W-Hat associates take to the skies to air grievances
by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald National Affairs desk
When I stopped by Satyr sim Saturday afternoon, SL resident Gene Replacement told me, “It is kind of dumb that it's totally cool for people to sell chat spies but we're not allowed to have a mature parcel name or gore in this mature sim.” I visited Satyr after I noticed that the SL world map showed 8 black sims surrounding a pink Satyr sim with what appeared to be the image of cartoon character Bobby Hill inside. I was presented with a high resolution image of the texture the Satyr residents planned to put in the map. What they actually managed to get on the map was cropped. Trust me, if you are a fan of Hank and Bobby Hill from the “King of the Hill” series you might not want to see the high resolution image, which is definitely Not Safe For Work (and is, of course, reproduced in slightly censored form at the end of this story). On the other hand, could this mean that the W-Hat crowd is developing a more refined sense of theater rhetoric griefing?
[UPDATE: Monday morning the sky hack is still visible on the map, and the official Linden blog suggests that the world map is only updated weekly.]
As I spoke with the residents in Satyr I discovered that they apparently have found a new use for the megaprims mentioned in the 3pointD.com site on Friday. Megaprims allow very large areas to be covered with a single prim, and so get around the 10 meter limit on size that most residents contend with. If some alienated group wanted to use the SL world map to get attention, megaprims would be ideal -- and the people I met in Satyr certainly seem to desire some attention.
Satyr residents are notorious for an in-your-face outlook on SL and the foibles of both the SL culture and Linden Labs. The avatars I spoke with seemed a bit defensive and upset that the officers of their land group keep getting banned. Odd that this would happen, but life in SL can be hard. Especially for those that don’t fit in with the current Linden mythology. Gene’s concerns were raised in the Second Life forums, but since Linden staffers seem to have retreated to a walled garden of blogs, these concerns mostly likely fell on deaf ears. Gene Replacement told me that associate Isometric Bedlam was apparently perma-banned for a trademark violation on some “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” gear. While Gene claims that the trademarks had expired, there is some question about the Lindens' ability (or willingness) to carefully investigate these sorts of abuse reports.
Gene Replacment (in wristwatch necklace) with charity case from that other virtual world (left)
A further problem for the group is a member being banned for a “crude and offensive parcel name”. However, Gene Replacement claims that other groups have similar names without getting in trouble. For instance, he cites the example “Cheaters House of Uninhibited Sex -- Don't get loved, GET FUCKED Free SexHornyHousewivesecretlovershardcorefuckingslutsorgyswingersgangbangfetishbdsmwhoreaffairsRPswappingsharecyber sexroughsex". I'm pretty sure that last word is one of those multisyllabic german compound words, and if the Lindens are a bit weak on the new High German, perhaps they accidentally let this one slip though. On the other hand, it may be that the Satyr group’s particular artistry with familiar anglo-saxon words was what pushed the limits too far. Perhaps this is a case of tortured artists if not tortured prims?
As we sat around the campfire, my hosts in Satyr claimed that the Lindens are practicing selective enforcement and harassing them. Given their alleged association with the Something Awful/W-Hat crowd, it is likely that some residents are applauding whatever rough justice is being dispensed by Linden Labs. This gets at the core of the problem. Lacking any clear system for showing how they reach decisions on which specific phallic symbol is offensive, Linden Lab appears to wallow in a sort of opaque gray goo of jurisprudence, judgement, and justice.
With a small small number of Linden staffers available to police the metaverse, any sort of TOS enforcement is bound to feel selective to those on the receiving end of the ban stick. While the W-Hat crowd in Satyr is intentionally pushing the limits and then complaining about uneven enforcement of the TOS, it is clear they are also more than a little interested in attention. This points out the fundamental contradiction in their rhetoric -- if Gene Replacement really just wants to make mature images for his group’s amusement, perhaps a private island with a strictly controlled access list would be a better venue than a sim on the mainland? I asked the group in Satyr if they had any message for the SL Herald readers and they told me to suggest you “don't fucking come to Satyr.” I assume this is due to ongoing problems with visitors who look around, are offended, and then abuse report these conceptual artists.
I left Satyr wondering if a group that feels compelled to skywrite images over 9 sims should really be upset when interested parties visit with a view to a kill abuse report? While the Satyr residents play the victim card, Linden Labs' opaque justice system also raises a few questions. Perhaps both of these groups deserve each other? In the meantime, megaprims and slow map updates would seem to be an open invitation to more user-created content, so I suspect the arts scene in SL will get more interesting soon.
(but censored just the same)...
Okay, don't say we didn't warn you:
I'd just like to add that our group in satyr is NOT associated with w-hat in any way other than originating from the same forums.
Posted by: satyr | September 04, 2006 at 06:05 PM
>I'd just like to add that our group in satyr is NOT associated with w-hat in any way other than originating from the same forums.
Total, unadulterated bullshit. It's the old fake "plausible deniability" gambit again we get every time this bunch acts up. Something Awful, W-HAT, and Satyr, are all part of a piece, and among the main pieces to the puzzle of griefing and grid-crashing in Second Life.
