident when the Corenza family lost 9 members including 2 bosses and surrendered within 3 days once we started our war against them.
Other characters that I played included Bill Gates who also ran a top lot Casino in Alphaville and Donald Trump who was a roommate in Bill's casino. Although I boasted I only had 1 account, I actually had 5. My other characters consisted of Sim Liberation Army members and bot accounts (I used GIR). The SLA was a group I had created to put blame on an in-game terrorist group for actions I did not want my family taking responsibility for, as well as, when I wanted to spark fear into other groups. I would message someone going I heard the SLA was going to strike and I was putting my family on tight security. Everyone that knows me knows I do not back down for anyone, so when I was backing down to this rumored group it caused the people I was messaging to panic and go on lock down. The power of propaganda and paranoia.
It was also rumored that my group only had like 5 members and that I was never on. You never saw me on because of all the accounts I had. I handled most of my business through my other accounts and yahoo. Bill Gates was my second most active character. Ben Carrington was a close third. As for the shortage of members, my philosophy is that you cannot fight what you cannot see. I simply made the website seem like it was outdated and we didn't have new members. When in fact we have and always have had lots of members. While we did not have hundreds (and anyone claiming to is a liar), we always had a high number of members. The only time that was not true was after the war with SSG. We had not hired for some time due to security risks. We quickly got our numbers back up though.
I have made many friends in the roughly 2 years that I have been playing. Unfortunately, I have made many enemies too. With great power comes great responsibility they say. Once the press got involved with my group and myself back in December of 2002 many people began to despise my group and me. Fame makes those without it bitter. The people that we went after 99% of the time respected us and what we were doing and said they had it coming. It was only those who could not achieve what we were achieving that had problems with us for the most part. That wasn't always the case, but usually was. To those individuals who to this day cannot get over the past and the fact that while you may have tried, you could not reach the height that my group reached, I will issue one last apology to you and ask that you move on.
Everyone that knows me knows I always try to handle things diplomatically before I do violently. If things came to a head between my group and another it is because of your stubbornness and unwilling to compromise. I call it the Tony Montana complex (from Scarface) since they are usually the people that think the world is theirs and get power hungry. I may have had an ego, but I was never power hungry. I never stepped on toes I didn't need to. I always said that while this was a business and certainly not Unicef, it was still a business. To this day my group has been the only profitable Mafia. Conflict interrupts business. Some will try to contest this, but it is true. My group was the only group to have a salary system in place for most positions. We made millions of dollars on a weekly if not daily basis and most families or members of other families came to my group and me for money. Most of the money we made was from legit work, but we always made money. Like the real Mafia, we are recession proof.
Anyway, thank you everyone for your support and hope you continue to support me in my new ventures. Special thanks go out to Big Italy (co-founder), Levin , Chrisy (My first In-game wife and consigliere of over a year), Chances, Johnny (Sup Marbles lol), The SSG (I gave you shit, but you took it well.. Time to move on.), Fueled Radio (Zildjian specifically), CNN, the Associated Press, the Alphaville Herald, Peter, Lashelle, Brooke and of course Maxis Tigger (NOT!). If I missed anyone I am sorry, I've met so many people in the game it's hard to remember everyone.
My final note as I watch the end of Goodfellas while writing this is that this is just a game. People take it far too seriously. If your getting mad over a video game you don't need to be playing it. If you are an adult and cannot act like an adult you do not need to be in a position of power either. The kids look up to the adults and leaders of the guilds. I hate to say it, but we are role models to a point. It's a game, nothing more though. It's time people started treating it like a game, rather than an extension of reality. People say that your character is separate from yourself. They are liars. It is impossible to keep all aspects of reality out of your character. When you talk about someone's character or hack someone's account or whatever, you are attacking the person behind the character as well. For the younger kids that play, what example is that showing them?
JC Soprano
Boss (Retired)
The Sim Mafia of Alphaville
The Mafia Underworld
Let's see how many haters reply roflmao..
JC Soprano
In Space, no one can hear you scream.
