In this interview we talk to the infamous Twitty, baddest of TSO?s bad boys, back after a brief stay in jail for drug running (or so he says, and who are we to disagree?). Twitty fills us in on Texas jails, bootcamp, his past wars agains Christians in TSO (including a church demo job) and his plans for the Christians in TSO now that he?s back.
Urizenus: Twitty, where the F have you been!
Twitty Cadenna: i was in mexico drug runnin shit over the border to happy customers, then i got caught, went to jail, transfered to boot camp, and got my fukkin head shaved
Urizenus: well, you needed a haircut, but jail jail or juvi hall?
Twitty Cadenna: jail jail
Urizenus: what was that like, and was it in Texas?
Twitty Cadenna: it was in TX and it was better than boot camp. at least u dont gotta excerise til u throw up, and i was seperated from adults so no i didnt get loved
Urizenus: and of course that's what everyone wanted to know (the love part), but the exercise was bad?
Twitty Cadenna: fukk yes. u excersised 4 times a day and each was 2 hours
Urizenus: you must be like some sort of stud now
Twitty Cadenna: well i did get muscle but im not fond of it haha
Urizenus: did you get reformed?
Twitty Cadenna: reformed?
Urizenus: Yah, are you a good boy now?
Twitty Cadenna:, but im more careful, im on parol
Urizenus: oh good idea
Urizenus: so how long were you away from tso?
Twitty Cadenna: for exactly 1 year
Urizenus: impossible. I haven't been on that long
Twitty Cadenna: well i left in august, and now im bakk
Urizenus: you must have vanished in October or something
Twitty Cadenna: no it was august
Urizenus: and how long have you been back in tso now?
Twitty Cadenna: 1 week? i think so
Urizenus: has it changed a lot?
Twitty Cadenna: yes it did, there?s no tagging and that sukks, and now there?s no drama, i love drama, thats wut makes it fun
Urizenus: And you've seen that the ssg is, basically, no more.
Twitty Cadenna: yes i did, as much as i hated them, i miss em for the drama they provided
Urizenus: so what you going to do? think you can find drama elsewhere in tso?
Twitty Cadenna: well i think i can get it bakk in my veins, Sparky Zelos formerly Disturbed Angel, and i are gonna bring bakk HMC, and hell will rise again
Urizenus: remind me: what is HMC?
Urizenus: oh wait: hell's mutant children?
Twitty Cadenna: heaven's
Urizenus: same difference, lol
Twitty Cadenna: well no
Urizenus: no?
Twitty Cadenna: if we were hell's, we'd be against hell
Urizenus: ohhhh, you're against heaven
Twitty Cadenna: yes
Urizenus: So ok, what kinds of fun things do you have in store for the TSO Christians and do-gooders?
Twitty Cadenna: well, i can?t say, we still haven?t gotten enuff members, but i can say it will be hell for them
Urizenus: Do you plan on harassing Christian groups in game?
Twitty Cadenna: fukk yes
Urizenus: Tell us about the time you demoed the Christian Church in TSO
Twitty Cadenna: well there was this gay jesus dude who built a church, and me and my crew jus started taggin him, and he eventually recreated
Urizenus: ok... and then...?
Twitty Cadenna: and then my other sim got banned
Urizenus: you had 100 sims
Twitty Cadenna: i had like 26
Urizenus: lol, ok, so one of them got banned...
Twitty Cadenna: yes...Robespierre
Urizenus: Twitty Robespierre
Twitty Cadenna: yep
Urizenus: ok, then what happened
Twitty Cadenna: then we tried to attack again but we were banned, so i created another sim, and became his roomie, then demolished his fukking gay place
Urizenus: what did you call the new sim?
Twitty Cadenna: i dont recall
Urizenus: and how did you win his confidence?
Twitty Cadenna: by pretending i was another jesus freak
Urizenus: ok and he made you a roomie and gave you build permissions?
Twitty Cadenna: yep
Twitty Cadenna: i sed i wanted to build a room
Urizenus: and tell me how you did the church demo
Twitty Cadenna: i just deleted the walls, floors, and rearranged the objects in random places
Urizenus: you didn't leave a message?
Twitty Cadenna: yes i put fukk jesus in floor tile
Urizenus: ah, clever
Twitty Cadenna: soon after he quit the game
Urizenus: did you report him for the obscene floor tile?
Twitty Cadenna: yes, but i dont think maxis did anything, his other roomie sed he quit
Urizenus: I think there is a new Christian church in TSO. You plan the same for them?
Twitty Cadenna: as a matter of fact i do...but ill fukk it up even worse
Urizenus: how you going to operate w/o tagging?
Twitty Cadenna: by just corruptin their house and fukkin with their friends
Urizenus: So how come you don't like Christians?
Twitty Cadenna: cuz they are all gay following a fake so called god and being prissy little pussies
Urizenus: You going to start a satanic church in tso?
Twitty Cadenna: actually ive been planning to make a sexual place for people who like torture
Urizenus: isnt' there a whole neighborhood for that?
Twitty Cadenna: not that i know of, but before i left me and a friend of mine had houses like that and were very popular
Urizenus: so what's the idea. how will it work?
Twitty Cadenna: well wut we used to do was make people enemies (our customers) and rip out their heart in a sexual manner
Urizenus: and they liked that?
Twitty Cadenna: some did, and some watched
Urizenus: How much did people pay to get their hearts ripped out and/or watch?
Twitty Cadenna: it was free
Urizenus: so why were they "customers"?
