Since Liz Montana moved to SL, became Gina Fatale, and went to work for One Song, life has gotten better for the Triad Mafia. Not only do they claim to pwn Dragon's Cove on their web site, but Bob Busch has recently published a dissertation on the virtual Mafia life in Mick Lite's new forums. What is Gina doing? Well, tonight she's getting married. I think the guy sells insurance or alluminum siding or something. Has she gone soft from all the sim luv? I remember the days when she pwned Bobby.
I played TSO when Bobby first started out in DG and i ran my mafia at the time. The guy cant "PWN" nothing if he tried.
In DG My mafia "owned" him (the true term..Pwn is a homo term) Lizs mafia owned him all the time its no news. Stop trying to "pwn" sumthing bobby u idiot.
Posted by: Claydog | October 16, 2004 at 01:31 PM
actually Claydog, if you've played a game other then the dollhouse TSO, the correct "l33t" speak term is pwn, not own...Own is strictly TSO, unlike Pwn which can be found in any other mmorpg. What on earth "Pwn" means, or even how to pronounce it, I don't know...but, by your logic, the entire MMORPG community is different.
Posted by: Storm | October 16, 2004 at 06:11 PM
ok well it seems that alot of u live in the past and u talk shit about me now cuz ur mad that i outlasted u all. so answer me this question...
whos still in TSO?
Rocco Montana?? NO.
Liz Montana?? NO.
Lonnie Rodreguez?? NO.
Claydog Rocafella?? NO.
Dio Martel?? NO.
Bob Busch??? YES!
talk all the shit u want i outlasted all u mother fuckers. u tried for 8 months to make me leave TSO and u failed. if u wanna prove anything to me try comming back to TSO and trying to fuck with me in Dragons Cove i got more members and allys then LLC and Montana ud all be destroyed. its obvious u losers got no life and all u can do is sit ur fat asses on the computer all day and write bullshit about me in websites, thanks for the publicity but ur all pathetic and sad please kill urselves
Posted by: Bob Busch | October 16, 2004 at 07:34 PM
yo first off .BOB A.K.A THE DUDE WHO SLOB NOB.1 you don't know me 2 an i don't realy think you want to know me BOY matter of fact lat me school you real fast homo the name is Reno Blaze in tso punk av bf cc tc an dc now when you talk about my women punk you talk right or dont talk at all find out who the hell i am befor you start runnen your trap fool keep you from getten your head slap ight chump
Posted by: RenoParks-Blaze | October 18, 2004 at 05:56 AM
Dunno bout MMORPGS but in the FPS scene "Owned" is the correct term. And yes "pwned" sounds rather stupid. lol. probably a bunch of omfg! 133t h4x dickheads altered the original term and it unfortunatley spread and is used by all the people who want to be cool. but this is only FPS, i don't know about mmorpgs, like i said. =D
- RB
Posted by: RB | October 23, 2004 at 01:51 AM
So because of this post liz montana or she likes to be called Gina Fatale now sends her bitches to TSO to my house to try to take me out but her plan backfired. take a look
give it up liz, Montanas and LLCs is were and always will be TRIAD OWNED now run and play SL with the rest of the cowards.
Posted by: Bob Busch | October 23, 2004 at 04:53 PM
Um, Bob, the thing is, on SL they actually have *guns*.
How is it you came to own DC? Did you win a pizza bake-off with Coco and AJ?
Maybe u should call your outfit the Betty Crocker Crew.
Stop hiding out in TSO like a little sissy and get your ass into TSO. Or does some Gorean master have to take off your collar first?
Posted by: urizenus | October 23, 2004 at 05:37 PM
let's see if...if you viewed the photos you would see that his energy and social are extremely high (energy being full). he was using the sleepwalking cheat, whichthus made his energy stay high..that is how he won...Bob Busch ain't no big man, he be a big pussy
Posted by: Anony | October 23, 2004 at 05:43 PM
bob never learns does he lol
Posted by: Gina | October 23, 2004 at 08:28 PM
"Stop hiding out in TSO like a little sissy and get your ass into TSO" Urizenes
ok... i will
where the fuck u think ive been for the last 10 months asswipe. fuck stop talking cuz ur retarded.
Posted by: Bob Busch | October 25, 2004 at 01:52 AM
He ment get out of TSO and into SL. anyone following the conversation with at least high school intelligence could see it was an obvious typo/mistake.
Posted by: Bob you idiot | October 25, 2004 at 05:41 AM
Like i told your punk ass you dont own shit boy but the dick in your ass you walk around with. when you think your have become a man then come see me fool. shady ass lil fucker
Posted by: RenoParks-Blaze | October 26, 2004 at 11:47 AM
lol bob i dare you you will get soooooo owned cmon bobby lets see what ya got
Posted by: jbird | October 30, 2004 at 10:16 PM
LOL...uhhmm BOB? remember me huh? were on your back,laying in MONTANA piss, begging me to stop pounding on you...anyone care to see the screenshot? BTW nice attempt at trying to say you knocked me out...any idiot who lives in DC knows there is a energy and comfort lag jumping from house to house and your picture shows just that....DUHH
Posted by: Bianca Montana | October 31, 2004 at 08:12 PM