One thing that we?ve learned from observing social MMORPGs like TSO, There, and Second Life, is that power gaming is alive and well in these games, albeit in a different form than in EQ and SWG. In this interview we talk to an impressive example of this phenomenon ? Mistress Daphne Molinari. She tells us about her early days in TSO, running a #1 Romance House and working with The Dream Team on developing the Kingware Software nude skin patch, then about moving to the infamous There Escort Services (who knew she was so good at spades!), and then on to SL where she now co-manages the escorts at Club Elite. Since in r/l she is also involved in the adult entertainment industry (phone sex, and formerly co-managing a r/l escort service) she has some interesting insights into the similarities and differences between these worlds. She also has some interesting insights into the differences between the various social MMORPGs. But does she consider herself a power gamer? Read on?
Daph on the floor of the old Club Elite (from the SLH archives). Note SLH reporter Miravoir Psaltry in the background -- always hard at work!
Uri: was tso your first MMORPG or did you have some experience before that
Daphne Molinari: TSO was my first
Uri: Do you remember when you joined? was it in beta?
Daphne Molinari: yes it was
Daphne Molinari: i was one of the first people in the game
Uri: When you came to tso who did you hook up with first and what were you doing in the early days
Daphne Molinari: I was actually quite a loner for a bit.
Daphne Molinari: Then met various people here and there.
Uri: what cities did you play
Daphne Molinari: My first city was Alpha, then when it was released to the public I moved to Interhogen.
Uri: you are currently friends with Big John Jade and Ana Lily in SL, you met them in tso, yes?
Daphne Molinari: I met Big John Jade in TSO, I did not meet Ana until I came here
Uri: did you meet him early in your tso career or later, and what was his name there
Daphne Molinari: I did meet him pretty early in my days at TSO, he at the time was SupermanSimX
Uri: what was he up to in those days
Daphne Molinari: Alot of dancing and skilling. lol
Uri: but then at somepoint Kingsware Software was formed...
Daphne Molinari: Yes, after the days of Midnight Dreams Love, a house that he created and made the number one Love house in TSO I bought the house from him and he began his creation with the Skins patch.
Uri: stop go back. so it sounds like he was up to more than dancing and skilling if he had the #1 romance lot
Daphne Molinari: Well yeah I guess lol it?s been a long time.
Uri: this was in IH?
Daphne Molinari: Yes it was.
Uri: was it a legit romance prop or one of the more fun varieties
Daphne Molinari: It had its "perks".
Daph at the interview. You can tell she's impressed by me. She is... right? A little?
Uri: did you work there?
Uri: before you took it over?
Daphne Molinari: I was a roommate before I purchased it, but we did not "work" in those days.
Daphne Molinari: It was more fun and if you clicked with someone we had heart shaped rooms to go to.
Uri: ic, so its more like you gave it away back then, lol
Daphne Molinari: me personally, no. I was not as colorful then as I am now. LOL
Uri: so John turned over his romance lot to you and then went to work on the nude skin patch for tso. did you get involved with that at all?
Daphne Molinari: Yes, I was involved with that along with TOmmy Stone.
Uri: who was tommy stone?
Daphne Molinari: A friend of ours who also was very creative and to this day still designs clothing.
Uri: is he in SL now?
Daphne Molinari: He has an avatar here and has vends set up but I dont see him in game much.
Uri: so he is only here for business purposes then?
Daphne Molinari: That I am not sure of. He is also in There and is very prestigious there with his clothing and racing team.
Uri: what is the line of clothing that he sells?
Daphne Molinari: Dragonfly Designs
Uri: what is his name in There?
Daphne Molinari: TOmmy Stone
Uri: ok, so what did you do on the nude skin patch project -- you specificially
Daphne Molinari: For the most part I was the model for the female clothing, I also helped in finding the most appropriate mesh for the clothing that was made.
Uri: what does that mean -- finding the mesh
Daphne Molinari: In 2D and 3D modeling there is a "mesh" an invisible framework that moves with the avatar as it moves
Daphne Molinari: to make the clothing look realistic and sit correctly on the body.
Uri: so are you the one that figured out that the yellow showgirl outfit would be the best one for the nude woman batch?
Daphne Molinari: I think it was a team effort finding that one. It started on the nurses outfit and we tried numerous meshes to find the right one.
Uri: I *like* the nurses outfit -- patch version
Daphne Molinari: yes that one was very popular lol
Uri: do you have any idea how many downloads there have been of the patch?
Daphne Molinari: to date?? no but there were tens of thousands of hits on the site even while I was still in TSO
Uri: would you guess that most tso players use the patch?
Daphne Molinari: undoubtedly
Daph offers me some DP while we conduct the interview. I was hoping for some Cris, but its better than what I'm used to (Pink Champale). Hmmm, I think I might be underdressed.
Uri: So John left tso and went directly to SL, but you went to There first, correct?
Daphne Molinari: Yes I came here in Beta with John to see SL but my system was not able to handle the game so i did not stay.
Uri: do you remember when you left tso for There?
Daphne Molinari: yes, December of 2003
Uri: Ah, about the time I got kicked out of tso, lol
Daphne Molinari: awww lol
Uri: So tell us about your career in There
Daphne Molinari: My career in there...hmmm
Daphne Molinari: It was very social, I really had many good friends and just enjoyed the atmosphere.
Daphne Molinari: I was in many clubs, DJ'd for a few radio stations, and played alot of paintball.
Uri: what was your name there
Daphne Molinari: Daph
Uri: but you were also an escort for There Escorts Inc, no?
Daphne Molinari: Yes, I was.
Uri: was that the first escort service in There?
Daphne Molinari: I'm not sure if it was the first, I think it was. There were others that had started but did not last very long.
