by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista
Okay, I'd hate to beat a dead horse - I’ve heard they have a faint smell - but there's always a need for the current best freebies for all the unverifieds and newbies out there - plus Jeska and Robin Linden might even want to update their look - so this evening I took the time to investigate, just to see what's new. For our low-budget photoshoot, I found a deserted skybox - it was empty except for a stained Tard*Star t-shirt that we burned as a sacrifice to the fashion goddess.
I think freebies get a horrible rap. There's so much cool stuff out there. Lately, more decent free skins have popped up - not ones that look like they were slapped together in MS Paint - and there's some darned good clothing out there also. More designers are popping up that understand that being courteous to newbies is a good thing. caLLie cLine has put out some cool freebies, while Canimal has some cheap outfits that are pretty cute - and a bloody set that's just outrageously disgusting. I had to get it, but I felt it was too graphic to display for our delicate Herald, so we'll be skipping that.
In this episode of the Female Best Freebies and Cheapies, we are running on an L$100 budget - and still doing just fine, most times coming in well UNDER budget by a wonderful amount - so if you want to play tringo you’ll be able to do it in style!
I nabbed my partner-in-crime and we went snooping.
Here's our choice teleports - when we could teleport - you may want to try shopping during off hours when the metaverse sorta mostly works:
Imogen (82, 43, 25) : The 7-11: Awesome Freebies from PWND magazine.
Plush Lambda (186, 193, 21) : FUNK - Kiana Dulce and caLLie cLine.
Canimal 1(88, 57, 37) : Canimal (main store) - El Cheap-o Boutique, Second Level.
Luna (60, 145, 22) : Skins and Clothes, Freebie Boxes outside of Tattoo You!
Tableau (42, 222, 10) Toast's Fashionably Dead Meatlocker Store
Gnubie Shop
With most every box of random freebies, you'll have to spend about a half an hour sorting through crap before you find the good stuff. Being a decent-looking newbie takes effort - or, a good, rich friend. I prefer a sugar daddy myself, but those are hard to come by. The boxes from Tattoo You will take some sorting, but you'll find some nice items in them.
CS Passport Skin Malibu, Fashionably Dead Tie-Up Top: L$1, PWND freebie jeans. Glasses provided as freebie to Tableau Society from Nylon Pinkney. ETD Hair. Total : $2L.
Freebies from Tattoo You, hair by ETD, clunky bracelet from the PWND bag. CS Passport Skin. Total: L$2.
Nymph dress by Canimal, CS Passport skin, hair by ETD. Total: L$51.
Canimal Retro dress shirt, DMC freebie jeans, skin from Tattoo You pack, sunglasses from PWND bag, hair by ETD. Total: L$51.
CS Passport skin, PWND freebie shirt and pants, hair by ETD. L$1.
As a last thought, if you wander into Enkything's freebie shop (search for: Enkythings) you will find things to tack on to make your avatar more usable: flight feather, Wet Ikon customizable AO, that sort of thing. They even have prim shoes for L$1. Also make sure to note that Six Kennedy is extremely charitable to those 30 days and under, and will provide a free hair to you if you follow her rules for getting it. Visit Gurlywood for details.
Stay turned: Men's Freebies.
Happy hunting!
*COUGH* cover up *COUGH*
Posted by: Nacon | March 07, 2007 at 04:08 AM
Very interesting
BUT - as usual the male in SL is forgooten
we have very few designers and very feww bargain shops.
98% of the merchandise is poor quality shirt and jeans and 1% suits and the last 1% fetish gear.
Try dressing a man for a change too many female blogs on the same thing over and over and over.
Posted by: archie lukas | March 07, 2007 at 08:01 AM
Archie, you forgot about the goth stuff. Lots of male goth stuff, but I don't wear goth!
Posted by: nimrod yaffle | March 07, 2007 at 08:30 AM
I hope you're ready for the Prok fangs.
