Noted scammer and foe of in-game governmental agencies, Mr. President Bradley, has issued a press release announcing his departure from TSO. In it, he admits (takes credit?) for hacking the accounts of Seth Galloway, Fans, Eve, and the Lead Architect clone "Lead Archetict" among others. He also claims that he has made a donation of 7 million simoleans to the AVG on his departure. Wishing to leave on good terms with everyone, he asks that we all "lighten up" and "walk foward into the light." Who knows if he is really gone for good? (In view of the sensitive nature of the admissions a disclaimer is in order: While this comes from Pres. Bradley's usual account, we are not in a position to verify that Bradley still controls that account. As he taught us, hacked accounts and subsequent disinformation are always a possibility.) Press release follows.
It is today, on July 23, 2004, that I say goodbye to the Sims Online community. On behalf of the Bradley family, I would like to say that it has been an enlightening two years. From the start, I have always viewed this as a game and nothing more. It has shown me how many people can take this so deep to heart. I encourage all of you that fall under this category to continue at what you love in life, whether it be a game or some other activity. Just remember to lighten up.
Regarding the hacking incidents, I do admit to having accessed the accounts and computers of Fans, Seth Galloway, Eve, Robert King, Lead Archetict, and more, but I do not brag. I want to apologize to all of you for any real life stresses or problems I may have caused through such activities. I did not commit them with ill intent for the people behind the characters. I hope you all can find it in yourselves to move on.
Though at one point I was the Sim Jerry-Springer (now retired), I will NOT be returning to the game under any other Sims or in any other cities. All other Bradleys are not me or my wife. I specifically direct this to the operations taking place now in East Jerome. I will say with honesty that the r/l players behind Mr President Bradley and Mrs President Bradley *were* in fact different persons, who have now both quit. We will not be moving to any other MMORPGs.
As for the AVG and Mr-President, Mrs Bradley and I DID donate over 7 million simoleans to their cause along with an Afghan hound. Though I didn?t support in game government agencies, I wish them the best of luck in the future.
To all that I knew in game I wish good luck in life, and thank you for making TSO what it was. I have no hard feelings against anyone, and hope no one has them back.
in the words of B. Kingslover "Slide the weight from your shoulders and walk forward into the light."
- Mr President Bradley
Posted by: Mrs President Bradley | July 23, 2004 at 10:13 PM
...I sound like a hippy.
Posted by: Mr President Bradley | July 23, 2004 at 11:01 PM
awww mr president i shall truly miss you!!! Its been a pleasure talking to you
Posted by: slay | July 24, 2004 at 03:14 PM
God Damn Suck Up!
Posted by: The Big B | July 24, 2004 at 03:39 PM
I forgive you, Bradley. I'll move on and know this is in the past but I will never forget the evil deeds that have been tooken while you are in-game.
Take Care,
Posted by: Fans II | July 24, 2004 at 03:43 PM
you may have hated me but i will miss people that quit tso :/
Posted by: Sammy Jo' | July 24, 2004 at 03:52 PM
I loved the Bradleys. Happy that they hacked the fake Lead Archetict. That was the sweetest revenge I ever saw lol. (cause I'm a friend of the real LA) :)
Posted by: MattyS | July 24, 2004 at 11:43 PM
Awww! Bye Bradleys! I'll miss you! If youre ever bored....DL Second Life and say hello! Mimi Coral there...bye and have fun :D
Posted by: Mimi | July 25, 2004 at 04:04 AM
Sounds like you bradleys lost and AVG won! Bye bye losers
Posted by: Alexandra | July 25, 2004 at 10:58 AM
lmao AVG didn't win. OMG I hate these AVG lovers. AVG didn't do anything to have them leave LMAO. if they do that is Mr-P making us lies.
Posted by: Fans II | July 25, 2004 at 03:59 PM
AVG Lover???? FUCK OFF I hate AVG!
I'm happy because bradleys (wannabes) left the game!!!!! Please stop talking to me, dumbshit
Posted by: Alexandra | July 25, 2004 at 05:37 PM
Alexandra.. Please close your legs. Thank you.
Posted by: Nick | August 03, 2004 at 05:57 PM