Uri: The format of that club is that the escorts are auctioned, no? i.e. no set prices.
Daphne Molinari: That is correct.
Uri: since rumor has it that you tend to be a bit of a Domme, what did you think about being acutioned off. Doesn't seem like you.
Daphne Molinari: Oh we had alot of fun, it all depends on the company you are with. The purpose of the auction was not for set "lifestyles" it was for entertainment and donating money to new members to the game.
Uri: well how much would Daph go for at auction?
Daphne Molinari: At first not very much, lol I think i was sold for like 800 my first time. My highest bidder though paid 20,000 for me.
Uri: hmmm your spades game must have improved
Daphne Molinari: ugh, not a spades fan
Uri: yes, I thought not.
Uri: so when did you come to SL permanently?
Daphne Molinari: Well I signed up again with this account on June 29, 2004
Daphne Molinari: I did not though really start getting into the game until mid July
Uri: oh wow, so very recently!
Daphne Molinari: Yes I took a break from the social life and went to Lineage II
Uri: oh cool, how was that ?
Daphne Molinari: It is an incredible game, I still play there also.
Uri: wowzers!
Uri: ok, when you cam back to SL, did you got to work at Club Elite right away?
Daphne Molinari: Yes, it was actually my first stop once I created my avatar. It had been so long since I had seen John that I wanted to say hi!
Uri: haha, did you start as a dancer or was it straight to Escort?
Daphne Molinari: I started as a Dancer here at Elite, then became an escort and befriended Terminator.
Uri: Terminator Brodsky
Daphne Molinari: Yes
Daphne Molinari: He is the manager of the Escorts in Second Life
Uri: at Elite?
Daphne Molinari: yes he is the manager and I am co-manager
Daph in her Club Elite-provided apartment with Terminator Brodsky. Together they manage the 24 escorts at Club Elite. Term is strapped, I guess cuz he heard I was in the complex.
Uri: ah many escorts work for elite now?
Daphne Molinari: about 24
Uri: yikes, but are most of them part time?
Daphne Molinari: we try to enforce at least 3 to 4 nights per week
Daphne Molinari: not all are completely active
Daphne Molinari: but very few are no shows
Daphne Molinari: that really depends on the person
Uri: how many hours do you have to put in in a night?
Uri: on average
Daphne Molinari: about 3
Daphne Molinari: most of us though practically live at the club
Daphne Molinari: so no need to enforce that
Uri: What are the current rates for a session with an escort at Elite
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Daphne Molinari: 500L per 30 minutes
Uri: session usually lasts a half hour or do they go an hour sometimes
Uri: or two
Daphne Molinari: depends on the customer
Daphne Molinari: most sessions are average of 30-60 minutes
Uri: Why do you think the escort job is so popular here?
Uri: is it a way of living out a fantasy?
Daphne Molinari: Well on the escorts side, the money of course and the abilty to be, how can we say? Creative in ways that most aren't.
Daphne Molinari: For the customer, well...obvious reasons.
Uri: yes
Uri: I've heard.
Daphne Molinari: SL offers a multitude of Mature items to use
Daphne Molinari: and since this game is mostly adults well they tend to like to explore.
Uri: well, do you think people are exploring behaviors that they otherwise can't in r/l because of their r/l partners or the inherent dangers?
Daphne Molinari: Most definitely.
Daphne Molinari: In a virtual world most inhibitions are left away from the pc.
Uri: so how much money *can* an escort make. What do you make in a typical week, for example
Uri: just as an escort
Daphne Molinari: At the moment I pretty much concentrate on hiring and promoting the service.
Uri: do you get paid to do that?
Daphne Molinari: But an average escort can make anywhere from 2k to 5k per week.
Daphne Molinari: I get paid for being in management, and as a dancer in the club.
Daphne Molinari: I also do photography for the escorts and texturing work for builders.
Daphne Molinari: and advertising materials
Uri: 2-5K seems pretty weak to me
Daphne Molinari: you can make much more if you work hard.
Daphne Molinari: well you get what you put into it.
Uri: well what do the top end escorts make
Daphne Molinari: That i'm not sure of, I do not do get involved with what they are doing and money that comes back to the house is given directly to BigJohn.
Uri: well, what do you think you could make if you put your mind to it
Daphne Molinari: Me personally, well if I really wanted to and found a good base of regulars at least 50k per week or more.
Uri: I want to get to your advertising and photography work in a sec, but first...
Uri: you've done some real life work related to the escort biz... do you feel at liberty to discuss that a bit?
Daphne Molinari: sure
Uri: in particular, what the similarities are
Uri: as i understand... you do some phone sex work now... or manage a service, and you used to manage an escort service in rl
Daphne Molinari: yes that is true
Uri: you personally take calls?
Daphne Molinari: Yes I do, I specialize in fetishes and role play.
Uri: does that background help you in your work at Elite?
Daphne Molinari: Yes it does, it takes a different type of person to work in the adult industry on the internet.
Daphne Molinari: I write erotica and have had a knack for this type of thing since I can remember.
Uri: Do you think there is a lot of potential for the adult industry in online spaces like SL? Is it going to be a growth market for the industry?
Daphne Molinari: I don't think so, the differences come down to 1 major thing.
Daphne Molinari: Real cash, and game money.
Uri: well I guess I don't see the difference
Daphne Molinari: the 2 worlds will never quite meet
Daphne Molinari: lets see how can i paint a picture for you?
Daphne Molinari: In a game you can do things to make game money and still only pay 9.95 for life or per month.
Daphne Molinari: My RL time brings in 60.00 per hour or more RL money.
Daphne Molinari: that is just phone work.