Posted by: Parsifal | March 07, 2007 at 09:11 AM
Good angle Tenshi. Too many folks miss the free- or nearly free stuff. I absolutely swear by the CS Passport skin for my female avatar (yes I am male normally with a female alt, no I'm not entirely a deviant :)
Posted by: Simondo Nebestanka | March 07, 2007 at 09:44 AM
Szentasha Fashions has a newbie special: any player under 30 days old can IM me for a free outfit of their choice. Go to our headquarters in Glow Estates, pick out an outfit, IM me, and I'll send it to you. 30 days and younger only. If you are a little over, thats okay. If you don't hear from me, try again .. sometimes my IMs get capped.
Free Dove, Sarah Nerd, and Yadni also offer large freebie sections.
Posted by: Szentasha Salome | March 07, 2007 at 10:08 AM
In case you didn't read the full article, as some of you tend to do - Men's Freebies are coming up next week.
I like Free Dove, but I don't think it updates as often as it should. Sarah Nerd is really good, but Yadni's just doesn't appeal to me - it feels *way* too flea-market esquw.
Szentasha, thank you for adding that. It's always great for players under 30 days old to get a deal.
Posted by: Tenshi Vielle | March 07, 2007 at 10:33 AM
SinSkins has a set of female skins for avies under 30 days. They have a wide range of skin tones and are quite well done.
Posted by: kathygnome | March 07, 2007 at 10:45 AM
The truth is, freebie male stuff sucks. If you want to look good, you got to pay for it fellas.. just like in Real Life.
However since there will be a Men's version of this article soon, I shall wait and see before completely ruling anything out.
Posted by: Ickabod Humphreys | March 07, 2007 at 11:18 AM
A small note, but Starley's Passport skin perhaps isn't really something that should be flaunted as a freebie -- the skin got out in the open at some point with copy/transfer permissions due to SL bug, but it's against the original maker's intentions and wishes. So dunno, maybe just out of tact it shouldn't be mentioned in such context especially when like said, there's some nice alternatives out there that were actually released as freebies to begin with...
Posted by: Joannah Cramer | March 07, 2007 at 01:01 PM
We should have a "take newbies to freebies" day. Maybe, more realistically, it should be an every day thing.
Tenshi, you should tag these places with sloog! (everyone should go see
I think the SL fashion market, like Real Life, has a serious lacking in less than conservative menswear. I think SL has been picking up the slacks, though the freebie fashions available to guys is pretty damn slim. I'm looking forward to the Men's Freebies article.
Posted by: Gando Thurston | March 07, 2007 at 02:39 PM
*rolls eyes amusedly* Yes, Gando, I'm using Sloog, and I will be utilizing it more often. :) If I can't find anything good for the men's freebies... I'll just make it myself.
Posted by: Tenshi Vielle | March 07, 2007 at 05:59 PM
Looks like the Fashionably Dead store at Tableau has gone, just in case anyone's running the freebie list from today.
Posted by: Min Fairweather | March 08, 2007 at 05:53 AM
Fashionably Dead is still there. It's just a little bit hidden in the convenience store with the bull out front.
Posted by: Iris Seale | March 08, 2007 at 02:33 PM
Enjoyed the article - however, the challenge will surely be in producing the equally productive MEN's freebie makeover report. Good luck with that endeavour, Tenshi - I fear the results may not be as impressive. (A somewhat decent makeover might be possible, but I just think there will be no comparison as with what you can do for the females...)
Regardless, I can't wait to see how it goes!! :-)
Posted by: Wrath | March 09, 2007 at 02:31 PM
@Joannah Cramer
Thanks for pointing that out re: the Passport skin. I had no idea. My female alt has gone and bought a new skin from Starley @ Celestial Studios to make up a little for the free ride I've had off her good work.
Posted by: Simondo Nebestanka | March 29, 2007 at 07:07 AM
Hey Tenshi, where is that place, SinSkins, that you were talking about?? I haven´t been able to find it with search menu. I hope you can help me, thanks in advance!
Posted by: Imanuelle Kohnke | September 26, 2007 at 12:10 PM