This choice might surprise some, but not after you hear the facts. Over the past year, Sir/FatherC/Ian has been all over tso, and SL, and usually in the middle of some dramma or other. Beginning the year as a small time simolean dealer, he made a name (and drammatically changed gameplay) by acquiring zillions of trial accounts and selling them to mafia's etc. He used Nyk's mazebot, but drew the ire of the simolean dealers by reviewing the new version of the mazebot straight out of the chute. Not long after, he made a name for himself by using his trial accounts to acquire piles of rare cannons, flooding the market. But he really started making news when he joined Mr-President's administration as Press Secretary...
As Press Secretary for the Alphaville Government (AVG), Sir initially led the defense of Mr-President against charges of fixing the election and groping an innocent intern (and even organized a smear campaign against Ashley), but when Sir caught Mr-P in the White House, alone with Angelique Fontaine (Angelina Becquerel in SL), it was more than he could bear, and he resigned his position and turned on Mr-P. Later he formed the Simulated Soviet Union (SSU) with disgruntled members of the AVG, and led a griefing attack in which the AVG Capitol building was trashed. Fed up with the criticism he received for the SSU, he quit tso and moved to Second Life, and had a series of alts banned for griefing (including a bingo fire bombing episode) when he finally stabilized as Father Callahan and worked for the Herald as a reporter.
Father Callahan managed to be in the thick of the dramma surrounding the Second Jessie War, and it was his interview with Tank Levy that led to the big split between One Song and Tank and the end of their joint mega-mall project. Father Callahan was on the ground during the great Jessie Battle as well. His biggest scoop was perhaps the interview with Mimi Coral, after she was accused of being the terraforming terrorist and destroying 6 private sims.
Father Callahan was subsequently banned again from SL, and so returned to tso and set up shop in Dragon's Cove, but with this return the real story turned out to be his reporting and the abuses of power by Stratics moderators, reportage which, given the thin excuses provided, led to his being banned from Stratics for a while.
Through it all Sir has been operating the Alphaville Gazzette, which is the leading source of real news about tso since the Herald moved operations to SL, and it is clearly the second best newspaper in blogspace!
For all this, we consider Sir/Father Callahan to be a bigger newsmaker than Ashley and Mr-President. But not quite number one... stay tuned for that.
You are soooo kidding me right Uri? Ian?!? What did he ever do really? Sure he was a reseller but I know tons of other resellers who did exact same thing as he did so he's not a pioneer in that arena. Sure he was Mr. P's press secretary.. But he didn't do much in that arena.. Yes he's a reporter for you, but I have seen other reporters that work for you that deserve more credit than anything Ian has ever reported on.
No offense Ian, nothing personal, you know I like you and all and we're cool, just not quite sure how you have done so much by doing so little.. Granted you were always in the mix like Betty Crocker or at least tried to be, but I think maybe Ian should be #3.. Mr President definently deserves more credit than Ian at least.
JC Soprano
I sound like that dude from American Idol lol
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 03:33 PM
Keep in mind, I did say #3 (I would tie him with Ashley), so I am not saying he don't deserve credit.. I'm just saying I don't agree with the #2 spot.
JC Soprano
Waiting for Ian to go off and rant and rave..
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 03:35 PM
Good grief....... you must have been short of nominations Uri.
Words fail me.
Posted by: ajdown@jp | December 29, 2004 at 03:40 PM
Oh ya if his blog is so good Uri, why don't you have it listed as one of the Important Blogs Covering MMORPGs?
JC Soprano
Take a 3 month break from being in-game (not that I didn't do things) and it all goes to hell lol
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 03:48 PM
This will probably ruin my chances at #1, but Uri drama is spelled with 1 M only lol I think Reno has rubbed off a bit on ya.. hahaha
Oh ya the form to fill out to make comments should read URL not URI if I am not mistaken hehe
JC Soprano
Ok, lunch break is over.. Back to work.
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 03:59 PM
LOL! you forgot to mention the time he was shooting up One Song while I was being interviewd for a job with him lol, poor guy got banned for it i think or just banned from One's land i don't remember it was all when i was so fresh and new and virgin like to SL lol
Posted by: Gina Fatale | December 29, 2004 at 04:22 PM
You a virgin? Hard to beleive. =P
JC Soprano
Let's sacrifice the virgin!