Posted by: JC Soprano | July 20, 2004 at 04:32 PM
bravo jay cee, i have a new found respect for you
Posted by: Ian | July 20, 2004 at 04:36 PM
Let's see how many haters reply roflmao..
Maybe I should sell my account lol
JC Soprano
In Space, no one can hear you scream.
Posted by: JC Soprano | July 20, 2004 at 04:36 PM
bravo jay cee, i have a new found respect for you
Posted by: Ian | July 20, 2004 at 04:38 PM
Quote: bravo jay cee, i have a new found respect for you. Unquote.
LOL Because I hired him to foil the AVG and mess with Mr-P's mind? Yeah mostly.
Posted by: Fans II | July 20, 2004 at 05:10 PM
Oh by the way...
I hired JC's mafia family to do work for me in AVG because I did not trust the AVG employees doing work for me. And if Pez says AVG never got anything from the Sims Mafia that is a lie!
Posted by: Fans II | July 20, 2004 at 05:12 PM
JC says.."I simply made the website seem like it was outdated and we didn't have new members. When in fact we have and always have had lots of members. While we did not have hundreds (and anyone claiming to is a liar), we always had a high number of members. The only time that was not true was after the war with SSG. We had not hired for some time due to security risks. We quickly got our numbers back up though."
*cough bullshit cough* if you are going to come clean why not come clean completely you never had more than 10 members. The Website was always outdated and you didnt have members.. how do I know for sure? BECAUSE THE SIM MAFIA NEVER DID SHIT except for a few appearances to combat everyone saying you weren't in game and to.
ohhh I know why you can't come clean.. once a liar always a said it yourself "The power of propaganda and paranoia." You are just utilizing your long overdue confession that you were hardly in game to garnish you some more attention.. because thats all this ever was a lil attention to make you feel better about yourself.
Im not player hating.. I could give a shit about you and think TSO is a better place now to not have trash like you in it. I just can't stand watching you lie as you finally exit as well.
Only one you ever fooled was yourself.. everyone knew you were Alex Sanchez he was just too stupid to not be.
You say you had WAR with SSG? Pfft Twitty has more balls than you and thats not saying much.
Finally .. C-ya Wouldn't wanna be ya!
Posted by: Anony! | July 20, 2004 at 05:52 PM
umm well only question is this: If there were in fact so many followers of your mafia family in tso, where are they? JC I'm quite sure you don't remember me because you didnt actually log on to tso and actually PLAY enough, but imho (well ok I'm not humble) you are nothing more than an attention whore that makes up huge profound dramas to get yourself in the spotlight. I have yet to see any REAL action from you/your group....its always just rumors and battles on message boards and the AVH....silly silly boy may you always have fun in your little soap opera that you have created for yourself. I'm sure glad that I actually have REAL friends in my online gaming world instead of just 4 other accounts to keep myself company with. Flame on...
Not a hate response, just calling it as I see it,
Posted by: Pinki aka Myrrh | July 20, 2004 at 06:41 PM
First of all..
Fans, you did not hire us to foil the AVG or anything so don't be trying to take credit for something you had nothing to do with. You came to me yes for the job, but legittly, not with ill intent.
Second of all..
Anony, your not worth my time.. We've proven that in the past.
Third of all..
Pinki, You never saw it becuase it never happened to you. We on;y mess with those who mess with us or have it coming. And yes you have heard about what we do in press articles and on here. So your not able to call it how it is, becuase you don't see it. =) Besides your an ssg supporter, you have no opinion anyone cares about. =)
JC Soprano
Keep em coming people.. heh
Posted by: JC Soprano | July 20, 2004 at 06:54 PM
Oh and all of your comments just prove my point that some people do not understand the concept that TSO is just a game. =)
JC Soprano
Regulators!!! Mount up.
