The SecondCast cast had a nice chat with Prokofy Neva the other night, which is now available for your listening. The episode covers some pretty interesting and thoughtful ground -- including the trials and tribulations of landlording in SL -- though it did get more lively at a couple of moments than most of our shows generally do. Cast your ear over it on Johnny's site, or at
um...hang on...I though Prok was advocating text only interaction. she's one of the lunchtime kewl gang on the hipster radio hour text is, like, sewwwwwwwwww March 2006!
Posted by: Zork | April 14, 2006 at 11:11 AM
The fact that Prokofy did this after rambling on and on about how less gets said in speech than in words. The irony abounds.
Posted by: Matthias | April 14, 2006 at 11:53 AM
I urge all readers to actually read the essay at the link Zork provides, where they can easily say that I do no such thing as "advocate text only". That's silly. I say nothing of the sort. I describe what is lost when we move away from text-only, that's all.
And I'm not one of the lunchtime kewl gang, they only brought me on the show once, and mainly just to try to corner and bully me. It was mainly about Cristiano to get me to "come around" and "confess" and "conform to FIC group think". I hope to write about this fascinating problem of groups and their group-think more. First, I'll listen to this podcast to see how much they cut and what they left in, which itself is likely to be tendentious.
Less does get said in speech than in text. That's a fact. Tone is important. But so is a text people take the time to think and write.
I continue to urge the Second Cast people to dump this concept of a "cast". It's stupid. There should be an individual talk show host who assumes the public responsibility of being a talk show host. He should revolve his guests regularly. It's acceptable if a Walker or a Cristiano are "regular guests" -- it's not acceptable for them to be permanent fixtures like the goddamn potted palms in the office. No thanks!
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | April 14, 2006 at 02:04 PM
Having heard this now, I'd have to say that the first 3/4 of the show goes along fine and isn't edited in any significant way. At the end, however, there's a very sharp controversy about Second Cast itself and its role, and the FIC and its role -- and this is chopped considerably.
Walker ponderously gives us the analogy that Second Cast is "no different" than a journalist covering a presidential candidate or president, and having to clear questions through a P.R. office.
Bullshit. I *quite* understand the analogy -- but let's study how it breaks down (leaving aside the debate about why news media would have to sit still for clearance through PR, when what REALLY happens in RL is that the news media SHOUT OUT at the stakeouts the questions people want to know, so at least they're heard, even if the POTUS never answers them!):
When Brian Gumble covers the President of the United States, Brian Gumble isn't *also* the top animations maker of New York City, or let's say a RL equivalent, also the owner of Macy's, the main store, or mayor of the City Hall, or chief of the parks, or any thing *else* in that society but a responsible journalist. His tag-line introduction doesn't include, "Mr. President, I'm Brian Gumble but I'm also the top male clothes designer in the world, so let me ask you about this burning public issue that is really just about how I can secure my own interests, which are copyright for my men's clothing texturse."
See how it works? CONFLICT OF INTEREST. These neophytes and juveniles and provincials in Second Life just do not understand this concept whatsoever.
Cristiano, Lordfly, Torrid, Aimee and so on are all top creators in SL who are in business to make money and also are in the business of SL to enhance their reputations and gain influence over the Lindens, the forums, and in general the population. They tirelessly work at this, which is why they were first to get on this program. So to have them sit and ask questions like puppets transmitting listener questions is stupid -- but then why even have them AT ALL!!!!
Some very telling lines I recall were left out:
o I asked Johnny why he made Second Cast the way it is. Cristiano says it was just a question of him volunteering. Johnny says he deliberately wanted to achieve an effect: "I wanted one builder, one scripter, one fashion designer".
That's where I said "stop right there, Johnny" because in fact is hand was shown: his plurality went only from A-B, and he chose the top creators of the world in following the worldview that says creators are the privileged caste. He never included land-dealers -- my being on there as a land-dealer is merely a sidebar to my a) asking to be on and demanding some corrective to this funnel b) me creating a huge scandal and objection over their naked bid to run the town halls.