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 04:35 PM
This is rather suprising and yet also unsuprising in a way. What can i say about Ian. lol. *short for words*
He did just get banned from stratics again tho. he'll be back soon. haha.
Posted by: RB | December 29, 2004 at 04:35 PM
I remember when Stratics was just coming out for TSO.. I was one of their first interviews back in December 2002. They were the ones that launched all my press actually.. I love stratics.
JC Soprano
Kissing, but not eating, stratics ass
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 04:37 PM
JC, I can tell that this driving you crazy, but I can tell you right now that you ain't gonna be number 1. And in a way its all my fault, cuz I helped you get that real life job which in turn distracted you from important pursuits like being the SL/AVH Avatar of the Year!
Just think, when you took that job you traded possible immortality for a meager bowl of pottage.
Posted by: Urizenus | December 29, 2004 at 04:41 PM
I could care less if I get #1. I am #1 in my own right. I've gotten more press coverage this year than anyone else. I got a hollywood documentary in the works.. I've caused more hell this year than any other year (except maybe the beginning of '03). Even with my 3 or 4 months break from playing TSO I was still very much in the TSO scene and occasionally the SL scene as you know. You forget I did most of my shit from Yahoo anyways without needing to be in the game.. I may have gotten a job, but let's not forget I left TSO to play SWG... Not quit gaming all together.
So as I said I could care less if I don't get #1.. I'm #1 in my own right, I've gotten tons of messages already from peeps saying I am going to be #1 and I tell them fughedaboudit. Most of the stories that generated all the long and good threads on here have been about me or my group. All I ask is that if I am not #1 you don't give it to some tard. I've definently done more than Mr P, Ashley or Ian in regards to gaming this year.. I know that and a number of other people know that. I don't need an SLH article to know this or prove it. =)
I love you anyways Uri.. My lil mad russian. =P
JC Soprano
Driving me crazy? I am already insane lol
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 04:50 PM
uri, i'm flattered and infact when i first saw the page i was laughing. thanks though
JC please, noone is more of a attention whore than you. you think you are some big bad boy, but you're nothing. go back to your 10 person kiddy fake mafia. you play an internet mafia because youre prolly a loser in real life.
before i have a chance to respond you're all crying and baffled "WHY NOT ME". JC name one thing you have deserved to be popular. oh and all the articles you have ever been in, you were never the star. TSO was, you were just a paragraph or two. When I first PLAYED tso, i never heard of your mafia, NEVER. I heard of the montanas and gambinos. I didnt hear of your shit mafia until early 2004.
Oh and btw..No offense JC, nothing personal, you know I like you and all and we’re cool, just not quite sure how you have done so much by doing so little..
Posted by: Ian | December 29, 2004 at 05:08 PM
JC, I told you I would monitor you. It looks like the situation is presenting itself again. You know what that means, please take the medication I prescribed you for your bipolar. Call me if you need a refill.
Posted by: JC Soprano's Doctor | December 29, 2004 at 05:16 PM
Ian was that your way of trying to insult me? Keep trying lol. You never were good with words. Kiddy fake mafia huh? I have a feelign I figured out who "someone" is. Anyway, Ian you did not hear of me becuase you don't read. I been in Press since Dec 2002. Lots in 2003 and of course in 2004. Ian I think you should go read the articles about me to figure out what I have done in game. Go ahead a lot of them are to the left of you on this screen. I've done more than you've ever done. So don't go there. Your just bitter becuase you weren't getting the attention (hense why you had to start your own lil wanna be blog/newspaper which needs a serious spell checker). Me an attention whore? Board whore maybe, but I could care less about the attention... Unlike you who is getting all butt hurt over this lol.
As for my real life status, see I do have a life which is why I am not always online unlike some people I know. I am a very popular person in real life and in virtual life, so once again your jabs at me are pointless. Keep trying though, you'll eventually say something witty that we may chuckle at.
I was never the star in those articles you say? Just remember who was the one to put TSO on the map... Me. Even business analysts, reporters and what not said I was good for EA and TSO.
