Low-voltage shocks help internet addicts sleep better - Lindens prefer herbal tea
by Onder Skall
Kids: when your parents tell you to get off the damned computer and get some fresh air, you'd better. If not, they might send you to China for treatment.
When you arrive at the 'treatment clinic' you'll be locked in a cell, exposed to freezing temperatures, yelled at, and tazered. Oh I'm sorry, it's a clinic, so "tazer" is the wrong word. In a clinic we call it "electro-shock therapy" which, even though it's been discredited by every clinical study ever done as simply a good way to damage a person's brain, seems to be the cure for "Internet addiction".
In addition you're given therapy and lots of drugs. These are compulsory, of course, as the clinics all seem to be on military bases where your rights are temporarily suspended.
From the Washington Post article:
"Earlier this month, four teens fled their dorm rooms and jumped in a taxi. They made it to a train station before soldiers caught them, according to Li Jiali, a military guard. They were isolated and asked to write reports about why their actions were wrong. "
It's all for your own good, of course. Parents send their kids, and government officials (who all know what's best for you) may decide that you were just a bit too expressive in that chat room.
By the way, on a completely unrelated note: how many hours did you spend in-world yesterday? More than one?
TG Daily - China electrocutes the WoW out of Internet Addicts
MSNBC/Washington Post - China treats Internet 'addicts' sternly (removed)
Washington Post - In China, Stern Treatment For Young Internet 'Addicts'
Onder Skall also writes for Second Life Games
"These are compulsory, of course, as the clinics all seem to be on military bases where your rights are temporarily suspended."
What rights would those be exactly?
Remember you ARE discussing the peoples republic of China, Not the state of New Jersey.
the "Rights" you are referring to (I'm assuming the American Model) are Not rights that are universally recognized. The American state has recognized "certain Inalienable Human Rights" but not every country shares those opinions, or Values. While Americans tout the Rights of the Individual, Many Asian Cultures, Communist or Not, Stress ones responsibility to their country, to thier Neighbors, to thier Family. It is Not outside the realm of possibility that in Asian Cultures, Internet addiction could be seen as having a negative Impact on ones living up to ones responsibilities.
Before you speak of the Chinese Citizens having "rights >< temporarily suspended" shouldn't you at least be sure they actually Had those rights to begin with?
I do Not Praise the Chinese's Draconian methods in Dealing with thier perceived problem. I think in the Long run, it will probably Backfire on them. There are probably Less Invasive (Or inhumane) methods available If they just took the time to research, But the Chinese State feels it would Not be living up to it's responsibilities to it's people if they Ignored what People Here in the West are acknowledging is a Growing Problem. We choose to Ignore it, they choose to Deal with it.
Would I like to Live there? No, I enjoy my rights and freedoms too much, But i recognize that, What is a Minor problem in a Population of 33 million (Canada) or 300 million (USA) might be considered a signifigantly greater problem if left Unchecked in a Population of 1.5 Billion.
I'm just not so Glib about applying my Home standards to someplace with China's social pressures.
Posted by: Maria LaVeaux | March 09, 2007 at 01:23 AM
ECT is still used in modern Western clinical psychiatric practice, which would seem to indicate that every study has not yet yielded the results you indicate.
I had a chat yesterday night in SL with a young man who would definitely have benefited from being unhooked from SL and given some ECT.
Posted by: Interbreeding | March 09, 2007 at 02:33 AM
I was amazed the other day when someone told me that they needed to log off because they'd been online for a continuous FORTY NINE HOURS.
I was even more amazed when several other people in the place chipped in with similar stories.
Posted by: hotlips Tornado | March 09, 2007 at 04:53 AM
I would like to add that I do support the editor's decision to give this apparently new writer more opportunity to refine her writing craft.
May I suggest to the author of the article that she not be too discouraged about the reaction to this particular article (hey, at least it got a reaction, right?) and get some honest friends or family or possibly other writers to critique her article ideas before sending them out there? I expect your editor may be able to lend a hand here.
Posted by: Stylish Only When I Feel Like It | March 09, 2007 at 05:07 AM
^ If it is not obvious, I have gone and posted a response to the wrong article, darn it. That was directed towards the fashion trash talk.
This article I find rather interesting though I'd ideally prefer more specific information.
Posted by: Stylish Only When I Feel Like It | March 09, 2007 at 05:09 AM
Muhahahhahahahaha!! ...and that means a bad news for HiPiHi platform that was coming soon.
(gotta love sense of irony)
Posted by: Nacon | March 09, 2007 at 05:27 AM
Heh call me crazy, but when I read about the "shock therapy". Steven King's "Cat's Eye" comes to mind.
