by Chipsen Queso
So, following in tradition with the Herald's fashion show reviews, I went to the SABORLATINO fashion show this past Friday that featured the designs of Canimal Zephyr. Honestly, I think the picture above says it all. Since he is a member of their agency, Matthias asked me to review this show for him, so that no accusations of bias could be thrown around. Well, let's see them throw accusations of bias of what I thought of the show.
I love Canimal's designs. The detail is exquisite and gorgeous, and she designs for both males and females. The models themselves, though, were horrid. The model shown above (Laly Clayton), gave me visions of being hit by an oncoming train, not of a delicate model, though she was in Canimal's glorious "Chii" outfit. It perhaps would have been excusable had she been wearing LOST'S new Chii hair to match the outfit. The rest of the models were better, though they seem poorly-trained to handle the runway. Some came out at odd times and then went backstage, while others seemed absoluteley clueless of what they were supposed to do.
Eventually, I got bored at the fashion show because of the host going on and on about every outfit. She tried to be funny, but every attempt was an utter failure. When a griefer came wearing only his underpants and started being very obnoxious, it took them around 20 minutes to finally remove him. This fashion show sadly suffered from wonderful clothing and the wrong agency to do a fashion show for them. Let's hope Canimal can choose a better agency to do a fashion show for her next time.
here is again Ms Quesito, destroying another fashion show, where I am sure models and host worked very hard for it...
Canimal's clothes are awsome, no matter who wears them. And she works hard to create the best. Canimal did a fashion show at DoveVogue and everything went well. I am sure for this fashion show also her clothes looked great on the models.
But I do want to say, this is awful what the herald is doing to modeling agencies and to models that work hard, dedicate their time modeling a designer's clothes and also to hosts that all we do is to bring a great moment to SL community...
I am sure Ms Queso is an ALT, since she is such a "stinky cheese"
No rates whatsover, I feel guilty for giving her some fun here in reading her garbage. She amazes me how she loves to destroy people's great intentions for creating great things in SL.
When you talk about fashion, say something good, designers do work hard to bring the best to SL
That is it about this magazine for me...
Posted by: Palomma | May 09, 2005 at 02:11 AM
Palomma, just as you are allowed you have your opinions, Chipsen is allowed to have hers. Freedom of speech seems to be something that DoveVogue is against these days, as this isn't the first time you've said something along these same lines.
I agree with you totally that Canimal's clothes are amazing. Chipsen does too, actually, if you read what she said.
Judging Chipsen as an alt because she has no ratings is, quite frankly, simply wrong. With ratings costing as much as they do these days, most people don't rate any more!
By saying that "When you talk about fashion, say something good, designers do work hard to bring the best to SL," you're implying once again that Chipsen said nothing good in this review, Palomma. I'd urge you to re-read it and pay attention to exactly what she said with an open mind.
Posted by: Matthias | May 09, 2005 at 09:31 AM
You act as if I was working to destroy a fashion show. How very untrue that is. The models and host may have worked hard for the fashion show, but a bit more practice and fine-tuning to their avatars would not have hurt anything, especially in certain cases.
I agree with you whole-heartedly that Canimal's clothing is amazing. I quote from the review that I wrote: "I love Canimal’s designs. The detail is exquisite and gorgeous, and she designs for both males and females." Your second paragraph, therefore, is in total agreement with what I said.
You are allowed to have your opinions of the Herald, just as I am allowed to have mine of you, your actions, and this fashion show. However, please remember that we are based in the United States and therefore have rights to free speech, free press, and expression. Do not try to infringe upon these rights, or you will have a lawsuit crammed down your throat. This is not a threat, this is a promise.
Whether I am an alternate account or not doesn't matter a thing. I am still a human being behind the screen - perhaps you fail to realize this. I actually DO have a rating, but with what they cost these days (and with the fact that I am not a clubber), I don't have many nor the means to get many. I do not love to, in your words, "destroy people's great intentions for creating great things in SL," but it is my JOB, Palomma, my JOB to critique fashion shows, just as it is your job to host them.
As Matthias rightly pointed out, I did talk about good things in this fashion show quite a bit, namely Canimal's designs. I love Canimal's clothing, as I said above!
Posted by: Chipsen | May 09, 2005 at 01:33 PM
Um...... hate to burst your pretty little microcosmic inward looking bubble but there are no free speech entitlements on the internet, and just because you happen to be an american does not guarantee you anything that you feel to be 'normal'.
This board, or SL itself, have rules, which you must follow - or suffer the consequences if caught breaking them. No free speech there. Waaaah.
There is a world - both real and virtual - outside of your little american ideals...... go explore, you might find some enlightenment and change your opinions.
And that, my dear Chipsen, you can shove up your arse sideways. Free speech is great, isnt it?
Posted by: ajdown@jp | May 09, 2005 at 03:08 PM
Chipsen, I see how you jumped at my reaction, seemed to bothered you, huh...
Have you think of how Laly Charlton feels when she reads your opinion of her right on the eyes of the public on a magazine that many read.. (I think they read) Althought I didn't know much or care about this magazine until you attacked DoveVogue, taking my logo and publicized it here without letting me know, doing anything you wanted to do, with a logo that I made and represents a great group of models of SL.
Did you see what you said about Laly Charlton? Do you think she will feel good after you told her that she gives you visions of being hit by an uncoming train, telling her she looks undelicate and not a really a well train model? Well you said that about their models. I am sure they have been train well... That is what Mari said, they are well train.. Are you telling Mari she trains her models poorly? I don't think Mari will like that.. I know I wouldn't like to hear that.
Anyway.. Blah! If you have "freedom of speech" I guess I do too.. and I live in the US too..
This still a joke to me. lmao!!!
No matter what.. Fashion Shows rock!!! And I will keep continuing bringing what I can to SL, and saying thanks to the awsome designers out there
Posted by: Palomma | May 09, 2005 at 09:07 PM
This is bizarrely realistic. Magazine reviews fashion show poorly. Fashionistas become upset and screech prima-donna threats. Magazine fashion journalist throws themselves into a tizzy at being criticised. Everyone agreeing on the essential importance of the art involved.
This is something that is supposed to be ephemeral, yet definately fun. If there are issues with a particular show, it is best that these are aired publically. Knowing potential faults will allow improvements. In the end this will just make the shows more enjoyable for the poor schucks sitting on the seats in front of the stage. Which is the important thing.
Posted by: Ilian Caligari | May 13, 2005 at 08:01 AM
Ha,ha, you are quite hard on them all! So what about the fashions featured? Anything particular attracted your attention at all?
Posted by: Fashion Gal | March 29, 2007 at 04:19 PM
I agree with you totally that Canimal's clothes are amazing. she looks very beautiful on it
Posted by: Wholesale Clothing | November 18, 2009 at 05:26 AM