JC Soprano
Come on Ian, if your going to insult me, at least come up with your own material.. No need to copy me and change the name.
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 05:23 PM
Oh and did I once say why not me? I think not.
JC Soprano
Maybe you should hire a press secretary to answer for you.. Oh wait you need press coverage for that. hahaha
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 05:24 PM
A) I started that not to compete with Uri who prolly gets a million times more traffic than I. But I dont check traffic because I dont care. I just did that to track what I Do and see.
B) If you weren't socaught up with your self You would see I didnt write the article that needs spell checking
c) You shouldn't correct people on how to spell, you couldnt even distinct your and you're.
D) I don't care JC, I don't care about popularity like you. And all those articles have a paragraph abvout you. Please show me where this documentary of you is? Is it made by some low budget director who can't make it in the big leagues?
Your weak mental power didn't allow you to see That I copied and changed the name because I was pulliung the same thing as you. Insult and then appologize. JC again you're nothing. You didn't make TSO what it is, EA did. Unless you wan't to take the responsibility of the shitball it is.
I really hope you're roleplaying as a douchebag, otherwise I feel sorry for you.
JC I don't talk to you or keep my Yahoo online usually so you wouldn't know if I am online all the time or not. JC you're at work and you're online, enuff said about who is online all the time.
THis article has been up for some time and I didn;t see it the instant it came up like you did.
JC get over it, noone knows you, noone knows me And couldn't give a rats ass because I don't play in any MMORPGs.
Posted by: Ian | December 29, 2004 at 05:29 PM
Oh how nice of my doc to reply. What's again another anonymous loser who in this case works for the scammers over at Online Game Bucks. Yes I am bi-polar.. Who cares? I was married, who wouldn't be hahahaha
JC Soprano
Bi-Polar jokes? Come on, be more original and get back to me later.
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 05:29 PM
You didn't specifically say it, but you're crying in the inside. And JC I am not one to poke fun at people in RL, but don't make up some glamorous shit about you being a big man in RL. I know your RL financial status.
Posted by: Ian | December 29, 2004 at 05:30 PM
This isn't worth my time anyways, just thought I would give you a reality check JC
Posted by: Ian | December 29, 2004 at 05:31 PM
Lastly, i looked at the links you told me to JB, and I saw 1 with your name in it and that was the interview here? I've had an interview here too, your point is?
Posted by: Ian | December 29, 2004 at 05:33 PM
Lastly, i looked at the links you told me to JB, and I saw 1 with your name in it and that was the interview here? I've had an interview here too, your point is?
Posted by: Ian | December 29, 2004 at 05:33 PM
B) If you weren’t socaught up with your self You would see I didnt write the article that needs spell checking
--- Ya but your the editor.. Edit.
c) You shouldn’t correct people on how to spell, you couldnt even distinct your and you’re.
--- Wow, 1 whole mistake. At least I use proper grammer and punctuation when I post.
D) I don’t care JC, I don’t care about popularity like you. And all those articles have a paragraph abvout you. Please show me where this documentary of you is? Is it made by some low budget director who can’t make it in the big leagues?
--- Actually budget is almost a mill, 2 emmy winning directors involved and as I said it is in process.. If you want proof I can forward you the executive summary via e-mail. Uri can also back me up on this as he has talked to the producer in the past. As for the articles, reread them.. I am more than a paragraph or two on most of them.. Besides, where is your name mentioned in any of them? Oh that's right it's not.
JC I don’t talk to you or keep my Yahoo online usually so you wouldn’t know if I am online all the time or not. JC you’re at work and you’re online, enuff said about who is online all the time.
--- I am at work and online big deal. I'm doing my job and insulting you at same time.. I am multi-talented. At least I got a job (pays well too).. And no it's not at McDonalds. I am a customer service manager. I also have several online businesses that I run.
JC get over it, noone knows you, noone knows me And couldn’t give a rats ass because I don’t play in any MMORPGs.
--- If you don't give a rat's ass why you posting? You don't even play like you say so you don't have much room to talk about anything. At least I don't quit playing everytime people don't like me. If that was the case I would have quit a long ass time ago.
