With recent revelations that AVG officer Chad Thomas voted up to 200 times in the AVG Presidential elections, David Pierce has filed a class action lawsuit vs. Mr. Thomas. We believe that this is a classical case of an underling taking a hit for the party that is ultimately responsible. In part one of this two-part editorial we make the case that the locus of responsibility must lie with Mr-President himself, that he failed to nurture the proper democratic values within his administration, and hence that he must resign. In part two, we look at the meta-game and suggest that from this vantage point as well, it is high time for Mr-President to move on.
Part I. It is time for Mr-President to resign.
1) The Chad Thomas revelations and democratic values. The admissions of Chad Thomas that he used proxy servers to vote multiple times for Mr-President are troubling on a number of levels. In the first place, it raises the natural question as to whether Mr-President was the legitimate winner of the election. Beyond that, however, it raises serious questions about the values that were inculcated within the AVG. Why was it not made clear to the officers of the AVG that democratic values were more important than just hanging onto power? Mr. Thomas tells us that he was pressured to ?do something? to help Mr-President by Jason Sim of the AVG. This suggests that it was not Mr. Thomas acting alone but a pervasive attitude within Mr-President?s administration ? an attitude that it was more important to stay in power and retain the status quo than to protect democratic values.
2) The unanswered questions about the JC Soprano involvement in the election. The Chad Thomas incident does not resolve the question of the troubling chat logs involving Mr-President and Mafioso JC Soprano, but only makes them appear more suspicious. The defense of Mr-President and Mr. Soprano was that they were only engaged in a verbal pretense that they were engaged in an election rigging scheme ? in effect a pretense within the pretense of a role playing game. This is obviously an unstable position in the best of times, but what is particularly troubling is comments from Mr. Soprano to the effect of ?we didn?t have to do that? ? in effect, they did not have to interfere with the election process because Mr-President won. But this suggests a conspiracy to the effect that if Mr. Thomas had not voted multiple time other mechanisms would have kicked in to ensure that Mr-President won the election. Even if this was pretense all the way through, the conversations are damning. No real world politician could survive the revelation of a chat log like that, joke or no joke. One does not engage in chit chat with Mafiosi about fixing elections.
3) The CIA director Alex Sanchez. For months after the revelation in the Alphaville Herald that the AVG CIA director was in fact mafia Kingpin JC Soprano, Mr. Soprano and Mr-President denied this fact. It is now clear that Mr-President knew for several months that Mr. Sanchez ? his CIA directory ? was in fact a Mafioso, did not admit this fact (thus misleading the citisims) and did nothing to remove Mr. Sanchez from this sensitive position. This is inexcusable.
4) Even in recent days there has been a pattern of questionable judgement within the AVG. In his exit letter, noted scammer Mr. President Bradley has claimed that he gave some six million simoleans to Mr-President. Members of the AVG have said they would resign if this were true. Meanwhile, the silence from Mr-President has been deafening.
5) Ultimately the most serious problems with the AVG have not been the direct actions of Mr-President, but rather the actions and words of his underlings. In the aftermath of the AVG elections his minions undertook a smear campaign against Ashley Richardson that was sexist at best, and well beyond ugly on many occasions. At times these smears emanated from the official press office of the AVG. This again demonstrates the failure to inculcate the proper democratic values in his staff, and more, the failure in inculcate the values of respect for other citisims ? including the opposition.
For these and other reasons, The Herald believes it is time for Mr-President to step down.
Part II. Meta-commentary
On the meta-level of course this is a game, and it is a game of Mr-President?s invention, but we think that the rules of his game dictate that he resign. The AVG game included many of the trappings of political life, including campaigns, elections, press conferences, and rapid response teams to handle breaking scandals. The logic of this game suggests that when a virtual scandal becomes big enough it is time to step aside. Well, a series of virtual scandals has now achieved such a level of magnitude that the rules of Mr-President?s own game dictate that he step down. It?s his game, of course, and no one can make him do it, but if he is to be honest to the game, that is the move.
