last night i attended a performance of act 1 of waiting for godot at the diamond memorial theatre in Alphaville (TSO). if you haven't got a ticket yet, see if you can get one because it is one of the most interesting theatre experiences i have had in a long time.
the play will run july 9th through july 11th, and tickets are mostly already sold out except for the saturday matinee.
pierce entertainment is really to be congratulated for the ingenuity and brilliance with which they brought this play to the stage using the rather limited set of interactions provided to sims. they managed to convey a wide range of emotions and gestures that made the play come alive in a very convincing manner.
beckett's play is a difficult, although masterful, exercise in what, in lesser hands than the pierce company, would have been pure monotony. the play, written in 1949, is about a group of people waiting for an appointment with a person named godot. we never learn much about godot.
david pierce, eliza collins, shawn ryan II, charlize theron, and suni each brought energy and a dynamic dimension to their roles -- sound was carried over radio 365 -- that made the play come to life. this company really did a great job with this play.
sims can get tickets, if available, for a performance this way: if tickets are available, the property information will say so, starting an hour before the scheduled performance. this is, i think, the hottest ticket in alphaville right now.
don't miss it!
July 10 addition by uri: Here are the screen shots...
I think I finally understand the play.
Godot = custom content
Posted by: Urizenus | July 09, 2004 at 04:44 PM
I just added the screenshots to humdogs article, so if you already read the article you may want to go back and check them out.
I kept trying to find Godot in the screenshots, but he must have been offscreen...
Posted by: Urizenus | July 10, 2004 at 05:55 AM
LOL, (hopes that is sarcasm)
When did you come in hum? I was there, but my internet went off, during the show. I was there til atleast 10:30
Posted by: Ian | July 10, 2004 at 11:44 AM
i was there, ian. i was the big bunch of green cattails in the left hand part of the pond.
Posted by: humdog | July 10, 2004 at 06:46 PM
I saw this too. My dad was watching too and we both thought that my popcorn was more interesting than this play.
Posted by: Lizzie | July 10, 2004 at 10:33 PM
I saw it too, I left early though I didn't understand it. I tried to pay attention really but the lent on my shirt was captivating me, maybe because it was so much more interesting!
Posted by: Chasidy-Paige | July 10, 2004 at 11:13 PM
if you were captivated by lint and popcorn it sounds like they nailed the spirit of Beckett's play.
Posted by: urizenus | July 11, 2004 at 04:39 AM