Posted by: JC Soprano | July 20, 2004 at 07:00 PM
if you call this " just a game " then whyde you spend so much time and effort on such a creation such like your family. just my question no harm intended
Posted by: anonomous | July 20, 2004 at 09:19 PM
if you call this " just a game " then whyde you spend so much time and effort on such a creation such like your family. just my question no harm intended
Posted by: anonomous | July 20, 2004 at 09:19 PM
if you call this " just a game " then whyde you spend so much time and effort on such a creation such like your family. just my question no harm intended
Posted by: anonomous | July 20, 2004 at 09:20 PM
if you call this " just a game " then whyde you spend so much time and effort on such a creation such like your family. just my question no harm intended
Posted by: anonomous | July 20, 2004 at 09:20 PM
if you call this " just a game " then whyde you spend so much time and effort on such a creation such like your family. just my question no harm intended
Posted by: anonomous | July 20, 2004 at 09:20 PM
if you call this " just a game " then whyde you spend so much time and effort on such a creation such like your family. just my question no harm intended
Posted by: anonomous | July 20, 2004 at 09:20 PM
if you call this " just a game " then whyde you spend so much time and effort on such a creation such like your family. just my question no harm intended
Posted by: anonomous | July 20, 2004 at 09:20 PM
if you call this " just a game " then whyde you spend so much time and effort on such a creation such like your family. just my question no harm intended
Posted by: anonomous | July 20, 2004 at 09:20 PM
if you call this " just a game " then whyde you spend so much time and effort on such a creation such like your family. just my question no harm intended
Posted by: anonomous | July 20, 2004 at 09:20 PM
if you call this " just a game " then whyde you spend so much time and effort on such a creation such like your family. just my question no harm intended
Posted by: anonomous | July 20, 2004 at 09:20 PM
if you call this " just a game " then whyde you spend so much time and effort on such a creation such like your family. just my question no harm intended
Posted by: anonomous | July 20, 2004 at 09:21 PM
if you call this " just a game " then whyde you spend so much time and effort on such a creation such like your family. just my question no harm intended
Posted by: anonomous | July 20, 2004 at 09:21 PM
if you call this " just a game " then whyde you spend so much time and effort on such a creation such like your family. just my question no harm intended
Posted by: anonomous | July 20, 2004 at 09:21 PM
if you call this " just a game " then whyde you spend so much time and effort on such a creation such like your family. just my question no harm intended
Posted by: anonomous | July 20, 2004 at 09:21 PM
It's almost a shame that JC only really existed in message boards and Yahoo and in his self- promoting fiction. He can spin a good yarn. But no one believes much of it...why leave the JC Sim offline for weeks and weeks and never log it in? And when you did, sit in a locked house? Because you never played the game. And you never had members. If your claim to fame is playing with the kids in AVG and the CIA - LMAO - hello, that demonstrates once again that mafias are for dumbass kids. Thanks, JC. TSO needs more mobsters like you that don't play and then quit all together.
Posted by: Zerg | July 20, 2004 at 09:37 PM
You all are pathetic!!! Get a job... quit living off mommy and daddy and get your own place. All of you sit at home and do nothing but play this crap. Why dont you guys go do something productive with your time and start thing about a career with the last two brain cells you ALL have left.
P.S Reality is nice... maybe all should try it sometime!
Posted by: Onyx | July 20, 2004 at 09:52 PM
You guys say I dont play yet I just listed off 4 accounts that you guys didn't even know about. I handled my business in the game discreetly and it paid off. And I did log into JC all the time.. I may not have played hours on end but I did log onto JC all the time, usually late night. It's easier to run your affairs using a different account than the one that everyone needs to talk shit to or harass. It's not that I couldn't handle it, I just chose to have minimal interuptions as possible in my guild. To the ones saying people need a job, I got one, I get paid to play video games and design websites..
JC Soprano
Once again your talking shit with no basis or facts. Keep it up please, it makes you come off more idiotic than you think I am.
Posted by: JC Soprano | July 20, 2004 at 10:08 PM
JC, I will have to agree with them. I knew about Trump, Gates, and JC. they were hardly ever on.
Posted by: Ian | July 20, 2004 at 10:18 PM
quote: Fans, you did not hire us to foil the AVG or anything so don't be trying to take credit for something you had nothing to do with. You came to me yes for the job, but legittly, not with ill intent. Unquote.
