For reasons that mystify even this veteran reporter, a group of disaffected alumni of the Alphaville Government have formed a new organization in Alphaville to challenge Mr-President, and have called themselves The Simulated Soviet Union (SSU). And wouldn?t you know it: the ?brains? behind this operation are none other than former AVG Press officer Ian, and former AVG CIA boss Fans. Thus far, as reported in the Alphaville Times, the activities of the group appear to have been harassing AVG employees and attempting to trash their homes. The group claims that they are not communist sympathizers, but merely angry with the corruption of the AVG, and they wish to emulate the swift discipline of the former Soviet Union. Translation: they don?t like the Soviet idea of equitable distribution of income, but really like the idea that Stalin killed 14-20 million innocent Soviet Citizens, and oh the cooking in those Gulags was to die for!
Damn Ian.
Posted by: Mafioso | August 02, 2004 at 10:43 AM
Uri we aren't communists for one.Two.We also stop scammers.If you wanna talk to me about it go ahead.Though you make us badder then we look.Though overall we aren't bad people
Posted by: Robert The man | August 02, 2004 at 11:29 AM
People can make whatever group they like, but it's ok to push back. I'm not overly thrilled with a humorous use of the Soviet Union given my personal witnessing of many horrors there and the massacre of my inlaws' relatives in the camps. Nobody would feel they could get away with a humorous use of Hitler and the Nazis. And the Soviets stayed in power longer -- heck, they're still in power -- and killed way more people -- heck, they're still killing them in places like Chechnya. I like to sum up the difference between Nazis and Soviets this way: the Nazis would give each one of their victims in mass graves a personal bullet. The Soviets, to save bullets, and for sport, would line up victims and use one bullet on several, and let the last one, lightly wounded, writhe and suffocate to death in the mass grave. That's why when you examine mass graves from the Stalin era, you find some of the skeletons on the top of the heap in contorted positions with open, screaming jaws.
The figure for state-sponsored killings in the USSR is way more than 14-20 million. If you take it back to Lenin, and even stop at Khrushchev (himself responsible for tens of thousands of personally ordered executions), the figure has been estimated at more like 57 million, counting Terror-famine deaths in Ukraine, forced-labor deaths on the Belomor Canal project, etc. Very precise studies are now available on "just" the killing of 1 million Party members in 1937-39, or "just" the killing of 6 million Ukrainian peasants or "just" the "mini-genocide" of 247,000 Polish officers, officials, and their families. This is something scholars have barely begun to examine, in part because they didn't have access to KGB archives, and still don't have full access. It's one of the shocking horrors of the 20th century that scholars didn't apply their efforts to this monstrosity, and that even today, the Soviet Union is more of a joke than a horror. People think there is still something socially "redeeming" about communism.
Posted by: Dyerbrook | August 02, 2004 at 11:49 AM
good point. The 14-21 million figure is just for Stalin's purges, narrowly defined.
Posted by: urizenus | August 02, 2004 at 12:05 PM
Ok well i am full blooded Italian in RL.Also my cousins are Polish and Jewish.So i am not like a rl Soviet Union Worshipper.The reason i joined The SSU is to Help Av from AVG and scammers.This is only a game and i am not comparing the SSU in Tso to the Real Like Soviet union
Posted by: Robert The man | August 02, 2004 at 12:14 PM
"to help AV from AVG and scammers"
lol... sooo, what did AVG do wrong my friend other than just having fun and creating a neighborhood and enjoying a lot of people?
Posted by: Funky | August 02, 2004 at 01:21 PM
Oh yes they love to have fun.You know they are ready to beat up anyone who Is against them.Oh yes some of them also love to Fix elections cause there on there power trips.*Like i care about the elections were fixed anyways*Everything in Av goes though the AVG from what i seen.They also love to Insult and Stalk others for no reason.
Posted by: Robert The Man | August 02, 2004 at 01:39 PM
My post went in by accident so i gonna continue it.These things are what AVG Find **Fun** Funky.Also i remember at the Weakest Link game At Ian house.Some AVG members were yelling things and insulting people for no reason at all.
Posted by: Robert The Man | August 02, 2004 at 01:42 PM
What Dyer said.
The SSU needs to seriously think about changing their name.