Posted by: Ickabod Humphreys | March 09, 2007 at 07:27 AM
There are many compulsions that people have beyond the Internet or Second Life. I've known 'bookworms' that would read one book after the other, whether it be a Romance or a Science Fiction novel. There are others who spend immense amounts of time working on antique cars, model airplanes, stamp collecting, etc. Some are very social and spend vast amounts of time on the telephone, in the shopping mall, or elsewhere. There are self absorbed body builders, marathon bike riders, and other sports enthusiasts that spend a great amount of their time doing what they enjoy. Who is to judge that any of these indulgences are any better or worse than time spent on the Internet or in Second Life? Here you can expand your cultural awareness by meeting people from various countries, learn to build and develop LSL scripting skills. You can socialize and make whatever you want out of it.
Certainly the Chinese are known for their oppressive ways, but I think we as well should abstain from being judgmental towards people spending great lengths of time in Second Life. Perhaps they are trying to learn to build and develop a business. But it doesn't matter the reason, it's simply not for us to judge.
Posted by: 1Time Daehlie | March 09, 2007 at 09:01 AM
'In addition you're given ...... lots of drugs'
O - Kay. Now we're talking! Where do I sign up?
Posted by: Inigo Chamerberlin | March 09, 2007 at 10:38 AM
There is Nothing wrong with the article as it is, It's purpose Was to Incite discussion, and discussion Has begun. Not Everyone is going to agree with the apparent point of the article, and that's Good.
What do you think are the Hallmarks of Internet addiction, beyond the Obvious "Spending all thier spare time at it"?
Would it be more accurate to Classify Taking time normally dedicated to work and Family activities, as a sign of Addiction?
~How about Routinely Missing sleep for it?
~Skipping Normal meals frequently, and regularly?
~Are you addicted if during other activities, All you can think of is Finishing as fast as Possible in order to Get on Line?
~How about Faking Illnesses to get out of work or school For the Single purpose of spending the day on line?
Addictions, even Non Chemical ones Can be Harmful not only to ones Physical health, but also to ones social and Mental Wellbeing.
What If it were heroine, or alchohol? How many times has it been said of a Chronic Drunk Driver that they should be forced into some compulsery Treatment? (Though most experts agree an Alchoholic can only be treated if they themselves recogognize they have a Problem, and Willingly seek treatment)
Is Internet addiction as serious a social problem as drugs, or alchohol?
Posted by: Maria LaVeaux | March 09, 2007 at 09:13 PM
Comparing Internet or SL usage to drug addiction is silly. There is no parallel. Someone might compare it - tongue in cheek, but it is not equal to the destructive behavior of drugs.
The same can be said for exercising. How many hours do you spend in the gym? Or for the self-indulged narcissist? How much money do you spend on clothes, in nail and beauty parlors? How much time do you spend getting dressed in the morning? Do you count calories? Wow, are you that compulsive?
And a person who is really over-compulsive, or has addictive tendencies will have this for something, even if computers and the Internet didn't exist. They need some real escapism in order not to face reality, and they'll find it in something.
Posted by: 1Time Daehlie | March 10, 2007 at 08:43 AM
1time, What about Gambling?Do you discount it as an addiction as well?
How do you Define "Destructive"? Addiction takes many forms, Not just the Introduction of foreign substances into the Body. You mention Exercise, Well there Is such a documented disorder as Being addicted to Exercise. It's the chemical changes that take place within the Body during the exercise that are the subject of the addiction. There is surgical addiction as well. There are people who are addicted to Shopping, and spend themselves Deep into dept simply because they Cannot resist the urge to spend Money. The emotions that the person Feels while spending, Not the items bought, are the Object of the Addiction and in every case I mention, the addiction Can cause Harm, Perhaps not direct Physical deterioration, But the Harm Does take other forms as well.
You asked, "Do you count Calories?" as a dismissive example, I would counter that with only two words. "Anorexia" and "Bulemia". Your examples are Ordinary enough actions, but Each of them Can, and Is, in certain people taken to addictive extremes that cause Physical, and mental harm. They are also destructive to the persons Social, familial, and/or Business relationships.
Your final asessment "a person who is really over-compulsive, or has addictive tendencies will have this for something, even if computers and the Internet didn't exist. They need some real escapism in order not to face reality, and they'll find it in something." is quite correct, and is in direct opposition to your first statement. Drug addiction has two components. Ask anyone who has quit smoking for example. Upon Ending the addiction, The "Withdrawl" takes two forms. First, the Breaking of the Chemical dependancy, Nicotine, heroine, what have you. That takes only days to weeks. The Hard part, the Ongoing, sometimes Lifetime struggle is to overcome the emotional, and Mental dependancy. Addiction to something like Shopping, or Internet has some Chemical dependancy to overcome. The Chemical changes within ones own biochemistry, Endorphins, and the like. But there is Still the Emotional, and Mental dependancy to Overcome, so your statement that "there is No Parallel" is Not entirely accurate.
