You will listen to SecondCast episode #23, or we'll send our guest -- Sim Mafia boss Marsellus Wallace -- around to your plot to break your virtual kneecaps while you're napping in that camping chair. A hilarious and informative look at the purported escapades of Second Life's mouthiest mafia don.
"I told her she couldn't be in The Sim Mafia" What you meant to say im sure is that you were useless and begged for months for Mia Wallace to work with you and were repeatedly declined.
You are a laughable. I researched your entire family tree and it seems you were the sap. You are so stupid you got hit by a parked car. I must admit I admire you because I've never had the courage it takes to be a liar, a thief, and a cheat. I think I know were your desire to continue your online roleplaying stems from...I heard that when you were a child your mother wanted to hire someone to take care of you, but the Mafia wanted too much. So now you imagine you are a badass online. Are you always this stupid or did you make a special effort on this podcast?
You have that certain nothing. Truly, you are about as interesting as watching a slug move slowly across a large rock. Genius does what it must, talent does what it can, and you had best do what you're told, you dyslexic lobotomy patient. Maybe you wouldn't read like such a pathetic loser if you weren't so dumb that even blondes tell jokes about you; if your weren't so fat that when you run, you make the CD player skip at the radio station, or if you didn't have a face so ugly that your mom had to get well-and-truly drunk before she could breast feed you. Nah, of course you would. You were nothing in the Sims and are still a loser.
Marsellus [name elided by editor], do yourself and everyone else a favor, take a fatal overdose of your bi-polar medication.
Posted by: Mia Wallace | June 16, 2006 at 12:20 PM
"Maybe you wouldn't read like such a pathetic loser if you weren't so dumb that even blondes tell jokes about you; if your weren't so fat that when you run, you make the CD player skip at the radio station, or if you didn't have a face so ugly that your mom had to get well-and-truly drunk before she could breast feed you. Nah, of course you would."
Wow, elementary school much?
Posted by: Nonya | June 16, 2006 at 02:07 PM
My Dearest Mia,
hahahahahahahha hahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha omg!!! roflmao!!!!!!!!! *composes self*
Sticks and stone.. Oh wait, I am teary eyed... Oh gosh I may cry! lolol And you say I am laughable. Who is the one after 4 years is still a bitter old man (or is it woman? we never know who is actually playing your accounts do we?)? It was a damn game. Don't be pissed off because I am still successful with what I did back then and am doing things with it. You know my philosephy, don't start none won't be none. You was in Hell's Kitchen and couldn't take the heat. Well, don't start a fire you can't put out.
You misquoted me too. I said that you couldn't be a Mafia no more. You never were in my Mafia, nor were you ever offered to be in my Mafia. As I said though, you guys used to be cool and you helped me get started and was nice to me. I have never dogged Piers or Jen (not sure who is typing this, guessing Piers. I never really had any beef with Jen.) on a personal level unless they of course attacked me first in such a manner. Your group gave Mafia players a bad name. You were worse than any in-game terrorist group and really didn't care. People cared. I stepped in. What happened to the Wallace Family anyway after that??? Oh wait, thats right... They quit and became the SSG. Where is the SSG today? That's what I thought... Now who's owned? Wait a sec, do people still actually use that term? I thought that went out a long ass time ago. lol
And you can threaten me all you want, call me names all you want, but the sad fact of the matter (and it is sad becuase I thought you guys were actually gonna do something good with the SSG and I tried to support you) is that I am still here and your off yelling at someone who don't give a fuck what you think at this point and laughs at you since you get so excited over something that was done years ago. Most adults learn to move on, especially over something as petty as a video game. People are going to bring up the fight between the SSG and my group. It is a part of history. Deal with it and move on and laugh about it. We both could have done things differently and you know it.