The groups all intertwine; the individuals and their alts all grief and all draw from the same substrate of abetting and support providing by W-HAT apologists and the enablers within all the W-HAT spinoff groups in SL and their various cheerleaders. The same cast of characters here are the ones griefing me and others, event-griefing, making attacks, even harassing tenants they don't even know.
I'll believe it's not W-HAT when Huns Valens, Loksr Mysterio, and all the other enablers step up and say very clearly and plainly, without equivocation and mumbling, that they condemn such behaviour and such griefing and that they disassociate themselves from it completely. But...they never do that. In fact, they show up at victory parties after grid crashes.
Instead, what we get, each time there's an attack is, "But our group isn't related," "But this is different," "But it's just a forums" -- as if the SA forums aren't used as recruiting grounds.
I'm really unimpressed with this, and I also realize that Verbena Pennyfeather has been playing some of us for quite some time with a total line of Bolshevik bullshit pretending that Satyr is separate, different, and non-griefing -- when none of the above is true. It griefs. It's not separate. It's related, and all the claims to the contrary are pretty threadbare.
I don't think that neighbouring sims should be blacked out, so that their land sales for example are not visible (except as wierd yellow patches" clearly on the map -- that's unacceptable, and its material damage. Making obscene parcel names to harass only a few individuals is also completely despicable. I'd like to see LL provide a little more than a 3-day ban over this kind of shit.
I've also seen Gene Replacement event-grief on any number of occasions.
I'd love to know the role of Thrax Linden in helping to serve as an enabling environment for this bunch, and any other Lindens. It's long been my hunch that there are those inside Linden Lab itself that just think this sort of hijinx is cool, belonging to that realm of "not human law," as Philip terms it, that believe that all this is just "well, we're cool, we script cool stuff and it does all kinds of wacky things so fuck you" school of community-building.
LL seems to crack down on only the most visible and obvious portions of this problem and never seem to get at the entire group such as to end this chronic problem of constant W-HAT griefing.
When you see Lindens and W-Hatters all in one group called Gay 4 Philip, you start to see the problem. There are some Lindens and their fanboyz that never saw a script or an act to adversely influence the grid that they didn't like. The world is their canvas...I'd love to hear Daniel Linden, for example, step up for once and say that the Daniel Linden Fan Club, filled with these griefers, has no affiliation with him and he condemns their actions. Instead, we get the Silence of the Lambs.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | September 04, 2006 at 09:00 PM
Shorter Prokofy Neva: I like to make wild assumptions about people that disagree with me.
Posted by: Schwartz Guillaume | September 04, 2006 at 09:38 PM
Okay, serious time:
"if Gene Replacement really just wants to make mature images for his group’s amusement, perhaps a private island with a strictly controlled access list would be a better venue than a sim on the mainland?"
The Satyr group aren't the only people in SL that enjoy these type of "mature images". Last month, the Satyr group's theme was "Tacowood", a somewhat mature (as in violent, not as in sexual) parody/interpretation of the furry fandom in Second Life, and for every one person who complained, I would estimate that there were at least twice as many people who told us that enjoyed it (including a good number of furries!). A writer for Channel 4 in the UK even put Satyr on the website's list of top 20 places to visit in SL.
Moving to a private island is like giving up and hiding. We enjoy being in the mainland, and we think our contribution to it is a positive one. Personally, I have a feeling that Prokofy shares much of the Satyr's group's sentiment regarding the slow decay of the mainland as people escape to private islands.
Posted by: Schwartz Guillaume | September 04, 2006 at 09:47 PM
(@Belaya) Every single time the term FIC is mentioned, Prokofy rubs her clit and shivers.
Prokofy Neva: Your way of thinking has to be RESISTED!!!! RESISTED!!!
(Prokofy) (to Spin): KABLAM!!!! FIC. Double FIC. Triple FIC. FIC FIC FIC. You're earned an enemy. I'm deleting you from my slprofiles.com friend list over this post. It is dumb-assed, arrogant, cock-sucking post. I don't care who the fuck you are.
(MagnumSerpentine) Prokofy get out of my face right now
Kris Ritter on Prokofy: well, thats how I picture her... sort of sitting in a puddle of her own urine, frothing at the mouth, blood vessels pulsating, surrounded by 20 cats, having pissed herself because she can't possibly leave the keyboard mid rant.
Kris Ritter on Prokofy: she is the creepiest fucking retarded stalking mad old battleaxe catlady I've ever come across
(Cienna) Prokofy's Razor: Given two equally predictive theories, choose the most complex conspiracy.
(elteePDA) prokonvection: the phenomena where even in a room 3x its real capacity there will be a big space around prokofy
Prokofy Neva: Why are you making a decision like this which will likely impact the land market considerably without discussing it first with residents particularly land dealers?
Philip Linden: comic relief ;)
(Prokofy on Advertising) I find it annoying that you cannot send out mass mailings. I wish you could opt in to receive them. I don't mind getting "junk mail" from others and frankly I don't understand why I can't make offers or send prospectuses to others.
