[Editrix’s note: Kaylia Burgess shows off her skills with the avatar shape editor this week, and to highlight Kaylia’s achievement we have my favorite SL photographer and artist - Marilyn Murphy - the photographer/visionary behind Players, SL’s in-world erotica magazine. After seeing how Kaylia can beautify the pages of the Herald, I’m sure our readers will want to see more of her in-world and in-person.]
My name is Kaylia, I am 26 years old and thrilled to be this week’s Post Sixx Grrl!
I first came to Second Life around Christmas time last year. I had no idea how much fun I would have, or of all the many wonderful people I would meet. My favourite part of SL is spending time with so many great people from all over the world.. I just love to cuddle on the beach! I also very much enjoy helping people to perfect their Avatar.
When I first got to SL Orientation Island, I discovered the Avatar Shape Editor. At first it was tricky to get things to look right, but after awhile I started to get the hang of it. I decided to model my SL Avatar on my RL body because I was so familiar with my own shape.
Now designing avatar's is one of the wonderous joys that I have in SL. I find it challenging and exciting to design unique looks. I never use the same shape twice so that each person that I help has their own special look.. I designed my own shape and the shapes of most of my friends. I just love to work on my appearance and to help other people with theirs!
It is the greatest feeling to be able to help others. I like to think that I can help people’s avatars better reflect their RL characters. I guess it is no surprise that my SL persona reflects much of my RL. I love fashion, makeovers, and just getting to know those I am close with. And in SL, I can wear a bikini and and lay on the beach all year round!
I have met so many special people in such a short time that I wonder what the future will hold for me here, but be sure that I will be working hard to do my part to beautify our Second Life. Thanks so so much to Marilyn Murphy and the SL Herald for giving me this opportunity to share how grateful I am, and how much I love you all!
Since when is skinny, blond, and big titted a "unique look"?. You look like every real life guy's female avatar in sl.
Posted by: Pookie | March 10, 2007 at 08:42 PM
Why is every post six girl practically a stick? when we gonna see someone with some meat on em, like a nice booty and thick legs? and why are most of these women the same ole boring types in SL, the ones that go to clubs, hang out etc. why not feature a woman who is successful in business and hot enough to be a post six girl? we need new stuff im bored as hell lookin at a stick with big hair and big tits and no ass.
Posted by: bored | March 10, 2007 at 09:15 PM
wow, this is sad
Posted by: Lothar | March 10, 2007 at 11:26 PM
It's hard to tell with these poses but it seems like a shape problem i've noticed, something with a lot of body shapes floating around, that they have these unproportionately short arms, they look almost imperceptably strange.
Posted by: Artemis Fate | March 11, 2007 at 12:07 AM
I agree with Artemis, sort of like a dwarfs arms pasted onto an otherwise normal looking body. It does help to understand basic human anatomy when designing an avatar. This isn't the best reference image, but at least you see the limbs proportions- http://www.xosize.com.au/images/content/anteriorMuscle.jpg . Or DIRECTLY reference an photo's proportions in a RESTING position. Some features are fine to exaggerate, but arms aren't one of those. Humans' hands can touch their hips and thighs when standing straight and holding your arms rested at your sides.
Posted by: Rose | March 11, 2007 at 12:27 AM
Excuse my typos, it's late... but please don't let that detract from my post.. all of it is essential in looking human. Discard it if your intent was to not look human. Even Barbie has more human proportions. (even with her gargantuan head)
Posted by: Rosa | March 11, 2007 at 12:36 AM
I think this grrl is hott!! Am I the only one that sees that bodacious badonkadonk on that girl? Good lord...
Posted by: Kevin Smiley | March 11, 2007 at 01:57 AM
I think it is telling that there are some people who, when confronted with beauty, feel compelled to lash out at it by their envy or arrogance. Most of the problems in this world are caused by hateful people who do not see the beauty of anything around them. I think that the negative comments here reflect more on the posters than on Kaylia.
Posted by: Tricia | March 11, 2007 at 03:02 AM
Gorgeous as always! Kudos to Kaylia for letting us see her glorious figure! This woman has it all from the inside out. She is a wonderful lady who has helped many newbies find their beautiful selves. SL is a prettier place because of her.
Posted by: Queen Coronet | March 11, 2007 at 03:08 AM
WOW!....you see that babe? I hope I see you around sweetheart.... Call me ANYTIME!!!