See that's the one thing I have learned in my 4 years. How to shrug off morons becuase it is only a game. Sure I will say my piece and sometimes get heated when doing so, but I am not all bitter or grudge carrying. Hell, I don't like Tranny's posts most of the time and give him my 2 cents, but I will also compliment him when he has a point. Just remember, that CNN interview (which I beleive is most of your bitterness since we talked before that day and things were cool), I did not bring you up. I was asked specifically about you. Until that point, I said nothing about you although there were times I could have. You want me to say no comment on live national TV over a video game you obviously take far too seriously? Get the fuck out of here. I answered the question honestly and truthfully. Perhaps the truth hurts a bit much... Don't worry though Mia, you can read how much of moron I am and how much I didn't do in the book I am writing. Will be a real boring read for you I must say.
Oh ya, notice they are referring to me by my real name (hense them taking things far too seriously)... Things too real for you or you one of those players that can't seperate the two? Don't answer that, I already know. Bi-Polar medication? lolol Ummmm, perhaps you should start taking some, no offense, but looks like you need it more than me.
Marsellus Wallace
Boss, The Sim Mafia
*waits for the next mood swing*
Posted by: Marsellus Wallace | June 16, 2006 at 02:31 PM
Wow that was the most retarded thing I have ever read. Is this Mia person a teen grid player? If not it sounds like they should be. I am not a mafia supporter, but I have to agree with Marsellus that it's time to move on if it has been that long.
- MM
Posted by: Mirra Maradona | June 16, 2006 at 06:01 PM
Your post is the world's greatest proof of reincarnation; no one could get that dumb in just one lifetime. Marsellus, do yourself and everyone else a favor: disconnect your computer from the Internet.
Here's a tip: no one will ever know that you've had a lobotomy if you wear a wig to hide to the scars; stop posting your drivel on message boards, and learn to control the slobbering. You are obviously suffering from Clue Deficit Disorder. A long period of non-posting would be most welcome on your part. To quote Martin Luther King, Jr.: "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
If brains were gasoline, you wouldn't have enough to run an ant's go-kart around the inside of a donut. You wouldn't know a clue if it walked up to you, bit you on the ass, and announced 'I AM A CLUE'. Oh well, at least you only charge what your free advice is worth. How true is Stanislaw J. Lec's famous remark: "Every now and then you meet someone whose ignorance is encyclopedic."
If that post was intended as a joke, you forgot to include the punch line. You're so boring, even a boomerang wouldn't come back to you. Is there anything I need to know about you other than your a grungy social outcast? Maybe you wouldn't come across as such a jellyfish-sucking mental midget if you weren't so dumb that even blondes tell jokes about you; if your weren't so fat that buildings bounce when you haul your Sumo Wrestler mass down the street, or if you didn't have a face that could be used as an alternative to a stomach pump. Who am I kidding? You would.
You're a message board freak. That's all you are. I know it's hard to accept the truth, but the truth it is, and accept it, you must.
Posted by: Mia Wallace | June 16, 2006 at 10:14 PM
Mia... I love you!!! I haven't laughed this hard since the SSG was formed... LOL
Marsellus Wallace
Boss, The Sim Mafia
Posted by: Marsellus Wallace | June 17, 2006 at 01:20 AM
Got to admit i'm rather enjoying this thread to ;)
TrannyPet Barmy
[future editor of]
Posted by: TrannyPet Barmy | June 18, 2006 at 04:05 AM
I enjoyed listening to this cast. Oh brought back old memories of TSO. This Mia always thought she was something didn't she. Even though as a beta player of TSO in Alphaville I never even heard of her till she was gone! ROFL. The Sim Shadow Government now that was interesting. But never heard of it either untill Storm.
I find it very interesting that Marcellas has kept his roleplaying going into another world Second Life. Im continually amazed at the amount of people that were once in TSO are not in SL. Wonder if when TSO closes there will be a mass exodus to Second Life hahahahah.
You guys keep having your fun :)
Posted by: GrapeApe | June 18, 2006 at 04:39 PM
Wow, I am with MM. I don't support mafia's, but to come on here and sling childish insults, on a GAME OE paper... wow. At least have a point. Maybe it's just me, but I certainly can't find any in those postings.