I didn't ask for our town halls -- our system of governance! -- to be turned over to some talk show host, did I? That was Philip's whim. That talk show, however, doesn't just have a host, it has a CAST, like Saturday Night Live. So what's ALSO missing from this is my pointed question to these usurpers: who are you guys? who elected you? What, are you the permanent revolutionary committee???
All they did is yammer on about how I was "thoughtful" on air and a nice person but inworld I was "mean". I insisted that I'm the same everywhere, and that we don't all have to be in one community, they don't have to force me to conform to their platformer ideals.
It would be interesting for the Herald to demand that the full tape be made available, but it's probably not worth the bother.
The only solution to these kinds of funnelling problems is for other people to make podcasts, so that the Permanent Revolutionary Committee stay in charge.
Unfortunately, the usual First Among Equals, the FIC, are right there taking this over from the Lindens and getting their blessing. There's not going to be a SECOND town hall podcaster obviously -- and that's always the rub, eh? There's not going to be a SECOND Snapzilla, either, eh? Or Infonet in the hubs? lol.
So what we CAN demand however is that Johnny end this 'cast' nonsense -- let him rotate his guests fully on every show.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | April 14, 2006 at 03:03 PM
>The fact that Prokofy did this after rambling on and on about how less gets said in speech than in words. The irony abounds.
The fact that boy wonder Matthias calls himself a journalist and writes incorrect, tendentious crap like this. The irony abounds.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | April 14, 2006 at 04:32 PM
Actually, Prok, I just spoke with Johnny before reading the comments here and he is in fact planning to make the other portions of the show publicly available.
Posted by: Walker Spaight | April 14, 2006 at 06:15 PM
Quote from Prok: "The fact that boy wonder Matthias calls himself a journalist and writes incorrect, tendentious crap like this. The irony abounds."
First off, Prokofy, fragments are used as emphasis at times, as they draw the eye. You obviously missed that lesson. Second, I was commenting on this as a person, not as a journalist. Finally, the "boy wonder" label is not one I have ever claimed for myself - if you want to assume that I'm some "boy wonder," then go right ahead, but I have never once called myself that, and never plan to.
Now, see, if I wanted to, I could go into a five page diatribe here about how SecondCast is a private venture, so they don't NEED elections, and how Philip can run Linden Lab and the town halls however he wants to - but since it's as easy as saying just that, I'll leave it at one sentance, since that's much more likely to be read than your five page rants.
Posted by: Matthias | April 14, 2006 at 07:06 PM
Walker, do you think you could stop grazing with the Electric Sheep for one minute and just answer my point? You claim that Johnny's role on "covering" Town Halls (ermmm...broadcasting them, really?) or indeed covering SL in these podcasts is "no different" than CNN covering the president and going through a PR office (when they deal with Philip) or "no different" than when CNN in general covers the news.
But that's not the analogy, as I've pointed out. If Wolf Blitzer was a top women's clothing designer and built Rockfeller Center, etc. well, we might have ourselves an analogy...and then you could see the problem, eh?
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | April 14, 2006 at 08:07 PM
>>But so is a text people take the time to think and write.
oh give it up Porkofy. stop backpatting yourself over your overly long rants...just because you take time to write some long winded bullshit about the price of fish in ravenglass does not mean it is actually of any substance.
Try cutting your output by at least 75% and compressing it into something intelligent that can be read in under 1 minute and you might begin to impress. You constantly just go on and on about the same things...your ego must know no bounds.
Posted by: zork | April 15, 2006 at 05:13 AM
Prok, here's my answer: Johnny doesn't have any other role than podcaster
Posted by: Walker Spaight | April 15, 2006 at 10:42 AM
Matthias says:
"Now, see, if I wanted to, I could go into a five page diatribe here about how SecondCast is a private venture, so they don't NEED elections, and how Philip can run Linden Lab and the town halls however he wants to - but since it's as easy as saying just that, I'll leave it at one sentance, since that's much more likely to be read than your five page rants."
Coco says - I can't believe I read this in the SLH.
OK, now that we know that whatever Philip does with town halls and whatever Linden Labs does with Second Life is by definition hunky-dory, and everything Second Cast decides to do is just peachy - because they are PRIVATE VENTURES! - then why does SLH bother to exist?