Now as for insulting you and apologizing. If you notice I was not insulting you at all. I was simply stating that you havent done shit compared to other people. I can name a list of people that deserve more credit than you... Not including myself. Your the one that got all butt hurt and wanted to cry and bitch to me about it.
JC Soprano
Ian, Dumbass for humorous at best.
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 05:39 PM
JC Soprane, Shut up! I know i'm #1. Uri loves me so much!
Posted by: Evangeline | December 29, 2004 at 05:40 PM
"I know your RL financial status." hahaha How you figure? I may have gotten laid off in the past, but I am doing very well right now. Probably better than you lol
"Lastly, i looked at the links you told me to JB, and I saw 1 with your name in it and that was the interview here? I’ve had an interview here too, your point is?"
Reread Ian.. There is a hell of a lot more than 1 article with me in it for SLH/AVH. A hell of a lot more. Maybe you should ask Uri to hold your hand. lol
JC Soprano
Keeping fools in check
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 05:44 PM
B) You're.*. Hypocrite. And I don't give a shit, I never look at that site anyways
C)Obviously you don't when you can not spell grammar correctly. And please point out where I don't use correct 'grammar'.
D)I don't care about attention. Point out the articles that have you mentioned. I did a Yahoo Search of you Keyword "JC Soprano". Numbers 5 & 7 are the AV Gazette. Wow you're so popular.
JC I quit because I have a life and sorry if TSO doesn't excite me, I mean I just love playing with housewives and 12 year olds. Oh wait sorry, that is who you "Control".
JC I didn't get hurt. The only thing that is hurting here is your ego. LIKE I SAID: I don't run nor want to be in a popularity race. That would be you. I guess you like or shall I say "Want to be known" in the virtual world because either noone likes you in RL or you can't do anything to be noticed in RL.
Posted by: Ian | December 29, 2004 at 05:44 PM
JC like I said POINT THEM OUT.
Posted by: Ian | December 29, 2004 at 05:44 PM
Okay. Turns on Spellchecker on this paragraph:
A) I started that not to compete with Uri who prolly gets a million times more traffic than I. But I dont check traffic because I dont care. I just did that to track what I Do and see.
B) If you weren’t socaught up with your self You would see I didnt write the article that needs spell checking
c) You shouldn’t correct people on how to spell, you couldnt even distinct your and you’re.
D) I don’t care JC, I don’t care about popularity like you. And all those articles have a paragraph abvout you. Please show me where this documentary of you is? Is it made by some low budget director who can’t make it in the big leagues?
Your weak mental power didn’t allow you to see That I copied and changed the name because I was pulliung the same thing as you. Insult and then appologize. JC again you’re nothing. You didn’t make TSO what it is, EA did. Unless you wan’t to take the responsibility of the shitball it is.
I really hope you’re roleplaying as a douchebag, otherwise I feel sorry for you.
JC I don’t talk to you or keep my Yahoo online usually so you wouldn’t know if I am online all the time or not. JC you’re at work and you’re online, enuff said about who is online all the time.
THis article has been up for some time and I didn;t see it the instant it came up like you did.
JC get over it, noone knows you, noone knows me And couldn’t give a rats ass because I don’t play in any MMORPGs.
[Wrote by Ian]
In it Ian you say about JC saying something about the Spelling in some article. Then you go onto mock JC about the difference between 'Your' and 'You're' however in the very same sentance you get your sentance completely wrong. Surely it should be:
You shouldn’t correct people on how to spell, you couldnt even distinguish between your and you're.
Had to get that out of the way lol.
Posted by: David Jacobs | December 29, 2004 at 05:47 PM
David all you did was take what I said and used bigger words?
Posted by: Ian | December 29, 2004 at 05:51 PM
Hey look JC I am a big boy and can accept the fact that when someone wants something so bad (that makes them cry in RL) I will give up. Check the IP Uri this is me...I have officially stepped down and nominate JC for #2, because he is a big baby and has nothing to cling on to in RL...and he needs this.
Posted by: Ian | December 29, 2004 at 05:53 PM
haha Do a search for The Sim Mafia moron.. lol If you want I can list everything in here for you. Keep in mind I find new articles about me and my group weekly so it's hard to keep track of them all. Go the Press & Media on my website and you will see some of the more popular ones.