Posted by: Random Writer | June 19, 2006 at 12:46 AM
You morons seem to be missing the point. My insults and posts are intended to be childish. You would think after 4 years JC wouldn't have to lie. He puts so much importance in being something in an online world that he is nothing in real life. He takes things so seriously in a virtual world. If you post "ur gear sux" he has a meltdown. He spends time defending himself screaming "MY GEAR DOES NOT SUCK" that is pure entertainment. My posts worked as intended and got JC up on his soap box to preach more bullshit that he can't back up. It's his word against the masses that witnessed the Alphaville when the SSG was at it's peak. He trys so hard to discredit something that was basically a guild/group of friends in a damn game. In his interview with Uri.. he goes on to say how he kicked me out of his mafia and such. Thats complete bullshit, he is a wimpy egomaniac with delusions. I didn't like the negativity that was associated with what JC was attempting to do in game and knew it was going to go no where. I took it to another level with SSG and had zero tolerance for Mafia and the roleplaying they wished to impose on players that were not interested. With my game play position I kept greifers out of Alphaville for a solid year and made the game enjoyable for others. You can dispute it all you like. In the end it was a game and I enjoyed playing it. JC has done nothing but talk... and type and talk and type about all the many things he can do but never delivers. Let's look at his biggest attempt at bashing me saying Jen and Piers as often as he can and saying how you never knew who was playing that account. First off.. I had 2 accounts at all times. Don't be bitter that as a husband and a wife we enjoyed playing Mia Wallace together. As for his second most popular attack.. where is the SSG now? I disbanded it in SWG after a year of playing it. It had over 250 members at the time. I then moved on to World of warcraft. we had a guild there for a year called The Shadow Sentinels. Also with over 250 members. We disbanded and merged with another guild where I no longer have to be bothered with babysitting and being a guild leader. SSG is all spread out playing other games. Many have lost touch and that's fine. It's a game and I never expected to be friends online or offline with the many thousands that have walked through my guild door so to speak. I am enjoying my game time now. I have zero stress from Idiots like JC - they are not my problem. The fact that JC talks about how he is writing a book is ridiculous. It would be a chapter at best. Let me say this for the last time on the record for JC to ponder on. Your interaction with me was minimal. Practically non existent. Your claims to being a thorn in my side and being this big and bad mafia when the only reason I knew who you were was because you messaged me. I liked your idea when you didn't take it so seriously. Now after 4 years.. you are the joke.
As for this TrannyPet Barmy post. I was Rollergirl in Beta in Alphaville.. I was the most popular sim in beta and then someone stole my name and I created Mia Wallace. For a year in Alphaville I was the #1 sim and had the #1 Romance House. If you never heard of me till I left then you wouldnt know your ass from your elbow either. I started SSG as well as Shadow Land and Shadow Radio. SSG aka The Sim Shadow Government was around for over 3 years. Shadow Radio was alive and kicking for 2 years. I was on CNN as well as featured on ZDTV and mentioned in countless articles online and newspapers. What did it mean then and now? 4 years later... absolutly nothing other than I have fun playing online games. The End.
P.S you can't deny is awesome.
Posted by: Mia Wallace | June 20, 2006 at 05:54 PM
Mia, although i agree with the majority of what you say of Marsellus, i'm not entirely sure why either of you have brought my name into this ? Marsellus attempting to use me as some proof of something he has said or some proof of his supposed 'integrity'(nice to know i've made that much of an impact on your Marsellus ;)), and you, well after you write "As for this TrannyPet Barmy post" you go on about who you are ? What does that have to do with me ? Where exactly did i ask who you are ? With all due respect, i care about as much who you are as i do Marsellus. I simple said i was enjoying the thread ;)
Totally agree with you though, the whole game mafia thing is completely stupid. Many thanks though to Marsellus and his motor mouth during the SecondCast, thanks very much for telling the world just how easy it is to abuse the abuse report system, and "put people out of the game". For the rest of the people who read this site who told me to "quit whining" over it, now you see, exactly what i said was going on IS going on, i only hope that soon it happens to you so you can experience it first hand to :)
As for you Marsellus, you may be able to fool some of the people some of the time, but NEVER think you're good enough to fool all of the people all of the time. Trying to have us all beleive you're doing some good for the SL community, SHAME ON YOU. At the end of the day, you're a griefer just like any other. Just as the Alliance idiots are to. What i dont understand is why people like you and the alliance seem to think that your idiotic paper thin front of "doing the community a favour" is actually fooling any one ? Ultimately you're no better than any other griefer, infact, if anything you're worse, you actually make a living off of griefing !!!