Uri: well maybe you need to charge more here
Uri: Don't you feel you are giving it away here then, especially if you use voice in SL
Daphne Molinari: I am not at liberty to change the rates, I work for a service.
Daphne Molinari: I dont use voice often at all.
Uri: well I guess I don't understand now. You can use voice in SL, and you can supply them with a hot chat partner (with your Santana Lumiere avi no less) and all kinds of fetishware and animations, and you are saying you charge less because what? no phone?
Daphne Molinari: Like I said before, at the moment I am not taking on clients, I have a few that I still work with but I make my money in other venues.
Daphne Molinari: I actually have one that pays me quite well for service and am pretty comfortable
Uri: I'm surprised you don't try to cultivate more clients like that (after this interview that should be pretty easy)
Daphne Molinari: I dont know if that is some thing that I want to really take too much of on. This is my leisure time and to be in a world working all the time would take away from other things I like to do in here.
Uri: ic
Daphne Molinari: But to get a few Financial Domination clients in here would be nice. ;p
Uri: hehe, those guys are sickos
Daphne Molinari: No they are not...they like to worship females. LOL
Hey term isn't the only one packing heat. Check out Daph with the latest edition of the Seburo Compact-Exploder. I guess in her line of work...
Uri: what about your advertising work then?
Daphne Molinari: Yes I do advertising work here.
Uri: Do you do advertising for Elite and the escorts, or other clients as well
Daphne Molinari: I have a few clients that I do work for and working on opening a studio for my work.
Daphne Molinari: Basically I photograph people and also use work they give me such as textures to compile an ad in Adobe Photoshop
Uri: sweet, let us know when you open it.
Daphne Molinari: oh i will.
Uri: OK, I have a kind of philosophical question for you now...
Daphne Molinari: sure, get philosophical on me.
Uri: You've been a very successful player in TSO, There, and now here. Do you think of yourself as a kind of power player in social games? In a way something analogous to power players in combat -based games?
Daphne Molinari: Well i don?t know if I would go that far, I do have a good knowledge of social games but have also experienced the fighting games such as lineage and gained the same respect there as in here.
Uri: is it an accident that you were successful in both or is their a deep similarity?
Daphne Molinari: Though some of what I do to most people is not what most would like to admit to.
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Daphne Molinari: No i think it has alot to do with the way I carry myself and portray myself.
Uri: how does that help in Lineage?
Daphne Molinari: I am in a fantasy world, but not with a fantasy personality
Daphne Molinari: In lineage I was a "healer/mystic"
Uri: ah
Daphne Molinari: without my type of character most cannot get far
Daphne Molinari: in battle or in leveling
Daphne Molinari: in both worlds i tend to have that 'take under the wing' and guide persona
Uri: so there is an element of that both in being a healer and in running a cyber-brothel?
Daphne Molinari: yes i have been called dynamic, captivating and mystifying
Daphne Molinari: people are drawn to me and tell me i have wisdom beyond most expectaion
Daphne Molinari: words are powerful
Daphne Molinari: and in situations the right ones at the right time can bring light to alot of darkness and confusion
Uri: exit question?
Daphne Molinari: ok
Uri: First, give an impressionistic comparison of the differences between TSO, There, and SL.
Daphne Molinari: ok
Daphne Molinari: TSO was the starting point of an incredible outlet for people to socialize with people that they would normally never get a chance to.
Daphne Molinari: You could build houses and skill and have events and compete for top houses.
Daphne Molinari: John brought in a new light to a world that was "controlled" and changed gaming for the better.
Daphne Molinari: or should I say the "Dream Team" did?
Uri: hehe
Uri: with the nude skin patch?
Daphne Molinari: With the nude patch and the clothing. It gave us hope for user created worlds.
Daphne Molinari: Then there was There.
Daphne Molinari: Moving to 3D and implementing more expanded forms of user created objects.
Daphne Molinari: IT was more realistic and game users more of an opportunity to show their talents.
Daphne Molinari: (Actually SL was before there but for me it was in this order)
Daphne Molinari: SL is one step beyond.
Daphne Molinari: Not only do you have user creation, but you have mature content. Something that was not legally offered in the other 2.
Uri: but it existed...
Daphne Molinari: to a degree
Daphne Molinari: but not to this scale
Uri: true enough
Daphne Molinari: it was more of the shhhhh lets not get caught doing this in the other 2
Uri: hehehe
Uri: sometimes that can be more fun
Daphne Molinari: well...
Daphne Molinari: i think when you are free to explore and not have to worry about being "reprimanded" you tend to express yourself in a more creative way.
Daph gets casual at the Rose Thorn property.
shes just a solid whore. powergamer my ass. and my guess is that irl shes some ugly bitch thats why she wasnt a hooker irl and just a manager.
Posted by: PowerGamer,LOL | September 14, 2004 at 07:03 PM
dude, what guild are *you* the leader of? What mods did *you* help create that were adopted by half the players in the game (in spite of the threat of banning by EA).
Posted by: Urizenus | September 14, 2004 at 09:06 PM
i wasnt aware that there were guilds in sl. but as far as group i have helped create two dominate ones as well as helped with some of the most advanced and powerful weapons in sl. Sl exists cause i allow it to exist with very little effort i could bring the servers to their knees. and btw, makeing a whore house in the sims isnt a great acomplishment. if i remeber right there were people in real life that do the same thing and did it over 2000 years ago. and wow she helped with the development of a skins patch is it just me or was there already a skins patch done way before the sims online was a trinkling in a judens mind. the simple fact is this shes probably ugly is why she has to express her self in this way in a game. sl or tso cause the fact of the matter is that she probably has a husband that makes a godo living so she can afford to do things like buying currency and land in these games. a true powergamer expecially in sl are those like One Song and Azreal Rabio that are true power gamers and they make an income from a product. in sl geting a guy to get turned on isnt really hard in a place were everyone looks perfect. so spare me with this crap.