Posted by: Cocoanut | August 02, 2004 at 02:05 PM
Thank you robert, he basically summed it up. First of all, I am half jewish in real life, and the leader Fans, comes from a Soviet opressed country, where I won't even tell you what happened to him in RL. Believe me, we are not emulating them. Uri before you write something up classifying us as some "evil dooers", we only take the swift, discipline that the SU had. Nothing more. Yes, we have trashed AVG houses, but no we DO NOT Harass AVG employees. Uri, the reason why the SSU was created was because of dumb kids running around, thinking they are better than everyone else, harassing RANDOM people, and then their superiors DID NOTHING ABOUT IT. Please do NOT PUT WORDS in our mouths. I am sorry if you are offended by the name, but now that you know that the "BRAINS" behind the operation comes from the people opressed, maybe you should think differently, or maybe you think it is ironic. It may be, but we DO NOT agree with the death of millions of innocent people. But I really hate to sound egomanaic, what you see on our website, the people, the employees, is all because of me and robert. the website, webhosting, and endless hours of editing IS ALL BECAUSE OF ME. So blame anyone, Blame me.
Posted by: ian | August 02, 2004 at 02:19 PM
Don't worry Ian, we *do* blame you.
And I don't have a problem with the organization, just the dumbass name you picked. Can't you change it? (But please, don't call it The Third Reich or the Soldiers of the Cultural Revolution or Pol Pot's Simulated Poo Put Bitches or anything like that...)
Posted by: Urizenus | August 02, 2004 at 02:52 PM
No, I have already spent $30 for the domain and webhosting. If you have bother to read the site, or any ignorant critics, you will see we do not support the SU in RL, infact, it doesnt even exist in RL anymore.
Posted by: Ian | August 02, 2004 at 02:55 PM
Ian's last arguement really makes the case for fully funding "No Child Left Behind". What the hell do they teach in school history classes nowadays?
Just because something is disbanded doesn't mean it doesn't still exist. Some things that are especially monstrous - soviet union domestic policy, almost ANYthing related Hitler, even polio - will never die in the sense that they will never die from memory, as much as we might wish that they would. For this reason, these subjects are borderline taboo. You just don't take them so lightly as to name your virtual clubhouse in their honor.
Of course this is a concept that comes with life experience, but some things you just don't do. No judgement here, just pick another name and move on.
Posted by: Amira | August 02, 2004 at 03:37 PM
lmao. People definetly take the game to seriously. Why dont u just call the "SSU" a mafia. or a "Mafia that helps people"
Any organization can try to stop scamming. Its a waste of time and its always going to be there. Second, this "SSU" sound exactly like a mafia. "Out to stop the AVG" Well sounds like sum mafia bull shit to me. Just like a mafia person saying "We're gonna take out another mafia"
And with a name like sounds close enough to a mafia. So actually, you shouldnt change the name at all. And back to scamming...AVG is and/or tried to stop scammers. Same thing u are doing. They arent so bad after all :)
Posted by: Mr Hugs | August 02, 2004 at 03:44 PM
Amira, don't give me that bullshit, I am a junior in a catholic high school. I have taken world civilizations, we thoughorly went over wwii, who and what su was, and even watched 13 days. i am not ignorant on the subject.
Hugs...I was recently scammed by Chris C', general of the AVG Marines for 140k. Apparently he joined SSU and wanted funding, so I did. And he goes byebye. So please... We are not a mafia, infact I hate mafias. if anything, we are similar to the SSG, which whole modus operandi, was to rid the city of scammers. again let me make this clear to EVERYONE...READ OUR WEBSITE AND FIND OUT WHAT OUR BELIEFS ARE, WE ARE NOT A MAFIA. a mafia wouldn't have goals, such as, create a stable TYPE OF government, with citizens to REPRESENT.
But I do agree on hugs saying this is just a game
Posted by: Ian | August 02, 2004 at 03:51 PM
Like i said in my first post Ian.This is just a game and not the Rl soviet union.Like Ian Said WE ARE NOT A MAFIA AND WE DO NOT WANT TO BE ONE!!! AVG like ian said Chris C Scammed us of 140k and ran back to AVG.
Posted by: Robert The man | August 02, 2004 at 04:38 PM
I stick behind my boss and friend.So go ahead and blame me Uri also i don't really care since most of the stuff in your paper is one sided or lies.
Posted by: Robert The man | August 02, 2004 at 05:03 PM
I made a 'rebuttle' to this...go check it out..
Posted by: Ian | August 02, 2004 at 05:14 PM
Rebuttle: SLH's Post about SSU
- by Sir
I am going to write out of context, with my in game character. The 'story' that Urizenus posted, was more along the lines of propaganda. In case you do not know what propaganda is, it was a technique used by many totalitarianism governmen...
