Missing inventory given permission to return to Lost & Found
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affiars desk
A mis-feature in teh metaverse was apparently corrected last night when LL staff found a magical incantation to re-unite anxious owners and inventory that poofed on purchase. Expect spontaneous joyful celebrations over the next week as residents who purchased missing goods find them hidden not under a tree - but in their Lost and Found folder. A relieved Kelly Linden pointed shortchanged buyers to this blog post, and a collective sigh was heard throughout the land. Most long time SL residents I spoke with agreed that its just nice when things mostly work, and made the best of the situation.
Avatars still coming up short on purchased inventory should keep in mind that Linden magic works slowly - it can be up to a week before all items are returned. Incidentally, the helicopter I lost on sunday is still missing, and I’m sticking by that expense report, Walker - did you and Uri have to report any expenses? I don’t think our RL accountants will be any wiser if those purchases stay missing - know what I mean?
In related developments, SL economic analysts predict more yard sales activity as residents who purchased multiple copies of objects during the era of poofing purchases discover that they have a few spares. This is likely to enhance the user experience for noobies by lowering the barrier to entry into time-honored SL professions such as gunslinger, escort service worker, and fashion model.
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