Posted by: PowerGamer,LOL | September 14, 2004 at 09:27 PM
There is more that one way to be a power gamer on SL. Your way is one way (weapons, quasi-military groups etc), but there are other ways: like being a big time skin designer (and just in case you happen to know one I hope you appreciate that about him/her). Given the structure of the rankings on SL, you would have to say that someone who is ranked number 1 and who has the number one property is nothing if not a power gamer, and Daph has been with said group since the days of tso and is an important officer in the group today. You say anyone can be an escort, but that is just like saying anyone can be the member of a certain game class like cleric or mage or archer. The question is, how far do they rise while playing in that class and how successful are they in achieving success and fame in the game? There are a lot of dancers and escorts in the game. Most are invisible. Some of them distinguish themselves. Those are the power gamers.
On the software patch: Offline sims didn't just have skin patches but tools like the Transmogrifier that were higher level programming tools for making skins and textures and objects. Similar tools were promised for TSO but never delivered, so this group of players (John, Tommy, Daph) went ahead and made the mods themselves, bless their hearts, and no one else on TSO managed to accomplish the same thing so far as I know.
Finally, I don't get your point about Daph possibly being not that hot in RL. Let's face it, the mafia kingpins and paramilitary leaders on SL are not John Rambo's in real life but are more likely web site designers or something. How on earth is it a criticism to say that someone is different in RL than what they project in game? But just for the record, your inference from the fact that she managed an escort service without turning tricks to the conclusion that she is ugly is just wack. I used to know a Penthouse Pet that did exactly the same thing. Maybe she doesn't want to sleep with ugly guys. Ever think of that?
But for the record Daph is a r/l neighbor of mine and my initial interviews with her were out of game. Based on what I know, given initial subjective probabilites, I say its quite likely you won't have a r/l partner as hot as Daph for the rest of your living days. Then again, I probably won't either! HAAAARRRR!
Posted by: urizenus | September 15, 2004 at 12:46 AM
Posted by: lol | September 15, 2004 at 12:56 AM
ok well i found something as cute as daph irl. i went to the pound and picked up a female dog its a lab. see now i have a partner as hot :p. btw love those fuckign stories. BONG
Posted by: lol | September 15, 2004 at 01:30 AM
Before I even get started responding to this let me direct you to my website where you can view the "ugly whore" you so rudely labeled in your thread.
I don't know where you get it in your head that to be a power gamer you need to carry a weapon (which I do by the way, in Lineage II, a Delusion Sword, Cgrade, accessible to a level 40+ character) or deliver a product (note the advertising and photography work that is on the web page, an occupation in SL where I "make income from a product").
A power gamer is an individual that makes a name for themselves, and probably the reason that Uri chose to interview me. Please, if you can, direct me to an interview with you, (a nameless coward might I add) where you were recognized for something.
My years online as a gamer has touched many avenues and I have walked many paths or occupations and titles. People still will run into me in a game and ask, "OMG are you Daphne from TSO??? I am sooooo happy that you are here!!" People remember me because I left an impression on them that was positive. It does not have to do with sex, or my artwork, or any labels that I might have. It is because when I meet them I treat them with respect and we have a great time.
It's apparent that you are jealous, and immature to make such a rude comment. It falls back to the misery loves company saying. ANY service I provide is because it is one that is in demand, if not, why would I be here?
As far as my RL, well I am 34, married, a mother of 3, a business owner (a Catering Company, partner in my husbands Painting and contracting company, an Adult Entertainment business and a Lifestyle Dominatrix), a full time student (Nursing major, Psychology minor), and Gamer. I carry a 3.0+ GPA and I am also working on writing a book about my adventures online. (if you muster up a set of balls and reveal your name, I'll send you a copy if it gets published) And furthermore, have never been told that I am "ugly" to date.
SO, why do I do the things I do? Because...I can.
Posted by: Daphne | September 15, 2004 at 01:38 PM
"writing a book about my adventures online."
Oh oh.
Posted by: urizenus | September 15, 2004 at 02:25 PM
I do not know you Daphne, but I hate to sound rude. In your response you act like, you know that you are not ugly, you think you are extremely popular and powerful (ego), and that you have a wonderful life. I am not insinuating anything, however let's just look at both ends....
Posted by: :P | September 15, 2004 at 03:00 PM
What I tried to convey :P, is that the person who made the comment,
"shes just a solid whore. powergamer my ass. and my guess is that irl shes some ugly bitch thats why she wasnt a hooker irl and just a manager."
did not know me AT ALL and I gave her/him the opportunity to see me and what I have done, and who I am. I am far from perfect and do not pass judgement on anyone without knowing them personally. I do not think I am "all that" but I will say I am proud of the accomplishments and the friends that I have made along the way that put me in whatever "status" those around me, perceive me.
Posted by: Daphne | September 15, 2004 at 04:16 PM
ok first really the comments wasnt really directed at you it was uri. and just cause no one hasn't told you you are ugly doesnt mean your drop dead gorgeous. frankly i wouldnt pay you irl for a blowjob. maybe doggy cause i wouldnt have to look at you face but nvm. your ok your not a drop dead gorgeous women but thats ok i like fat girls. fat girls have the best pussy. anyways ill retract my statment that you are ugly. you are now moderatly doable. anyways your still lame. your writeing a book about playing a game thats like me writeing a book about my life and times playing counter-strike.
