by Chipsen Queso
Well, here it is: yet another fashion show by me! Because of Matthias' connection to the designer featured in this show, he asked me to review this one, as well. Why does it always seem that I get the bad assignments? *le sigh* Oh well. Escade Athel by Mex Thorn is one of Second Life's better-known shoe makers who has recently moved into the realm of making clothing and, I found out tonight, hats. The fashion show was put on by the Percision Models, a group that few have heard of and that obviously can't spell.
My first comment which is also a suggestion to Percision: it's PREcision, not PERcision. If you're going to have a modeling agency in SecondLife, I'd hope that you'd at least get it right. Now that that's off my chest, we'll get to the models and the designs.
The models obviously had no clue what they were doing on this runway. Actually, I'm pretty sure they weren't supposed to be there (they were holding the event at DoveVogue Studio in Davvi, the laggiest runway in SecondLife). It actually got to the point that when one of the models reached the end of the runway, she asked, in open chat, "pose?". I've never heard of that before, but I guess I have now. The other models had no clue what they were doing. When I got to the runway, there were actually no models there yet, which leads me to believe that they weren't even supposed to meet to get their clothing any more than 15 minutes before the fashion show was going to start. The fact that we started 28 minutes late also supports this.
The designs themselves were almost as bad as the models. I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I could create the same thing in Microsoft Paint and the SecondLife sliders. The prim dresses had shiny applied in the oddest places. The menswear consisted only of two pairs of jeans, neither of which was named by the announcer. As a whole, I wasn't impressed by the designs at all.
Let's hope the next fashion show you see me review will be better than either of the two I've posted tonight!
Dang, that Chipsen Queso is one catty avi!
Posted by: urizenus | May 08, 2005 at 10:35 PM
i'm sorry you had to witness that, chipsen.
it looks horrid. actually, it was. i was there too.
what amused me was when the DV security got involved. hope that made you smile :D
Posted by: Seri | May 08, 2005 at 10:36 PM
what security you are talking about?? I didn't have no security there,I wasn't involve on that show, wasn't DoveVogue Show or Staff or Nothing...
You know? when you are nice and let someone use your land for free, also you are bad? I lended the runway to someone that doesn't have a place to do a fashion show ... geeez
Queso reporter, all runways in Second Life are laggy for your info. Are you a model yourself?
Is certain, that this "fashion unprofessional column" is a waste of time. I come and read it to see your bad untasteful jokes. You don't know or have a clue of what you are doing but accusing people of their good intentions to bring something to SL without bad intentions
Posted by: Palomma | May 09, 2005 at 01:48 AM
Palomma, just as you are allowed you have your opinions, Chipsen is allowed to have hers. Freedom of speech seems to be something that DoveVogue is against these days, as this isn't the first time you've said something along these same lines.
Posted by: Matthias | May 09, 2005 at 09:28 AM
I never once criticised you for letting Percision use your runway. I actually questioned whether or not they were supposed to be there because I have heard that you are very protective of your runway and have never seen another fashion show held there. This was further enhanced by the fact that all the boards that were there were advertising a fashion show to be held today, not last night's. Finally, it didn't seem like they had practiced on the runway.
I've been to enough fashion shows to know that they are typically laggy, but of all of the runways I have been to, DoveVogue seems to be the worst because of all of the vendors and scripted objects there. Those have a large impact on sim performance.
You are free to have your opinion of me, Palomma, just as I am free to have my opinions of you, your actions, and the fashion show that I reviewed at DoveVogue. I won't criticise your opinion of me because it is just that - your thoughts of me. I recognise your Constitutional rights to expression and speech, and would ask that you recognise my rights of speech and press.
Posted by: Chipsen | May 09, 2005 at 01:26 PM
Hahaha bollocks to the constitution, remember there's a world outside your borders and not everyone who plays SL, or posts here, is an american.
Remember you are just another British colony which we will reclaim one day.... we gave you a chance to look after yourselves and look what a pigs ear you made of it.
Free speech my arse.
Posted by: ajdown@jp | May 09, 2005 at 03:11 PM
Why is Palomma acting like a baby?
Posted by: Martha | May 09, 2005 at 05:20 PM
Lets call the pink dress "PEPTP BIZMOL" my tummy is upset!!!
Posted by: Xaira Lehane | May 09, 2005 at 09:12 PM
HaHa. Reporters Reporters Reporters!! When will the herald Chipsen Queso. First of all “Chipsen Queso”, “PERCISION is spelt that way because I wanted it to. Don’t you think by now someone would have told me and I would have changed the name if I cared? Come on stop pointing out lame ass jokes that is clear for everyone to see already. That’s third grade. But anyway:-). As for your comments on PERcision Models, Yes we did do a fashion show that was not up to par. But just because things started going wrong did we back out? No my models stayed up there and kept on trying. That shows that they really want to do what they’re doing. No models left the group after the show and neither did one tell me they never want to model again. Try modeling Chipsen, its not as easy as it looks.
I’m getting tired of seeing people like you come down on people that you can make a funny out of. Seems to be all you do now a days. When will you become a real reporter and tend to things that really affect the people of second life like the rest of the reporters on staff? Frankly im not mad about what you said about my models or the name of my company. The only thing I am mad at is the way you make amusement out of dogging fashion shows that models and modeling agencies work hard to put out. The stress and time that is needed to put into these shows is unbarable for many to take. But we pull ourselves together and do them anyway because they have to be done. Chipsen I suggest you take time off reporting and try the modeling/ fashion show life style. Because I simply think you under estimate the work that goes into these things.
Oh yeah Thank you for the pretty pictures of my models:-). And hey report on me again maybe next time it might be more interesting than just a bunch of 3rd grade jokes.
Next assignment for chipsen: How to be a reporter 101
Have a nice day :-)
Posted by: Kaleel Jacobs | May 17, 2005 at 12:27 PM