In an ongoing investigation into the news that a Second Life portal was coming to Stratics, the Herald has learned some alarming news: the avatar chosen to manage the soon-to-be-launched Stratics site covering all things Second Life appears to be none other than renowned mob boss (and occasional Herald contributor) Marsellus Wallace.
As faithful readers know, Mars started tearing it up in The Sims Online more than two years ago, under the guise of one JC Soprano. After re-establishing the Sim Mafia in Second Life, Marsellus has mainly kept his nose out of trouble, getting married, plying his trade as a virtual reporter and occasionally providing other services for the Herald. Now, though, it looks like the trouble is about to come find him.
The Herald stumbled on the story while looking into the new Stratics and Stratics New groups that were recently formed in Second Life. Both have Marsellus as officer, as the screenshots below demonstrate, and name him as "Portal Manager" and "Stratics SL Manager" respectively. (Click screenshots to enlarge.)
What prompted Stratics to nominate one of the longest-standing virtual mafia dons as the man to oversee its SL portal remains to be seen, and how he'll handle the job is an even bigger question. The Herald has put in a request for comment from both Mars and the Stratics contact in this SL forum thread, but we haven't heard back yet. Stay tuned for further developments in this important story.
DUDE! does that mean you will set Stratics on fire if things go wrong? lol.
Posted by: Santino Satriale | March 18, 2006 at 11:35 AM
This is freaking classic! Especially after stratics banned him when he played tso.
Posted by: Urizenus | March 18, 2006 at 05:50 PM
Well this is the final straw now I know SL is going to have terrible firery death.
Posted by: Tye Rebuh | March 18, 2006 at 10:22 PM
I'm sorry, I never knew I was banned. Thanks for informing me though! I was suspended for 7 days. Long before Stratics took over the forums. I was never banned from TSO or from Stratics. But yes, very classic. =)
Marsellus Wallace
Stratics SL Portal Manager & Boss, The Sim Mafia /
Posted by: Marsellus Wallace | March 18, 2006 at 11:40 PM
No dude all it means is Marsuck here will have yet another group made up of all his alts claiming to do this and that. Won't be surprised when we see news stories or specific posts all about Marsuck in stratics now.
Posted by: whateva | March 20, 2006 at 09:04 AM
For real, you need to come up with better material. LOL
Marsellus Wallace
Better Gamer Than You!!!
Posted by: Marsellus Wallace | March 20, 2006 at 11:00 AM
Im sorry guys I have a confession to make. I really am just a 15 year old boy with no life and no girlfriends and i try to act tough in a game where the only real way that i can hurt people is by reporting them. Im sorry for arguing...
Posted by: Marsellus Wallace | October 25, 2006 at 06:51 PM