Uri, I just KNOW you've got to be turning over in your metaphorical grave. I don't know how you can stand to watch this happen to your baby, unless they paid you good money for it.
Posted by: Cocoanut | April 15, 2006 at 05:16 PM
Coco said:
"OK, now that we know that whatever Philip does with town halls and whatever Linden Labs does with Second Life is by definition hunky-dory, and everything Second Cast decides to do is just peachy - because they are PRIVATE VENTURES! - then why does SLH bother to exist?"
Coco, that wasn't my point at all. What I was saying was that it wasn't ILLEGAL for them to do it by any means, because it is a private venture. I love your twisting of words. The SLH exists to point out these things, yes, but to do so in a much more concise fashion that what Prokky does (about 1/5 of the space, typically).
Posted by: Matthias | April 15, 2006 at 06:22 PM
What I was saying was that it wasn't ILLEGAL for them to do it by any means, because it is a private venture
I guess you just are too much of a boy wonder to get this, Matthias. I realize your attention span is very brief.
It doesn't matter if it "isn't illegal" in some abstract sense.
You don't have private ventures just take over a government function like this.
This Mr. Lee's Hong Kong in Snowcrash. It's awful.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | April 15, 2006 at 09:10 PM
What twisting of words, Matthias?
I am responding to your words.
You are the one who pointed out that they are private ventures and can do whatever they feel like doing.
You are also the one who now brings up the the fact that it is also legal for them to do whatever they want.
We already know those things. They are not the issue. Those facts are beside the point for the purposes of discussion; they are givens.
And until today, I don't believe the SLH has ever presented as a counter-argument to a criticism the fact that private companies can do what they want.
I already know you are concise, Matthias, except when writing on fashion shows or hair fairs. In fact, you're sometimes concise to the point of not bothering to track down important facts or interview people involved, and actually leave out essentials like the who, where, when, how, or why of stories.
Posted by: Cocoanut | April 15, 2006 at 10:14 PM
"I guess you just are too much of a boy wonder to get this, Matthias. I realize your attention span is very brief.
It doesn't matter if it "isn't illegal" in some abstract sense.
You don't have private ventures just take over a government function like this."
First off, the personal attack was unwarranted and unnecessary. Second off, why would you call this a "governmental function"? I know you don't actually believe that outside of, say, Neualtenburg and a handful of other private sims that SecondLife is actually a democracy.
By my saying that Philip can take SecondLife wherever he wants to, it doesn't mean that we all have to agree with it. It's the same with SecondCast and Johnny. That's the point that I was making, the point you failed to get, and the area where you twisted my words. As to your comment "you're sometimes concise to the point of not bothering to track down important facts or interview people involved, and actually leave out essentials like the who, where, when, how, or why," I would honestly debate that. At times, it's not necessary to know exactly what Ulrika was debating (just that she was declared a cyber-terrorist), etc. Honestly, no one really cares outside of the Neualtenburg few. With the interviews, I'm assuming you're meaning the Hair Fair, which was meant as a review, not as a "complete coverage" situation. Last I checked, reviews don't necessitate an interview.
Posted by: Matthias | April 15, 2006 at 10:52 PM
Well, I still fail to get it, then, because it sounded to me just like the, "they can do whatever they want, so shut up," comments I have heard so often since I joined SL.
But ok, I'll take your word for it that you didn't mean that.
Posted by: Cocoanut | April 16, 2006 at 12:30 AM
lmao that has to be the most funniest one i've listened to yet, hey Porky, you don't speak so educated in real do you ? Leeds me to suspect you run your posts through some theasaurus before clicking POST lmao ....... infact on the contrary, you seem to talk like a whiney retarded 5 year not getting their own way !! LMFAO
Another thing i got from that interview is that Porky feels that her/his/it's opinion of what is griefing and what is not, is, or in her/his/it's opinion should be, the universal. I noticed that on a few other topics discussed in the cast to.
Some how i think Porky cries far too much when she/he/it's not the centre of attention ......... i'm not going to the SLCC because i didnt organise it, or as he/she/it says it "it wasn't legitamately organised" LMAO
too funny
THE TrannyPet Barmy
Posted by: TrannyPet Barmy | April 21, 2006 at 06:36 AM