The BBC is in production on an hour-long television documentary on massively multiplayer online games, and they're looking for subjects to interview. If your avatar is "more like you than you are" -- or even if you're just a noob -- get in touch with them and maybe you too can appear on British television. The film will be broadcast in the UK around January or February of next year as part of Horizon, the broadcaster's "flagship science documentary series," according to the Beeb. Full details and contact information below:
Is your Avatar more like 'you' than you are?Are you making a lot of virtual money? And turning it into 'real' money?
Are you a typical online gamer, or do you break the geek-mould?
Are you convinced you have something important to say about massively multiplayer games or virtual worlds in general, despite your utter boorishness and almost complete lack of knowledge about much of anything at all?
[Surely that wasn't in the original? -- Ed.]
The BBC is making a new documentary about the meteoric rise of MMORPGs and other virtual worlds: featuring interviews with game designers, psychologists, economists and of course, gamers - which is where you come in...We're looking for a wide range of gamers (UK and US) to feature in the film - from teenagers to pensioners, newbies to guild leaders, and from addicts to part-timers.
We're particularly interested in hearing from you if:
* You're passionate about your Avatar - whether it's just like you, or contrasts dramatically with your life offline
* You make real money through your dealings in a game
* You are worried about addiction -- either for yourself, a friend, or a relative
* You are organising a protest or event in a game
* You regularly meet with other gamers in the outside world
If you're interested, please get in touch by emailing virtualworlds [at] We'll follow up with a phone call.
hi all
Posted by: jack | September 20, 2006 at 05:43 PM
hi all
Posted by: jack | September 20, 2006 at 05:44 PM