I wish you good luck with the book Marsellus, although, i would agree with Mia on that one, that i some how doubt you'll ever get much further than a chapter into it.
TrannyPet Barmy
[future editor of SLHerald]
Posted by: TrannyPet Barmy | June 20, 2006 at 08:11 PM
I quite enjoyed this secondcast podcast. I also enjoyed the section on Marsellus the mastermind of the slmafia the man behind the mask but it wasn't exactly enough so I did google search and this is what I found.
Posted by: DizzleDazzle | June 21, 2006 at 01:02 PM
My Bad TrannyPet Barmy my comment was directed at GrapeApe not you. If I could have edited it after posting I would have.
Sorry. :D
Since I am here I would also like to add that JC is so obsessed with me that he had to name his charachter Marsellus Wallace. ROFLMAO Way to be original JC after I schooled you on who Mia Wallace was.
Posted by: Mia Wallace | June 21, 2006 at 02:56 PM
Blah Blah Yippidy Yah! lol You only proved my points of bitterness by making that last post. Funny, you used to say you have 1000 members, now it's 250? Having a hard time getting your story straight? Once again too, I never said I kicked you out of my Mafia (try reading the entire post before you reply). I said I told you I didn't want you being a Mafia no more as YOU gave Mafia's bad names. Even with the SSG you were just a glorified Mafia using the guise of good to do evil.
Also, you really should listen to everything and read everything before you post. Uri was not a member of the panel. You never did check facts, just guessed at them.
It's true that for you 4 years later the stories you were in are nothing now but, you were in countless articles? Funny, I can count them and there aren't too many of them. SSG is no more and I am still here...... STILL in the press. Don't be upset because I took this somewhere and am doing something with it. You had your chance. So for me, it's not nothing for the stories I am in. Perhaps it is for you becuase your 15 minutes faded a long time ago.
You are right though, in the end it's all for fun. So why get so serious? As I said before, you should look back and laugh at all of this. We both could have done things differently and we used to be cool... That is until you starting attacking me on a personal and non-game level.
Tranny, you don't even play and were banned for abuse so how do have the balls to say you know what's good for the community? I rest my case. I was actually trying to give you a compliment though when I brought you up. =P
Now if you all want, we can keep this thread going (it is a good laugh after all and helps promote us) or we can put this shit behind us, as I have tried for many years, and move on. Like I said, people are going to talk about it. That gives you no need or right to make things personal.
Let's see what immature response we get next... =)
Marsellus Wallace
Boss, The Sim Mafia
Posted by: Marsellus Wallace | June 21, 2006 at 03:54 PM
Hey Dizzle,
Nice shameless promotion (gotta respect that) for your site... Google The Sim Mafia and you will find a lot more. BTW, your site is slow and plain. Need a webmaster? hahahaha
Marsellus Wallace
Boss, The Sim Mafia
Posted by: Marsellus Wallace | June 21, 2006 at 03:57 PM
"Tranny, you don't even play and were banned for abuse so how do have the balls to say you know what's good for the community? I rest my case. I was actually trying to give you a compliment though when I brought you up. =P"
No Marsellus, i was banned supposedly for griefing, how ever the real story that has been gone over so many times was entirely different. You even tell the people in the podcast that you are doing exactly the sort of things i said had happened to me, being set up for Abuse Reports - Make your mind up MarsyPan - so now you're going to tell us that that sort of thing doesn't go on at all, contrary to what you said in the podcast, or was the stuff you said in the podcast just acting tough and cool ? LMFAO just another idiot twisting and turning what they say instead of following any continuity. What a completely lame come back "you were tarnished a griefer and banned, therefore you have no say on what is right and wrong for a community", oh right so you're kind of saying "if hitler was reborn and unleashed upon SL" i wouldnt recognise that as a problem ? In the same manner i recognise you for the griefer you are. Doesn't matter how you paint it MarsyPan, you're a griefer the same as any other, worse infact that you take money for it. But then on this note, didn't you just get suspended for 3 days, or was that more acting cool to ? I rest *my* case ;)
Look back over SLHerald for the last year or so since i began posting, read through the things i've said, and then relisten to the podcast. MarsyPan, you just about confirm everything i've said all along about the situation i got in with SecondLife :) SO which is it Marsy, do you really do the things in SL that you claim you do in the podcast, or, was it all acting tough ? Stuck now arent you Marsy, either you do do the things you claimed, and you confirm what i've said all along about my situation which kind of blows you "case" to kingdom come, or, you look a fool and tell us all you were just talk talk talk talk talking ;) Damn i love a win-win situation :)
Yes i noticed you were trying to pay me some compliment MarsyPan, but then i realised why, because you knew on this thread you would be so out numbered, and you were hoping i wouldnt get involved, but then unlike you MarsyPan, i dont lick ass, especially not to manipulate a situation or in an attempt to lessen a majority against me, you see MarsyPan i dont need to, i have integrity and continuity on my side, not to mention *ability*. Conversely, you're just completely FOS, just as Mia says, and as i've said a number of times as have many others.
