Before the year closes out, the Herald is going to hand out its avatars of the year awards, beginning with third place. The award goes to the avatars+alts that changed virtual news the most (for better or worse) during the past year. This year, third place is a tie between Ashley Richardson and Mr-President, both formerly of Alphaville.
Mr-President, of course, deserves credit for creating the Alphaville Government and organizing the elections. Probably having Ashley as his challenger was key in helping the election to get international press, ranging from Wired News, to an NPR interview, to the New York Times. But on the dark side, Pez was caught up in election fixing charges, and of course his reputation was tarnished by his association with gang leader JC Soprano. Meanwhile, Ashley helped lead the charge for an investigation into election corruption, but then made news herself when the Miss Alphaville pagent that she organized was allegedly rigged, and shocked citisims by enlisting famous scammers as judges in the finals of her contest. Both were big big newsmakers, and added much to tso gameplay. Congrats!
Where the hell is Mr-President anyways?? He totally dropped off the radar.. No notice, just poof.
JC Soprano
Can we say Witness Relocation Program??
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 01:12 PM
he's around... he's hanging around SL incognito.
Posted by: urizenus | December 29, 2004 at 02:06 PM
Ya but he's not even on yahoo anymore. The guy has gone AWOL. You sure that's him in SL and not an imposter? I wonder if the election scandel turned him off to TSO and talking to people. It's like a bad VH1 special.. He was riding high and then it all came crashing down. heh
JC Soprano
VH1's, Behind the Sims hahaha
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 02:26 PM
I just talked to him a couple days ago on YIM. He's fine.
Posted by: Urizenus | December 29, 2004 at 02:49 PM
Same Yahoo ID as when he was AVG? I'll hit him up.
JC Soprano
Working hard or hardly working?
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 02:59 PM
So what are the awards anyways? Just a note on SLH? You don't send out like lil certificates or trophies? hahahha Maybe a gift certificate to sizzler... hehe
JC Soprano
Mmmmmmmm Sizzler (haha inside joke)
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 03:02 PM
What more could anyone possibly want?
Posted by: Urizenus | December 29, 2004 at 03:29 PM
Cover of CNN Technology?? Maybe a hollywood documentary?? hahaha Oh wait, that's me ROFLMAO
JC Soprano
Coming soon to theatres near you haha
Posted by: JC Soprano | December 29, 2004 at 03:40 PM
oh if mr pres my old buddy is in SL do tell me his name so that i can get more screen shots of him molesting innocent woman hehe
Posted by: Gina Fatale | December 29, 2004 at 04:19 PM
He was on Christmas. I got a chance to chat with him too. You do know he has a thing called "Real Life".
Posted by: Ian | December 29, 2004 at 05:15 PM
Cover of CNN Technology?? Maybe a hollywood documentary?? hahaha Oh wait, that’s me ROFLMAO
JC Soprano
Coming soon to theatres near you haha
this is why your an attention seeking, little child in most eyes.
Posted by: Storm | January 02, 2005 at 03:16 AM