by Budka Groshomme
As a show of strength of the water community in SL, the Second Life Sailing Federation has created docks in Sanchon and invited all sailors to show their creativity and approaches to building working sailing craft. The monster boat show ends Tuesday, so if you want to see and experience sailing in SL, you’d better get there soon. In response the community has moored pirate ships, variations of the Flying Tako, a Viking ship, and several that defy description. All of them behave much as real life sailboats would in taking advantage of SL’s virtual “wind.”
The Flying Tako is a design by Kanker Greenacre that is probably the best sailing simulator found anywhere, making use of the wind data that is generated by SL's sims. At the time of this article Kanker has created three models of the Tako, two of which are raced several times a week in various venues, but mostly in the waters just off the Starboards Yacht Club. On the docks you can rent or buy a Tako, learn to sail, and learn the Racing Rules, which you should know before you begin to challenge the skilled sailors of the SLSF, who have had LOTS of practice in moving fast.
Currently in the works by Kanker is a two-person sloop with independent sail controls. He is also making continual improvements on head’s-up displays that help the sailor manage the multiple factors involved in sailing a true and fast line.
To experience the pure joy of virtual sailing or just watch a SL sailboat race, watch the announcements for an event near your time zone.
Where is the neat arial shot I took? Also should mention that the races and lessons are at the Seaboards Yacht Club in HOLLYWOOD.
Posted by: budka groshomme | April 10, 2006 at 03:54 PM
Sorry about that, Bud! I mistakenly uploaded the same shot twice. Fixed now.
Posted by: Walker Spaight | April 10, 2006 at 09:28 PM
For the record, the boat show in Sanchon was sponsored by the Vagabonds Yacht Club (not SLSF). The VYC also hosts sailboat races in Sanchon a couple times a week, using RL racing rules (to the extent that they apply in SL). One last nit-pick: it's the Starboards Yacht Club in Hollywood sim, and they host weekly races too in Hollywood and their four dedicated sailing sims.
Posted by: Kanker Greenacre | April 13, 2006 at 02:05 AM