By Gina Fatale
Most Second Life veterans are already familiar with Second Life Boxing (SLB). Run by Tommy Rampal and David Jacobs, these two men combine boxing and WWE style matches, bringing some high octane entertainment to SL. With the nearing completion of their new arena/mall/amusement complex the two impresarios wanted to have a boxing match that would bring fans flocking to their new virtual venue of violence. David came up with the idea of having One Song vs. Tank Levy for the main event. Many of you already know the recent history between these two gentlemen. This match would certainly be one for the ages if it were to actually happen. I sat down and was able to interview Tommy, One, and Tank about the upcoming virtual rumble:
SLH Reporter Gina Fatale puts One Song in the hot seat and demonstrates what deep, probing, journalism is all about.
Part 1: Tommy Rampal
Gina Fatale: ok ty tommy start off by telling me who came up with the One/Tank match and why Tank has declined
Tommy Rampal: Well me and david jacobs (my partner in this business) were talking about what matches we could do for the slb big event 'Boxingmania'
Tommy Rampal: and he came up with a match 'One song vs. Tank Levy'
Gina Fatale: good idea
Tommy Rampal: I contacted One Song about the idea, he liked it
Gina Fatale: then you contacted Tank correct
Tommy Rampal: and announced it official on the slb website
Tommy Rampal: yes, well he didnt know about it.
Gina Fatale: ok
Tommy Rampal: untill he got online
Tommy Rampal: and he wasnt happy lol.
Gina Fatale: what was his response to the challenge
Tommy Rampal: he would take part in the event
Tommy Rampal: but just not with one song
Gina Fatale: i see did he say why he would not box Mr Song
Tommy Rampal: well he did
Tommy Rampal: and he said from what happened in the past
Tommy Rampal: he doesnt want to be near him, or make things worse by fighting him in a boxing match.
Gina Fatale: so he did not want to face him
Tommy Rampal: thats correct
Gina Fatale: what did One Song say when he heard Tank would not participate
Tommy Rampal: but i did get a conversation with him and practised boxing with him today
Tommy Rampal: and he might change his mind.
Tommy Rampal: He is currently thinking about it.
Gina Fatale: so there is a chance this may happen anyway
Tommy Rampal: yes.
Gina Fatale: did he say what is changing his mind?
Tommy Rampal: Nope. lol
Tommy Rampal: ill talk to him about it soon.
Tommy Rampal: I will post a update on what happens on
Gina Fatale: im going to interview him as well if he is into it
Gina Fatale: and i will also try to talk to david and of course One
Gina Fatale: ty for your time with this tommy
After speaking with Tommy I was able to catch One Song and get his side of the story and his remarks:
Part 2: One Song
Gina Fatale: ok Mr. Song tell me how you were approached about the boxing match and what was your first reaction
One Song: sure thing love
One Song: it happened approximately 1 week ago, when a ex member of the associates who now owns the biggest boxing arena Second Life Boxing (SLB) told me about his grand re-opening
One Song: Tommy Rample suggested I face Tank Levy in a match consisting of 3 rounds...
One Song: and how could I possibly refuse such an offer...
Gina Fatale: so you accepted the challenge right away then
One Song: an instant reaction
One Song: I said great when can we do this...I can't hardly wait
One Song: finally I get a chance to kick the crap of his cocky big and stupid ass
Gina Fatale: rumor had it he did not want to box you and refused the challenge what do you think of that
One Song: I think Tank Levy is a big pussy, who is now about to be unmasked for whom he truly is
One Song: and not forgetting getting the shit kicked out of
One Song: when he heard about it he must obviously shit his pants
Gina Fatale: what do you think was the reason he did not want to box?
One Song: and those rumors are 100% true David Jacobs had informed me that Tank was unwilling to fight, only after the second life herald heard about the story he suprisingly changed his mind
Gina Fatale: this match is going to attract a big crowd
One Song: because he is a loser, and knows he will be beaten by the better man
One Song: oh yes. I am expecting something like 45 people to turn up minimum
Gina Fatale: you have a lot of aggression towards this man i'm afraid to see whats going to happen in ring lol
One Song: lol, might consider finding some anims involving biting his ugly face off
Gina Fatale: ouch
One Song: I mean it?s so cheeky that he actually believe he could mess with One Song and get away with it
One Song: what a stupid fuck.
