by Heartun Breaker, syndicated advice columnist.
KIND READERS: Getting to know you over the past few weeks has been a rare honor -- one that truly humbles me at times. To better serve you, and strengthen the Get A Life column, my editor Pixeleen Mistral and I met with the Herald's consultants at Monkey Business Consulting to “take the initiative in achieving a leadership role in the field of virtual online tabloid journalism” as the consultants put it. Consultants really have a way with words, don’t they?
Pixeleen was particularly concerned that we understand our audience’s needs - are you turned on by Symphorphilia (natural disasters), Aquaphilia (desire for underwater relations or mermaids) - or does it take something else?
"We need actionable data mining paradigms that can beef up the big enchilada of electronic new media frontierism," said consultant Ouchquack Stern. "We need a barnburner methodology to tap into the tacit knowledge of our user base." [editor: do a survey?]
With that in mind, I'm starting a series of reader surveys. You can participate by CLICKING HERE and voting for your favorite fetish. We'll fill you in on our findings soon.
Heartun Breaker
Get A Life is the most popular and widely syndicated advice column in Second Life -- known for Heartun Breaker's down to earth common sense and witty reason.
If you have a question for Get A Life just IM it to Heartun Breaker. Or send e-mail here: [email protected]. All submissions become the property of the Heartun Breaker. We reserve the right to edit submissions for brevity and clarity. No 'real' SL names will be published. No part of this service may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Heartun Breaker, except that an individual may download and/ or forward articles via e-mail to a reasonable number of recipients for personal, non-commercial purposes.
Wow, I learned all kinds of new things from that list. Thanks for the education. *grins*
Posted by: Daisy Beauchamp | November 26, 2006 at 03:57 PM
Holy Crap! Before I read that list of fetishes I really did think that SL had every fetish covered. Now I tend to doubt it.
I'm particularly interested in seeing if any Apotemnophiliacs get together with Acrotomophiliacs.
Also, if Chrematistophiliacs are only aroused when they are blackmailed into it... how active can thier sex life be? And are there many?
SL just got a tad wierder Heartun. And I BLAME YOU!!
Posted by: Ouchquack | November 27, 2006 at 05:24 PM