by Pixeleen Mistral, Internal Affairs Unit
Anya Ixchel's interview of Herald founder Urizenus Sklar in SLatenight ends with a shocking revelation - Uri confesses that while in The Sims Online he was a secret part of the Sims Shadow Government - a vigilante group that appointed itself to police the TSO world - and a frequent subject of Herald coverage.
The startling revelations come at the end of the interview when Urizenus admits, “back on TSO I was a stealth member of the SSG (not active on missions, but able to monitor communications), and after Snow White stepped down as Overlord Mia Wallace once invited me to become Overlord”. Evidently, Urizenus assumes that the statute of limitations has expired on his TSO actions - will his defence be that he was just doing whatever it takes to get a story back in the TSO days?
If this was Urizenus getting close to his sources, could this also mean that he would also stoop to joining the W-Hat goons, the libsecondlife h4x0rs, or the Electric Koolaide Sheep? Or are these really the same organization with reciprocal parking privileges?
An investigation is likely as the Herald staff works to establish the true identities of our various alts and expose the web of deceit that could even reach into the newsroom here at the Herald. To get to the bottom of this scandal, the managing editor of the Herald has just assigned Urizenus to investigate himself amd report back if he finds anything amiss - this sort of thing seems to be good enough for the Lindens, so it ought to be good enough for the Herald.
I wonder what Uri really means when he claims not to have been active on missions. I'm not buying that. And getting communications -- that was nothing. Without hardly any trouble, you could get on the Yahoo Messenger blast list of that one fellow who was the VP, like third in command, I'm forgetting his name, who organized the flash mobs for that big W.
Well, Uri would stoop to anything to get a story.
I'm not surprised that he was in the SSG and I don't doubt he was one of the people tormenting me by gloving me and rearranging all my bathroom tiles into dirty words.
However, I'm satisfied with the degree of revenge I got on Uri by doing the Selena Witch hoax.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | November 22, 2006 at 09:30 AM
And coming up after this commercial break... we're hot on the trail of a breaking story happening in someone's back yard. We have shocking footage of a dog licking his balls in the garden.
Posted by: ingrid ingersoll | November 22, 2006 at 10:39 AM
Why are you staring at a dog licking his balls, Ingrid? Stop that!
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | November 22, 2006 at 11:52 AM
This is a very interesting story of great significance. Do go on, Ingrid.
Posted by: Aimee Weber | November 22, 2006 at 11:57 AM
We *are* overdue for a story on those "lick your own balls" animations. I'm on it!
Meanwhile, Ingrid, you need to read up on the SSG -- the *first* FIC in cyberspace. Tell her, Prok.
(kidz these days, no sense of history...)
Posted by: Urizenus | November 22, 2006 at 12:19 PM
The SL FIC has a nice aura of backroom deal making with the man and all that. But in the day the SSG was the rockin party and actually did some good work helping the little guy and stepping on some of the right toes. It had an impressive membership,stealth and otherwise. Even an amusing rivalry with Prok! But the FIC has better hair and bling bling.
Posted by: Donk Kongo | November 22, 2006 at 06:42 PM
There was nothing "rockin'" about the SSG and this is just the usual SSG spin cycle. Far from helping the little guy, it invaded peoples' lots and helped itself. It was malignant and cunning. Under guise of fighting crime and helping little old ladies cross the street, in fact, it was using that fake cover to extort, maim, and kill. I saw even hardened U.S. G.I.s crumble and log off in the face of their menacing pressure. Like the FIC, the SSG got its energy from blessing from Maxis/ -- Will Wright was balloon buddies with Overlord Mia Wallace, and that clinched it.
Moe Wallace, her fake husband, actually once asked me to go on a "date" to Second Life. He promised me that I could build a truck there and live happily ever after. He then departed for SL for awhile. I went over later and discovered there was no easy way to make a truck and left. Moe and the rest of the SSG regulars infiltrated SWG. They were said to be so numerous the company even gave them their own server. They got bored there when some game feature changed and all poured back into TSO and used the new features available by then to cook up even more new forms of griefing. They never took to SL that I can see, except for a few scattered remnants.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | November 22, 2006 at 08:01 PM
I still consider myself a memeber of the SSG.I was there in TSO and went to SWG.We were a group of devoted friends who took care of each other and had a lot of good times.I still keep in touch with Mia,Cee Cee,Robyn Dajos,all wonderful people.Most of them went to WOW.I played with them for 2 weeks and decided i didnt like WOW so i came here to Second Life until The Lord Of The Rings Online goes live.I see posts about the SSG that truly anger me sometimes,because people really have no clue about what it was truly all about.It was good people,doing the right thing,and having fun playing games.
Posted by: Rock Ramona | November 29, 2006 at 06:33 PM
I still consider myself a memeber of the SSG.I was there in TSO and went to SWG.We were a group of devoted friends who took care of each other and had a lot of good times.I still keep in touch with Mia,Cee Cee,Robyn Dajos,all wonderful people.Most of them went to WOW.I played with them for 2 weeks and decided i didnt like WOW so i came here to Second Life until The Lord Of The Rings Online goes live.I see posts about the SSG that truly anger me sometimes,because people really have no clue about what it was truly all about.It was good people,doing the right thing,and having fun playing games.
Posted by: Rock Ramona | November 29, 2006 at 06:33 PM