Thanks to the mack of all cyber-paparzazi, Father Callahan, for this screen shot. I think the pic pretty much says it all, don't you?
I don't see what's the big deal about this picture? It's just a tease to others on Stratics.
Posted by: Jessica McPherson | September 22, 2004 at 01:20 AM
Whoopee do. Hooray for Miss President of nothing special. She has no advantage over anyone smart enough. which aint the majority of posters i bet. lol.
enough with the look at me and the tripping stuff already.
- RB
Posted by: RB | September 22, 2004 at 02:25 AM
Well isnt this ironic. I do believe I commented on some egotistical sims who targeted me on the boards for "Borderline Trolling" due to their dislike of my role-play. Ironic? No, because this is the same hag who is apart of the cultof Gracieville & the "board of fools" :)
Posted by: Jeremy | September 22, 2004 at 01:44 PM
It fascinates me. So many people talk about a "fresh start" in the new city, but you see so many people using their name for status. To a certain extent I can understand that, people know you under a specific name and it's become so much of a part of you that you can no longer "Be someone. Else." because your sim has already become an extension of yourself.
This, though, really crosses that line. It's not just a matter of playing the same sim as always to retain that measure of notoriety or status, but taking it to the next level and saying "I'm better than you." This is really inappropriate for anyone to do, especially someone in a position of power. It's a sad case of a power trip.
The funniest thing that I see, though, is the fact that most Stratics posters have in their profiles to direct more people to the forums. The administrator (which I am not - lol) has no web address just a snarky "I'm better than you" statement.
You'd think that of all the active posters in Dragon's Cove, that the Stratics forum administrator would want people to know where the forums are. I guess she'd rather be worshipped and asked where the forums are so she can pick and choose who gets to post there.
Posted by: Tory | September 22, 2004 at 01:52 PM
Tory excellent perspective.
Posted by: Father Callahan | September 22, 2004 at 02:35 PM
I guess more players need to start reading those forums. I was repulsed from the start by the childish ass kissing knuckleheads there. I have no idea what the point of this article is..because I dont read the damn thing.The hell of it is.. EA listens to the dumbasses there!! They have a voice and shape the game. I dont want a hardcore city..I want more interactions or a new skill that will make you a pimped out ninja or who knows!! Maybe the cynical bastards like me should stalk the forums and make angry kewl sigs and brow beat the ass kissers. Lets have a mean ass insulting siggy contest and rock the fucking boat till it sinks.
Posted by: Slag | September 22, 2004 at 06:50 PM
Careful slag, saying all the right things is considered "negative" and "trolling" and "not helping to build the community" and other such garbage.
if they had brains over there they'd be dangerous. lol.
- RB
Posted by: RB | September 22, 2004 at 07:20 PM
The Alphaville/Second Life/Dragon's Cove Herald (ASLDCH) will soon be adopting a similiar rule board to the RoC from Sims Stratics. For the time being, Slag that post has violated the rules. This is just a warning, however you will recieve an official warning next time.
A.) Show respect at all times.
B.) Help build the Community.
The success of our forums depends upon the quality posts of our participants. We are proud of the success of our forums and give our thanks to those who have chosen to make our forums their out-of-game home. To ensure continued success we are posting these guidelines so that all participants of the Stratics forums understand what is considered unacceptable behavior in the forums and can result in a temporary suspension or a permanent ban.
C.) Personal attacks are prohibited. This specifically means any text/post that is blatantly attacking another person on or off the forum, especially in a personal way.
D.) Trolling is prohibited. Trolling is whenever someone is clearly, deliberately posting in a manner for the purpose of angering and/or insulting the other participants of the board. Trolling DOES NOT encourage further discussion in the long run, it only encourages personal attacks (if left unchecked).
Posted by: Father Callahan | September 22, 2004 at 08:41 PM
haha, good one Father. You will be the first to go when we adopt that policy.
Slag: "Lets have a mean ass insulting siggy contest and rock the fucking boat till it sinks."
Sign me up!
Posted by: Urizenus | September 22, 2004 at 09:29 PM
Obvious rip off of the "I am Chevy Chase and your not" gag from SNL.
Not exactly a top honor being a stratics mod for TSO, since there is tons now, all the buttkissers seem to have been awarded mod status so they can feel so important there,since as TIGGER put it some time ago only about 1% of the people from TSO even go to the boards, I don't see many being overly impressed by that.
Posted by: trailblazer | September 22, 2004 at 10:12 PM
Obvious rip off of the "I am Chevy Chase and your not" gag from SNL.
Not exactly a top honor being a stratics mod for TSO, since there is tons now, all the buttkissers seem to have been awarded mod status so they can feel so important there,since as TIGGER put it some time ago only about 1% of the people from TSO even go to the boards, I don't see many being overly impressed by that.
Posted by: trailblazer | September 22, 2004 at 10:12 PM
Nothing but a little girl on a powertrip!
"My barbie is better then your barbie, nanny nanny booboo"
DOH! :-)
Posted by: TBT | September 23, 2004 at 01:18 PM
Her barbie may be better.. But my Chrissy owns.
Posted by: Brad | September 23, 2004 at 03:56 PM
Duh!! har har!
Posted by: simon | September 23, 2004 at 04:46 PM
I hate the mods on that board the bitches need to fricken step off the earth.
Posted by: Sam | September 24, 2004 at 04:17 AM
So glad this was posted. I pointed this out to someone i was talking to..You should see it now. You should have took a pic of her clone Weah while you were at it, the are so full of thier selfs, but if you notice thier lots are never busy, they have ostrasized thier selves. (pardon if that is spelled wrong)
Posted by: alphasim | September 25, 2004 at 04:54 PM
Just FYI...
Her profile has been changed. It no longer says anything about being the Forum Admin. Now it's just a regular profile.
Posted by: Tory | September 26, 2004 at 06:21 PM
too late.
Posted by: urizenus | September 26, 2004 at 07:44 PM
Too late for what, Uri? At least it was changed. If you're feeling self-important, you can claim it was because of this story, otherwise look at it as being changed to stop offending others.
I stand by everything I said before, but at least I can recognize when someone tries to make a situation better.
Posted by: Tory | September 27, 2004 at 01:59 PM
They don't make things better. They make coverups. After they are found out. lol. :)
- RB
Posted by: RB | September 27, 2004 at 08:09 PM