More importantly maybe, we think that Mr-President did a fantastic job in setting up the AVG and playing along, and we have enjoyed playing along with him, breaking stories that are sometimes serious and sometimes downright silly (remember scorned Relina?). All along the way, Mr-President played along with great panache and made the whole game lots of fun. But we now believe it is time for Mr-President to move the game elsewhere ? or start over in a new MMORPG. He has outgrown Alphaville and TSO, and the resources of TSO severely limit the kinds of things that Mr-President can accomplish. Put another way, we think he is far too creative to be stuck in TSO.
Accordingly, we are not just encouraging Mr-President to resign his post in the AVG in Alphaville, but we are encouraging him to set up shop elsewhere. In particular, we would *love* to see him set up a new Government in Second Life. OK Pez? Think about it. And may the new games begin!
Whats the big deal? I voted for the president about 50 times, and I voted for Ashley too..about 20 times...so what?
Posted by: YaMammy | July 31, 2004 at 03:01 PM
Just to show you that SSU pwnz AVG!
Posted by: Ian | July 31, 2004 at 03:03 PM
WTF is SSU?? and the word is "owns" Ian. Your not some 14yr old playing CS making up words as you go along.
- RB
p.s excellent role playing by Mr P and the AVG. Player created forms of fun and entertainment is what we need more of in TSO. Break away from the sheer monotony of skill, make $, repeat.
Posted by: RB | July 31, 2004 at 04:33 PM
Mr-President is a great guy, and he is one of the big reasons TSO is still alive, and I hope that this game STAYS alive, and so I hope that Mr-P STAYS in TSO, and doesn't leave! But, if he is to stay, since I myself was hacked by Mr-President Bradley, and lost 2 mill, I would like for Mr-P to at least give me back that 2 mill out of the money that was given to him by Bradley!
Posted by: ShawnRyanII | July 31, 2004 at 04:37 PM
RB: you're*
Shawn: I beg to differ. the avg has lost over 60% of it's members. what is keeping this game alive, or looks like it, is lonely house wives, and kids. it's the summer, wait til november-march hits... i think you deserve your money back, but good luck trying to get hold of arthur
Posted by: Ian | July 31, 2004 at 04:43 PM
This is all very amusing. I must agree with RB that the element of villainy added to the game by Mr-P is great. It lends something to a game that, suffice it to say, may sorely lack in other respects. I am a bit keen to see how Mr-P will respond. Will he invoke executive privilege and refuse to cooperate with the Alpha' Court. What was with letting that shady little chat dialogue w/ the JCSoprano out in the first place. Has he learned nothing from Nixon? I'd be amused to see him go down fierce and fighting.
Posted by: Candy | July 31, 2004 at 04:46 PM
You made lots of great points about the corruption of the Alphaville Government and Mr-President in this article. Wtg David - I'm glad someone is finally sticking up for what they believe in! Here are a few words...
This relates so much to the Bush Administration with the election in 2000 with the Florida voting as well as the swear campaign which was done against McKain in 2000 as well as Gore.. and the lies they tell about Kerry today (saying he will raise the taxes for the middle class, etc). If you think about it, President Bush really isn't running this country, Dick Cheney and the rest of his posse are. This sounds sort of familar!! Whenever I'm online and
I go by Alphaville's Capital lately, the President is never present (All the rest of the monsters are taking charge for him).
You also have to think, what kind of 21 year old guy would play a Sim's Online game and run a government with a bunch of middle schoolers and VERY immature teens (who you know all lie about their age)? Take a closer look at the picture here of Mr-President's Sim standing behind the desk in the Oval office.. I don't know if it's just me, but I find it VERY VERY VERY scary!! Studying online games is interesting because you never know what people will do. A lot of times people are living out their real life fantasies through a pixelated beautiful Simulation. In reality, Arthur Baynes is NOT Mr-President. Recognition could be lacking in Arthur's life, and when he logs on in Alphaville, he is honored has a huge house, has a good looking sim, and people like him and treat him special. Every once in a while, I take a look at the AVG online website. It is very strange... I mean most of you probably think it is normal (I mean... it is so much like how our rl government is - boring and Conservative). I may not be 21 yet, and I still have 7 years before I will be.. but I know people. It is very strange when you see the AVG website and read the Constitution, their Services, Army stuff, the CIA, the FBI, etc., etc., etc... and all of that was done by Arthur. It is almost like he wants to BE Mr-President!! It is very scary to look at, but it also explains a few things to all of us. Why do people play online games? With Mr-President is quite simple to figure THAT out. If you can't, then you shoule never become a psycologist or anything in that field.