Gina Fatale: he claims he was innocent
One Song: he had a ton of easier targets to pick on SL, he had to go for the best....shows some true arrogance from his side
One Song: innocent funny u say that....
Gina Fatale: well it?s what he claims lol
One Song: he likes to act innocent that?s for sure...I've analyzed his actions from day one...till he actually got put through the test and failed
One Song: the test was
Gina Fatale: tell me about that
One Song: publicity as soon as he felt he was part of something big....the Associates and practically right hand man with the most powerful man in SL
One Song: and owning a huge plot which I worked very hard in getting ppl to move and trying to keep it civil as much as I could
Gina Fatale: and we all know what happened with that lol
One Song: lol
One Song: whats her name again
One Song: the damn dyke
One Song: lol guess goes to show how much I care about anyways u all know who I am talking about
Gina Fatale: I can?t think of it right now i?m being distracted sitting on your lap as it is
One Song: she was the only person I lost patience with and resorted to some immature intimidating tactics
One Song: ohh baby
Gina Fatale: lol
One Song: can't wait till this interview is done
One Song: then we can get on some real work in private ;)
Gina Fatale: lol
Gina Fatale: let me wrap this up then any last words to our slh readers bout the match lol jk
One Song: lol sure..
One Song: may I finish about tank and how he failed?
One Song: b4 u do that?
Gina Fatale: of course
One Song: thx dear :)
Gina Fatale: i?m at your mercy lol
One Song: I like it that way ;)
One Song: ok back to what happened in the past with Tank Levy and him failing the invisible test
One Song: Tank got over his head when as it might seemed from his perspective his suddenly owning a plot of land that was bigger than mine
One Song: but any fool knows it?s not about how much land u have in SL, it?s what u choose to do with it
One Song: so in his big stupid that people actually knew who he was
One Song: he must thought to himself wait a minute I have this huge plot, One Song was kind enough to work countless hours for free and give it to me without charging a penny
One Song: what a sucker.... I might as well be the new "One"
Gina Fatale: I don?t think anyone can be you sir
One Song: I mean there are a tone of ppl the previously told me about Tank apparently admiring me so much
Gina Fatale: your 'one" of kind lol (yea that was dorky)
One Song: awww
One Song: ur sweet love
One Song: but I concur ;-)
Gina Fatale: lol
One Song: everything about Tank became particularly obvious with his interview with Father Callaham
One Song: when he didn?t mention anything I done not even once, when the whole mall idea location, reason for it being in land etc was all my careful planning
One Song: and the humorous thing is Club Elite no longer reside in Federal now days... I must admit I didn't think there was a great chance they would be moving to their own sim at the time
One Song: so the land value of Tank's land dropped dramatically
Gina Fatale: yes it has
One Song: yup I mean I done alot of land baron work for Tank at that time worth approximately L$50K
One Song: but the land prices dropped so severely I would estimate 50% of its original value that I totally forgot about the money he rightfully owes me
One Song: I think he got punished enough by the recent drop in land prices
Gina Fatale: and now your about to take it in a ring lol
One Song: it certainly makes me laugh though, and the fact that instead of sticking to the original money fruitful plan which was the Super man
One Song: he actually decided to mimic what I have by building an Exotic Dance club again evidence of how much that moron wants to be just like me
One Song: even if it incorporates him making the wrong business moves, but I figured he didn't have the "brains" or the balls to got for the mall idea once I deserted him
One Song: but bad things happen to bad people.
One Song: I do believe in karma, I know I am not very well spoken by a minority in SL who slaughter my good name
Gina Fatale: men in power always get that it comes with the job
One Song: but when you sitting in the big chair u will always create enemies sooner or later....its unavoidable
One Song: precisely, so all I can do is laugh when I am badly spoken of
Gina Fatale: take it as a form of admiration means your doing it well
One Song: and what makes me laugh the most is that there isn?t a single claim from me ever cheating anyone is SL in any way whatsoever.
