Oprah Winfrey of Alphaville has informed us that her guest tonight at 10 PM Eastern will be Jason Sim, who has recently reignited the controversy over the Alphaville Presidential Elections with his claims that he had first-hand knowledge of election-fixing practices that led to Mr. President?s defeat of Ashley Richardson. Given the incendiary nature of the charges, we can expect a full house at Oprah?s show. One hopes that bedlam will not ensue as it did when Celestie and Viva T appeared on the show. We will try to get a transcript and screenshots.
Jason Sim is full of it. He's just another Sim looking for a little attention. I know PERL scripts.. Trust me, the elections were not rigged and if they were it was not done via a PERL script. Jason is mad becuase he was fired as head of the AV FBI.
JC Soprano
Calling Jason's Bluff.
Posted by: JC Soprano | July 22, 2004 at 05:41 PM
Well, JC, he said this BEFORE he was fired. However, I don't think this is true anyways.
Posted by: Ian | July 22, 2004 at 06:08 PM
well now this is interesting. He claims that he was involved in rigging the AVG elections and THEN he gets fired by Mr. P? That doesn't look good.
Posted by: Urizenus | July 22, 2004 at 06:25 PM
I know, I think that too, but actually he was fired by his superior, Sean Kendrick, if you didn't know already, Mr-President, has little or no involvement in the government anymore. His cabinet, is now basically sharing the power of the presidency. I think that the elections were rigged, however, I don't think that Mr-President was aware of the situation. The reason why I think this scenario, may not of happened is the voting was taken place on a third party website. Which Mr-President, only has access to the "admin" account on it. And the admin account only lets the person create the poll, not edit the html of it. How would you inplant a perl script on something that you can not edit the html of?
Posted by: Ian | July 22, 2004 at 07:07 PM
Who even still cares about this crap anymore? Should we start debating if Elvis is still alive? Perhaps he is living on a secret island in the Bermuda Triangle with Jim Morrison?
Posted by: Dante Dracos | July 23, 2004 at 04:28 PM
No, Elvis and Jim are still dead. Ashley and Pez are still with us, thank you. and if you don't care, don't read articles on the topic. I've learned to skip over things in the newspaper if the topic doesn't interest me. Reading stuff that doesn't interest you only wastes your time. Writing to the paper to complain about how you wasted time reading things that don't interest you is an even bigger waste of time.
Posted by: Urizenus | July 23, 2004 at 05:13 PM
With the info Jason has provided and actually has I could easily write this off as some of Jason's lies and most of this is just that, but I am not because I wish to be honest and clear it all up.
My name is Chad Thomas. I live in Georgia in the EST time zone (GMT -5:00), 17 years Old, 5'6" (yes I know I short so don't point it out), a senior in high school this year, I lived with my father until I was 13 but he never Cared about me (never home, never spent time with me). I raised myself cooked for myself, did my own laundry, and all matter things an 8 year old should not have to do, well back to the story. I turned 5, my grandfather gave me an old computer, and I rebuilt it over and over until I could put it together in less than 15 minuets. I got older and started soliciting my Services for PC repair and gaining experience with each one. Time moves on and I it now 1996 I got access to the Internet on a Bellsouth dial-up account. I am in 6th grade now and I met my friend john who has about the same level of knowledge as I do if I don't know how to do something most of the time he does, But he is sort of nerd, and I have a life, friends, and like to go to the mall a lot. I go into 7th grade and get my first real computer it was a 433 MHz EMachine with 32 MB of ram and windows 98. I hated it because I had asked for money to build my own, I was 13 and a half and I came home one day. It was a usual day and everything was normal I went up the street to a friends house and I saw my fathers car go home (my father had a bad day) so I walked to the house and my friend came with me. I came in and got picked up by my neck and kicked in the back across the living room. He asked me why I left the door unlocked I just huddled in the corner. He ended up leaving and my friend saw the whole thing. So I called my mom who called the police. The came over and took photographs of my back and neck. So my mom came and picked me up and I went to live with her after going back to my dad's house and getting all my stuff. I was in 8th grade I actually got into it. I was a part of a team of techies at my school the 4 of us were good friends until we left middle school (Chad, john, Chris, and Eric). So I learned html and went further into BASIC, learned some pretty basic networking without ever touching a book. It was always fun it shut down the main router for our school and watch the school idiots go running. Ok so I leave middle and go to high school 9th grade, I was 14, I met my Business Partner who was a teacher at my school, he owns a construction company and is the main financial backing behind white ghost computer systems (My Company), the summer of 9th grade I got a call he needed a network for his church for internet print and file services. So I got my first network job I was the admin the whole time the school was in progress and I did a really professional job for them and it was my first time. I got paid and built my