(Prokofy Neva) Suck my dick, Cristiano... and if you don't think I have a dick, don't wait until you are choking on it to find out the turth.
Prokofy (as Random Unsung): Gwyn and I are having a serious conversation about really important issues, Ingrid.
(AdamZa) Prokofy parades over the line. He has a frikken marching band announcing it.
PROKOFY FINALLY SAYS SOMETHING TRUE: I see your join date is February 2005. My join date is September 2004. So honestly, we're a couple of newbs, and between us, we know a whole lot of nothing. Maybe I've watched this a little more than you have, unless you're an alt, but it really isn't enough time. So honestly, we're a couple of newbs, and between us, we know a whole lot of nothing.
Siggy Romulus: A more accurate poll: What are you? () FIC Techie Wiki Wonky Scriperati Content Baron Cyberbolshevik Fuck You Hedonistic scum that's currently destroying Second Life. () Prokofy Neva
(Prokofy) OK, I'm tired of typing.
Posted by: Prokofy's Lover | September 04, 2006 at 09:49 PM
Summery of proks comment:
I dont like with people who may have a difference of opinion with me.
Some logical fallacy
The end.
I hope this saves time.
Posted by: Kerian | September 04, 2006 at 09:54 PM
get out of my second life
Posted by: irvin maltz | September 04, 2006 at 10:44 PM
It's good to see the IRC channel regs outing themselves as W-hAT griefer supporters. I hadn't realized. Explains a lot.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | September 04, 2006 at 11:09 PM
>I dont like with people who may have a difference of opinion with me.
Um, No, the way it works is I don't like people who:
o put giant black prims over the map on other people's sims
o put up really obscene parcel names to harass other people
o attack strangers by intruding in their house, verbally abusing them, and scattering prim junk, often obscene prink junk
o take my RL picture off the Herald, put it in a particle blower, and blow it all over a sim with obscene objects
o make avatars with giant World Trade Center buildings and push and knock me over with them
o dive-bomb planes into my events using fake Arab avatars
o scatter obscene buildings around an event I have to announce a building contest
o grief, disrupt, and scatter prims at a job fair
o stalk me and take dumb pictures of me while sitting nearly on top of me
and many, many more stupid ass things that are done to me and others -- this isn't "disliking people who have a different opinion," this is exposing people who are raging fucking assholes and need to be removed from the grid.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | September 05, 2006 at 07:25 AM
Prokofy, these raging assholes you speak of have all been banned, why harass those who have managed to obey rules and are still in SL?
Posted by: Nigra | September 05, 2006 at 07:35 AM
They haven't been banned really, they return on alts, and *the groups* form the framework for recruitment and reception, and the *apologists* like yourself who feign to obey the rules and then wink and nod as alts (even YOUR alts) come back *into the same groups or new groups made of the same people* are what ENABLE this bunch to continue griefing. When you can CONDEMN THE GROUPS AND THE PEOPLE IN THEM BOTH then we can believe you have nothing to do with this sort of activity. But you don't do that -- so no one can believe you.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | September 05, 2006 at 09:25 AM
I'm not a "W-hAT griefer supporter". I am a W-Hat member.
Griefers use the Ravenglass Rentals group as a front to look reputable. When are you going to condemn it?
Posted by: Schwartz Guillaume | September 05, 2006 at 11:10 AM
I love you Prokofy. You're the SL equivalent of someone who lives in a caravan and wears a tinfoil hat. For every level headed rational argument, you have three completely overblown conspiracy theories that have almost no merit or reasoning behind them.
Hell apparently I even deserve mention in these comments and your 120,000 word blog entries, because I once took a picture of myself standing next to you as a joke.
Anyway, back to the subject at hand.
W-hat and the Satyr group are certainly different groups. Some members are local to both however, most are not. SomethingAwful isn't a 'breeding ground' for cyberterrorists either, it's a huge online community with more active members than Secondlife. Only an extremely small portion of Something Awful goons play Secondlife, and most of them eventually get sick of it and move to something else, whilst some more take their place. I'd imagine out of the W-hat members that supposedly committed the atrocities that you mentioned here, 95% of them haven't played SL in over a year. I certainly wasn't around for any of those events, and i've been an officer of one of the groups for over six months now.
I'll admit SomethingAwful goons are known for a particularly dark sense of humour, but we are not 'organised griefers' whose sole purpose is to ruin the day of random SL residents. Far from it infact. We pride ourselves on making some of the best and most creative builds in Second Life, whilst experimenting with some of the new and exciting things SL has to offer, all whilst keeping to our own sims. Just come to Satyr or Baku sometime to see what I mean. Just don't be offended by our cheeky sense of humour.
The only problem is a few bad apples like Plastic Duck have given a bad reputation to something that doesn't really deserve it. The Satyr group alone has over 100 members, yet you personally can only name 2 or 3 that have done something 'bad'
Why condemn 100+ people for the actions of maybe 4 or 5 people in total? The fact is, the only people you hear about are these 5 people, and you grow a preconception that ALL people in the group must be like this, because they share the same group affiliation! Hell i'll bet if I looked through your group i'd find some pretty bad apples too.