I knew you would do things to mess up the AVG that is why I hired you. Did I tell you? No. Because I know you go around and tell people. I've kept my anti-AVG side to myself until this month.
Long Live The AVG Forum Union!
Posted by: Fans II | July 20, 2004 at 11:15 PM
I will say that there were some fun times during the war against you in Alphaville way back .. and a few times that will stick in my mind. HeHe .. that annonomous SSG tag on ya.. *smiles*. Your right it is just a game and I hold no hard feeling towards you for any of the slimy *grins* things you did. Psst .. I too was offered the job you took in the AVG, but by then had lost all interest in TSO and had moved on to other games. Well I wish you luck in your SWG attempts ... Happy Gaming!!
Eva Marie
Posted by: Eva Marie | July 21, 2004 at 12:37 AM
Damn Bill Gates was you lol. I had no clue but JC is the man. and you will be missed. You had awsome casinos! and you were a kool guy. Happy I met you.
Posted by: MattyS | July 21, 2004 at 01:23 AM
Nothing is ever what it seems Matty =) Knowledge is power.
And ffs "anonymous" could you be anymore of a stupid moron? posting the same bloody thing at least TEN TIMES in a row. A slow server causes 2-4. An error between keyboard and chair causes 4 - infinite.
- RB
Posted by: RB | July 21, 2004 at 07:00 AM
Well JC sad to see you leave TSO but good luck in SWG, i may one day see you there soon :P
Anyway you always were a professional businessman and I respect you for that, too bad we didnt get to play as much together (LOL!)
Best of luck!
Liz (Gina Giancana/Liz Montana)
Posted by: Liz | July 21, 2004 at 09:27 AM
Guess what JC? I actually PLAYED the game! I never SAW what you and your other accounts did because you did NOTHING! You spend all your time on message boards and whoring yourself to the media making yourself out to be something you are not. Those of us that PLAYED TSO know that you had no real impact on everyday gameplay other than on the boards. Sorry to burst your bubble JC but other than you being a mild amusement on the boards you really were nothing in the game itself.And as far as no one listening to me because I am SSG well pfft on you....Jealousy is not an attractive quality..too bad we have always had REAL members and continue to do so instead of having to keep 5 accounts and make up phony websites to make us look like more than we are!!
HAHA JC thank you for all the laughs!! It's been tremendously entertaining to watch you continue to make an ass of yourself over a game that has been dead for many many months. Rock on in your make believe world JC.
*makes popcorn and sits back to watch*
Posted by: Pinki aka Myrrh | July 21, 2004 at 11:42 AM
Hey there! Well lets say congrats on the retiring. Never really knew yah unless it was you who was on the boards WAY WAY Back in which case I did.
Have fun with the whole new game. Personally I agree that EA will hang on till x-mas it will give them the sales and the perfect timing of having something to write down against their earnings to cheat the IRS of its hard earned money.
Posted by: Meanie | July 21, 2004 at 01:12 PM
Matty, yup that was me the whole time.. Which explains why JC had an office in that casino.. Eva, wow.. Thanks! I'm glad we can put our differences aside and can move on.
To everyone so far that has shown support, I thank you.. To those who are still talking smack, that's fine. I played the game as I saw fit and to my advantage. I never was running a popularity contest.
JC Soprano
Mr. Congeniality
Posted by: JC Soprano | July 21, 2004 at 01:24 PM
I don't wanna get in the middle of a scrap between JC and his haters, but I will say this stuff on his behalf:
JC is absolutely right to maintain that "the game" is not what takes place when logged on to TSO or some other MMORPG. Rather, TSO is kind of portal into the real game, which takes place in YIM chat, in email exchanges, and board thrashes. Let's face it; most of us here in this thread are in character. I know I am. So the game is bigger than the wanky little things we got to watch our avatars do in iso in TSO. JC even took it one step further and made the national media part of his game. Call him a media ho if you want, but if that was his game he was good at it -- getting on CNN, getting his pic in MSN News, and staying in character for that too. So if that's his game, what's wrong with that?