I agree completely that it is time for him to get on with his life and resign from the AVG. For him, getting rid of online games completely would be a VERY good idea made on his behalf. I do NOT agree that he should move to SL and form a government there because then it will just happen all over again. At 21 years of age, one has to learn where to draw the line..
Thank you,
Ashley Richardson :)
Posted by: Laura McKnight | July 31, 2004 at 05:09 PM
Your argument is very insightful. I would however like to point out a few things:
1) Your thoughts on the game consuming people's real life is compelling, and I certainly include myself in this number. I have allowed this game to consume a lot of my real life, but it has been entirely by choice, and here's why:
a) I can live out dreams that I could never feasibly accomplish in real life. Managing a theatre and producing shows was a tremendous accomplishment and was something that, if I ever accomplished, would be WAY down the road.
b) I can try many different ways of playing, (for instance a prosecuting attorney or an architect.) This is something, again, that is not feasible in real life: jumping from one career to another is usually not the best idea for real life ;-)
2) Mr-President probably finds equal fulfillment in running his government as I did with my shows. It's exciting, and it's something that he probably realizes will be very unlikely for him to accomplish in real life, but can be accomplished in a simulated environment.
I'm sure your parents have told you before that you "can be whatever you want to be" when you grow up. This isn't entirely true: You can only be what society lets you be. In this world, society puts no limits on you, in the real world it does.
However Laura, I think that it is a VERY good thing (especially at your age) that you aren't hooked on this game as much as some of us. I even envy you somewhat- I wish I could do better at separating myself from a game, and I'm trying. The point is this: Mr-President (and myself) have entirely different views of this game then you do. You see it as a game. Mr-President and I see it as a limitless world to live out our dreams. While these two views sometimes intertwine, they mostly just wreck each other, because folks who play it just as a game can't understand those that see it as a fantasy world. I hope this gives you some perspective and insight into the folks that see it as something more than "just a game."
Posted by: David | July 31, 2004 at 06:31 PM
Ashley, about the whole "with a bunch of middle schoolers and VERY immature teens", aren't you 14 yourself:S????
Posted by: ShawnRyanII | July 31, 2004 at 06:56 PM
I agree with David 100%! Even though, I am NOT all wrapped up into this game like some, of whom I understand their reasoning by the way, I still agree with David, but like David pointed out, Ashley did point out a few good points!
Posted by: ShawnRyanII | July 31, 2004 at 07:02 PM
I've seen a lot of presidents come and go in this game (along with mayors and other sorts of rulers), and not one ever managed to carry it off anywhere near as succesfully or on as grand a scale as did Arthur.
He managed this largely because of his personal charm, his basic good sense, his kindness, his intelligence, his hard work, and the fact that he appears to be a genuinely nice guy. It was easy to have him "be" president.
No one else has ever came anywhere as close to "being president" in this game as thoroughly as he did.
If I had to give out second prize in the creating of believable alternate reality personalities, it would be to Veelo, ruler of the universe. (A lizard Sim who has now moved on to another game.)
When one is into this level of role-playing, where it is almost real - whether it is as a government, a theater, a game show, or a spaceport - that isn't a sign of having no real life, taking a game too seriously, or any of that malarky.
It's a sign of winning the game. It means you've won it, creatively-speaking. You've succeeded in causing others to suspend disbelief and reality for brief play periods. This is the same process that makes a film or a book successful.
And the process is in no way dependent on the age of the player.