Posted by: Isometric Bedlam | September 05, 2006 at 01:59 PM
Schwartz Guillaume is a griefer AND a supporter of griefers and a typical example of the good/W-HAT/bullshit and is banned with good reason from my land and from other lists like NCI's. He's a vile and vicious asshole. I've seem him completely destroy townhalls and he's among the reasons the Lindens felt they had "lost control of townhalls" and had to cease them -- if they had the good sense just to pre-ban the group, they'd not have this problem.
Isometric's exegesis here is a textbook case of everything I've been talking about -- claiming that SA is not a recruiting ground and that goons are not the substrate of the WHAT griefers is just plain ridiculous -- of course they are, and he's completely parsed it all for us here. I don't see a single one of these 100 plus people who are "not the griefers" coming forward to a) condemn griefing b) disassociate themselves unequivocally and c)condemn the individual griefers and expel from from their midst. So that's why it continues to fester and fester because all of them play this fake coy game.
In fact, the mechanism is rather like the problem of terrorists and fundamentalist and extremist movements, and how they and those who enable them refuse to condemn the act or the actors, but instead close ranks around them.
Satyr itself is fundamentally a griefer organization since it seeks to create an enabling environment for griefing -- and the proof is in the tangible results we see now.
We've heard this "few bad apples" stuff over and over again and it is, as Urizenus so admirably put it once, just so much modernist word salad. We see what's up here, and it's good that these idiots expose themselves.
If my group has any "bad apples" it's because these idiots themselves keep joining it to try to harass me and others, and I have to keep expelling them.
I hope now people have a good sense of what they need to avoid:
Something Awful
Groups Associated With Them Who Tolerate Them Like Gay 4 Philip, Daniel Linden Fan Club, etc.
When we can hear unequivocal condemnation of both behaviour and individuals, as well as expulsion, disassociation, and pledge not to grief further, we *might* be able to assume these groups above mean well -- but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Each time "the few" commit the evil deeds that "the many" claim are "not theirs," they rejoice in once again getting away with murder. So let's not let them do that.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | September 05, 2006 at 06:48 PM
*example of GOON/bullshit
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | September 05, 2006 at 06:49 PM
Prokofy you should write a book
Posted by: Little Merit | September 05, 2006 at 07:20 PM
I'm not banned from NCI. Libel is mean!
Posted by: Schwartz Guillaume | September 05, 2006 at 07:23 PM
It's coming
Posted by: Ol Fitzcarraldo | September 05, 2006 at 07:34 PM
It surely is remarkable the amount of vitriol one person can spew forth on such short notice.
Prokofy, hows about instead of sitting behind the lines spewing your rubbish and demonising those so called griefers, you actually learn what the hell it is you're ranting about?
Time and time again we see you going off on half assed, possibly dementia induced rants that would make even the most paranoid of conspiracists blush with envy, and yet all you manage to do is spout the same old garbage, without recourse or so much as an attempt at taking a moment aside from your busy e-life and circlejerk you have set up under that dam of yours to find out the other side of the story.
As was previously stated, sure we do go out and do some silly shit, but if we were THAT much of a plague on SL as you suggest, then the entire mature grid would be living in fear, and even the lindens would be at a loss as what to do. Honestly, you blow shit so far out of proportion that the casual observer will have trouble sifting through your crap to find out what the real truths are.
Now, to the point of what Gene was saying in this article.
So often, the lindens are left powerless at the spate of griefing going on in second life, that they look for scapegoats, people to blame that will supposedly send a message to other "would-be griefers" out there, and tend to focus their efforts on these few groups. What morons like prokofy dont realise is that the only reason that w-hat have been identified is because members of it have had the balls to go out and literally say "this is who i am, tough shit if you dont like it". If you want to be a fool and bundle EVERYONE in to the same neat little package of griefers, then you might as well refer to half of europe in the 1940's as nazis, because even though they may not have been actively participating in the events, they are guilty by association, if "do-gooder" e-crusaders like prokofy are to be believed.
Lindens targetting one or two groups may give some people cause for thought, but they arent going to suppress the inherent asshole in a good majority of people by going out and pulling stupid shit like they have done.
Groups like w-hat and the satyr group are reactionary, and you just flapping your chicken wings, screaming that the sky is falling is not going to do anyone any good.
Posted by: Mephiston | September 05, 2006 at 07:50 PM
I don't generally go around spouting off about my political opinions ON THINGS THAT ACTUALLY MATTER. So, why should I publicly denounce griefing? That would feel too much like trying to toss the salad of people who have already made up their minds that I'm a jerk, and hey, fuck them anyway. I'm here to build things and hang out with people. I am also not an officer of either W-Hat or Voted Five!, and never have been, despite what you seem to think.
Do you want all goons to be banned? I don't think any of us want you to be banned. I think I speak for many of us when I say that we hope you keep playing for a long, long time.