And finally, for a guy that supposedly was never on he did figure in a fair bit of Alpaville history -- from his early aliance with the SSG and then the falling out to his involvement with the AVG and of course the elections, when the history of Alphaville is written he will figure in it in a major way.
Plus his casino was nice (but the odds were *horrible*) and his wedding reception was lovely. AndI'm *still* chasing that hot mafiosa chick...
Posted by: Urizenus | July 21, 2004 at 03:51 PM
Odds were horrible? I had odds as good as 49:51 with a $1K minimum.. Thats almost a 50% chance on winning.. It's not my fault everyone preferred the more complex less odds games like blackjack, poker and craps lol That is the one thing I will miss for sure.. Running casinos.
Thanks for the support Uri, hit me up on Yahoo so we can discuss some biz.
JC Soprano
The Mafia Underworld
Posted by: JC Soprano | July 21, 2004 at 04:56 PM
"AndI'm *still* chasing that hot mafiosa chick..."
wonder who that is?
Posted by: Liz | July 21, 2004 at 05:07 PM
For me the point is ..the elections the avg the cia and alot of this doesnt affect or interest the majority of makes a story in media. The real game is played in a complex web of social interactions. The real seat of power are probably the top skill houses and social players (since the fall of the SSG). you cant hype or fake the time in game it takes to exist on the level that those places do. If youre a mafia player and stay locked in your house you may have the power to tag and trash but you'll never see the real game from there. The elections were for kiddies ..the mafias are for kiddies and those that want to hang out with them. ..hey need a laugh? look up JCs sim and look at the skills on a 592 day old sim with over 30 locks he has the skills of a 3 day noob. And to the real hard core TSOers ..thats what might as well be.
Posted by: Zerg | July 22, 2004 at 08:57 AM
Here's a quote for you Zerg from the movie Goodfellas.. "Paulie may have moved slow, but that's becuase Paulie didn't have to move for anybody." =)
JC Soprano
Skills? We don't need no stinkin' skills!
Posted by: JC Soprano | July 22, 2004 at 12:32 PM
LOL nice one JC ..youll have to skill up in SWG to you.
Posted by: Zerg | July 22, 2004 at 12:51 PM
Zerg, I understand your point, but I'm not really moved by it. Racking up skill points is just one way to play the game. I'm a lot more impressed by what JC has accomplished than someone that 30 skill points locked. I mean what does it take to skill besides being able to nudge your mouse every 5 minutes. I understand that skilling is a "game" that was engineered into tso, but paradoxically it requires absolutely zero skill and the same amount of thought. JC invented his own game using the same tools at his disposal. It may not be your game and no one said you had to be impressed by it, but by parity of reasoning he doesn't have to be impressed by someone who mastered the art of nudging their mouse every 5 minutes.
Posted by: Urizenus | July 22, 2004 at 03:21 PM
I am a Master Artisan, almost Master Architect. I am working my way up the Pistoleer chain as well. I got skills and see the value of skills in SWG. However, TSO skills are pointless except a small bonus on payouts.. Woopidy doo.. I was doing million dollar deals while you were out skilling or doing money objects hehe
As Uri said, it's all on how you decide to play and what your focus is. Mine has always been about the money.. As the real life Mafia is. Glad you liked that though Zerg.
JC Soprano
Remember, in space no one can hear you scream!
Posted by: JC Soprano | July 22, 2004 at 05:44 PM
I've been on vacation and havent had a chance to post sooner. It's sad to see you go JC, you've played the game better than most in terms of what I consider success. I've never seen anyone get into the news for having locked skill points.
And to the haters: speaking generally, you will most likely never know the extreme pull JC had unless you were him. Skill houses do not really have much power. They are the backbone of TSO in the way blue collar workers are the backbone of America - we are happy they exist to do the dirty work, but the white collar workers (in this case JC) are the people that truly profit off their services. While skillhouses distract the skillers, the real game is being played by innovative players such as JC, who actually have creativity and do not need a skill label to prove it.
Posted by: Mafioso | July 23, 2004 at 06:01 AM