Posted by: PowerGammerMyass | September 15, 2004 at 04:38 PM
you act like you are so revolutionary. wow your a whore and the sad thing is your a head whore of a lame club that is ober laggy. so dont put yourself over to much cause i know for a fact that you consider yourself to be all that cause thats what people have been pumping in your head. but the fact of the matter is that your moderatly doable thats it. and true you are offering a service that is requested in sl however your not some fuckign visionary cause your a hooker. your just a hooker and btw this is a male :p
Posted by: PowerGammerMyass | September 15, 2004 at 04:41 PM
also another thing this whole mistress thing. the thing is that im sure you think you are soemthign cause losers like to be dominated by you. the fact of the matter is this you are not dominate you might act it but your a women and a man will always be able to kick your ass expecially this one. takes a real loser to pay to be dominated by a women all a man has to do to get dominated is get pussy wooped.
Posted by: Power gammer my ass | September 15, 2004 at 05:05 PM
First of all, just with your attitude I would not blow you if you were using someone elses cock. So whether I am moderately doable or not is irrelivant. Second, you can have your opinion of me, it does not change the fact that not only have you proved to anyone reading this that you are an asshole, but an illiterate one at that. I never said I was drop dead anything, and do not see myself in that way. Beauty shines from within, and your personality and bashing on here makes you pitiful. You focused on one aspect of the interview and that is the Escort Service, it is NOT all that I am made up of nor the prime meaning of my existance online.
As far as the book, no I am not writing it about just the game, it is about life on the internet. And you are prime material to be listed under, "those who have no business owning a PC". Take an English class, then get back to me.
Now this:
"also another thing this whole mistress thing. the thing is that im sure you think you are soemthign cause losers like to be dominated by you. the fact of the matter is this you are not dominate you might act it but your a women and a man will always be able to kick your ass expecially this one. takes a real loser to pay to be dominated by a women all a man has to do to get dominated is get pussy wooped."
Without having the urge to correct the whole paragraph, I will tell you this. I would receive the upmost pleasure of getting you into a room and showing you EXACTLY what I am capable of IRL. I have taken down fucks with more of a cocky attitude than you. And that is just a fact...
Posted by: Daphne | September 15, 2004 at 06:18 PM
Oh and before you try and reply, try not to think that much, you might hurt yourself. After all you are just a man, and not capable of doing to much with the head that sits on your shoulders. Most of the most successful men have made it in life with an even stronger woman leading the way.
Don't you have some things to shoot up in Counter Strike?? Stay there...your electricty gets better use of your time there.
Posted by: Daphne | September 15, 2004 at 06:26 PM
*Pulling up lawn chair, making popcorn..."
Posted by: urizenus | September 15, 2004 at 06:36 PM
ok listen im sure if i was tied up then you could have a free go at me. and how typical for a bitch to attack my writeing. what you need to do is try and go to club elite try moveing around then get back to me. if your going to be a head whore atleast do it in a place you can move. as far as your fucking lame bf terminator. hes a pussy thats why his guy has so many tatoo's is cause in real life he would solidly cry his eyes out. mistress daphne my fucking asshole. you are the evolution of the women in this world you over estimate you purpose and your value. yes your life on the net cause you have no other life except maybe doign a catering job haveing a bunch of illegal setting up pigs in the blanked for a funeral. you stupid bitch the sad fuckign fact is that your lame. your just a women doing what women have doen threw out the ages. you know what can make you confortable anywere cause of you pussy not your intellect. so dont put yourself over as a important women behind an important man. the only purpose women serve in this manner is to make sure we cum and that we are clean. and if your rich enough you dont even have to see if he is clean cause there are maids and mistresses. so i laugh at your little womens lib horshit that in some way there has to be a women behind a powerful and important man look at seigfreid and roy there a coupel or rich faggots were is the women there? the thing is your self absorbed and you think your important. sorry news flash you work for a scummy club and your a cyber whore. btw i looked at those pics earlier and you dont have a lick of artistic talent. O.o
Posted by: ListenBitch | September 15, 2004 at 10:11 PM
Hey sup death grace i see u are unhappy as usual and claiming to be a what>> so called hacker lmfaoooo.. How fucking funny man. You dont have nothing else better to do then blow shit up and ruin the fun that others come to the game for and put others down.. when u are prob some lonely fat person behind a damn computer desk over there.. That has no life and that doesnt do shit in rl.. so u have to come in here and make your little comments.. well i got news for u if u are such a great hacker u claim to be i want to see u bring sl servers down and know when u do it i would love to see that one and if u are a true hacker why are u hiding huh? I know hackers they dont hide from shit like i dont.
because i know what i got or have so why dont u show your true self.. Well i guess u can scratch that one i know it has to be you lol.Hope your misreable life gets better and that u stop fucking your dog and get a real woman like daph is a real woman and uri is just doing his job so get over it!!
Posted by: Terminator | September 15, 2004 at 10:24 PM
Hey sup death grace i see u are unhappy as usual and claiming to be a what>> so called hacker lmfaoooo.. How fucking funny man. You dont have nothing else better to do then blow shit up and ruin the fun that others come to the game for and put others down.. when u are prob some lonely fat person behind a damn computer desk over there.. That has no life and that doesnt do shit in rl.. so u have to come in here and make your little comments.. well i got news for u if u are such a great hacker u claim to be i want to see u bring sl servers down and know when u do it i would love to see that one and if u are a true hacker why are u hiding huh? I know hackers they dont hide from shit like i dont.
because i know what i got or have so why dont u show your true self.. Well i guess u can scratch that one i know it has to be you lol.Hope your misreable life gets better and that u stop fucking your dog and get a real woman like daph is a real woman and uri is just doing his job so get over it!!