Housewives and 12 year olds? Hmmm average member of my group is around 25... None of which are housewives.. I see that's who you were playing with though obviously hahaha
Ian your seriously losing this argument so might as well give up. As for Grammar, notice I use proper punctuation, capitalization and what not. Occasionally I get a word or two wrong.. Big deal. No one is perfect.. What you think you are? I don't claim to be and never have. At least I can own up to my mishaps and mistakes.
As I always said I run a business not Unicef, it's not a popularity contest.. Bad press is still good press, etc.. If your not worried about popularity, why you on here trying to make yourself look better than you are. You haven't done shit and you know it. At least I got some fame and money out of the deal.. All you got is #2 avatar of the year who annoyed the fuck out of people.. Big woop. lol
Evangeline.. LOL You kill me! Your my hero!
As for David's comments.. Somebody has to use big words if you can't hahaha
JC Soprano
Ian done making yourself look like a tard? You should know by now I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast on message boards. =)
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 05:54 PM
Ian don't give up so easily.. This is fun.. hehe
JC Soprano
Crying a river for Ian.. lol
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 06:02 PM
Atleast you admit that you aren't perfect. And I said you control housewives, you know the only people who play the game.
I have admit .. I've done nothing and either have you.
You're My hero*.
JC if anyone looks like an idiot, it's you. Dude you're a loser in RL..get over it.
Posted by: Ian | December 29, 2004 at 06:02 PM
Whatever Ian.. lol Why do you care about my rl anyways? Are you lacking in yours that you must live through others? As I said I have a life and it is very good at the moment. Nice job, kicked my wife to the curb, got a hottie gf, etc.. Trust me I don't look like an idiot. At least my thoughts are rational and my insults poingiant.
In regards to your housewives comment.. Fine.. As I said I don't play with housewives, but yes I do control certain aspects of the game including some players.. If that includes housewives, so be it. Oh ya, Gina, aren't you a housewife? lol
JC Soprano
Enjoying RL.
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 06:10 PM
*pops in thread*
Vote #1 for JC.
unless it's me. :D tho i could care less. ;)
*pops out of thread*
Posted by: RB | December 29, 2004 at 07:13 PM
housewife and damn proud lol now control me!
Posted by: Gina Fatale | December 29, 2004 at 07:32 PM
What do you mean, I'm the one who deserves number one, though I don't spend the day commenting back and forth on online blogs. I'm guessing some of the kiddys try to end the session so they feel like the mature ones in some cases, but maybe they are.
Seth Galloway
Why don't I get the publicity?
Posted by: Seth Galloway | December 29, 2004 at 08:09 PM
If anyone wants to laugh a JC Soprano's stupidity, I'd like to refer to the comment he left on The Gazette, he can't spell response.
The Doc
I like Responding, Jc.
Posted by: The Doc | December 29, 2004 at 08:17 PM
See my previous comments.. Your going to have to do better than that. =)
JC Soprano
Thanks for the free advertising though!!
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 09:17 PM
He put TSO on the map? I played for two years before I even heard his name.... and then it was that he was a pale white kid who handcuffed himself to his computer and was a big mafia leader of like 4 real people and a ton of trial accounts. You need to get out and get some sun, maybe we all should chip in some change to buy him a basketball.... or better yet a sandwich.
Posted by: The Prez | December 29, 2004 at 10:52 PM
Had to do it again..
Atleast you admit that you aren’t perfect. And I said you control housewives, you know the only people who play the game.
I have admit .. I’ve done nothing and either have you.
You’re My hero*.
JC if anyone looks like an idiot, it’s you. Dude you’re a loser in RL..get over it.
[By Ian]
Concentrating on the sentance:
I have admit .. I’ve done nothing and either have you.
Shouldn't it be: I have TO admit.. I’ve done nothing and either have you.
Posted by: David Jacobs | December 30, 2004 at 05:46 AM
"He put TSO on the map? I played for two years before I even heard his name…. and then it was that he was a pale white kid who handcuffed himself to his computer and was a big mafia leader of like 4 real people and a ton of trial accounts. You need to get out and get some sun, maybe we all should chip in some change to buy him a basketball…. or better yet a sandwich."