Posted by: Cocoanut | July 31, 2004 at 07:36 PM
Nice ''speech'' Coco, I agree with you, once again:)!
Posted by: ShawnRyanII | July 31, 2004 at 07:52 PM
Hip Hip Hurray for Mr President ... Anyone that knows the history of Alphaville knows that what Mr President accomplished with the AVG deserves a hugh round of applause. Although, a complete break down of the power (SSG) running Alphaville helped Mr President in his success .. I do not believe another could have done what he did. Mr Pres .. you know you have my full support in anything you do (including coming to run for Prime Minister in Sociolotron). Pssst ... resign as President .. NAHHHH! Politics is always somewhat corrupt *smiles*. Good Job Mr President.
Eva Marie
Posted by: Eva Marie | July 31, 2004 at 09:29 PM
I wish Mr. President would stay. Don't let Uri suck you into another game where you might not do as well. Step down from power, if you must, but play king-maker to the next president.
I remember once when fighting Mia Wallace, Overlord of the SSG, really hard, with daily long convos of psy-war and all kinds of raids and rapid reactions, she said a funny thing to me when I guessed the secret motivation for her SSG game (never to be revealed lol). Even though I was her hated and sworn enemy, she said, "Never leave me, Dyer." I cite that now as an example of how when you play this game, you sometimes don't want even your enemies to leave because then the game won't be as fun.
I've basically ignored Mr. President except having some of my sims go and hotkiss him and play little hide-and-go seek type spoofs on him, but I wouldn't want him to leave the game. AV will be a poorer place. No one else managed to keep all those hordes of bored kids in TSO so occupied for so long as far as I can tell, and with something that at least taught them something useful.
Posted by: Dyerbrook | July 31, 2004 at 09:54 PM
It's called sarcasm.
Posted by: Sim formerly known as Mia Wallace | August 01, 2004 at 06:06 AM
I still suppoet Mr. President, and the AVG. And I awlays will. no matter what anyone says.
Posted by: simon | August 01, 2004 at 11:48 AM
ashley you will soon find out that when you make outrageous accusations like that you will need
proof/evidence to back it up. opinion doesnt count sorry. but you will need links to respected news sources to show that this actually took place. your whole right wing theory no doubtly came from your parents, heck i wouldn't be surprised if your mom was typing that out. but i could tell it was you, because of the attempt "cheerleading" going on about how right you are and how wrong everyone else is. don't worry, we all have felt that. now next time you want to show some right wing conspiracy, please back it up, maybe you'll get some respect.
anyways, the avg was a great thing but now its nothing, the SSU is the future.
Posted by: ian | August 01, 2004 at 12:52 PM
I think age has nothing to do with how a person chooses to enjoy the game. THere are all different ages that play TSO, and we all have out different ways of playing it. I am all for roleplaying and I am well over 21 years old. I like the governments and mafias because it makes the game more exciting for me. SO I don't agree with Ashley as far as age goes.
Posted by: YaMammy | August 01, 2004 at 01:29 PM
Ashley is just upset because she is ugly in rl...LMAO
Posted by: Rock | August 01, 2004 at 01:51 PM
Rock, you do not know me.. have you ever seen me in real life? NO!
Here is my website..
Laura McKnight
Posted by: Laura McKnight | August 01, 2004 at 05:21 PM
Wow he wasn't wrong when he said ugly. Dear, you've fallen from the ugly tree and hit every branch coming down. BTW, are you on drugs?
Posted by: Ian | August 01, 2004 at 06:27 PM
Laura looks like.....
Posted by: viva | August 01, 2004 at 07:27 PM
I think we are getting deflected from the issue here: should pez resign.