To who ever the site belongs to, nice site, i checked it out, yeah MarsyPan is right, it's a little slow, but nothing i'd say was painful, but then i'm guessing the pain to MarsyPan was your content not it's load time, lol i notice the post about him threatening you, too damn funny, talk about looking stupid yet AGAIN ;) Libel over a game character what is he on !!!!!!!!!! LMFAO pfffffffffft
TrannyPet Barmy
[future editor of the SL Herald]
ps. MarsyPan do you really think you're going to deter response posts with little lines such as "Let's see what immature response we get next", God how Forum101 is that ?
Posted by: TrannyPet Barmy | June 21, 2006 at 09:04 PM
Well Marci I hate to disapoint you but it is not my site first of all. I love how you go It's just a video game and yet you threaten people because they talk their oppinions about your game character. Oh and Walter don't bitch about my promotion when you have your site in your sig DERP. Now get back into your corner you silly sally.
Marci's Little Angel
Posted by: DizzleDazzle | June 21, 2006 at 09:13 PM
"I was Rollergirl in Beta in Alphaville.. I was the most popular sim in beta and then someone stole my name and I created Mia Wallace. For a year in Alphaville I was the #1 sim and had the #1 Romance House. If you never heard of me till I left then you wouldnt know your ass from your elbow either. I started SSG as well as Shadow Land and Shadow Radio."
You self appointed your self a beta what celeberty. See my names of the most popular people in Beta were people never on the list. So what if you went around friending everyone you saw that didn't make you popular. I was around then and 3 years after and still am no one remembers you. Number one Romance house oooooh big feat what about money house, uh skill house? I just get aggervated as a TSO founder when people try to make themselves out to be who they weren't. I was around. Oh and a romance house no wonder I never heard of you I get enough of that in rl :)
But I do remember the ssg and they did do good for alphaville so you do have that to your credit. But it did carry on a while after you left.
Posted by: GrapeApe | June 22, 2006 at 02:10 AM
This is what I was refering to.
Urizenus: ok, so the Commission fell apart and you all went your separate ways
JC Soprano: Ya I basically told them to fuck off as mafai
JC Soprano: the name wallace was associated with me from that point on so I said no more wallace
JC Soprano: thats when they formed SSG to come after me.. Anti-Mafia stance for AV only like this is Nazi Germany
JC Soprano: and we are the jews...
That is a downright utter lie.. I told YOU to fuck off face the truth and you will be a better person. You wanted to hump my leg repeatedly and beg like the sorry little puppy you are. I had no interest in any game association with you then. I wanted as far away from your dumbass as possible but you are like a cyber stalker and would continue to message me with your silly stupidity. Facts are facts.. the only reason people were interested in you 4 years ago is because of the SSG. I have proof if you really need your face rubbed in it. A so called reporter you harassed because they did a report on the SSG and no mention of your pathetic excuse for attention? Heres a bit of advice mister I know everything about the SSG.. next time someone asks you about me say "I honestly don't know anything about the SSG. I was never in it." You were in a forum group I allowed you to be in to think you were special. I felt sorry for you. I still do. I just wish you would jump in a bucket of AIDS already and do the world a favor. Then die in a car fire.
