by Gina Fatale
Former denizens of TSO remember the Black Hand Mafia. Sonny Satriale, as the Godfather of the BlackHand Mafia was known in TSO, has been spending his days in SecondLife under the name Santino Molinari. Santino has started a chapter of the BlackHand mafia in SL his first family operated business is the club which had its grand opening last night.
ClubBlackHand is owned and operated by the very sexy BlackHand Underboss, Blaydon Loveless. Mr. Loveless was kind enough to show me around the mobsters' joint before the grand opening party began.
Blaydon Loveless, Underboss, Club Owner,….mmmmmm
(here Blaydon takes me to the secret entrance to the “private area” as he called it, as you can see I was admiring his ass oops I mean the hand work on the wall….)
Passing thru the red hand brings us to a small corridor with 4 doors in each corner, so me being the inquisitive reporter I wanted to see what was behind one of these doors….
(all them balls on the bed was more than I could handle so I stayed back)
(I felt so dirty after viewing the sex rooms I decided to take a bath in the “romantic themed room”)
Drunk mobsters dancing
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