The Herald is happy to bring you this week's Post Six Grrrl, to help you take a break from the heavy news that's been posted so far today. Her name is Cessee Hedges. Claims that she's relatively shy, but after seeing these pictures, I'm sure you'll be questioning that just as much as we are. The Herald would like to take this opportunity to thank Marilyn Murphy, the publisher of Players Magazine for these pictures and those of all of our Post Six Grrrls.
Hi! I'm Cessee Hedges, but my friends call me Ces. I've been in SL for a few months now and still have a blast every time I log on. Everyone is so nice and helpful, always trying to keep boxes off my head and stuff. I feel so lucky to be able to play here. It amazes me that I've been here four months; it seems like only a couple of weeks! I'm so fortunate to have people to answer my questions, even when I'm not quite sure what I'm asking. *hahahaha*
When I first started in SL, I lived in Aasim and worked at the Punany Club as a dancer. I don't work in a club or anything anymore - I just hang out in Gerstle at a castle owned by my friends Newfie Pendragon and Milady Guillaume, owners of "Hot Stuff" and "Leather Kisses". I never know what they'll have in store for me; sometimes we practice flying our fighter jets around the sim, sometimes we just kick back and listen to whatever our resident dj, DJ Zadoq, wants to spin - usually Psy Trance or my favorite, drum and bass. When things threaten to be quiet, HoseQueen McLean comes along and helps us out in the "finding trouble" department; she's the best trouble finder I know and a fantastic clothing designer!
Sometimes I miss our old gang from Aasim so Milady and DJ help me throw a Punany On Wheels party to get the old crew together and catch up on the new projects each other has going on. I'm also overjoyed to have people like Marilyn Murphy and Fleenie Jensen make me look so fantastic!! I did my first Players recently and their work floored me! Between their amazing photographic skill and Armani Casanova's work on my avatar... well... all of the girls in issue 10 look great and I feel so honored to be in such beautiful company.
So, if you see me around SL, don't be afraid to say Hello! Or, come visit the castle in Gerstle (188, 114); it's always open to visitors. Although I'm a little shy at first, I love meeting new people and making friends.
Good ol' Uri, always including a healthy dose of porn with our news :P The Chicago times should take note.
Posted by: Artemis Fate | February 19, 2005 at 07:28 AM