Once again you fail at basic reading. In The Sims Online I had well over a thousand members. In Star Wars Galaxies I was the guild leader of over 250 members, the same amount in The World of Warcraft. Now... I have people I play with online and ZERO members.. not because of anything you did. It was my choice and I am not sorry. You think you are making a living at being a second life mafia? HAHAHAHA now thats a joke.. especially the idiot who would pay you for ANYTHING! LOL
Get a life already.. jesus.
Posted by: Mia Wallace | June 22, 2006 at 02:43 AM
GrapeApe I don't know you and played The Sims Online from beta till a year later. As you stated what I started was around even after I left. You say list's aren't important? That was all that was in The Sims when I played. If you were a beta player you would know that the list started out as most visited property overall. Which I was #1 as well. Im not interested in a pissing match with you. You are the reject I haven't heard of and you clearly have a higher tolerance for boredom since you still play the sims.
Regardless.. what it was it is. I am not Marsellus aka JC running around pretending I am hot shit. As I stated before I was in Entertainment Weekly among other articles and on CNN and ZDTV. It means nothing now and it meant nothing then. I only state it because of idiots like yourself who claim.. you were in beta and didn't know who I was. I had Will Wright send me 4 copies of The Sims Online personally.. and who are you again? LOL Oh! You are someone who had a few friends and thats who you thought the game revolved around and was the reason for you living. I am all out of cookies. So take my advice instead and shut the fuck up.
Posted by: Mia Wallace | June 22, 2006 at 11:13 AM
Marsellus, I remember you in TSO and you were nothing but an over grown child. Your "mafia" was nothing but a bunch tactics to cause trouble in a game that I otherwise enjoyed for about 2 years (Beta for 1 year...Live for 1 year). I was a long standing officer of SSG, not well known, but I didn't need to be. I have been in SSG in every game we have played. Even our small 'stint' in City of Heros. Piers and Jen are my friends, after 4 years I talk to Piers on almost a weekly basis. For all the evil that your mafia did, Marsellus, SWG did their things for good. Did you ever go and pick some lower level houses in TSO and give out millions of simoleans to these houses to better themselves? I doubt it. Instead you were more than willing to take people's simoleans for your "protection", which basically meant you weren't going to get your "goons" to weasle their way in to the house and tear it apart.
As for GrapeApe, we are founders too, we were there. If I still played that game I'd have a founder account. I chose to move on to bigger and better things instead of stay in a world where all I did was sit around and skill until I was purple in the face, then stop, pee, eat, and take a nap before skilling some more. Your comment, "I just get aggervated as a TSO founder when people try to make themselves out to be who they weren't." is complete bologna. Mia WAS who she says she was. I was there, I witnessed it. This 'woman' befriended all of those she touched. I was a 'transplant' from Jolly Pines and taken in by Mia into one of the SSG houses. It was not just a "Romance" house that was in the group, we had it all.
Granted, it's been 4 years since all of this began, but obviously the feelings are still there. Marcellus, the fact you would CHOOSE the Wallace name still to this day befudles me. It seems to me that you chose it simply to dig your nails into what was a great group.
I don't know you in Second Life, Marcellus, and for that, I am greatful. From reading the above posts it is easy to see you haven't changed a bit, other than the fact you may of gotten fatter and a few more hairs may have changed to gray.