Posted by: Terminator | September 15, 2004 at 10:25 PM
Hey sup death grace i see u are unhappy as usual and claiming to be a what>> so called hacker lmfaoooo.. How fucking funny man. You dont have nothing else better to do then blow shit up and ruin the fun that others come to the game for and put others down.. when u are prob some lonely fat person behind a damn computer desk over there.. That has no life and that doesnt do shit in rl.. so u have to come in here and make your little comments.. well i got news for u if u are such a great hacker u claim to be i want to see u bring sl servers down and know when u do it i would love to see that one and if u are a true hacker why are u hiding huh? I know hackers they dont hide from shit like i dont.
because i know what i got or have so why dont u show your true self.. Well i guess u can scratch that one i know it has to be you lol.Hope your misreable life gets better and that u stop fucking your dog and get a real woman like daph is a real woman and uri is just doing his job so get over it!!
Posted by: Terminator | September 15, 2004 at 10:25 PM
By the GRACE of God Uri, how did you know that popcorn is better than DEATH by chocolate???
See you all in game!! *Grins Wickedly*
(Pull the hint out and turn in around and you will see what I have found)
Posted by: Daphne | September 15, 2004 at 10:26 PM
Now hold on. what is with this shit talking? i was told that i was geting flamed here. how did i get in this conversation?
Posted by: Death Grace | September 15, 2004 at 10:41 PM
That was quick...who told you?? or maybe you just read it and didn't like it?
I'm not sure, you seemed to have fit the bill and were called on it.
If its not you then you got a bad rap and people think it is.
Posted by: Daphne | September 15, 2004 at 10:49 PM
Ya i do have a bad rap. But then again anyone that knows me knows i really dont care. If i would happen to know you and not like you and made a choice to talk shit to you i would do it with my own name. and yes my girlfreind told me. She usally reads the herald alot as you can see she is in todays issue i beleive.
Posted by: Death Grace | September 15, 2004 at 10:55 PM
Ya i do have a bad rap. But then again anyone that knows me knows i really dont care. If i would happen to know you and not like you and made a choice to talk shit to you i would do it with my own name. and yes my girlfreind told me. She usally reads the herald alot as you can see she is in todays issue i beleive.
Posted by: Death Grace | September 15, 2004 at 11:00 PM
K...tell her I said hi. LOL I'm done with this for now, you or not its already getting old.
Posted by: Daphne | September 15, 2004 at 11:01 PM
fuck you death grace and fuck you daphne and most of all fuck you termiantor. you dont have to be a hacker to make scripts that will lag the servers down enough to crash them stupid.
Posted by: ListenBitch | September 15, 2004 at 11:08 PM
Fuck you whoever you are i know that you wont say this shit to me in game you fuckign asshole. ya i hear ya im done with this too. i wont be read anything this village idiot has to say.
Posted by: Death Grace | September 15, 2004 at 11:10 PM
Saw your message, Hi Daphne. ...Mr. Death Grace, I am NOT your g/f, I am your WIFE and proud of it. *kisses m'love* And to Terminator....what is your beef with my SL husband?
Posted by: CherryBomb Hare | September 15, 2004 at 11:56 PM
First of all, CherryBomb, thanks for the interview and congrats on yer skin work...
Now, Death, I don't mean to alarm u, but ListenBitch, LOL, PowerGamerMyAss, and PowerGamerLOL, have all been posting under your IP address, which suggests maybe that they have snuck into your house and are using your computer. Even more alarming, ListenBitch posted on the same IP two minutes before you did, suggesting that he might be hiding right there in your room, under your bed or something. On the other hand, maybe he is hiding in yer mind somewhere along with all the others? Or...
...if its not a multiple personality disorder maybe its just just that you are a pussy attacking a woman from behind a fake name. I don't mind; our Rules of Conduct permit it and all. I'm just a little surprised to see an associate of One Song behave like such a pussy. And I'm tryihg to figure out how a pussy like you got married to CherryBomb Hale.
Not that I'm taking sides in this. Just keepin' it real...
Posted by: urizenus | September 16, 2004 at 09:45 AM
LIES ALL LIES. maybe its someone on my network.....maybe its cesar.
Posted by: Death Grace | September 16, 2004 at 03:10 PM
uri as a matter of fact im ones general. and you should watch who your calling a pussy. but anyways i have someone on my network and i wont disclose their name or group affiliation in sl. but anyways.
and as far as that whole i posted right after that other person. I was bored and i was watching the flame war cause sl is being a fucktard and crashing and shit.
Posted by: Death Grace | September 16, 2004 at 03:16 PM
Tell you what, Death, you may be One's general, but I know him well enough to know that he's not going to let you go off on some personal mission against me because you got called for hiding behind a pseud and mis-macking your trash talk against an Elite escort. And while you may be One's general *now* I would watch my back if I were you, cuz there are plenty of qualified men and women behind you that ain't pussies and that would love you have your job.
Posted by: urizenus | September 16, 2004 at 03:42 PM
whatever uri it was a freind on my network. anyways there is no one more qualified than me. i helped him create what is known today as the associates. i was his first cappo. so just relax m8.
Posted by: Death Grace | September 16, 2004 at 03:46 PM
btw my freind wont be posting anymore i told him i would kick his ass if he did.
Posted by: Death Grace | September 16, 2004 at 03:55 PM
Urizenus, it was my pleasure and an honor to be interviewed by the SL Herald. :)
I've read the article and comments posted here. And put much thought into it. "Why? Because I can." I have to admit, it made me laugh. Which I feel badly about because I'm figuring that real life feelings have been hurt here...Daphne's. (Though I could be wrong, she seems like a pretty tough cookie).