Posted by: The Alphaville Gazette | August 02, 2004 at 05:15 PM
When you guys say "the SSU should really think about changing their name" NEWSFLASH. I don't support the Soviet Union nor the Communist. Plus, the American government made them sound worse than they really where. See only Stalin killed millions of people... None of the other presidents of the USSR did that. The president that took over after Stalin's death hated the Secret Police Stalin used to killed people. Newsflash coco... Does the whole world cringe with they hear Soviet Union? Do they freak out when they hear Stalin? Some do. The people who do are drama queens. When people freak out over our name it disappoints me. It shows this world is to immature to handle some things that are to "Outrageous" and to "Unapproiate". There's been worse things.
And for Uri... I am disappointed in you. You don't understand the true meaning of SSU. I do not like the fact Stalin killed millions of people. And if Stalin was right next to me I'd shoot him right on spot. We only got the Soviet Union because I felt like calling it because that is when we took over the AVG Forum and it reminded me of the Soviets. You truly disappoint me.
With care,
Overlord Fans
Overlord of Simulated Soviet Union.
Project Goldeneye - Destruction of AVG.
Power to the SSU.
AIM - Overlord Fans
YIM - Mr_Sim_Director
E.mail - [email protected]
Posted by: Overlord Fans | August 02, 2004 at 05:29 PM
ahhhhh, the boredom of TSO hehehehe
Posted by: toy | August 02, 2004 at 05:30 PM
That true Fans the whole World does not cringe when they hear the Soviet union name.Also that true that they may be drama Queens.
Posted by: Robert The Man | August 02, 2004 at 05:33 PM
Plus Uri, you are so clueless on the Leader of SSU. Maybe in your "newspaper" actually had facts we'd take you serious. For now on I consider the SLH of AVH a infidel newspaper that will not last. It disappoints me. I used to like this newspapaper.. now it has turned into a news freak crying blog. Why are we so bad when you were so happy when you reported the WWIIOLers? Didn't those Germans kill over 10 million people? Don't assume the AVG is all good guts when you see them. After my experience in AVG I know that the AVG isn't always good.
Newsflash everyone! Mr-President has given orders of the CIA and FBI to send out agents to spy on all the major orgs in Alphaville! This was apose to be "Top Secret" information. Now Uri, If you don't want to be with the rest of the infidels in AVG I suggest you put a sock in it or we would be happy to do it for you. And trust me.. it won't be good if we are made more mad. Quiet, infidel!
With care,
Overlord Fans
Overlord of Simulated Soviet Union.
Project Goldeneye - Destruction of AVG.
Power to the SSU.
AIM - Overlord Fans
YIM - Mr_Sim_Director
E.mail - [email protected]
Posted by: Overlord Fans | August 02, 2004 at 05:37 PM
Also fegrot to metion this... Coco you're a drama queen.
With care,
Overlord Fans
Overlord of Simulated Soviet Union.
Project Goldeneye - Destruction of AVG.
Power to the SSU.
AIM - Overlord Fans
YIM - Mr_Sim_Director
E.mail - [email protected]
Posted by: Overlord Fans | August 02, 2004 at 05:40 PM
True Uri did have a good time talking to the WWIIolers.Btw i guess the Top secret info Mr P sent out aian't so secret anymore lol
Posted by: Robert The Man | August 02, 2004 at 05:43 PM
*homer simpson voice*
Just something else to fill AV now the AVG is falling apart. whoop de do. Groups come and go. Hardly exciting news. I hear there are two SSU's in AV tho. one is run by the BDSM nuts. The Simulated Sex Union. Now there's a laugh. lol.
- RB
Posted by: RB | August 02, 2004 at 05:52 PM
About the infidels of the other SSU... YOU WILL BE PUNISHED. All treason is crime at the highest point and we will destroy them.
By the way, It just goes to show Mr-President and his AVG boyfriends like BDSM :)
With care,
Overlord Fans
Overlord of Simulated Soviet Union.
Project Goldeneye - Destruction of AVG.
Power to the SSU.
AIM - Overlord Fans
YIM - Mr_Sim_Director
E.mail - [email protected]
Posted by: Overlord Fans | August 02, 2004 at 05:57 PM
Good one fans lol.Btw if this just fills up AV then how come so many join the groups.
Posted by: Robert The Man | August 02, 2004 at 06:00 PM
Ian - Wow, a junior and you don't understand the alarm the name of your little online club might cause. Says a lot for your catholic high school and what they cover in world civilizations. You mentioned you pretty much went over the Soviet Union, "...and even watched 13 days...I am not ignorant on the subject." Great. Glad you're on top of it - the world is your oyster, then. Good luck with your little club, Ian. We're all trying to make the most of what we have with TSO.