Posted by: Dee Dee Davenport | June 22, 2006 at 04:06 PM
Seriously you guys crack me up. Why don't you guys stick to what you know which is... Well not really sure what that is, but it's not me or my group lol I don't even have to say much anymore, you guys kinda make yourselves look dumb on your own (especially when you result to pathetic attempts at personal insults when saying at the same time it's only a game lol). Thanks for making my job easier in proving the SSG (not SWG lol) was full of it. =)
Marsellus Wallace
Boss, The Sim Mafia
P.S. I love when I piss people off enough that they buy websites and dedicate them to me (really need a life and stop having me influence yours lol Talking to more than 1 person with that one lol). Reminds me of when I was Farked ( lolol
Posted by: Marsellus Wallace | June 23, 2006 at 03:06 PM
I think it was 3 years ago that I asked that you completely ignore the fact that I even existed and here we are 3 years later and you're still suffering from a virtual hard on. I have to admit, the attention you show me is flattering, but somewhat scary... please note the amount of times I've asked for you to just leave me alone but you call it your "job" to discredit the SSG, something that only existed in a virtual world. Does this "job" of yours pay virtual rent? Does it virtually take care of pixilated gas prices?
As you so carefully point out, the SSG doesn't exist anymore outside the Sims, a game (yes GAME) which I haven't logged into for over 3 years. Does your "job" offer virtual unemployment? I mean, according to what you've stated in previous posts on this forum, if your "job" was to discredit me then wouldn't you have been out business since the day I left TSO? Unfortunately, answering yes or no to this question is just going to label you as obsessive/compulsive so we'll just call it rhetorical, k?
As you can hear on the podcast, Mia Wallace had no interest in going live to discredit you because you have done nothing worthy of the attention you recieve to begin with... its a game, stop acting like you're the Vin Disel-esque badass that you wish you were because virtual reality is just that, fake.
Any moron can proclaim themself an Online "badass" and make a crappy website. Three Cheers on your corner of the mighty INTRAWEB! If you want to get into a pissing match over all of this, I bet my mySpace has seen more action since Tom went corporate. OMG RL MONIES FROM 14 YR OLD GRRLZ LOOKING AT SUPERMAN PROMOS! LAWLLERSKATES! Wasn't this *your* American Dream? Where did the world go wrong for you, Jeremy? I'm sure it was the pixilated gas prices, wasn't it? We all understand, we know its hard to outsource in a video game.
In conclusion: while I appreciate the fact that you have an eCrush on me and my TSO toon, I believe you've moved into the realms of no return. Please get your dick out of your hand, stick your tongue back in your mouth and mop up the drool because its starting to get a little messy in the immediate space surrounding you. Don't forget, flattery will get you everywhere... but only if its in moderation.
Dear Mr Online Genius Jeremy C,
The website is a joke website that was neither created nor is it monitored by myself. In fact, I had exactly 0 to do with it other than a bit of fancy shmancy, hocus pocus editing to the URL. I'm shocked that a professional, such as yourself, was unable to conclude this on your own.
Obligatory Examples: works just as well as would or even too! See, its fun. Use it to fool your friends. I know I did.
Posted by: Mia Wallace | June 23, 2006 at 09:29 PM
See... You just helped me prove my point again. The world does not revolve around you! lol I was not referring to the lame ass justgotowned site (who actually still says owned anyway??). Oh and I never said it was my job to discredit you, you do that job well enough on your own. =)
Your Hero
Marsellus Wallace
Boss, The Sim Mafia
Posted by: Marsellus Wallace | June 24, 2006 at 03:43 PM
Only a game roflcopter and lollerskatez. Fine answer this if it's a game why threaten lible about your game character you dumbass. Don't say it's only a game. God Marsellus you might be a bigger hipicrit than I am.
Posted by: DizzleDazzle | June 24, 2006 at 04:44 PM
I saw the site and I have to agree with marsellus on this one. The comments were OBVIOUSLY about the person behind the character since the person behind the character was the one who did the interview and not the character. To another note if it was about the character you would have a picture of the characters up and not the real life pictures of the player. Wrap that around your noggin for a sec,,, Say would you like a chocolate covered pretzel (mallrats ref)? :)
Posted by: Mirra Maradona | June 25, 2006 at 01:44 PM
Dizz, it's hypocrite.
And I guess people lost their senses of humor in this post. Words that I can clearly see are sarcastic remarks, are being attacked.