Posted by: urizenus | August 01, 2004 at 08:17 PM
HELLO?!?!? Have you all realized that this is a game. It really doesn't matter if there was cheating or not, this is a GAME!!!!! The AVG is just a fun group to be and adds to the game. Another thing, I used to like reading articles from this site, but lately it has just been a praise Ashley site. Please don't make this a "lets give our friends a pat on the back" place and stick to the issues people really care about. And Ashley,please don't compare this to real life politics, being 14 you really have no say (despite what you may think). I find it appaling that you bash subjects you know nothing about. It is incredibly rude how you are constantly making idiotic comments about Bush and the war. My boyfriend is in the USMC. You said something to me once about the military being "brainwashed". That is hurtful and you have no idea what it feels like to be in this situation. That is disrespecting our troops and all American's right to freedom. If America isn't good enough for you, maybe you should move. I think Mr-President has done a suberb job handling this issues. He is not sinking to the level his counterparts are.
Posted by: Nataleigh | August 01, 2004 at 08:20 PM
1) freewebs is even worse than geoshities.
2) something very odd about the face in those blue top pics. just weird. the other one looks more normal.
3) ROFL, that's pretty harsh there Viva. funny pic tho.
4) Up to pres. his Gov. he can do whatever he wants. it's only a game gov after all. :)
- RB
Posted by: RB | August 01, 2004 at 08:22 PM
Nat: Defiantly agreed. Don't listen to Ashley, she is the one brainwashed by Michael Moore's fiction movies and the liberal news in the US. Ashley if you don't like it - go to France.
RB, right, but I don't know if you will understand this, but if you love something so much that you want it to survive, and it is best that you back down, then that is the right thing to do.
Posted by: Ian | August 01, 2004 at 08:37 PM
Nataleigh says: "It really doesn't matter if there was cheating or not, this is a GAME!!!!!"
ok, just remind me never to play any games with you. Do you cheat at cards too? Sports? All games? Do you cheat when you play with little kids too?
Posted by: urizenus | August 01, 2004 at 08:58 PM
Laura...I know I have never seen you in real life..but by the looks of your picture..I don't want to.....
Posted by: Rock | August 01, 2004 at 09:39 PM
I have the right to be here just as much as you Nataleigh. The secrecy in the Bush Administration is worse than Watergate! I have the right to my opinion, and I will say what I want. I'm not a Conservative or republican, but I support our troops - NOT the President. Going into Iraq was a horrible mistake, and I feel SORRY for the poor soldiers who are fighting over there in a fictitious war with a fictitious President!! Nobody should have to go through that and risk their life for OIL! Oil is what it is all about.. IRAQ WAS NO THREAT TO US! Bush is a pathetic excuse for a President. He lost our allies, ruined our economy, outsourced jobs to India so business could get more money and people could lose their jobs, and above all put us in this mess over in Iraq!! I love my country, but I fear what will happen to it if Bush gets 4 more years in office! Don't you all get it?!? Don't you all read, watch the news, pay ANY attention to politics?!? I cannot believe how little American's know these days. Clinton left office and the economy was better than it was when he started! Bush led it down the hole, and Kerry is the man to dig us out of it! I may be 14 years old, but I pay attention to politics because it will affect my life when I grow to be an adult, and if Bush is reelected NORMAL people will not be able to get as far like they used to. On September 11th, I almost lost my father. He is a retired NYC fire Captain who risked his life to save others almost every single day. I look to my father as a hero, and I'm very patriotic. What happened that day I take VERY personally. I watched my father go to sometimes more than 1 funeral every single day after September 11th. He lost many friends and neighbors that died on that horrible day. I knew friends at school who lost parents, uncles, aunts, and other family members. I consider myself lucky that I didn't lose my father or uncle who both were there. DO NOT say that I am disrespecting America's freedom because I know how it feels to have a loved one fighting for their country. We did not need to give Osama Bin Laden a 2 month head start before we went to war in Afganistan. Iraq was no threat, and we should have focused more on Al Quieda then a country with no Weapons of mass destruction. I am proud to be an American with all of our amenities and opportunity, but Bush has not done such a good job to prove to the rest of the world that we are so wonderful. The day after September 11th, a newspaper in France titled, "Today we are all Americans." Look at us now..
