You love it, you hate it, you wrap your pixelated fish in it, but there's just no avoiding the Second Life Herald. Though things looked rocky a while back, the Herald has soldiered on, revivified by the bloodhound instincts of new Herald managing editor Pixeleen Mistral, and recently re-joined by Herald founder Urizenus Sklar. Now you too can rake a little muck, by joining us at the Herald's third birthday party, to be held next Thursday, October 26, at 2pm SL time, in the Hyperborea sim. Hyperborea, of course, is the new location of the august _blacklibrary, which hosted last year's event. As ever, we have no idea what's going to go on there, but Hyperborea has a nice big sandbox in the middle of the sim, so bring your party favors.
The Herald's actual birthday is October 23, for those who are curious, on which date in 2003, Uri posted his first post, a modest accounting of the staffers who would launch what was then the Alphaville Herald, covering the now-dwindling world of The Sims Online. The metaverse had little idea of what was about to hit it -- until the next day, that is, when Uri posted the Herald's first mission statement. There was partying going on back then, of course, but nothing like what we can get up to in Second Life. Be there, or risk us writing about you here, muahahahaaaaa.....
That first post was actually by Squirrel.
Walker, do we have a slurl for the party?
Posted by: urizenus | October 20, 2006 at 04:09 PM
SLurl coming
Posted by: Walker Spaight | October 20, 2006 at 10:09 PM
Uri I have talked to a familar facs from TSO that wishes to know if he can attend..wanted your graces:Alfred Bradley. Any problems with it? He is a newb to SL so I dont think he would be griefing, lol
Posted by: Steele | October 22, 2006 at 11:32 AM