by Chipsen Queso
My final fashion show of this four day fashion streak brings me to today's fashion show at DoveVogue for Heart's Desire, one of SecondLife's most revered shoe makers. They are made by Heart Wishbringer and Joe Stravinsky. Dove Vogue, I guess, seemed like a logical choice for them because of Dove's reputation as one of the oldest and (supposedly) best modeling agencies in SecondLife. However, was DoveVogue able to overcome their recent drama?
Some of you may be surprised about this considering how critical I've recently been of DoveVogue and their leader, Palomma Casanova, but I actually thought the models did the best that they could this show. The crash in the middle of the first half was well-handled, though it slowed down the already-long show. That was actually the biggest flaw that I saw with this show: it literally ran over two hours. That's good for Palomma's traffic rating, but bad for those of us who got bored.
The shoes themselves didn't vary as much as I would have hoped, but there were some highlights. The boots shown above are the Inquisitors, shown above. Two more styles (the Black Widows and Spurs) are shown below. Other than the the Spurs, Black Widows, and Smoothies, though, all styles had (in my tastes) excessive amounts of spikes. I do wish that some of Heart's Desires jewelry had been shown. A bit was shown, but not, in my opinion, the best. I also would have liked to have seen more styles for men that weren't overly spiky, but every designer can choose to do what they wish, and I respect that. The hair shown at the very end was HUGE. I mean HUGE! I'd estimate that it was over a meter from side to side. The red and black moawk is shown below.
All in all, this was by far my favorite fashion show from the three I have reviewed. At least the designs were better than decent, and the models seemed professional.
The "Black Widows" modeled by Queenie Extraordinaire
The Boots with Spurs modeled by Jeri Zuma
The Red and Black Mohawk
Joe & I had a wonderful time @ Dove Vogue tonight.
We thought that Palomma was very professional, and her models all were as well. They did great. We had a nice turn out, too nice in fact, as the sim crashed, but we came back and we were still full! That was attributed to the great work by Palomma & all her models. I want to personally thank her from the bottom of our "hearts" :)
We had fun!
Thank you so much!
Posted by: Heart Wishbringer | May 09, 2005 at 08:08 PM
Wow!! A better review this time...
I am shocked Chipsen, now you say.. "in my taste"..
If is funny how you say.. DoveVogue and their leader Palomma Casanova... well, I created the group, I guess that is my position...
wow, another observation Chipsen, you are good with pictures, one thing I can give you credit on. Good you did that to promote Heart Desires, Just like I like it, to promote the designer. I got to give you a point on that.
You must be tired Chipsen, all of your supposely journeys to all the fashion shows in SL... I am sure you sent your assistant for this one, because you were not at DoveVogue. I know who enters and leave DV, have you heard of motion sensors and visitor counters? well you do not appear in any of mine, because they popped on my screen. But I know who you sent.
Oki.. blah.. I am tired, this amuzes me a lot, it does makes me laugh, but I had to tell ya.. I am just shocked with ya and this report, couldn't resist...
Now I am going, I said this was it with this magazine, I guess I got too damm curious about you, since you got defensive at my comments lol
Again, in my opinion.. I think you are an alt
Posted by: Palomma | May 09, 2005 at 09:20 PM
Do you honestly believe I'd go to DoveVogue under the name Chipsen Queso with everything that you've been saying about me here, especially known that you would be there? I'm not an idiot!
Thank you for the compliment on the pictures. I enjoy doing them, though I typically don't do it using the SecondLife snapshot method (it makes it too easy to spot me!).
Actually, Palomma, I wasn't too tired after doing these reviews, more tired of you complaining even when I give you a mostly good review of your fashion show. I find it interesting that you "know who I sent," and just for your information, I don't have an assistant.
Posted by: Chipsen | May 10, 2005 at 06:42 AM
Palomma, why badger Chipsen about being an alt? You have more alts than anyone I know in the game. I am sure there are people I do not know who have more, but get off your high horse about people using alts, or stop using YOURS to spy like you did during the Percision show, only using that show as an example, and if you come back posting you have NO alts, I WILL list the names here. But for now, I will be nice.
Posted by: Laughs at you | May 10, 2005 at 06:58 AM
Wow, Laugh at you... I wonder what alts *tsk* *tsk*.. don't hide, if you say so...
No Chipsen, you say you do come to your fashion shows on your reports. But see, if I hit on you, you get defensive too as well as I do if you do, you been hitting on me all this time without even me knowing about all this, and still I come and give you credit and give you a reason for people to read, you should be proud I bring you people here to red lol
Remember, you said, you had freedom of speech... and I said I do too. Didn't I say I was shocked at your better words? But I get tired too see you complaining, but you get tired of me?..ay ay ay...
Anyway... again, good pictures, thanks for giving credit to Heart Desires, I have to admit that
Posted by: Palomma | May 10, 2005 at 08:31 AM
Watch out kids.
Palomma thinks she's smart now, "figuring out" who Chipsen is and all.
So the, tell us, who is she? Hmm?
Posted by: Seri | May 10, 2005 at 11:15 AM
Paloma, If you are in the fashion industry, and cant handle negative comments, then honey, you are in the wrong line of business. All I ever see from you is defensive stuff, YOU should be thankful that this Chipsen person is giving you publicity, negative or positive, it makes people curious about you. So be a gracious host and just smile, otherwise you are looking the fool.
Posted by: Xaira Lehane | May 10, 2005 at 11:39 AM
Why is palomma still here? She is always complaining and judging people on what to do.
"Just like i like it, to promote the designer" - Palomma
a show that lasts 2 hours promotes the agency also.
If he gives a bad review, people wont come.
So you like to receive good reviews, because you want dwell too :)
As we all can tell, you get mad when he gives your shows a bad review. My advice, Get over it. And start to make better shows if you dont want bad ratings.
Posted by: Lisa | May 10, 2005 at 03:32 PM
That what Xaira stated here is very true. If you are in the Fashion industry , you always receive negative comments and you just learn from them and move on. You don't defend it and argue over it . I am seeing a different light in this Dove company. Something does not ring true cyber nor RL. I believe this is not a real deal that has been stated so detailed in the group information, just a Second Life Fantasy which is fine, Keep it as such. This reporter says nice things and you come back fussing any way .. You need the Fashion Police to give you Cyber CPR and bring you back to your silly senses and this Fashion Police has nothing to do with the fashions that you're wearing either LOL Figure that one out. Oh I smell and hear a Brain Fart coming
Posted by: Looki | May 10, 2005 at 04:47 PM
DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA! *Considers re-opening Maracas Agency, and showing everyone HOW to do it right.
Posted by: Stacy Maracas | May 11, 2005 at 01:53 PM