Ashley Richardon
Posted by: Laura McKnight | August 01, 2004 at 09:47 PM
Ashley you obviously did not take in what I said.. back up your opinions with proof. There is no proof Bush "ruined" the economy. To name your father a hero just disgusts me. You can't name him a hero, someone else has to. If I went around parading my dad is a hero, and noone else did, I would be so embarassed. You sound like a valley girl "Like oh my god". When you get a masters degree in political science, then you may talk. Otherwise, put a stick in it.
Posted by: Ian | August 01, 2004 at 09:56 PM
Um, can we get back to the President of the Alphaville Government? There are a million political blogs where you guys can talk about Bush vs. Kerry.
Posted by: urizenus | August 01, 2004 at 10:45 PM
Okay, Uri well
RE: to your post to Nat..
I think she was trying to say, that through this whole lawsuit and Mr-P resigning debacle, it is just upsetting because it is a game, and why do so many people care about it. I am sure she is a good game player and likes to have FUN and not worried about some fake lawsuit that people are going crazy over that, most likely there will be no outcome. I do not get your examples about RL stuff. Cards, people would be pissed at you and same with sports. But when cheating is involved with them, outcome actually does happen. With here, if this case ever sees the "light of day" Mr-President WONT even get a slap on the wrist
Posted by: Ian | August 01, 2004 at 11:21 PM
Nah, sorry, Ashley brought up this topic and she's gonna get a response, albeit a short one to spare you all of my republican views.
Ashley, what you say is almost directly out of Farenheit 911, one of THE most brilliant films where brainwashing children, the uneducated, and the naive is concerned. Again, if you wish to bring up an argument, you must support it - I agree with Ian on that. Further, I am in NJ, and I was in a situation similar to yours when September 11th hit. But using a sob story as a corner stone to your arguments is not a successful way to bolster them, sorry.
Posted by: Mafioso | August 02, 2004 at 03:13 AM
Ian, if someone cheats at a game, unless it is a financially high stakes game, you just stop playing with them. To put it in other terms, when you game with someone you form a coalition with them. you can break the coalition at any time. You find a better game, rl calls, so you need an incentive to stay in the coalition (like the game is fun). Another reason to quit the coalition is that the person you are playing with isn't following the rules that you thought were in place.
Posted by: urizenus | August 02, 2004 at 08:52 AM
Hi, everyone.
Thank you for the support, I really do appreciate it.
Although I'll be saving the majority of comments, in response to this article, following the main State of the Union speech [August 7], I do have a few things to say now.
--Laura writes:
"In reality, Arthur Baynes is NOT Mr-President."
Oh no, the secret is out.
You see, some may think that what I do for the AVG, all the work I put into the structure and all of the money that goes into website upkeep is for me. To make me feel important. To make me feel needed / loved / honored. This isn't the case. While I continue to appreciate the respect given to me by peers, those reasons are not why I continue to do what I do.
I don't do this for me. I do it for "you". I do it for "them". I'm referring to the people, yes "real" people, that play this game to break away from reality. It is something so important in times when terror threats are becoming immenent, and even local violence dominates the 11 o'clock news. I do this for the people that are going through a rough time in life. For the people that are considering a life of journalism or investigative work. For the people that want to be in the Army, but aren't old enough. For the people who need something to look forward to everyday. For the future politicians out there [Laura]. This is why I continue. This is why I put effort / time / money into this "game". For many, this is not "just a game", it is a break from reality.
I'm telling everyone here that I will continue to do what I do as long as the Citisims of Alphaville allow, or when every light in Alphaville has gone dim. Whichever is first.
Posted by: Mr-President | August 02, 2004 at 10:07 AM
Yes, the Alphaville Government is conservative. Under my administration, I wouldn't have it any other way. I believe in limited government, not slaves to the almighty government controlling every aspect of my life.
Posted by: Mr-President | August 02, 2004 at 10:16 AM
Wow, what an inspiring and heartwarming statement, Mr. President. And here I always thought you were illegitimate because no constituent assembly nominated you and because the voting was squirrely. But I see you're one hell of a guy. And I mean that sincerely. Even though I might not vote. But you could persuade me, perhaps. You've accomplished something extraordinary.