Posted by: Amira | August 02, 2004 at 09:38 PM
I'm skimming ahead to post this, so I apologize if I've repeated anyone. Ian, you say that the leader of this wonderful organization is one of the "oppressed people" so that makes it okay. Just because I am Jewish, does that make it okay for me to hate Jews? Perhaps I should become the next Hitler and use the fact that I'm Jewish to justify it.
You don't make sense.
Posted by: Mafioso | August 02, 2004 at 09:51 PM
Amira: I am not affected by your opinion, but this game is dying and we are just trying to bring life back into it. Face it. We are not going away. "Online Club"...Please you are attempting to make fun of us, and bring our name down. We have Soviet in our name, you obviously have no research done. the SU, was pretty much extremely violated in the wwii days...because some whack job had power. Look at the SU, in the dying years , that is what we emulate. And again you are trying to get me mad by twisting my words, I never said I am a know it all. You are probably some lonely house wife, in which this game is your life and you are trying to salvage what is left of it.
Mafioso I am justifying the opinion people have that we are some type of RL Nazi's.
Posted by: Ian | August 02, 2004 at 10:02 PM
Ian, you're so right! I remember when I was a junior in high school too - I was ALWAYS right, and invincible, AND I had the world completely figured out. There is no one smarter than a high school junior, and NO ONE can argue with THAT statement.
As far as obviously not having any research done, you may have a point. I might need to review my copy of '13 days'. Lord knows, neither of my degrees have prepared me for this discussion!
Also, you don't have to say you're a know it all to be one. I don't think you even know that you are one, but then that negates my first comment, because you know everything! So confusing for my little feeble mind to wrap me Ian! Teach me! Teach us all - you have so much to give!
On a final point, truth be told...I don't even log on much anymore. There's just no 'there' there. I try to keep up with Uri's website just to keep a finger on what's going on in AV.Read a lot about different groups that I otherwise might not have even heard about. It's a good website...keeps me informed...that is, unless he calls out my wannabe Soviet Mafia for what it is...then I might be forced to call his website an "infidel newspaper that will not last". You crack me up, Ian - you and your minions!
You know, secretly...we all fear you. Take Care Ian!
Posted by: Amira | August 02, 2004 at 10:45 PM
Amira, you just made a complete ass out of your self and proved my point. I am not wasting much of my time on this, but just re read my post, where I clearly state I never said I am right or no it all, you are the one who classified me with this. And you are acting like a know it all with your fancy degrees in God knows what...
Posted by: Ian | August 02, 2004 at 11:11 PM
No, not God knows what...they're in Psychology and Counseling, respectively.
It's never too late to do the right thing, Ian. We don't care what your group does and actually, at least it'll spice up the 'hood...just change the name. That's all anyone has a problem with...nobody thinks for a second your sim's gonna shoot anyone else's sim or even do a damn thing about scamming. All we care about really is the name...just show a little sensitivity and change it.
And just for the record...I'm not a know-it-all either *shakes head holding up double V's like Nixon*.
Posted by: Amira | August 02, 2004 at 11:24 PM
Well since you said you are not a know it all, I will take the same approach as you, and call you one and say that you admit you are one, since you did the same too me...
Other than that..THe name will not be changed, we have made that clear. It is an endless fight. About 4 people have disagreed with the name. I guess because the people who didn't know about us, and decided to read up on us, before making an educated comment. Obviously you are one of the four who didn't. Please I challenge you to read my comment on
Posted by: Ian | August 02, 2004 at 11:30 PM
I don't think a group like this (the SSU) could possibly exist in the real SU. It would most surely violate the high level of discipline SU was practicing. And if the SSU would really like TSO to be more like SU when it comes to discipline, then, it seems, they are taking away their own right to exist. What if AVG decides to do to SSU whatever it does to them (trashing houses etc.)? Would that make them the good guys practicing high levels of discipline or the bad guys (sadistic stalinistic opressors)?
I don't think Hitler was knowingly trying to fuck up the world. He was probably trying to make it a nicer place according to his ideals and what he considered good and bad. Similarly it holds for all the Latin American generals, they all tried to bring their countries back in order, since according to them they were all in danger. But, do you really want a group of nutheads to organize a coup so that they can be in total control practicing the high level of discipline?
Thinking a crime is being committed doesn't give you the right to punish the one involved. First of all, you don't really know if he really is doing something bad, and above all, who gave YOU the right to do anything?
Posted by: oknal | August 02, 2004 at 11:55 PM
I read it, but I'm gonna stick with my (I guess) uneducated comment that again...nobody cares what you're doing, it's just an insensitive name.