Twitty Cadenna: cuz they liked the idea of torture sex, most of our customers were goths
Urizenus: natch
Urizenus: so you gonna start up one of those places again? and by they way, I don't get how you make ripping a heart out sexual.
Twitty Cadenna: yes and...its kinda complicated haha....some people think blood and pain is sexy
Urizenus: ok... so you don't have to dress up the experience for them. it's just rip and go?
Twitty Cadenna: well i used to put that SnM costume
Urizenus: oh right...
Urizenus: fark, weren't you like 14 when you were doing this? How do you know about this stuff?
Twitty Cadenna: i was 16
Twitty Cadenna: now im 17
Urizenus: oh well that's different
Urizenus: so how come you haven't left tso for other games like Sociolotron or There or SWG or Second Life?
Twitty Cadenna: cuz i dont have a credit card at the moment, and most of my friends stayed in TSO
Urizenus: Don't you need a CC to play tso?
Twitty Cadenna: no i got a month free
Urizenus: You gonna make a bunch of temps again? 24 accounts?
Twitty Cadenna: i might if drama comes bakk
Urizenus: Prolly, now that you are back, it will
Urizenus: By the way, while you were gone there was a lot of talk from Evangeline Merrill about him/her being the baddest bitch in TSO. You got anything to say about that?
Twitty Cadenna: well she is smart at scammin the new people, but really she?s just way to desperate....or him...and i really think there are badder BITCHES out there, she?s not bad she?s just annoyin, bad isn?t ripping people off, its fukking people up
Urizenus: do you have anything to say to EA/Maxis before we finish?
Twitty Cadenna: yes i do
Twitty Cadenna: fukk maxis
Urizenus: lol, that's it?
Twitty Cadenna: yep
Urizenus: anything to say to the readers of the Second Life Herald (formerly the Alphaville Herald)?
Twitty Cadenna: yeh, all yall need to get rid of christians the fun fukkin with their minds!
I was laughing the whole time i read this
Posted by: Ian | July 14, 2004 at 05:11 PM
Urizenus: do you have anything to say to EA/Maxis before we finish?
Twitty Cadenna: yes i do
Twitty Cadenna: fukk maxis
This guy isnt really gonna manage to harm anyone. But I love that ending.
Posted by: Mafioso | July 15, 2004 at 07:14 AM
LMAO yeah w/e I love it when these stupid computer geeks try to live out their in game fantasies of being all big and tough. It's hilarious when these stupid candy store robbers act like they're so big and bad. Let me just say that I for one am TERRIFIED of this horrible horrible guy. Like OMG I'm trembling in fear Heaven's Mutant Children! With such a ridiculous childish name, I think I should be warning everyone! Look out for Heaven's Mutant Children I'm terrifed!
Posted by: Char | July 15, 2004 at 09:53 AM
Ian and Char.. Fuck off.
Posted by: Nick | July 15, 2004 at 05:28 PM
I see I really offended someone. Wow Heaven's Mutant Children have feelings.
Posted by: Char | July 15, 2004 at 05:42 PM
pfft yeah right he probably got grounded by his mom and couldnt play and he says he so tough and bad ohhh boy im so scared! :OOO wow why dont u send your demons to someone if your a heaven mutant children whatever it is :OOO because your a loser :I
Posted by: Boobies | July 15, 2004 at 06:08 PM
No sense in ridicule here, but still.. Tearing down a Christian church? Rude much.. Looks like someone needs a hobby.. I'm tempted, myself, just to go out and build one and find God on TSO, just to see what happens.
Scary, and true.. But, like Ian, I was also laughing the whole time I read this article. =/
Posted by: Bradley C | July 16, 2004 at 09:28 PM
It's not "fukk" its "fuck." But yet he acts like he is bad. Why not leave Christians alone? I think someone is going to hell. :)
Posted by: Polie Bear | July 17, 2004 at 07:15 PM
Polie, is that reportable? lol ;)
Posted by: Mimi | July 18, 2004 at 09:16 AM
lol good job i hate gay assholes funny how u got him so fuckin scared he quit wtg :)
Posted by: jeff | July 18, 2004 at 09:07 PM
Twitty Twitty Twitty .... BEHAVE .. I dont want to have to come back to TSO and spank ya again!!! Hey Kiddo ... take it easy on em ok .. *smiles and kicks Twitty in the shins*
Eva Marie
Posted by: Eva Marie | July 20, 2004 at 12:49 AM
Twitty Twitty Twitty .... BEHAVE .. I dont want to have to come back to TSO and spank ya again!!! Hey Kiddo ... take it easy on em ok .. *smiles and kicks Twitty in the shins*
Eva Marie
Posted by: Eva Marie | July 20, 2004 at 12:49 AM
Did some1 say BAD BOY of AV ? hmm.. I might have to check out the city soon..seems like I brought ya bac from the dead Twitty...dammnation knows AV needs some naughtiness to perk it up...
Posted by: snoopy magoofee | July 21, 2004 at 02:18 PM
snoops snoops snoops, you don't need Twitty to save the day. there be more bad boy in SL than you can handle. U must too scared to visit. Best to stay in tso where you're safe ...
Posted by: Urizenus | July 21, 2004 at 03:55 PM
Uri Uri Uri, ya know ur always my Dark Prince babes, but I've only played in TSO a few times this last month or so; I'm busy beating myself on my new motorcycle and generally raising hell in RL.And as for SL....I'll b there soon...
Posted by: snoops | July 21, 2004 at 04:37 PM