And to the Sim Formerly Known As Mia Wallace, well, OK, I know you were sarcastic, sweety-pie, but I will still cherish that moment in my heart forever : ) And I noticed that you rocketed out of SWG or SL *like a bullet* to answer my post, so that tells me something : )
Er, yes, I'm a poor, sick pathetic fuck in need of "a life" LOL.
Posted by: Dyerbrook | August 02, 2004 at 12:02 PM
I know you think that your whole AV *Conservative* Government is for the people. I think otherwise! What have the AVG done to actually help the *Citisims* or w.e. you call us lmao?! You are a part of your own group that cheats, lies, acts immature, and *escapes from the reality of LIFE* in the game together. I personally think that you should let people do what they want to do, back off a little, and AV will be a lot less dramatic. The only drama I find in game comes from the little town you created - Capital of Alphaville. THAT is where all of the drama, fighting, and manipulative B.S. comes from! Open your eyes to life, and realize that you can't change anything in game except create extra unnecessary drama. You have no extra powers that other Sims don't have, you can't change the fake reality world you play in to be the way you want it. If you want to succeed in life, stop caring so much about some fake government in a dumb game and pay attention to the real world!! Pay attention to what our real life government is doing and how they are sending soldiers to fight over in Iraq for no reason but oil! Pay attention to our economy because I'm pretty sure that George W Bush is not helping you out - he can care less about REGULAR Americans!! If you're so into *helping* people (Which you obviously have not in AV) then do it in a REAL world because we need it much more than Alphaville needs it. *Escaping* reality or whatever you weirdos do when you play this stupid GAME is not the answer to your problems. You have to face the world because things won't get any better for you sitting on a computer and forming a government that is not needed. ALL of you people who think that playing this game is a healthy thing for you, you ALL need to have your heads examined!! This game is a monster that EA needs to shut down ASAP before we all turn out like Arthur and others.
Ashley Richardson
Posted by: Laura McKnight | August 02, 2004 at 01:19 PM
Mr-President It is just a game. You need to realise that.You do this for the "People" so you say. w/e keep telling yourself that but you to it for yourself.Give it up!! Your just making more Drama for everyone,More fights,More unnecessary BS.
:-) have a nice day.
Posted by: Loxee | August 02, 2004 at 01:36 PM
Oh and P.S
Hire a babysitter for you middle school posse :)
Posted by: Loxee | August 02, 2004 at 01:41 PM
Mr. President, your post was well said, and I appreciate your effort in trying to make the game fun for all. I think what you are doing is great and I would hate to see you go. THe main reason I play TSO is for the chance to escape reality once in a while. ITs almost like watching a movie or being in a play or something. And ASHLEY, we are aware that we all have real lives, but that is not the point. We play this game for entertainment..to do things that we possible never could do in real life. I am sure you can say the same thing. Its the same reason you watch movies or television. People can take this game however they want too. SOme take it more seriously than others, and thats ok. However, I don;t think you should bash MR. P or anyone else who chooses to enjoy the game in different aspects than you. But you are only a child with a lot more learning to do. So my advice to you is to stay off drugs...and stay in school...
Posted by: Any | August 02, 2004 at 01:57 PM
Once again, Ashley, you missed the entire point of what I was saying.
If you really want to know what's going on, you should pay attention to all media and research things for yourself. Do not just read the liberal bias and take every word as gold.
"...before we all turn out like Arthur and others."
Please don't attack me or any other you do not know.
Posted by: Mr-President | August 02, 2004 at 01:58 PM
Laura it seems like you have a lot of anger on your chest that you need to get off. I can understand that since you are so ugly.
My question to you is, What the hell do you play tso for if you hate is so much. And Roleplay is what the game enables people to do. So what is your fuckin hangup? Oh, I forgot. You are ugly as hell.
Posted by: Rock | August 02, 2004 at 02:00 PM
Yes Ashley, Arthur Baynes and Mr-President are two totally different people. One is kind, helpful, funny. The other is a repulsive, vanditive man with no end to his ruthlessness.
I actually hate Mr-President with a passion.
