an in-game game review by Koden Farber
Everyone has one of those days when you just want to shoot something. On days like this a good first person shooter comes in handy. Unreal: Second Life is the Bedazzle Team’s attempt at FPS in second life. The project itself is is reportedly coming to a close (Bedazzled seems to get bored with their projects in a hurry), and will soon be a distant memory. What was U:SL like, and was it worth your time when it was here? This article will try to answer that question, if only for the historical record and to inform future SL game development projects.
There isn’t much to say about U:SL content wise. It’s a first person shooter with many of normal FPS elements; deathmatch, team deathmatch, and capture the flag. There isn’t a back story to why you’re shooting each other, but hey, since when did you need a reason to pick up a gun and start wailing on people?
There are 6 available gun types, but I’ve only used 4 of them. This is because 3 of them are free and I’m too cheap to buy any of the other ones.
The Inferno [Free]
This baby’s my personal favorite. You get 15 shots before you reload and you can unload them in about 3 seconds. The reload time is about 2 seconds, so you may want to move somewhere save while you are auto reloading. I’m not sure how the damage is per shot but the rate of fire is nice enough to make it a very deadly weapon.
The BTG3600 [Free]
I could never figure out how to use this properly. I think the trick was to lead your shot a little but I’m not sure. I think it’s safe to assume that this weapon is a heavy hitter. I would hope at least because you can only get one shot off every 3 seconds.
The Saedaku Flamebringer [Free]
It’s a great weapon for the fact you can hit moving targets pretty easily and the flame stick for a while giving constant damage. The rate of fire is constant and the weapon never reloads. The major problem is that the weapon causes major lag. It’s not bad when one person is using it, but when you have two or three people using this at the same time, all the flames lag you badly.
The Saedaku Tactical Folder Knife [L$600]
They say don’t bring a knife to a gunfight, but I couldn’t resist. This little beauty can be thrown to deal minor damage, or slashed to deal massive damage. I think if you get three or four good swipes on your opponent their going down. It takes you about 2 seconds to throw the knife, and about one to slash. The knife comes with short cut keys to ease the use of the knife. It’s a great weapon if you want to get up close and personal.
Learning curve: 2 minutes [Just enough to get set up]
Gameplay: 8/10 without lag, 3/10 with.
This game is very lag sensitive. If the server is lagging, you are better off not playing. If you always lag even on good days, avoid playing this. If your system and connection can handle intensive places, this is worth playing. After getting your equipment, its very easy to figure out what your doing; kill or be killed.
Graphics and Sound: 10/10
It’s beautiful, just plain beautiful. The game has a perfect battling atmosphere.
Keep Factor: 5/10
Lag is a major factor in playing this. The flame thrower lags badly and can scare you from the game. Though if everyone uses the infernos, it’s a very fun to play and light on the lag.
Overall: 8/10
Flaws aside, this is a very solid game. If the project wasn’t closing down I’d say this shows major potential to be something even greater than it is already. Anyone can get started playing because it costs nothing to get the life pack or three of the six weapons. I say you should try this while you still can.
I don't know how you can give a game that's unplayable most of the time an overall 8/10 rating. U:SL makes for great screen shots, but with due respect to the creators, it's futile to try to make a Porsche out of a Jalopy. U:SL is an amazing creation (one of the best I've ever seen) considering SL's limitations, but it can't reasonably be compared to an actual first-person shooter game, despite Linden Lab's attempts to promote it as such. The best SL games take SL's substantial limitations into account, which is why Tringo is imminently playable, and US:L is not.
Posted by: Tony Walsh | March 09, 2005 at 11:45 AM
I gave it a 8/10 because I had a decent number of times when the game was playable. Though to be honest with you for that to happen I had to play with people who understood the Inferno was the least laggy weapon. If the game was able to get its act together when it was here I figure you'd agree with me on me giving it that raiting.
I probebly should have had two ratings though, one for if the game wants to work and one if the game's being a jerk. When its a jerk I'd say I'd have to give it a 1/10 cause some of the problems make it totaly unplayable.
On the plus side, atleast it didn't cost you anything to find out the game had its unplayable moments.
Posted by: Koden Farber | March 09, 2005 at 05:42 PM
U:SL is completely unable to handle more than 2v2 combat. Anything over and the game is overloaded with lag. It has nothing to do with the server, koden. It's about the fact that each bullet and player is transmitting data in llSay() and each player, scoreboard, and other objects are listening. Try playing with people with fully automatic Seburos and the game grinds to a painful halt.
Posted by: Game Player | March 10, 2005 at 06:19 AM