Honestly I think you're making a fool of yourself, fuming and blustering over what you think a bunch of people half your age are doing. What are your intentions? What goals are you going to accomplish by posting a bunch of unsubstantiated claims? How will this benefit Second Life, or you, or anyone else? All you're doing is hurting your own credibility, which is already shot in many peoples' eyes.
Posted by: Huns Valens | September 05, 2006 at 08:06 PM
" ENABLE this bunch to continue griefing. When you can CONDEMN THE GROUPS AND THE PEOPLE IN THEM BOTH then we can believe you have nothing to do with this sort of activity. But you don't do that -- so no one can believe you."
For an old lady, you sure take your videogames seriously
Posted by: The Zipper | September 05, 2006 at 08:09 PM
[Schwartz Guillaume is a griefer AND a supporter of griefers and a typical example of the good/W-HAT/bullshit and is banned with good reason from my land and from other lists like NCI's. He's a vile and vicious asshole. I've seem him completely destroy townhalls and he's among the reasons the Lindens felt they had "lost control of townhalls" and had to cease them -- if they had the good sense just to pre-ban the group, they'd not have this problem.]
Any evidence against this claim? Seriously, Schwartz is one of the nicest people i've met in Second Life, and if he did destroy townhalls, create havok and rape children right infront of Lindens as you suggest, I'm sure LL would have banned him for it by now. All he's doing is creating a cohesive argument against your claims, and you just scream GRIEFER back at him like a spoilt child whose babysitter took away her toys, trying to change the subject to make us seem in a bad light without addressing the actual argument.
[Isometric's exegesis here is a textbook case of everything I've been talking about -- claiming that SA is not a recruiting ground and that goons are not the substrate of the WHAT griefers is just plain ridiculous -- of course they are, and he's completely parsed it all for us here.]
The reason you keep hearing this from different Goons and people alike is because it's true. We aren't the mythical Plastic Duck worshipping griefer parade who have diabolical plans lying in place to destroy the grid at every turn. Read the w-hat faq on their webpage sometime, I think it sums it up pretty clearly. The only two w-hat people that attacked the grid and sold stolen scripts have been publically kicked out of the w-hat group, and AFAIK don't even play Secondlife anymore.
[I don't see a single one of these 100 plus people who are "not the griefers" coming forward to a) condemn griefing b) disassociate themselves unequivocally and c)condemn the individual griefers and expel from from their midst. So that's why it continues to fester and fester because all of them play this fake coy game.]
You don't 'see' them because you aren't in the group and you are fixated on some events that happenened over a year ago with people that are no longer in the group. As an officer of the Satyr group, I have always discouraged using weapons, organised attacks, grid crashes or anything like that. I won't deny the fact that we're mischevious yes, we often do silly things like pretend to be bible salesmen, point out health and safety code violations in Second Life builds and other things, but we certainly aren't an organised griefer group that attacks people for kicks. We mostly keep to ourselves in our own sim, and out of everyone elses hair.
[In fact, the mechanism is rather like the problem of terrorists and fundamentalist and extremist movements, and how they and those who enable them refuse to condemn the act or the actors, but instead close ranks around them.]
Yes. It is exactly like that. We should nuke all arabic countries because there's a couple of terrorists in there, and a few others won't reveal their whereabouts because they're friends and family members.
Oh my, I've just done a Prok and perpetuated an argument that was pointless to start in the first place. I think anyone who casually read through this thread can see the extent of your insanity and our point is more than proven.
Posted by: Isometric Bedlam | September 05, 2006 at 11:23 PM
Prokofy, I think that you need to figure out that while you can use a whole lot of words to get a point across, it is often beneficial to use less words.
Posted by: Disco Duck | September 06, 2006 at 03:14 AM
After reading through all this ranting crap the thing that struck me was how many personal comments, especially ageist ones have been thrown around. How sad for a virtual utopia, one that I used to think was there to free people from the real life barriers that gender, race, disability and age can create. How sad. I only posted to say this because I feel it is all so miserable and all so typical of the drama and cliqueyness that exists in SecondLife. I have no interest in this topic in particular, and doubt I'll ever come back and real this publication and its prejudicial and personal comments / posts again.
Time and time again we see you going off on half assed, possibly dementia induced rants
Honestly I think you're making a fool of yourself, fuming and blustering over what you think a bunch of people half your age are doing.
For an old lady, you sure take your videogames seriously
Kris Ritter on Prokofy: she is the creepiest fucking retarded stalking mad old battleaxe catlady I've ever come across
...nice folks...
Posted by: Booperkit | September 06, 2006 at 12:39 PM
I'm not a member of the Satyr/Voted 5 group, just like Gene Replacement is not a member of W-hat. Why should I condemn his actions when I don't even see him nor talk to him ingame/out of game? Isometric, on the other hand, I have talked to on many occasions, and while I don't know of any 'griefing incidents' of his (mostly because I keep to my own devices as of the past months) I do know that he is one of the most clever designers, his talent for creating clothing and costumes are proof of that.