What the hell does that mean? Was that supposed to be an insult? For the last time people... If your going to TRY and insult me, at least make it insulting and original. Although I must say no one has ever told me to get a sandwich. Don't worry I'll go get one tonight with your mom and grandmama. Get it? Sandwich? hahaha
JC Soprano
Bringing back the mom jokes...
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 30, 2004 at 11:14 AM
You're correct David. But the fact is you wouldn't have made an ass out of your self if you attempted to spell "sentence" correctly.
Posted by: Ian | December 30, 2004 at 11:42 AM
JC we know you're refusing to take a self insult on this blog, but in the inside and perhaps outside in RL you're crying.
Hey and one last thing, HAHAHAHAHAHA I made this list and you didn't!!! I win.
Posted by: Ian | December 30, 2004 at 11:44 AM
Once again stop trying to insult me. Your very bad at it. In a battle of wits you are seriously unarmed. Your one of those gamers that does take things too seriously since you obviously cannot keep RL out of it. =P
As for the list, as I said, like I care. I just care that you actually made the list when you have done jack shit and other players are more worthy of this recognition. I can name scores of other players that deserve to make this list more than you.
JC Soprano
Making Ian jealous that I have a life and he doesn't
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 30, 2004 at 11:53 AM
"Making Ian jealous that I have a life and he doesn’t"
JC again in the battle of wits you can't insult people back with what they have thrown to you. Also this brings up a double standard. You were obviously making that an insult to me, when I already said it. Therefore I insulted you! Nice one jackass.
If you call answering phones all day in a dead end job a life, you got me there partner!
JC if you haven't picked up on it already: I don't care about the recognition, I only care about me getting it and not you. That is all that matters.
Also a little tip: in order to fight in the battle of wits you actually need some.
Posted by: Ian | December 30, 2004 at 11:59 AM
Once again Ian. Your taking someone else's insults and calling them your own. Think of some original material and stop wasting my time and readers time. Keep trying though buddy! As for my job, it probably pays more than you have ever made in your life and I do a lot more than answer phones. Hense my title, Customer Service MANAGER. As for my jealous comment, I'm just pointing out facts. You obviously are lacking in your life and feel the need to rag on what you call a lack of life. As I said, I have a life.. Of course you have a life too, I just hear it's very dull... Unlike mine. Yes I may talk about you in rl. Why? Because your the jackass that insists on trying to talk about mine. That's not a double standard. If perhaps I started to rag on you in rl (obviously I didn't becuase I can decipher between reality and virtual reality) and then said that it would be.. But in this case you started it. Don't start none, won't be none! If you can't take the heat Ian, get the fuck out the kitchen.
"I don’t care about the recognition, I only care about me getting it and not you. That is all that matters." -- Can we say neener neener neener? lol hahahaha What part of I don't care don't you understand? hahaha I'll try to use small words in the future for you.
JC Soprano
Ian you really are a waste of blog space.
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 30, 2004 at 12:22 PM
"Fed up with the criticism he received for the SSU, he quit tso and moved to Second Life, and had a series of alts banned for griefing (including a bingo fire bombing episode)"...
That wouldn't happen to have been Bingo in Mexican Town back in October, wouldn't it?
Posted by: E.P. | December 30, 2004 at 12:23 PM
The double standard is when you used an insult that I used and said it wasn't one. JR you're a fucking idiot, talking to you is like talking to a brick wall. JP you're a waste of life.
E.P.. No it was "Bingoland" or something like that.
Posted by: Ian | December 30, 2004 at 12:26 PM
You could name scores, Eh JC? Where would you put me, though I know Im at the top of this list, and the only reason these people are getting the "Spot" is because they like to argue on this blog and make "40+ Comments". Prez and Ashley, I think they made it because of the stupid publicity that they got of whining and .. The Government I guess? I've got a question for Uri.
..If I don't make the list, Does it make me better?
Seth Galloway <- It's all about the Soprano's.
Could I get a happy, non-insulting comment back? :P
Posted by: Seth Galloway | December 30, 2004 at 12:27 PM
Fuck, Why didn't it add my last comment.
Posted by: Seth Galloway | December 30, 2004 at 12:28 PM