Now, I am no hacker, and I have no clue how to research IP addresses. Perhaps Death did make all those comments, and has "multiple personality disorder." *giggles* It doesn't make me love him any less. Wonder what I see in this guy, I'm assuming? Bad side: hard headed, stubborn, fighsty & in my opinion some of his views/beliefs in life are a bit harsh. Good side: caring, VERY loving, faithful, loyal, helpful & problem solver (believe it or not), one of the best friends you could ever have (if he likes you), and he has always been there for me. There has been times he's stayed up until 6AM in the morning just for me, because I'm upset about real life issues. He has never once told me "NO" for anything I've needed or wanted, in or out of game. Now i ask you, how could I not love him? I adore the man, he's captured my heart. I cherish every minute we spend together.
Do I believe Death is all these people? I think it's very possible, simply because I know his view on prostitution. Daphne agreed to do this interview, so I'm assuming she knew it was feasible that it would get these sorts of comments. And I myself, do not consider her a "power gamer". It's not hard to master the art of cybering.
I agree Urizenus, lets keep it real. Now I'm not the type of person to "bash" anyone and perfer to mind my own business. I never judge a book by it's cover. But considering my SL husband has been dragged into this, I've choosen to voice my opinion. There are some things here I find very hard to believe. "Uri: well, what do you think you could make if you put your mind to it. Daphne Molinari: Me personally, well if I really wanted to and found a good base of regulars at least 50k per week or more." Lets break that down with simple math, shall we? Assuming you get to keep every penny of that $500 per 30 minutes, that would equal to more than a weeks worth of cybering, for 7 hours a day.
Now lets assume she actually CAN pull that off. Please tell me, when does she have time for this? "As far as my RL, well I am 34, married, a mother of 3, a business owner (a Catering Company, partner in my husbands Painting and contracting company, an Adult Entertainment business and a Lifestyle Dominatrix), a full time student (Nursing major, Psychology minor), and Gamer. I carry a 3.0+ GPA and I am also working on writing a book about my adventures online." Oh, and this: "Lineage II, a Delusion Sword, Cgrade, accessible to a level 40+ character."
Another thing i find hard to believe is the real life escort service. I do believe perhaps she works for one, but "Daphne Molinari: My RL time brings in 60.00 per hour or more RL money." Wow!! That's A LOT OF REAL LIFE CASH! Damn, I need a job doing that! Why in the world your going to school full time for Nursing & Psychology is BEYOND ME!
How does a person accomplish all of this, and still have time to please her REAL LIFE husband? (Or sleep for that matter). I wonder, how old are the children of "mom of 3", and what to they think about what mommy does on the internet?
"Daphne Molinari: I dont use voice often at all.
Uri: well I guess I don't understand now. You can use voice in SL, and you can supply them with a hot chat partner (with your Santana Lumiere avi no less) and all kinds of fetishware and animations, and you are saying you charge less because what? no phone?" Well Urizenus, I can think of 2 good reasons for this. 1st is so the children cannot hear it. Mommy needs to hide what she does. 2nd, it takes longer to type than it does to use voice. Considering that fact, i'm going to assume it takes the man longer to "get off". Thus making more profit.
And please, I know I'm a bad speller, so don't even go there. I'm an artist, not an English major.
Posted by: CherryBomb Hare | September 16, 2004 at 04:08 PM
ok and let me point out when you first started you were in the same bussiness love. but anyways cherry baby it was cesar not me.
Posted by: Death Grace | September 16, 2004 at 04:15 PM
Well then, smack Cesar in the head for me next time you see him.
And Death, I was a Diamonds DANCER, and quit dancing long ago for you. Thanks babe, for telling me I was a good designer, to stick with it....for believing in me more than I did myself.
Posted by: CherryBomb Hare | September 16, 2004 at 04:29 PM
um yas welcome babies?
Posted by: Death Grace | September 16, 2004 at 04:58 PM
Cherry you are a hoot!! Anyway let me try to clear things up.
Defined as a power gamer went beyond the escort service, it was not and is not the only thing that I have done on the internet, as mentioned in the interview I was a beta tester and founder in SIMS, part of a team that created the nude patch and the alternate clothing in SIMS,(that included an installer so it was one click and all skins were installed), Then moved on to THERE, where I am founder of the club Dragonfly Designs, a line of clothing made for the game by TOmmy Stone, where I promoted his work until our split. I am also a member(though not active atm) of Queer Eye for the There Guy; a VERY infuential group in there that is recognized for "recognizing" designers of all 3 lines that THERE offers. (transportation, home design and clothing) before I stepped down I was Fashion Coordinator along with Brian Kinney and coordinated and MC'd the "Spring Flowers Fashion Show". In Lineage II I am a Shillen Elder, and accomplishment from lvl'ing to Level 40 (which is not easy might I add)and a member of a very good Clan which I was one of the 1st 4 members and help build to the 40+ we have now. In SL I am a co-manager for the Elite Escort Service, and now I have been asked to be the resident photographer for my skills and work with Adobe Photoshop. Along with that I am a member of Terrapin Studio's as texture designer and Advertiser.
What is a definition of a powergamer?? I feel it is a person who enters an online world and can make a name for themselves. A person such as yourself who creates beautiful skins and is known for that. I wear multiple hats and can be recognized for multiple things. Call it multi tasking, insanity or pure desire if you will.
OK now, as far as 50k per week, yes it is attainable with the basic 500L per 30 minutes and gratuities and the nature of the work. I have gotten tips as high as 5000k for my experience as a Dominatrix and working with clients that desire the D/s treatment.
