In the wake of Prok's banning from the SL forums, the Feted Inner Core is having a virtual victory dance on the Linden supervised forums. No comment really, just one of those things that make ya go "hmmmm...".
So is this the Prokofy Herald, now? I'd grown used to this being an interesting source of news about Second Life. Now it appears to have become infected by the same disease which threatened the forums.
Posted by: Ardith Mifflin | June 21, 2005 at 04:22 PM
Didn't you hear? It's international Prokofy Neva month. At the halfway mark he is shaping up as the leading contender for our coveted Avatar of the Year Award too. But the Prok story, like all things of the flesh will soon pass from our radar. That is, as soon as the mafias and w-hats and Grandduke Ferdinand come out of hibernation.
Posted by: Urizenus | June 21, 2005 at 05:30 PM
I thought it was tasteless. This smug, righteous tone in the forums was an eye opener for me. I had always passed over Prokofy's long posts, until he was banned. Now, I've read them again and again. Granted there's no love lost between him and a few high-profile posters, I still think his banning was the FIC clique working at its finest. This so-called Metaverse WAS manipulated when the Lindens banned Prokofy. As long as he was still in the forums, he was his own proof contradicting his FIC beliefs. People have posted far worse, less thought out rants against other residents, and they're still there. The only thing Prokofy is guilty of in my mind is refraining from kissing all the right people's ass. I've seen how a few people Prokofy ruffled try to recruit others to see him in a negative light. They try hard to make Prokofy look bad hoping it makes themselves look remotely intelligent as he is. Picking at his words and making them sound ten times worse. It's pathetic. All Prokofy did was enlighten this grid of its shortcomings. Some just couldn't swallow it because to agree with him would be too humbling.
Disappointing. I'm ashamed.
Posted by: Darth | June 21, 2005 at 08:45 PM
Darth, reading your note was like balm to the soul. Every once in a while, in this cruel game, the game give back. So your post was like that. It's galling to see all this, but this, too, shall pass. It's no accident, comrade, that the FIC adopts the Bolshevik style in art, too LOL.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | June 23, 2005 at 08:52 PM
I believe there is an FIC in Second Life no matter how much they try to deny or make fun of the concept. I personally have no problems with the FIC or that there is an FIC. But I'm not in SL to make money and I really could give a shit what the Lindens think. If anybody joins SL with the idea of making RL cash then forget it. Thats locked up by the FIC and the Lindens will gladly bend their rules to make sure it stays that way. The way I see it its friends hooking up friends and either your in or your not. This aint good or bad its just the way its is. Its the Lindens game and its their world and their imagination. If you dont like it leave it and if the lindens dont like you then you leave it also.
Posted by: Mr F. | June 24, 2005 at 04:02 AM
So, Mr. F, by your logic, do you think Anshe Chung is the head of the FIC? If so, I think that the inventor of that acronym may disagree with you.
Posted by: nerferder | June 24, 2005 at 10:21 AM
I think my image on that forum thread struck the appropriately ironic tone for what happened.
Posted by: Agatha Palmerstone | June 24, 2005 at 12:56 PM
There is no leader to the FIC. Although I would say there are prominent members. It’s basically the Linden fan club for their favorite players imho. If I misused this term then my apologies to the creator of it.
Posted by: Mr F. | June 24, 2005 at 01:14 PM