By Gina Fatale
The results from Friday?s Boxingmania at SLB in the One Song vs Tank Levy match are in, and as I predicted, the winner was One Song. The night started off with alot of trash talking between the two rivals and jumping in on the One-Song-hater band wagon was none other than one half owner of SLB himself, David Jacobs! David, who eventually teamed up with Tank Levy in the ring to box against One Song was also beat. I was able to grab the gracious Mr. Song for a little one on one interview and some kind words about his vanquished opponents:
Back in the hot seat! Another deeply probing interview by crack reporter Gina Fatale.
Gina Fatale: ok One lets hear it cuz from what I witnessed at Friday nights Boxingmania you not only had words with your arch enemy Tank but David Jacobs as well what started the trash talk between u and David
One Song: David Jacobs....I will start this interview by telling the audience a bit about who he is
Gina Fatale: ok
One Song: well David once worked for me about 3 or 4 months ago, he was trialing to be my right hand man and failed within 3 days
One Song: at first I thought he was an ambitious dude who could do well, but once we got to know him not just me the dancers at Diamonds back then, they all grew to hate him within 3 days inclusive of my general manager at the time
Gina Fatale: I see so is this how he went and began the SLB?
One Song: so by popular demand he got sacked, it was evident not soley to me but everyone who worked for me at the time that he was merely a brainless scheming snidely 2 faced character
One Song: and we quickly grown sick of him...not only that he has no respect towards anyone
One Song: precisely SLB was formed approximately 2 weeks after
One Song: where him and another ex Associates member who was also sacked not long before him, Tommy Rampal was a sales man of gambling equipment at the time
One Song: in the past Tommy asked me what he could do in SL, when I sacked him it wasn?t under bad terms
One Song: I have no real problems with Tommy, so I helped him out I listed some ideas
One Song: of what SL could use. I came up with naked girls fighting on a mud ring, which admittedly would be very hard to implement with detail
Gina Fatale: lol
One Song: and another what of my ideas was the official SL boxing ring
One Song: where all major boxing matches and tournaments could be held
One Song: Tommy was particularly found of this idea
Gina Fatale: SLB seems to be very popular
One Song: they are reasonably popular, I am sure after my fight with Tank and David the public will take more notice of it
Gina Fatale: yes many would agree to that the turn out to Boxingmania was unreal
Gina Fatale: now bring us to that night of Boxingmania
One Song: and I hope Tommy does well but that David is a back stabber, I feel sorry for Tommy that he said to partner with someone that has those personality traits to do well
One Song: ok sure
Gina Fatale: what was this rumor that David quit slb as the matches were going on
One Song: well my mind was pretty set that night
One Song: yes I don't know if that was part of the script or not but the whole night was dodgy, David having worked for Tank for a while
One Song: it was pretty evident David was bought out by Tank to make sure he would win the fight
Gina Fatale: this is where u and David began exchanging words
One Song: when I heard David was going to referee the match, I told them there is no way in hell I would allow David to referee having the past we had
One Song: and him being allied to one of my Rivals
One Song: thats right
Gina Fatale: you had every right then to be skeptical about that
One Song: it started when he got emotionally affected about what I was letting the crowed know about the situation he used his land tool to eject me from the parcel twice
One Song: eventually I got annoyed and I knew I was being put into a trap where they would make sure I would lose the fight
One Song: so I came up with a plan of my own
Gina Fatale: didn?t u say at one point someone hit u with a script while u were backstage
One Song: yup
Gina Fatale: who do u think did that
One Song: Tank Levy did, it bounced me all the to the Clouds
One Song: when that happened I knew what they were planning to do
Gina Fatale: was it because u think he was afraid to fight you and that u realized David could be in with him
One Song: Tank pre-prepared this script for the eventuality if he were about to lose the fight
One Song: would make me look like I teleported home or to another location
One Song: he was going to try to make me look like the cheater
One Song: very clever. but he was stupid to use it b4 the fight that gave me sufficient time to think and come up of a way of getting a fair fight
Gina Fatale: and what did u do
One Song: and so I did I searched for any online Liasons explained the scenario and the magnitude of this boxing match
One Song: and Michael Linden happened to be online
One Song: me and Michael have argued for hours about theoretical problems regarding land
One Song: and such
One Song: we go back quite a while
One Song: so I asked him for a favor
One Song: and he happily obliged
One Song: I asked him to be present in the match to make sure no illegal bouncing scripts activity went on
One Song: so he asked me if I could teleport him, so I did he said he was busy but would try to stay as long as he could
Gina Fatale: ok then what happened
One Song: when I announced that Michael Linden was there to supervise the referees they shit themselves including David
One Song: so they decided not to use anything involving malicious scripts to make them win the fight
One Song: even if they were about to lose
One Song: this had just bought me a seem fair match
One Song: they forced me to fight in a locked cage both Tank and David if I didn?t want David refereeing
Gina Fatale: and u accepted
One Song: obviously that had brought down the chances of me winning the match to 33%
Gina Fatale: definitely
One Song: but it was better than not getting a fair fight at all
One Song: at least I still had a chance of winning
One Song: and due to sods law, they trying to be smart about it
One Song: didn?t pay off
Gina Fatale: and so the fight began with u against two in a cage
One Song: Liaison was there to take care of bs scripts used for chatting and luckily I won both rounds
One Song: meaning I won the match
One Song: just using 2 out of the 3 possible rounds
One Song: yup correct.