The 60.00 RL money hourly is NOT a full time 40 hour work week. That is based on ACTUAL call time, which is why in the interview I stated that my Escort service does not include voice. It is not worth it to me for the price in L. The RL escort service is not in fact unreal, it was something that I had done as a silent partner(hiring, taking calls and setting up the appointments), it was shortlived but I now work on a project called And advertising network for escorts and services. You will not see me on there, as I do not escort, but in works with the creator for selling the advertising space to escorts and phone operators in the industry.
I sleep very little, my husband works 2 jobs and I hardly see him, my children are ages 7, 5 and 4 and I had much more time to spend in game during the summer when I was not in school.
" Well Urizenus, I can think of 2 good reasons for this. 1st is so the children cannot hear it. Mommy needs to hide what she does. 2nd, it takes longer to type than it does to use voice. Considering that fact, i'm going to assume it takes the man longer to "get off". Thus making more profit."
LOL That is very true!! I do my phone work in the evening when the kids are asleep, but 30 min is still 30 min, if they want more time that is up to them.
With that being said, I hope that clears things up a little and puts things into more perspective. I knew what I was getting into with this interview and had hoped that people would heve seen beyond just the "Escorts" but apparently that did not happen. But, it's all good.
Posted by: Daphne | September 16, 2004 at 05:31 PM
Okay I was going to let you go with the more ego maniac shit, but now that you just had to put in
"people would heve seen beyond just the "Escorts" but apparently that did not happen"
I am a person who has and believes in morals. I have respect for the body of a woman, I dont think of it as a paid sex toy, but as a thing of beauty. How can you even think or want people to think about you. Actually that is like all [cyber] escorts think. LOVE ME!!!! Sorry, nope, that ain't going to happen. The moment you sell your self for 1 penny, you are not a woman, but an object. An object that has a sex hole, that men get off too. An object that has disgraced them self in such way, that they might as well put a bag over there head, so noone can see it in shame. You are nothing but a money maker, my friend.
Posted by: Ian | September 16, 2004 at 05:53 PM
well ian i wouldnt go that far. i agree as long as a women is a whore or a prostitute then they are an object but if they quit and get more respectful work. then they are no longer an object. but yes i agree with you prostitutes are not respected no matter what anyone says. and if they say they are they are protecting their own intrests in one way or another.
Posted by: Death Grace | September 16, 2004 at 08:44 PM
Well if prostitutes aren't respected, then maybe people should learn to be more respectful.
But I gotta say, I am amused by the spectacle of Death and Ian leading the charge against the objectification of women here. I always knew that deep down you were both Sensitive New Age Guys.
Posted by: urizenus | September 16, 2004 at 10:16 PM
Hey I am a guy, I get horny, but come on a whore is a whore. Even though, they date back to the biblical times (even the first form of money making), (religion 101) that don't mean they deserve respect. Prof, I respect them as women, but not as prostitutes.
Posted by: Ian | September 16, 2004 at 10:40 PM
i know i got a rep as being a nazi hardcore mean son of a bitch i really do care about things like objectifying of women. it isnt healthy for this and it also breaks down the family unit. plus it makes young men not respect all women in some cases cause they look at all women in this light if it is condoned in any type of society. however we make our own choices in this world and if she chooses to do what she is then she has that right. however it shouldnt be expected that we should agree or condone. see this is the same mind set that changes things from tolerance to aceptance. anyways.
Posted by: Death Grace | September 16, 2004 at 11:27 PM
anyone who is worth a shit doesnt have to defend themselves tooth and nail (DAPHNE). if you have really accomplished all that you have, why do you give a shit? move on, and be happy with your accomplishments.
Posted by: Mafioso | September 18, 2004 at 06:52 AM
oh, and much
Posted by: Mafioso | September 18, 2004 at 06:57 AM
Well I guess I *still* don't get, because I would have thought that respecting a woman and her body meant giving her control over it and not telling her what to do with it (or,in this case, telling her what to pretend to do with it in cyber). When did we decide that respect meant inventing restrictive rules of behavior and insisting that people obey them. What's next? We make women wear burkas because we respect their bodies? We make them wear chastity belts because we resepct their bodies? We have ritual clitorectomies because we respect their bodies? We ostrasize them because they roleplay escorts in online games...because...we respect their bodies?
Respect means treating someone as an autonomous moral agent with control over their own actions and persons. There is nothing respectful about forcing archaic patriarchal morality on people.
Posted by: urizenus | September 18, 2004 at 01:10 PM
thanks mafioso
i am not forcing morals, i was just explaining my morals with many others morals. women can have their own choice, but don't expect people to have respect for you, when you sell your body for money. uri, i dont get you, you are saying that since it is virtual *pretend* sex, and well that doesnt matter, but on the other hand in your There articles about whores, you do not condone those actions. and please, i am sure on the other side, the men she pleasures prolly feel themselves or jerk off. i am just telling daphne my personal opinion, not forcing anything, but i am sure my morals are expressed by many people. i never said that women have to hide their flesh or any thing of that nature. just tell this "accomplished" phone sex /virtual sex/real life sex whore to cut her whole ego trip and look in the fucking mirror. to get respect you gotta earn it.
Posted by: ian | September 18, 2004 at 05:30 PM
In the first place I never wrote an article about escorts in There, I linked to one. And I never judged the article or the people reported on or even the even editorialized on it, except to say that the author made a good point about people ho-ing themselves in a lame game economy, but noted that he included ho-ing their intellectual talents by writing for newspapers. I *do* find it humorous, however, that there was a parade of Therians charging in to the blog ready to deny that cybering was happening. I never suggested that I would think less of them if there was cybering. Go read the thread.
As for Daphne I don't see why she hasn't earned your respect. She should have.
Posted by: urizenus | September 18, 2004 at 09:38 PM