by Matthias Zander
I just finished attending a fashion exposition (I'd heasitate to even come close to calling it a "fashion show") for the SecondLife designer Ambergris Baphomet. It was a very mixed set of clothing and raises some interesting questions about the fashion world in SecondLife in general. Overall, it was an interesting show with some high points and other very low points.
As was done once in the past, I am going to divide this review into three sections: The Good, The Bad, and The Extremely Ugly.
The Good
The highlight outfit of the evening in my mind is the "Lavender Tingle" dress, modeled by Simone Stern. This dress made its premiere tonight, according to Ambergris, and is stunning. It was completely hand-drawn, and shows a nice technique. As one person who attended the exposition put it, "that dress screams queen of all the world". I couldn't agree more.
Next up, we have Bubba Ash in a combination of the Abalone Male Silks and Handrawn Bluestone Loincloth. I couldn't get a picture of him with the silk bottoms on because he hopped off the posing stand whenever he put it on - and with good reason. This pose, which was done by Jonny Dusk (as we were reminded with each and every model description), is horrible for this kind of thing. Whomever picked out which poses go with which outfit needs a pair of glasses or something. The outfit itself, though, is nice, if silks are your style (or your lifestyle requirement).
The Bad
This outfit is called "Midnight Persia," and features Raven Callisto as the model. The name certainly fits this - it looks like she cut pieces out of a Persian rug and pasted them on a black material, and then decided to wear it. I'd definately skip this unless you're dressing for a "best floor textures applied as clothing" contest. The prim style is nice, but the textures honestly ruin it.
The Extremely Ugly
This outfit is "Purple Swirl," with Sunid Gorky as the model. This outfit is based off a texture by Margeaux Mirabeau, an old friend of mine. However, I am not a fan of this outfit, at all. First off, it looks like all Ambergris did is cut out pieces of Margeaux's texture, apply it to clothing, and put it on the model. The texture doesn't really even fit clothing, though. It looks to me like more of a flooring texture - I guess when you combine this with the Midnight Persian dress, you can assume that Ambergris has a bit of a flooring fetish. However, OH BOY! This outfit comes in other colors! I'm shocked and appalled. My apologies for the bad angle on the shot, as well. This model was stationary and did not turn (unlike the rest), so she was stuck with her butt towards all of us the entire exposition.
This final outfit is Renee Riva in "Fuscia Sparkle." Where to begin with this outfit? It's more than ugly - it's fugly. I believe Ambergris said that this was one of her early outfits, and she has certainly progressed (see "Lavender Tingle," above). Why show this at a fashion exposition, though? The prims are horrid and look like a bad cartoon hairstyle, the dress is obviously photosourced (and badly at that), and the stockings are just plain pink with black bows at the top. Once again, though, this outfit comes in NUMEROUS COLORS! Can't you see how thrilled I am?
Another issue I have with this is the pose. As is very common in poses, the ankles are broken. By this, I mean that the feet are angled downards at a very unnatural angle, causing the shoes to go through the ankle. This honestly isn't that hard to fix in Poser, and is something that pose creators should watch out for and prevent.
I absolutely hated the format of this fashion "show." What Ambergris did was have the models stay stationary on a poseball each on columns in a square around the courtyard. This made all of the attendees move, which caused all kinds of lag. I had extremely bad lag the entire time, as did many others (there were frequent complaints about lag in chat). Call me old-fashioned, but it's much more effective in my mind to have everyone sit down, and have the models come out one by one. This reduces lag because there are less people moving, and makes it much more effective and dramatic. Here, unless you wanted to stick around for Ambergris' explanations, you could come, see it all in 5 minutes or so, and then leave, if you could move.
The poses were all absolutely horrible. They need to be re-done with attention to detail (such as ankles), and better ones chosen next time for a fashion exposition such as this.
Certainly not the worst show that I've reviewed, but certainly not the best. Two out of five stars.
Odd...that last picture, I have that pose if its one of Jonny Dusk's and I just tried it out and it does not "break my ankles" like we see in that pic. I am going to venture to guess its either a collision with an AO or the shoes she is wearing?
Posted by: Queenie | March 02, 2006 at 12:53 AM
Very interesting indeed, Q.
That pose, just like all the others, was by Jonny Dusk (as we were reminded of time and time again, rather annoyingly). I'm glad to hear that in its natural state, it doesn't look as bad. Those are all things that the model should look at before finalizing shoe choices (if poses are dictated), in my opinion.
Posted by: Matthias | March 02, 2006 at 01:17 AM
I must agree with Matthias on this article, except for the good parts sorry to say. The Lavendar Tingle is 'ok'as it looks kind of like a purple tye-dyed Kleenex to me. The clothing is poor, the poses suck ass, the accessories are horrid (and wtf is up with the models shoes in Purple Swirl???) The model in this dress didn't even tone down her ass enough/at all to make the dress at least fit better.
Fuschia Sparkle is making my eyes bleed and I can't imagine anyone actually liking that enough to buy it. Nothing about the outfit is nice, the stockings don't match, the shoe selection doesn't match, the skirt is entirely too poofy.
This also has to be the first time I have ever seen a persian carpet texture for a dress. It's not even unique, it's ridiculous.
I remember Ambergris getting upset with the low stars she received in the forums when ratings were around. She thought people must be jealous and rating her low on purpose and proceeded to bump all of her clothing posts to the top for attention, but it was because her clothing is way sub par.
In a world such as SL with so many awesome designers, people really need to step up to the plate if they wanna be noticed in a favorable 'fashion'.
Posted by: whatever | March 02, 2006 at 12:56 PM
Here's the show as it was listed in events:
Fashion Exhibition - Ambergris
You are cordially invited to DRESS UP and come on over to the Simone! Design sim For an evening of Fashion, hors d'oeuvres, and Mingling.
Showcasing the Artistry of Ambergris ~ Deadly Fashions in conjunction with Fashion Poses created by Jonny Dusk.
Wednesday, March 1, 2006
7:00PM - 8:00PM (60 minutes)
Simone (70,190)
You will get to be up close and personal with the Fashions on display as well as the Models.
Browse, Indulge your Senses ~ Nibble on Tasty Treats & fill your eyes with Daring and Beauty.
(Mature Event: Some Partial {artistic!?} Nudity)
Clearly states that the Jonny Dusk poses were part of the promotion as well as the designs.
It also is called an Exhibition - not a show - for the obvious reasons of the format.
I was only able to attend the first part - got lagged to and booted and was unable to get the heck back in. I love update day!!
It was my understanding that half of the models were either no show or unable to get into SL. Emergency replacements (not necessarily models) were found last minute.
As for the Captain Morganesque pose (I didnt get to see that one!) Perhaps a little humor? Everyone seems so damn serious putting on shows. nice to see someone playing around a bit.
lag lag lag yeah it kickted my ass bigtime. Thank goodness I wasn't a model up on a runway trying to pose and walk or anything.
Posted by: Brace | March 02, 2006 at 05:00 PM