The Herald is pleased to present this week’s Post Six Grrrl - Angelica Ludovico. Angelica is the chief officer of the groups Decrepid Darkness and Dark Depressions. A big thank you goes out to Marilyn Murphy, the publisher of Players Magazine (available at Semang (208, 170)), who is responsible for these pictures and all of the Herald's Post Six Grrrls.
Heya, I'm the cute little goth girl next door Angelica Ludovico. I started playing SecondLife January 16th, 2005 and I love it. I have learned a lot from my time in this crazy, but fun, virtual heaven. I've learned the fine art of tormenting prims to make some very weird stuff. Making vampire stuff is one of my favorite past times hehe. I love to share my works with people and if I like ya you get a set for free ;)
I am the head of a loving Vampire family, Two groups, Decrepid Darkness and Dark Depressions. I keep being told Im one of the prettiest gothic women in SL, but vanity is not one of my virtues hehe. It's nice to know people think so highly of me though. I love to help people in this world and give them the knowledge that was passed to me as a little newbie girl. Hehe, still a noob on many levels but I have accomplished a lot in my time here.
I spend a lot of my time with my SecondLife family, dancing and partying. There is so much I havent explored of SecondLife still that I am eager to join in on. I'm the shop till you drop kinda girl. I tend to blow all my money on things for me and other people. I love giving gifts to people and do so often. I am a very friendly and loving girl. Delving into the after dark of secondlife is a favorite thing for me. I've met so many interesting people here and I have love for so many. Maybe even you *wink*
I heard should be a little bit nicer to your in particular is a dear friend of mine and the way she was treated was deplorible....shame on you.
Posted by: Xaira Lehane | May 22, 2005 at 07:46 PM