But you can even compare me in RL.
Sir is a rude, angry, mad, self centered and evil. I hate to sound egomanaic here....but Ian Schwartz is nice, generous, funny, and giving.
Ashley in game you are sick, mad, low tempered, left-wing nutjob, and ugly. Can't say much difference about you in RL :)
Posted by: Ian | August 02, 2004 at 02:26 PM
Wow IAN, thanks for that comment. and for Mr-President - I listen to all media and sometimes even Fox to see what junk they are saying. I usually like to watch CNN.
Posted by: Laura McKnight | August 02, 2004 at 02:29 PM
Laura, honey, get a GRIP.
First off, you are panicked over what you are reading and hearing about rl politics. You seem to think that what you are reading and hearing from one side (and the most radical of that side, at that) is "the" answer, and that everyone else either (a) doesn't read or listen or (b) is totally stupid, or they would of course immediately agree with everything you now believe. You seem to think it is only a matter of getting everyone else to see the light as you have.
Politics is much more nuanced than that. Politics is a process whereby the general consensus is shaped and changed, and societies move forward - albeit in lurches and with half as many steps backward as forward, and with a lot of harsh words. But most Republicans and most Democrats are, at base, really on the same side - the side of what's good for all of us. They just disagree on the particulars.
To be truly politically literate, you need to not just read and listen to - but also UNDERSTAND - the positions of those you disagree with. You will be surprised at just how much the two parties actually agree on (John Kerry, for instance, was in favor of taking care of Hussein). You will learn more about how much of all that is said and when it is said has to do with winning elections, rather than any principled stand. You will come to understand that many of the things that seem so "obvious" to you now are actually quite complex, and have foiled better and more experienced minds than yours. You will see that both sides on the debate actually have good points.
As for your comments about Mr. President, do you realize you just de-legitimized your own entire campaign when you yourself ran for president? Or are you saying you were deluded then, and now you know that the whole thing is a dumb waste of time, pointless, potentially hamrful, and even "monstrous", and no one should ever play at government in a game?
Now, for everyone else: I have never ever once seen Mr. President act in any discourteous fashion whatsoever, not for a minute. For a little insight into his motivation, he feels as I do, that a little structure helps some young Sims a lot, and that with patience, a misbehaving Sim can be (largely) turned around. If anything, he's patient to a fault. (And I thought I was, lol.) He has structures in place for dealing with misbehaving people in the AVG; let him use them.
Posted by: Cocoanut | August 02, 2004 at 02:34 PM
*That should read:
With a little patience, a misbehaving Sim MIGHT be (largely) turned around. But also might not. It's definitely not a given you can count on, but it's always worth a try.
Posted by: Cocoanut | August 02, 2004 at 02:39 PM
Cocoa I agree with your political statement, infact all that Kerry is offering is, what Mr. Bush does, but better, and ofcourse we can not forget about his "3 PURPLE HEARTS!!!!".
But when, if even, has Mr-President turned some people around. As I have stated, you need PROOF to back up your words :). Thanks.
Posted by: Ian | August 02, 2004 at 03:00 PM
Ian, I said it can be done. I'm sure Mr. President has had a good influence on some Sims; he has had a good influence on me, so there's your proof.
Posted by: Cocoanut | August 02, 2004 at 03:25 PM
Laura, Just because you watch Fox & CNN and listen to the "Junk" they have to offer, doesn't mean you know anything about politics or the reason of the recent war in Iraq. Again why are we comparing TSO to AMERICA?
There is nothing Mr-President can do about "violence" in Alphaville. He can't stop scammers, hackers, and theives. And we all know that there is plenty of it. So it's this simple; if you don't like it, don't play it.
Leave Mr-P alone. Realise that it's not his fault. Look at the big picture (IN THE GAME).
p.s- Ashley, we all know the only reason you care about this shit is because you lost the election. Everyone cheated. Including you (HUH EGO CHECK), the best cheater won. Thats how it's always gonna be.
Deal with it.
Posted by: Realist | August 02, 2004 at 03:33 PM