I am an officer of W-hat, however, and any offending members had been kicked out of the group, sometimes on multiple occasions when they come back as an alt and beguile their way back in. Not that you'll do anything but discount this statement in a 1000 word essay, naturally.
We are not a hive mind, no matter what you might think. And the people defending Voted 5/W-hat/Satyr actions that are not members of the group certainly have their own valid reasons for doing so.
And please, next time do me the courtesy of sending an IM ingame if you want me to respond to your comment on some blog, rather than having to search it out for myself.
Posted by: Loksr Mysterio | September 06, 2006 at 03:16 PM
All of the W-Hatters are proving my points exactly here.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | September 06, 2006 at 07:58 PM
"You did it and will just deny it!!!!"
"But... I didn't do it"
Posted by: | September 07, 2006 at 12:41 AM
That King of the hill picture was on little prims scattered arount he 9-block slum and is very offencive. stuff like that should violate the TOS.
Posted by: Stuff | September 07, 2006 at 01:50 AM
This article has been a good W-HAT trap, they all walked right into it.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | September 07, 2006 at 07:32 AM
No, don't bother addressing any points raised, Prokofy. Making pithy comments in response to them works just as well as actual debating.
Posted by: Loksr Mysterio | September 07, 2006 at 02:02 PM
This article has been a great idiot trap, prominent figures have walked right into it.
Posted by: Ben Kerensky | September 07, 2006 at 02:37 PM
The only thing I know about Prokofy is that some huge blog post was made about me and Bakuzelas and how I'm part of some W-Hat conspiracy thing. It was all about me being on some land, I couldn't even understand it.
That was before it degraded into some rant about Nazis and government. No idea.
Anyways, these fantastic stories are funny but totally untrue. Please, if you don't even know what's going on behing the scenes, don't try to make it seem like you do.
Posted by: Nauv DeFarge | September 07, 2006 at 04:43 PM
Nauv evidently forgets the time he invaded my building contest event with others and put out gross, obscene buildings mocking me with fake stores for "anal lube jobs" blah blah, and preventing people who came in good faith to take part in this event from participating. And evidently forget the invasion of the job fair, too.
What these mediocrities failed to realize is that by constantly attacking me, in ever more nasty and obscene ways with an ever greater variety of members, alts, and groups, that you've concentrated your visibility, and your connections, on one person who will not be cowed by this, but will simply publicize it. So because I challenged the usual Herald equivocation about these people and groups, this very article has drawn all of them out, with all their very obvious word-salad modernist self-justifications, dodges, strategems, and outright Big Lies.
Loksr is typical of the long-time leadership and enabler of these groups, claiming he "doesn't know" somebody (gosh, they could be an alt) and saying somebody is a "good creator" and refusing to acknowledge their misdeeds (Isometric is now simply gone from the list, obviously a result of Linden banning and removal, possibly due to the problem of returning on an alt to continue mayhem). I've seen Isometric's bad deeds personally, with the stalking and event disruption and harassment of tenants -- going into strangers' homes. This is not going to fly with me.
I'm not going to be doing this group and their tentacles ANY courtesies by IM'ing shit. I'm calling them on their bullshit and telling them that their "plausible deniability" is in tatters.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | September 08, 2006 at 08:30 AM
I don't think anybody here is trying to convince you of anything, Ms. Neva. If you're allowed to "call us on our bullshit", then we can turn around and call you on yours, too.
(You're probably one of the biggest griefers in SL yourself; you just rationalize it by pretending that everybody else deserves it and surrounding yourself with a cadre of forums whore yes-men.)
Posted by: Schwartz Guillaume | September 08, 2006 at 10:14 AM
Ok fine Prok, you want to hear this all important sacred truth so here it is. Yes, we fuck with you, and we do it all the time. We fuck with you because you're like that kid in grade 3 who would flip shit when you made faces at him and start crying and yelling to the teacher. We fuck with you because you are such an incredible easy target. Fly around Ravenglass for a few minutes, find the retard, open the hump animation and grab a few screenshots, and the next day we've got a 3 page blog post about how THE FUCKING W-HATS ARE FUCKING US AGAIN ARGH.
We love reactions, and the ones you give us are of excellent quality. I've been in SL for just about two years now, and haven't met a single other person who is as much fun to grief as your batshit insane plastic grocery bag collecting ass.
On behalf of not just goons, but the majority of the SL population who is day after day entertained by your madness, I thank you Prokofy, I thank you and your small clique of followers for providing that entertainment that we so sorely missed from the third grade. You're the homeless nutcase screaming random insanity that puts a smile on everyones face and makes us feel that much better about our lives.
Thank you.
Posted by: P. Diddy | September 08, 2006 at 10:42 AM
I refuse to acknowlege their misdeeds because I was not there when they happened. I'm certainly not going to take your word for it, just like you apparantly are unwilling to take my word or that of any other W-hat/Voted 5/Something Awful sympathizer whether they're a member of the group or not. I'm damned either way apparantly, by being a productive SL citizen and not being a part of any 'griefing events' I'm a 'W-hat enabler', but if I was there for them then I'd be 'just another W-hat griefer'.
