In this interview, former AVG member and subsequent President of the Calvin?s Creek Government Seth Galloway, talks to Marcus Forlourne, formerly the Attorney General and then the Vice President of the Alphaville Government. Although very close to Mr-President, Mr. Forlourne is concerned that the election supervisor was ?coerced? into resigning, and Forlourne now believes that Mr-P was behind the election rigging and should either resign or face a recall election.
Marcus Forlourne: Hey, thanks for having me, Seth. :-)
Seth Galloway: Thank you for taking your time, Mr. Forlourne for this interview.
Marcus Forlourne: It is my pleasure.
Seth Galloway: Alright, Tell me a little about your sim life in AV.
Marcus Forlourne: Well, my sim life was very active. I was married, I had three wonderful children, and of course I had my job in the Alphaville Government.
Seth Galloway: Tell me about your Alphaville Government job.
Marcus Forlourne: Well, I had quite a few.
Marcus Forlourne: After spending a few days upon my arrival in Alphaville as an attorney at a court, I was given the job of Attorney General by Mr-Preisdent.
Seth Galloway: Ahhhmm.
Marcus Forlourne: I was later promoted to the Director of the Peace Program and the Ambassador of Peace and Goodwill.
Marcus Forlourne: Later, I was promoted to Vice President of the AVG.
Marcus Forlourne: I also served as Acting President many times while Mr-President was not on.
Seth Galloway: Ok..
Seth Galloway: So what happened during the time of your Vice Presidency.
Marcus Forlourne: Oh, many things.
Marcus Forlourne: I was in meetings with other government members, I met with people in SSG and other governments, I made a run for the presidency and later for the vice presidency in a second term, as you know.
Marcus Forlourne: It was a very good job and I enjoyed it very much.
Seth Galloway: How was Mr-President, Behind the scenes?
Marcus Forlourne: He was nice, yet very inactive. When he was on, which from what I saw was not too terribly often, he did not make decisions very often.
Marcus Forlourne: He was mainly an overseer.
Marcus Forlourne: While I did the work a president should do, and supervised everyone else?s work.
Seth Galloway: So you did most of the work?
Marcus Forlourne: I was president more than he was, as Acting President.
Marcus Forlourne: Well, most of the presidential business, I would say. I'll put it this way. . .
Marcus Forlourne: Mr-President, while very nice, was more of the image or face of the AVG, while the people who do the work are the people below him like me.
Seth Galloway: Ahh..
Seth Galloway: So to the Elections..
Seth Galloway: You ran with him as Vice President, Correct? For a short time anyway.
Marcus Forlourne: Yes. We made an agreement after I announced my candidacy that if I won, he would be my VP and vice versa. After a while, he chose Paul Tully to be his VP running mate, leaving me with no running mate. At the same time, I was struggling in the polls and my campaign was rather weak. So, I joined you, Seth. :-)
Seth Galloway: So Mr-President, Ditched you?
Seth Galloway: As a VP if he won.
Marcus Forlourne: That's a good way to put it, yes. LOL
Seth Galloway: If you won, Would you have made him VP, Even though he had Paul Tully?
Marcus Forlourne: No, because I like doing things to people if they would do the same to me. If I won, I would probably have made you VP, quite honestly.
Marcus Forlourne: If he didn't chose Paul Tully, I would have chosen him.
Seth Galloway: Thanks. :-)
Marcus Forlourne: But he broke the deal.
Marcus Forlourne: My honor :-)
Seth Galloway: So, Mr-President broke the deal.
Marcus Forlourne: Yes.
Seth Galloway: How much longer did you run as a single candidate?
Marcus Forlourne: Maybe a week, perhaps a little more or a little less.
Seth Galloway: Ok.. So then you joined, My (Seths) campaign.. Correct?
Marcus Forlourne: Yes, I did.
Seth Galloway: How did that work out?
Marcus Forlourne: It was going great, until the scandal.
Seth Galloway: Scandal? :-)
Marcus Forlourne: Well, I come to my new home to find it destroyed.
Marcus Forlourne: My son and wife's accounts have been hacked.
Marcus Forlourne: I thought my wife was gone forever.
Marcus Forlourne: I was in somewhat of shock.
Marcus Forlourne: And I went to my friend's house, her name is Caprica.
Marcus Forlourne: We ended up kissing and she claimed I seduced her.
Marcus Forlourne: I told my wife, thinking it would be the right thing to do.
Marcus Forlourne: She forgave me for being honest, but it was hard on my kids.
Marcus Forlourne: Caprica's claim of my seducing her led to the scandal breaking.
Marcus Forlourne: And it was too much pressure on the campaign, so you dropped me.
Seth Galloway: So you left the game?
Marcus Forlourne: After a few days.
Seth Galloway: Oh.. Alright.
Seth Galloway: Ok, To the Alphaville Election Scandal.
Seth Galloway: Did you ever know anything about this?
Marcus Forlourne: I did.
Marcus Forlourne: There was talk of it in some meetings.
Marcus Forlourne: I ran an investigation.
Marcus Forlourne: I spoke to the Attorney General, Solicitor General, and the Director of the FBI about this.
Marcus Forlourne: We [found no smoking gun].
Marcus Forlourne: Mr-Presidnet said he was "troubled" by it.
Marcus Forlourne: And the Elections Supervisor, who I hired to keep the election fair, quit saying that someone told him too.
Seth Galloway: So, In the meeting it was You, Mr-President, Who else?
Marcus Forlourne: It was me, Mr-P, Fans, and a few other government workers. . .I can't remember exactly who.
Seth Galloway: Oh..
Marcus Forlourne: Sean Kendricks appeared a few times.
