by Matthias Zander
After a bit of a break, the Herald's fashion show reviews are back in action, starting with today's fashion show by the SABORLATINO models of the designs by Lizzie Daguerre. Lizzie's designs are, overall, absolutely gorgeous and simple, yet very detailed. The flowers for this wedding show were provided by Fallingwater Cellardoor of Fallingwater's Flowers and Shiny Things, and the shoes were provided by Tya Fallingbridge of Pixel Mode. Did the SABORLATINO models do the outfits justice and finally do well enough to get a few compliments from the Herald?
Let me start off by saying that I felt at times like I was in an episode of "Sims Behaving Badly" mixed with a bad late-night comedy show on Comedy Central. At times, Mariposa was just trying TOO hard to be funny - and it didn't work. That sim obviously has something wrong with it, because from watching the numbers, I can tell you that it wasn't acting like a normal sim.
As to the outfits, I'll review them in the groups they came in.
First, the "Flowergirl" set. These didn't really catch my eye, and Mariposa seemed to want the models to stay out longer than they should have. Every single one of them wore black shoes, which seemed a bit odd since the dresses came in so many colors. The models did well, though.
Next came the "Jackie" set, inspired by Jackie Kennedy. One of these is shown below, as modeled by SweetSexy Diamond. These were very nice, though very plain. The models had a bit of a collision at the first pose point, though. Girls, I hate to say it, but there shouldn't be two of you standing on top of each other, especially for over 2 minutes!
Next up was a set of two dresses that Mariposa never gave a group name for. The second of the two, "To Love and Cherish," is shown above, modeled by Webgoddess. These are very plain and don't exhibit the normal detail that Lizzie puts in her dresses, which is slightly disappointing. The models, however, did an excellent job handling this set.
Then we were shown a group of formals, beginning with the "Not-So-Little Black Dress," a new twist on an old favorite. Though very plain, it is sure to turn heads a bit. Next was "Cross Your Heart," modeled by Brit Wishbringer (also shown below). This is probably the first design of the entire show that I truly loved. Though simple, it was very elegant. "Pink Lace" was also in this set, but was not very detailed. I was beginning to wonder at this point if Lizzie just left her more detailed things back in her store or if the lag is making the detail disappear.
Next up was the "Dreams" group of five dresses. Just as a hint to Mariposa: when you have five dresses to show at once and three pose points, it works better to have some in between pose points, not bunch them at either side. ;-) With that said, these dresses were nice, but once again, very non-detailed! They were slightly marbelized, but otherwise, looked very plain, and if they didn't have Fallingwater's gorgeous flowers, would be lacking a bit.
Finally, after around 5 minutes of the "Dreams" being on stage, we had the conclusion: the wedding dresses. First was the "Jackie" wedding gown, to match the "Jackie" dresses. This was nice, but the textures had very little detail. The prim work, though, was very nice. Next was the GARGANTUAN "Elizabeth" wedding gown modeled by Webgoddess Mars and shown below. This was quite gorgeous, and, I'm happy to say, had more of a texture than the Jackie gown. Finally, we had a dress called "It's Your Day," that certainly wan't my style. It had some odd waistbands above the tulle skirt and a gargantuan bow on the back. I certainly hope that if it's ever my day, that gown doesn't show up.
All-in-all, I was slightly disappointed by some of Lizzie's designs. It looks like the SABORLATINO models are finally moving up in the modeling world, though there is always room to improve. All-in-all, it was quite a successful show.
The second picture down is uncalled for... A black woman shouldnt be wearing such a beautiful dress...
Posted by: Gormz Gomez | June 26, 2005 at 10:03 AM
I am not black know this as you, well, when you were playing in game under that name, you knew me, not sure what name you reside under these days, by the way...a black woman has every right to wear a pretty dress! So does any color lady. And frankly..if a man wants to wear it too...WOOT go for it. Gaaa some people's children.
Posted by: Brit | June 26, 2005 at 10:36 PM
Well well, Gormz still has his asshat on. We can tell that school is out for the summer now.
Posted by: Blayze | June 27, 2005 at 07:47 AM
Wow. What an ignorant racist f*ck you are, Gormz.
Posted by: Kris | June 27, 2005 at 07:49 AM
Um, well i happen to think a comment from such a retarded fucktard is uncalled for, can we get that removed to *rolls eyes*
Posted by: Willow Z | June 27, 2005 at 07:56 AM
Nah, leave the wannabe kleagles comment. That way we can snicker and poke fun at him. Very nice designs though on the clothing.
Posted by: Missy Varmint | June 27, 2005 at 10:12 AM
those make me wish I was a lady.
Posted by: seldon metropolitan | June 27, 2005 at 12:31 PM
am looking for a job like a model for a fashion design i have a nice body and i swimming with a club and i have a cute face so i wanna have a work so send me email if u wanna more details
Posted by: yazeed | May 25, 2007 at 04:28 PM
am looking for a job like a model for a fashion design i have a nice body and i swimming with a club and i have a cute face so i wanna have a work so send me email if u wanna more details
Posted by: yazeed | May 25, 2007 at 04:30 PM