Remember, one of the hardest things to get ANY addict to do, is Admit they have a problem in the first place. It took a Long time for society to admit that Alchoholism was an addiction, and not simply a Moral weakness.
Posted by: Maria LaVeaux | March 10, 2007 at 03:21 PM
As a resident of China, I find this situation hilarious. Parents go crazy if their children don't spend all of their free time studying.
Posted by: Bedpan Unknown | March 11, 2007 at 04:16 AM
I was amazed but i think this is the real life!
Posted by: Hausbau | March 14, 2007 at 11:13 AM
Quoting Maria LaVeaux --
"And a person who is really over-compulsive, or has addictive tendencies will have this for something, even if computers and the Internet didn't exist. They need some real escapism in order not to face reality, and they'll find it in something."
I must admit with this statement Maria covered nearly everything in a nutshell. You might even call this ... "Addiction For Dummies". I was coming to think I'm an SL addict myself after spending minimum 5 hours nightly for nearly 2 months, secretly whilst my wife urged me desparately to come to bed with her. It got so bad that she got up at least once in the middle of every night, pleading me to stop whatever I'm doing and finally join her. I saw the sunrise so many times, even on work days!
I came up with a different excuse nearly every night (I worked on this or that business project), until she caught me red-handed, not once but twice. The first time she already threatened with separation and the second time she underscored it strongly (I'm still not clear on the outcome as of this writing). She claimed I'd become addicted and I only can agree. It was an escape from the duldrum of a routine life (thought I'd make my life more complicated, as if being CEO of 2 companies was not enough!!!). It was exciting. It made me feel good. Nevertheless I still love my real life wife 10x more than anything in SL, and even didn't understand myself why I would risk breaking my relationship with "truly" the most beautiful and wonderful woman on earth! It seemed totally illogical!!! It suppose it was the newness, the challenge, and moreover the highly compelling and addictive "lust".
This has not been my first addition ... but rather a "continuation" from others in my past (such as mild drugs as a kid and other compulsions), all which I finally decided to stop to "get a grip on my life" and to make things easier on myself. Each time I figured "I'm finally over it" ... and it felt good! (for awhile)
Maria you're so right ... if it is not one thing it is another, and in reading your interpretation I realized it is not 2nd Life that's the problem; it's rather my own creation. Given the opportunity I will take it ... even when so many things are at risk. (i.e. ADDICTION!). It is simply "in me". I suppose I might be able to get it "out" ... will continue exploring that.
I think the best cure for Internet/Drug/Alchohol/other additions is not to realize that you have a problem. We all know what problems we have and the key is simply to be willing to do something about it (at that moment when you're thinking about it, not putting it off til you've eaten all the pie, or shrugging it off til some other time when it is "more convenient") and be responsible and change and feel good about changing it because it will help your life! We (including myself) who have additions are indeed acting "irresponsibly" toward themselves and (just as importantly) others who love them. Only solution ... "get a grip" and be responsible for a change! Life isn't that difficult if you manage your time right and don't get youself over your head deep in things, and follow your heart in the right direction. (if only I would listen to my own reasoning)
Well, through thinking out loud anonymously in this forum I hope I've helped myself a bit and anybody reading it from "one of" the horses mouth. I suppose most horses reading this have some kind of addition/compulsion too. If not "hats off to you", you're "ok" ... as of this writing "I'm not" but I better change or face a lot of hardships! It seems with my case I'm on the last string, but have uninstalled SL on all my machines. Anybody else thinking about seriously changing?
addict's revenge
CAUTION: You can easily (and very likely will) fall in love/lust in SL ... I did several times. It is REAL ... and it can DESTROY YOU AND YOUR MARRIAGE! Before you get too deep to come out (due to it's addictiveness), STOP and THINK!
Posted by: Oblivi Ous | July 18, 2007 at 05:19 PM
This certainly is an interesting article about the control Chinese officials put upon internet. For one thing, censorship and control does not really alleviate the problem. It was as one philosopher said (I really did forget his name, forgive me) : You cannot hold on to sand by gripping it.
This is exactly the problem with communist regimes, they tend to hold on to the "sand" through an iron grip (nothing wrong with that IF the governments know what they were doing).
I once read this interesting article about Americans favoring the Internet than sex (original article can be read here : http://www.siakoi.com/health/sexual-health/internet-vs-sex.html). Perhaps this is what the Chinese officials would like to avoid. In my humble opinion, I think it would be ironic of them considering they have the one-child per day rule.
Posted by: Winston | August 26, 2008 at 05:01 AM