Marcus Forlourne: Jason Sim.
Marcus Forlourne: A few others.
Seth Galloway: So, Who was the person you hired to be the Supervisor?
Marcus Forlourne: I think his name was Sean Quinn.
Seth Galloway: Alright, So someone told Sean he needed to quit?
Marcus Forlourne: Yes, they coerced him into it, I think.
Seth Galloway: So, Did he tell you that he had to quit?
Marcus Forlourne: Yes.
Seth Galloway: What was your reaction?
Marcus Forlourne: Well, he sent it in an e-mail to me so I never got the chance to respond. He thanked me for it. My reaction was one of shock.
Marcus Forlourne: I was so surprised that he was coerced into this.
Seth Galloway: Who dont know who did it, Correct?
Marcus Forlourne: Correct.
Seth Galloway: Did you ever think of getting someone else, To supervise?
Marcus Forlourne: I did, but Mr-P said he was running the elections.
Marcus Forlourne: I believe he was behind it.
Seth Galloway: Sounds like it..
Seth Galloway: So when the elections happened, and You came a hair away from winning the first one, Did you think of anything suspicious?
Marcus Forlourne: That is not correct.
Marcus Forlourne: I dropped out before the first primary.
Seth Galloway: I am talking about with you and Seth (Myself).
Seth Galloway: When you all came with in 3 of winning the first Primary.
Marcus Forlourne: I didn't think anything of it, for I was out of the game when the primary was done.
Seth Galloway: Ahh..
Seth Galloway: Alright, Did you keep up with the Final election, Via website or anything?
Marcus Forlourne: I checked in a couple times.
Marcus Forlourne: I voted.
Marcus Forlourne: I voted in the primaries and in the final election.
Seth Galloway: Did you support, Mr-President, Although he betrayed you?
Marcus Forlourne: That is not the only reason why I didn't support him. . . I believe he was behind the rigging and that he was not a good leader.
Seth Galloway: So, When Mr-President "Won" did you think of anything weird?
Marcus Forlourne: Yes.
Marcus Forlourne: Somehow I knew.
Marcus Forlourne: In the back of my head.
Marcus Forlourne: I believe that Ashley Richardson was the one who won.
Seth Galloway: When the election scandal finally came out, Where you surprised it did?
Marcus Forlourne: Not at all. ;-)
Seth Galloway: So in your heart, You believe Mr-President cheated to stay in office?
Marcus Forlourne: Yes, I do.
Seth Galloway: One last question.
Marcus Forlourne: Okay.
Seth Galloway: Do you think Mr-President should resign?
Seth Galloway: Your own opinion.
Marcus Forlourne: Yes, I do. Or there could be a recall election like the one conducted in California last year, New elections.
Marcus Forlourne: Let the people decide.
Marcus Forlourne: Thank you very much for having me :D
Marcus Forlourne: :-)
Seth Galloway: Alright, Thanks for talking.
Marcus Forlourne: My pleasure.
Seth Galloway: Have a good night. :-)
Marcus Forlourne: Good night. :-)
Didn't we see this interview somewhere else???
Posted by: Jon King | August 12, 2004 at 01:41 AM
Nice interview Seth, I bet Marcus is enjoying all this publicity.
Posted by: Sean Kendrick | August 12, 2004 at 01:45 AM
You guys must not get any news. You are starting to repeat stories.
Posted by: Nataleigh | August 12, 2004 at 12:01 PM
Wouldnt it have been a lot easier for Marcus to respond to Uri's post that proposed Mr-P's resignation?
Posted by: Mafioso | August 12, 2004 at 12:36 PM
Hmm this seems awfully fimiliar...where did i see this before?? ohh that's right...right here..
Posted by: Ian | August 12, 2004 at 01:31 PM
Ian, You really need to shut your ass, I was the one who got Marcus to have a interview with you anyway. Dont think that you got the interview yourself, If it wasnt for me, You wouldnt have a story.
Posted by: Seth Galloway | August 12, 2004 at 03:57 PM
He came to me and asked for even asked for an interview, nothing about you was said, I even recall "how did you find me" and he didn't say you. And now that you admit that the same interview took place, why copy it? It is kinda spitting in my face. I am sure you can find some more garbage to ad to this paper.
Posted by: Ian | August 12, 2004 at 04:12 PM
Marcus came to me, and even asked for an interview (on top of that). I asked him, how did he find me, and your name was not mentioned. Now that you acknowledge the interview, why did you rip it off? It is kinda of like spitting in my face.
Posted by: Ian | August 12, 2004 at 04:13 PM
Ian, as usual, your point, granting the tenuous assumption that you actually have one, is elusive. So you interviewed Marcus. Seth did too! Imagine that. One person did two interviews with two different interviewers. This happens, and it is Ohhhh Kayyyy.
Posted by: Urizenus | August 12, 2004 at 05:12 PM
oh and while I'm at it, if your point is that Seth copied you, well what is the Alphaville Gazette but a cheap copy of that one and only Mack of all virtual newspapers: The Second Life Herald. Face it Ian, we fill that fat head of your with ideas.
Posted by: Urizenus | August 12, 2004 at 05:15 PM
copy?? there are tons of blogs about just av alone...
urizenus, no matter what you will always defend the opposing side, it is okay, because you have filled your fat head, with your ego.
Posted by: Ian | August 12, 2004 at 05:39 PM
i am not going to be childish and bring this into another arguement thread... i have a feeling humdog will jump into this, and then urizenus who will reply, probably drunk as usual. so whatever, its a tie.
Posted by: Ian | August 12, 2004 at 05:46 PM
Posted by: ShawnRyanII | August 12, 2004 at 06:04 PM