Oh well, I still have mine. I don't care about the history, nor do I know it, since it doesn't involve me, but this is great reading anyways. :)
Posted by: Random Writer | June 25, 2006 at 03:00 PM
I already stated my case on that one... Anyway, when you come up with new material, let me know. =P
Marsellus Wallace
Boss, The Sim Mafia
Posted by: Marsellus Wallace | June 25, 2006 at 03:36 PM
Quoted from Jeremy, previously on this thread:
"Thanks for making my job easier in proving the SSG (not SWG lol) was full of it. =)" Never said it? I don't think that any of the webmasters here would just randomly interject that into one of your posts. Go ahead and say "it was just a joke lol" because your sense of humor is not in question, the fact that you actually made the statement is proven there in black and white.
If it wasn't the you were referring to, I have to assume its the site that was mentioned above. That site seems to be FAR from dedicated to you but hitting real close to home. Hmm. It looks like they hurt your feelings a little bit. Sorry, Jeremy. I'm sure they didn't mean to intrude on the delicate sensitivites of an online roleplaying mafia personae. If my assumption is off, please enlighten us all to exactly which website you're referring, we could all use another good chuckle at your expense. Comedy ensues when a Badass Intraweb Mafioso can dish it out, but can't take it.
I definitely think that if you don't want your picture up on then we should put it on We all know by now that Marsellus Wallace will KICK YOUR ASS!!!
Its good to see that, 3 years later, you're still going at your threats of libel and copyright. Especially now, when the In Game name you're using was thought up by Quintin Tarantino. Didn't Ving Rhames get anally raped while wearing a ball gag in Pulp Fiction? Hey, I may have named myself after an overdose patient but at least she was able to keep her pants on.. and you're the guy who wanted to be my husband. That is SO CUTE!!! Omg Jeremy <3<3<3<3<3 less than three you forEVAH!
Ok seriously, stop it.
Posted by: Mia Wallace | June 25, 2006 at 03:42 PM
Mirra i'm lost, i dont quite get where you see a real life picture of Marsy boi on this site. I want to see, i could do with a giggle to :) Not quite sure how you see what they've posted is about any real life person though, the only name i see on there is Marsellus Wallace, unless of course, LMAO his real name is Marsellus Wallace ???? How unfortunate if it is, as Mia says, didn't the real Marsellus Wallace get anally raped whilst the gimp looked on ? I bet he took some stick for that not long after Pulp Fiction was released, maybe thats why he's got his knickers are all in a bunch LMAOOOOOO
Marsy - for some one who repeatedly states "it's just a game" you do seem to be getting a little upset over this. Like Mia says, it looks very much like you can give it, but you cant take it, now be a proper Marsellus Wallace, bend over, spread em, and take it .......... LMAO
TrannyPet Barmy
[future editor of the SecondLifeHerald]
Posted by: TrannyPet Barmy | June 26, 2006 at 09:06 AM
See, talking about the person not the character... When will you seperate the game from reality? Why do you make it so easy to prove my points? =)
Marsellus Wallace
Boss, The Sim Mafia
Posted by: Marsellus Wallace | June 26, 2006 at 10:56 AM
Let's not forget what happened to the rapists in the movie Tranny... =)
Damn, I love it when you guys help me prove my points about you, get more pissed and help me gain more notoriety at the same time. 3 birds 1 stone! lolol
Marsellus Wallace
Boss, The Sim Mafia
Posted by: Marsellus Wallace | June 26, 2006 at 01:40 PM
What are you talking about now Marsy ? I still dont see any other name than Marsellus and JC, are you tripping again ? Do the Bi-Polar meds make you halucinate man ? Or as i said above, is Marsellus Wallace your real name ?? Unfortunate if it is PMFSL
Why dont you just accept, that from the moment you opened your mouth on this podcast, not only were the hosts laughing at you, but, every one has been laughing at you Marsy ? It doesn't matter what you say, who you threaten, how you try to twist what people say, it makes no difference, we all know what a complete dick you are now :) (some of us already knew though any way LMAO)
TrannyPet Barmy
[future editor of the SL Herald]
Posted by: TrannyPet Barmy | June 26, 2006 at 02:23 PM
okay, I'm now thoroughly bored, take it elsewhere.
Posted by: Walker Spaight | June 26, 2006 at 03:14 PM