by Prokofy Neva
Special to the Herald

Governor Linden, sporting a low-cut, red-and-white-striped tank-top and a pair of snug-fitting peddle-pushers, made a rare inworld appearance in Second Life this evening at about 5:30 pm SLT.
Hizzoner turns out to be *Her* honor and -- as an amazed Herald reporter exclaimed, "Baby got back!". The pert and busty owner and ruler of the mainland estate was greeted by cries of "You rule!" by a surprised tenant.
Governor Linden was busy returning grief balls to an unhappy spoof victim's Lost and Found folder, cleaning up the endless mess after last week's grid-crashings with self-replicating objects, when suddenly the resident noticed that the Gov's account name was missing from the list of Linden names.
A Herald reporter looked in the People list and was amazed to find the Gov missing from the People list. "What have you done with the Governor?? Have you kidnapped her?" he immediately IM'd Jack Linden, an LL employee responsible for land maintenance issues. "She is in mine, so don't worry," a bemused Jack reassured the reporter, who promptly asked for an audience.
Special to the Herald

Governor Linden, sporting a low-cut, red-and-white-striped tank-top and a pair of snug-fitting peddle-pushers, made a rare inworld appearance in Second Life this evening at about 5:30 pm SLT.
Hizzoner turns out to be *Her* honor and -- as an amazed Herald reporter exclaimed, "Baby got back!". The pert and busty owner and ruler of the mainland estate was greeted by cries of "You rule!" by a surprised tenant.
Governor Linden was busy returning grief balls to an unhappy spoof victim's Lost and Found folder, cleaning up the endless mess after last week's grid-crashings with self-replicating objects, when suddenly the resident noticed that the Gov's account name was missing from the list of Linden names.
A Herald reporter looked in the People list and was amazed to find the Gov missing from the People list. "What have you done with the Governor?? Have you kidnapped her?" he immediately IM'd Jack Linden, an LL employee responsible for land maintenance issues. "She is in mine, so don't worry," a bemused Jack reassured the reporter, who promptly asked for an audience.

About 15 minutes later, the Governor materialized at Ravenglass Hall, and walked around the docks as amazed newbie shoppers and tenants looked on, doing doubletakes at the name above the avatar.
The Governor has long been said by knowledgeable oldbies to be female, and to appear only once a year, on the anniversary of Second Life. She was not seen at the last anniversary. Some speculated that her inworld appearance this evening may have been tied to what turned out to be a red-letter day for Second Life, as the virtual online world reached one million sign-ups at 8:05 am SLT.

I have seen the Gov. a few times, she always looks so fabulous. She seems to like boardwalks, I have a few pictures of her hanging out on Tableau. ;)
Posted by: BARNESWORTH | October 18, 2006 at 09:51 PM
She's mine, Barnes, back off ssssssss.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | October 18, 2006 at 10:05 PM
Judging by her cloths, skin and hair it looks like she belongs to Toast and Nylon, although I think she could use some good shoes. Someone should send her some.
Posted by: BARNESWORTH | October 18, 2006 at 11:34 PM