As for the fact that they could be an alt: how exactly am I supposed to know that? Even assuming LL listed all alts tied to one account in a profile, how would that go for people not entering any financial information, and using different email addresses each time they register? I am not omniscient, and yet you seem to think that it's a personal fault of mine.
By calling them out on some random blog on the internet and asking them to defend themselves without telling them is incredibly rude, in spite of what you might think. Without it you can just claim that you never see so-and-so defending the actions of the group or random members/non-members and claim a victory when there is none. Or is that why you're so unwilling to do it?
Posted by: Loksr Mysterio | September 08, 2006 at 11:13 AM
Hey, every word you all are writing is an indictment, it's all good : )
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | September 08, 2006 at 01:04 PM
>I refuse to acknowlege their misdeeds because I was not there when they happened.
Um, so now that they're here on this newspaper comments admitting their bad deeds, would that be enough for you? Probably not. Anyway, you stand indicted by what you've written here: despite being presented with ample evidence of the rampant griefing and crime of these various W-HAT/Something Awful/Voted 5 members, you refuse to disassociate yourself either from them, or the deeds, and that's part of the enabling that makes them able to continue, and for which we hold YOU responsible. Thanks for your frankness on this matter, the public now has a good list to work with of both actors and enablers and can draw their own conclusions.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | September 08, 2006 at 01:08 PM
Prokofy, you griefed me three weeks ago at a gorean roleplay event. Please stop this awful insensitive behavior. Don't even bother denying it, it will just prove that you are an awful bastard person.
Are you joking about that Building Contest? I rezzed an empty box and put a sign above it that had a bunch of lens flare and annoying text, but I'm darn pretty sure that none of it was even close to being gross. I also would like to know what I did at said job fair, seeing as how I can't recall going to one.
Also, the only connection between me, Bakuzelas, and any land is a bunch of gumball machines I put in his stores. That's it.
(p.s. lol @ prok using the term word-salad)
Posted by: Nauv DeFarge | September 08, 2006 at 09:24 PM
> This article has been a good W-HAT trap, they all walked right into it.
> this very article has drawn all of them out, with all their very obvious word-salad modernist self-justifications, dodges, strategems, and outright Big Lies.
> Hey, every word you all are writing is an indictment, it's all good : )
You remind me of former Iraqi information minister Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf.
Posted by: Huns Valens | September 08, 2006 at 10:09 PM
I hope the Lindens are reading this article for clues about their dbase hacks and such.
I guess Nauv's memory doesn't extend back to his making things like a store that says "Anal Lube Jobs" etc. Oh well, look it's all good. All of them on parade, and all outing themselves, their groups, and their connections. Oh, here's some more too from the new alts in the same groups, all of them event-griefing tonight:
Deesko Gunes
Altometric Backer
Anonamoose Letlow:
Miles Edgeworth
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | September 08, 2006 at 11:11 PM
I never went to a job fair. Someone informed me that it was in the middle of my extended break from SL that lasted a few months, so I don't know why you'd even think that.
I'm also pretty sure that my sign never said anal lube jobs, otherwise I doubt you'd put 'etc.' at the end. People were making huge, elaborate malls for your contest and I rezzed a single hollow prim with a sign all snazzed up in Photoshop that said PROK'S MALL with a bunch of stupid filters on it. Nothing more than a harmless joke.
then again i'm pure evil oh no
Posted by: Nauv DeFarge | September 09, 2006 at 01:36 AM
[I hope the Lindens are reading this article for clues about their dbase hacks and such.]
Yes. Because this was clearly the work of W-Hatters, because they are the scourge of all evil within Second Life and exist only to destroy it's fragile boundries. There are no other third party entities that cause grief and hack clients in SL.
[Oh, here's some more too from the new alts in the same groups, all of them event-griefing tonight:]
Any evidence to back up these claims? Now you're just pulling strings and naming random people (two of which i've never heard of) and accusing them of crimes which you haven't actually explained what went down. Event Griefing?
Anyway, I just wanted to get this off my chest.
Here are some names I caught GRIEFING tonight.
Prokofy Neva
Isometric Bedlam
Kenny Linden
Aimee Webber
Nauv Defarge
Everyone add these to your Griefer database for they are trouble and I saw them griefing tonight. There is a good chance they are also behind recent SL database hacking, because they are pure evil and only a true spawn of satan could do such a thing.
Posted by: Isometric Bedlam | September 09, 2006 at 02:10 AM
I have absolutely no clue what Prokofy is on about. I in no way griefed an event tonight, I came to the "Discussion" and sat around talking for awhile, then, apparently because I mentioned an av I saw flying overhead, I was ejected and banned from the parcel the event was on. Prokofy, if you are so convinced that I griefed you, perhaps you could provide a chat log or screenshot of me griefing you?
Posted by: Deesko Gunes | September 09, 2006 at 02:19 AM
Event griefing is when these W-HAT asstards from griefing groups arrive en-masse at an event and bear down on it and pressure it. Everybody who's been to these events knows exactly what I'm talking about.