One Song: goes to show the accusations about me are false.
One Song: thank u very much Gina
Gina Fatale: anytime One :)
One Song: and u know its always a pleasure of mine having ur sexy toosh in my lap ;)
Gina Fatale: oh no the pleasure is all mine
One Song: any final questions?
Gina Fatale: any direct words to tank for the upcoming event?
One Song: sure
One Song: Tank when u see this message. Know I am coming for u, and there is nothing u can do to stop me.
Gina Fatale: well ty Mr. Song for your time :)
One Song: your very welcome Gina always my pleasure ;)
And finally interviewed Tank Levy here:
Part 3: Tank Levy
Gina Fatale: ok i guess you can start off this interview by tellin me who approached you with the boxing challenge and what was your first reaction to it
Tank Levy: wow, I was approached by Tommy Rampal about it
Gina Fatale: and what did you think of it
Tank Levy: my reaction was that I would be very willing to help Tommy and David Jacobs with Second Life Boxing in any way I can
Tank Levy: I was a bit upset as to the fact that I wasn't asked before it was posted
Tank Levy: but I am over it, no big deal
Gina Fatale: ok so at first you did not like the idea or just that they did not tell you?
Tank Levy: well, let me ask you something.
Gina Fatale: ok
Tank Levy: would you like it if someone that you felt that you could trust, had you buy up a bunch of land for a project, only to turn on you and try to sucker you out of it?
Gina Fatale: not at all is that what happened between you and One Song?
Tank Levy: Yes, it is exactly what happened
Gina Fatale: i see i dont want to get off the SLB topic tho - but is that what made you at first not want to box Mr Song?
Tank Levy: then after doing that, he tried to extort moneis from me, claiming that I owed him for his time
Tank Levy: In my opinion, One Song AKA Mr Fairplay (HA HA HA) fairplay, that is rich, anyway, he is a lying, backstabbing, manipulative, swindler
Gina Fatale: sounds like my type of man lol jk
Gina Fatale: all this tension u have should be brought in the boxing ring what better way right?
Tank Levy: so, yes, I have tried to distance myself from him. Tried to washt the stench of him from me
Tank Levy: *wash
Gina Fatale: whats he smell like?
Tank Levy: HA HA HA
Gina Fatale: lol
Tank Levy: anyway, I didn't really want to be that close to him
Tank Levy: but I will back down from no One.
Gina Fatale: ok but now tommy says you have reconsidered and will box him is that correct?
Tank Levy: that is erect
Tank Levy: I mean, correct
Gina Fatale: erect? lol
Tank Levy: LOL
Gina Fatale: oh your gettin erect on me now lol
Tank Levy: I am just a fun loving guy
Gina Fatale: lol oh god this is gonna get me fired for sure
Tank Levy: I want to have fun
Tank Levy: One Song has made that difficult for me
Tank Levy: too much drama
Tank Levy: that is why I didn't want to box him at first
Tank Levy: nto because I am scared of him
Tank Levy: *not
Gina Fatale: so now that your going to box him any words you'd like to say?
Tank Levy: Just that I urge everyone that has ever had a problem with him to come cheer me on
Gina Fatale: this fight is certainly going to attract a crowd
Gina Fatale: im looking forward to it myself
Tank Levy: indeed it will, and that is a big reason that I decided to do it
Tank Levy: to help support SLB, it is a great thing
Certainly this match will be big headlines next week and I personally can?t wait to see the outcome of this. For more information and updates on the match check out SLB?s website at or check the Events in SL. Good luck boys!
ROFL love the comment under the pic Uri - nice touch lol
Gina Fatale
Posted by: Liz | October 06, 2004 at 02:27 PM
I need One Song's yahoo or aim and I'm sure he'd let me have it.. if you know it please IM me either on yahoo or AIM.
Yahoo: Diadeloz_Fonzarelli
AIM: TWCRichmond
Posted by: Diadeloz Fonzarelli | October 06, 2004 at 08:40 PM