first system a 1000MHZ Duron system with 512 MB or ram and a 200 GB hard disk and a lot of other features. I go back into school for 10th grade. And I discover that my broadcast teacher that I hated had left, so I took over the program and became a teacher at the school. I built the studio out of an office and replaced the equipment that was needed with my own equipment. I had learned Visual Basic by that time and made a teleprompter program that ran on 3 monitors at once with it and put the EMachine in the studio so I could get rid of it. Ok 11th grade, I get a call about the church had a problem so I go up there and their DSL wont work, the phone company had been there for 3 days I took one look at it and fixed it in about 5 minuets. So now I have a successful company and a group of friends. I had been playing my copy of the Sims for pc for a good year and I saw a copy of TSO at a store. And I bought it with my Christmas money (2003). I join TSO. I bought my first lot for 4k and get logic and start boarding for money. I made a hotel and a dance club all from boarding. I got an IM from someone about joining the CIA (not sure if it was AVG), and I had got scammed the day before so I said sure. I became and agent but then I went on a 3-month break from TSO, while playing Grand Theft auto (Vice City). So I come back to TSO and the CIA was no more so I started my own CIA and started pursuing a mafia ("Fiery"). Well they attacked my and swarmed my house. But the don called me a "fag" in his bio and I got him banned for it. I got an IM from commissioner Boscorelli say he knew what I did and AVG was mad at me for it. So then I Imed Mr-President for the first time and apologized he did not know what I was talking about and he asked me if I wanted to join AVG. so I joined and Jason was on vacation so I waited, during this time I got sick of my neat freak mother and her bull shit, she is the most lazy person I know, she won't do anything if it is not convenient for her, so I got her to sign emancipation papers, so I moved out into my own house with the money I made from computers (175k a year now and I am 17), Jason came back and I became a field agent, but I never got any orders on what to do. Never got a mission once I actually met Jason so I started going after scammers on my own. I became popular as a nice person (which I still am). So then Jason makes my co-director (WOOHOO a new TITLE). So the elections come up and everyone said they would quit if Mr-President lost, Jason Sim sent me an IM and said "Chad can you do anything", I said I got an idea. Jason told me that if I did not do it I would be fired, I said he could never tell anyone if I helped him. So I proxyed my Internet connection to servers all over to world and use the proxy servers IP to vote each time then I clear my cookies for the voting poll and go to the next proxy (My proxy list). Which was not against the rules, there was no disclaimer for voting rules, and Ashley made her whole town show out for the vote and Mr-P did no advertising but his posse did a little. But I did not rig the elections because rigging is an "internal mechanism on the server that would give one person an advantage over another" and both candidates could do the same thing and Ashley's people could have done this for her also, no special permissions were made for either person, and it could not have been rigged by Mr-President because the scripts on the server were Pre-installed and he had no access to change it. All he could do was change the names on the vote. Mr-President had no knowledge of any of what I did. So now time goes by and the new cabinet is elected, I am getting tired of Jason abusing his power and making me do things, so I try to get him fired the first time. We got our positions changed around (making me director and him Co-Director) and Jason got back at me by telling everyone in his bio what he had made me do. I told everyone that Jason was playing a joke on me and everything died down. A week later Jason called Macaveli- a "wigger" while fighting him, which meant nigger in how he said it (this is a rare instance that I will actually say it). So I told Sean what Jason had done In hopes that he would free me from Jason it works Jason got demoted to Special Agent but next thing I know I get hate mail in my Sim mail and Jason goes on Oprah and tells everyone his half ass story about what he thought happened, On My birthday which was July 22, what a nice birthday present to get when I logon, And everyone believes him for some reason but if you ever work for Jason I pity you. So now on my birthday I am getting hate mail and being accused of rigging elections. My Co-Director quit and the FBI will fall if I don't get it out of this hole, which was caused from Jason running it like a beauty pageant. He just gave out titles. So he successfully messed up me birthday and that was about it. But I only turn 17 once. So that's my story like it or not but its all true.
Chad Thomas
White Ghost Computer Systems
AVG FBI Director
Posted by: chad thomas | July 24, 2004 at 08:44 AM
any question Email me at [email protected]
Also i have a room full of servers in my house one of them contains most of the AVG databases.
Posted by: chad thomas | July 24, 2004 at 08:49 AM
So, Chad..what was the point of telling your life story? I don't see how any of it is relevant to the rigging of the elections except for the ending part..
Posted by: Soviet Union Dictator - TSO Division | August 02, 2004 at 08:38 PM
Sir, Stop stealing my idea
Posted by: QueenN@Alphaville | August 02, 2004 at 09:32 PM