They aren't there to contribute to the conversation, although they may use various Eddie Haskell-type methods like saying roundly, "We love discussion!" or "This is sure an interesting group!".
No. Their purpose is to harry, harrass, distract simply by their ominous presence -- they may resort to things like prim litter or particle-spewing or shouting obscenities or rezzing ugly obscene pictures or prims, but they can also refrain from that sort of obvious stuff and use more low-key banter-- knowing full well that their track record in already doing that, and the threat they create by willing to do that *again* is enough to annoy. They try very deliberately, in a planned, methodical, ideological way, to skirt around the TOS where they can as that sort of harassment works best to try to prime the pumps of the liberal ever at the ready on these occasions to give them the benefit of the doubt. They deserve no such thing.
Their membership in grief groups like "the Prokofy Neva Fan Club" etc. is enough to establish their malevolent intentions. The record of abuse reports filed from Ravenglass, and their admission right here on the pages of the Herald that they deliberately seek me out to attack me, are evidence enough of their intent.
They're not there to take part in the group discussion in good faith -- they're there to let you know that they will bully and harass you -- maybe or maybe not -- like they did before -- but keep you guessing and keep you off balance. It's a technique.
In the case of the Sutherland Dam, since it is a peculiar lot right next to Governor Linden land, when expelled, these event griefers can then pile up on the Governor Linden land, right inside the building in fact. And what indeed happenes is that all of the people in this list noted above were expelled for their group's past record of harassment and their insincere and ill-willed presence. And, in clear evidence of their griefing intentions, they then came back to sit on the Governor Linden land and just pressure everyone by their presence, knowing they couldn't be expelled from Linden land. Returning after you are banned from a lot, and continuing to IM the owner and sit on nearby parcels to harass him is ample proof of ill intentions; indeed such behaviour IS griefing behaviou.
They aren't "listening quietly" and "happy to take part with good will in a debate". They are ominous, griefing, malicious fucktards and need to be pre-emptively treated as such. Their techniques range from the most gross and obscene griefing to doing nothing and sitting still as if butter wouldn't melt in their mouths, but we all know that they are merely creating the malicious threat of griefing to pressure people.
Most people tried to ignore them, but they're disruptive nonetheless. So I ban them and their new alts in these groups pre-emptively and I don't care what howling I hear from free-speech purists who are just tuning into this situation, who mistakenly believe they are coming upon some heavy-handed censorship. They're not.
In order to keep groups free, and keep discussions free, and keep disruptive and abusive comments out and most of all, the distracting pressure of the threat of malicious griefing (like what happened in Saytr, Alston, Ravenglass, Wakeley, etc.), they need to be banned and muted.
And to set the record straight from whiners like Khamon Fate who keep deliberately misrepresenting my position on this, in the group Second Forum, which we made inworld to help pick up the slack from the demise of the official forums, I have no subh position whatsoever to close the group or give officers the power to eject people. I made that clear in a message to the group: my position it to keep such groups open, to weather the inevitable inrush of group-griefers and event-griefers like the W-HAT fucktards listed above, and to ignore them in the interests of not becoming distracted by group closure issues.
A number of people *left* the group, however, when they came in and began spouting out. And some asked me to consider ejecting them. The officers have no such power and the owner, me, who was merely asked to make this group when a group of us tried to think how to replace forums connections, will not be ejecting anyone without a clear majority mandate from this group. So a vote was put out and those sufficiently concerned could vote to have officers be given this power. Furthemore, since the W-HATS are likely to exploit democracy and pack the vote with themseleves and their friends, it will be likely an invalid vote. Nonetheless, it's a straw vote of sorts to take people's temperature on this recurring problem in SL.
Ultimately, when LL can get a grip on the huge range of activities, from barely-annoying to seriously criminal actions that WHAT/Something Awful/All Its Front Groups are doing to Second Life, they'll take action against the full range of people and actions to stop this group of malcontents from hobbling the world constantly. That will require also disciplining those within their own midst who give a pass to what they view as the non-relevant parts of W-HAT/Something Awful/etc.
Sorry, but I don't become hobbled by liberalism; I defend liberalism from its enemies.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | September 09, 2006 at 01:55 PM
I have evidence that W-Hat/Voted 5/etc. have been in contact with terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda, Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, etc. for anyone who thinks these people are just happy go-lucky pranksters. They are not.
E-mail me for more details.
Posted by: Deep Throat | September 09, 2006 at 04:08 PM
Thank you Prokofy for this sweet, sweet drama.
Posted by: Cosmic Enzyme | September 12, 2006 at 12:31 PM
It's very interesting, Anne Ramsey and Prokofy seem to both hate goon(ies) and also look alike.
Posted by: Wut | September 13, 2006 at 11:43 PM
FYI, Prok, while I don't deny I've said those things, they were said last year in a private conversation to another resident in IM. Who I will be very interested to speak to after seeing them reproduced here. Also FYI, I have never been on the secondlife IRC channel.
Posted by: Kris Ritter | September 14, 2006 at 10:57 AM