Gina Fatale: congratulations on that by t he way
One Song: thank u very much
Gina Fatale: well I guess you shut them up lol
One Song: I have a theory
Gina Fatale: do tell
One Song: if I believe in something strongly enough and ur cause is justified and a good one
One Song: chances are you will prevail no matter how much the odds are against u
One Song: self-belief is the key
Gina Fatale: and u certainly prevailed
One Song: I knew I would
One Song: I always do
One Song: I know it sounds highly arrogant
One Song: but I?ve done things like this more times than I can count
Gina Fatale: I think you won the right to arrogance just my opinion tho lol
One Song: its part of who I am
One Song: lol :)
One Song: any more questions dear?
Gina Fatale: well One again I Thank you for your time and is there any last remarks u would like to say?
One Song: sure
One Song: Just a message to all my haters, and jealous mother fuckers...
Gina Fatale: and that is
One Song: "You fucking with me, your fucking with the best!" Tony Montana (Scarface)
Gina Fatale: hahah nice
One Song: thats all thank u for ur time lovy ;)
Gina Fatale: ty One again :)
Hopefully I can get in touch with Tank and David to hear their side of the story on this, but this reporter has a feeling Tank won?t be coming near her (*giggles*).
Thanks for doing this interview, i am a commentator at SLB, and we were all wondering what the fuck was going on the other night! And please try your best to get an interview from the others cuz that was kick ass! later
Posted by: ShawnG Bauer aka ShawnRyanII | October 12, 2004 at 04:41 PM
yeah we're working on it. If they don't wanna talk to Gina we'll get someone else to interview them.
Posted by: Urizenus | October 12, 2004 at 05:25 PM
Another story focused on the pathetic SL mafia-wannabes who spend 90% of the day on SL and the other 10 eating and sleeping :P
Posted by: Debra Messing | October 12, 2004 at 08:10 PM
That's really rich coming from you Debra Messing! Someone who obviously has enough time to read such meaningless articles. So whats different from what you do? Oh I know, you spend 90% of your time eating and the other 10% of the day playing SL and sleeping...great work! Keep it up and we will have a new addition to the Guinness book of records.
Posted by: One Song | October 13, 2004 at 07:11 AM
LMFAO good response One.
Gina Fatale
Posted by: Liz | October 13, 2004 at 04:07 PM
The way I heard it was David got beat but Tank won by like 20 points, I wonder if this is just a lil biased Since One and Gina are now both writters for the Paper and get here say. O well, I really dont care who one, just think the public should know the truth, thats all. =)
Posted by: Heaven Lily | October 14, 2004 at 12:21 AM
Err Spelling errpr WON*
Posted by: Heaven Lily | October 14, 2004 at 12:22 AM
I demand a rematch!
Posted by: urizenus | October 14, 2004 at 09:55 AM
Sorry heaven but what you heard was wrong, there are plenty of eye witnesses that will coincide with One Song winning the match against both men. Yes I am a writer for SLH but I have no clue what you are accusing me of here? Is it because I happen to be friends with One? or Urizenus? Or Tommy from SLB? Or whoever? Don't like what I write then by all means write your own stuff and send it in Uri will be more than happy to post it :D
Gina Fatale
Posted by: Gina | October 14, 2004 at 10:52 AM
I'm that General Manager that Song decided to speak for. The next time you wanna state something on behalf of someone....get it right. You never heard me say that I didn't like David Jacobs. I barely knew him back then to form an opinion of him.
So next time talk for yourself and not others. Or maybe when a statement is made on behave of someone else that too should be looked it.
Posted by: Diamonique | October 14, 2004 at 12:08 PM
I'm that General Manager that Song decided to speak for. The next time you wanna state something on behalf of someone....get it right. You never heard me say that I didn't like David Jacobs. I barely knew him back then to form an opinion of him.
So next time talk for yourself and not others. Or maybe when a statement is made on behave of someone else that too should be looked into.
Posted by: Diamonique | October 14, 2004 at 12:09 PM
With all due respect this article says most truths however, I do not appreciate being slanderd by a man that has to manipulate, steal, threaten and generally piss people off to do what he wants.
Posted by: David Jacobs | October 14, 2004 at 04:59 PM