It would take a lot of integrity to admit you were wrong in choosing it and to pick something else, but you're unwilling to change it. This really isn't a 'power'-type thing where anyone's trying to muscle you into bending to their will, but it speaks volumes for your personal character what you're willing to risk to save $30.
Posted by: Amira | August 03, 2004 at 12:03 AM
Oknal, i dont get what you are trying to sounds like you contridicted your self, because all and all, doesnt every gov't try to do what THEY THINK IS BEST??? We trashed houses to get our points across, that we are tired of AVG treating people like shit..
No you are educated about the RL SU, but not about us.
Posted by: Ian | August 03, 2004 at 12:16 AM
Fans your a fucking hippocrit.
And you know where hippocrits go...
Straight to hell.;)
Hope to see ya there.
Posted by: Realist | August 03, 2004 at 12:18 AM
Hello People? Are you unclear on the facts? Ian isn't the leader of this. I AM! HELLO? ARE YOU PEOPLE BLIND? Ian is the Co-Overlord and he is the best employee and co-worker I have ever worked with. Infidels, Can I have your attention please? I am the overlord. ARE YOU PEOPLE BLIND..?!
With no care,
Overlord Fans
Power To The Soviet Union
AIM - Overlord Fans
YIM - Mr_Sim_Director
E.mail - [email protected]
Posted by: Overlord Fans | August 03, 2004 at 12:21 AM
Simulated Soviet Union is staying. Period.
Posted by: Dictator Boscorelli | August 03, 2004 at 12:22 AM
Lol... We pwn y'all!
Posted by: Ian | August 03, 2004 at 12:30 AM
heehehehhheheheh! Now THAT was funny!
"Helloooooooo? Peeeeeople? I'm the boss...I am! Helllllloooooo? Attention, please!"
Nothing beats an overlord that nobody cares about and everyone ignores. And no, we're not all blind and we're not dumb either...well, except Ian. Although he seems to carry more presence in a comment blog than his boss - maybe you guys could switch places? Now, run along and play, children.
Posted by: Amira | August 03, 2004 at 12:44 AM
He is over 20, (older than your loving Mr-president) and in the RL CIA.
Amira you are just a lonely lusting house wife...
Posted by: Ian | August 03, 2004 at 12:55 AM
Huh? 'Loving' Mr-Prez? Huh???
Wow...the CIA, huh? That doesn't tell me much, even the CIA needs a janitor. I am unimpressed with the discrepancy between his age and the allusion of importance you pay him, just because of who his employer is, if he really has one. Hey - maybe Prez's airline is hiring...
Lusting? WTF Ian...are you hitting on me?!?!?!
Not lonely, and presently nowhere near my home. Hey - I AM a wife, but not the house-variety. Hubby and I are defense contractors, and our age at 30 is commensurate with our positions. But no sweat, 1 out of 3 isn't so bad for a high-level Wannabe Soviet Overlord-In-Waiting.
Posted by: Amira | August 03, 2004 at 01:14 AM
Hubby, I despise that term.
Posted by: Ian | August 03, 2004 at 01:19 AM
Sorry Ian.
'Lov-ahhh' 'Spouse' 'Co-habitant' 'Life Partner' 'Dependent' 'Bridegroom' 'Consort' 'Main Man' 'Bedmate' 'Old Man' 'Bestfriend'
Better? Take your pick.
Posted by: Amira | August 03, 2004 at 01:27 AM
How about, just plain, Husband?
Posted by: Ian | August 03, 2004 at 01:47 AM
Too formal, especially after the first year.
How about 'Lust-buddy'? That's along the lines of a word you seem hung up on tonight...
Posted by: Amira | August 03, 2004 at 01:54 AM
Wow. You sure don't act like your 30. Leave us to do our work, infidel. Anymore of your jabbering will result in punishment. Amira, Smell the coffee. AVG is begging us to stop. They are giving us offers.. hah and we know what he say to them? Nothing. Just spit in their faces. You better give up your hope in the AVG or you'll end up like the other destroyed AVG employees. No one can kill me. I'll die another day. Down with AVG. Sorry to drop it on you like this infidel but AVG is falling to pieces! AVG Army is alerady owned by us! They joined us. AVG is helpless. Without their eager Army recurits.. they are helpless. Mr-P refuses to admit that the AVG is in serious trouble.
With no care for Amira the immature 30 year old,
Overlord Fans
Project Goldeneye - Destruction of AVG.
Kremlin, Alphaville, The Sims Online
AIM - Overlord Fans
YIM - Mr_Sim_Director
E.mail - [email protected]
Posted by: Overlord Fans | August 03, 2004 at 02:34 AM