Posted by: Steve Single | March 11, 2007 at 03:34 AM
Kaylia is not simply a gorgeous woman, she is a smart and savvy business woman in sl and a wonderful member of the community. Fantastic pictures.
Posted by: Jig Chippewa | March 11, 2007 at 03:44 AM
I have had the privilege of knowing Kaylia since my first days on SL. She is without a doubt one of the most beautiful people in SL, not just on the outside, either. She is always quick with a kind word and a helping hand. Great choice, Marilyn and Herald staff. Beautiful pictures, beautiful girl.
Posted by: Allex Lindman | March 11, 2007 at 04:21 AM
hey, kaylia. i learned quite some time ago that the people who are afraid to even use their sl fake names, and post with invented fake names, you can just ignore.
anyone can criticize and be unpleasant. it doesn't take any special insight or talent, just a mean streak.
as to arm length. simply stand in front of a mirror and see where your hands are with arms hanging and try to approximate that on your avatar.
the biggest problem i encounter on avatars is the shoulders. egad, trying to keep away from the stick thru the shoulders with arms dangling off the ends, or the pinched in look is a balancing act and depending on the light...its ugly at times.
i'm sure most of us who really work with avatars a lot have our own pet peeves.
most poses, break an avatar, somewhere. at times, to get a certain shading or lighting effect, i let a broken area leak thru to the finished product. i assume the sophisticated viewer knows this and understands. it's not the models fault. it's mine.
Posted by: marilyn murphy | March 11, 2007 at 09:09 AM
Pookie said: "Since when is skinny, blond, and big titted a "unique look"?. You look like every real life guy's female avatar in sl."
Aye indeed!
Lothar said: "wow, this is sad"
Aye indeed!
bored said: "why not feature a woman who is successful in business and hot enough to be a post six girl?"
Now youre thinking!
Artemis said: "....that they have these unproportionately short arms, they look almost imperceptably strange."
Why indeed it does!
Steve said: "WOW!....you see that babe?"
No, where?
Marilyn said: "the biggest problem i encounter on avatars is the shoulders. egad, trying to keep away from the stick thru the shoulders with arms dangling off the ends, or the pinched in look is a balancing act and depending on the light...its ugly at times."
Ever heard of "photoshopping" before? Guess not!
Posted by: Nacon | March 11, 2007 at 09:27 AM
Hey all I see is a fine young honey! Seems like a sweetie, too. Hell, come on over to mah crib!
Posted by: Tommas Paine | March 11, 2007 at 11:31 AM
Do some of you just miuss the point? These girls are doing this for fun, folks. The technology to pose them well is still developing. Remember,it is done for our enjoyment. Do you people write letters to the producers of television programming that you don't like also? Or to the authors of books that you do not want to read? Some people just aren't happy unless they are trying to crap on someone else. I mean , alot of us DO enjoy these pics every week. Keep em comin, Urizenus and Marilyn, keep em comin.
Posted by: Lucien Ducasse | March 11, 2007 at 11:41 AM
Honestly, that first picture is one of the best I have seen in any of these pictorial spreads. The texture and rendering are impeccable. Kaylia, you can model for me anytime!
Posted by: Valjean | March 11, 2007 at 11:58 AM
WOOT! WOOT! WOOT! All around, my kind of girl. Hey, any of you people know that Kaylia also designed and ran a 2600 prim casino?
Posted by: Will | March 11, 2007 at 12:02 PM
As I look through all of the thoughts and comments directed toward me, I am deeply struck by the thoughtfulness and intelligence of some, while equally dismayed by the arrogance and sheer ignorance of others. I suppose that everyone in public view should expect to contend with such; though I would hope that those making comment and passing judgment would take pause to offer useful and not meaningless words.
After spending months developing this Avatar, and striving to help others with theirs, I do welcome productive comment from those that appreciate and also from those that find legitimate fault but offer useful critique. As to the slanderous whiners, I would hope that your folly is as obvious to everyone as it is to me, and that nothing else need be said!
In answer to Artemis Fate, I do thank you for your commentary and commend you for standing behind it by using your full name. Regarding my arm length: My arms, when in normal standing pose, reach to mid thigh. They are set to a length of seventy five. Would you suggest that I make them even longer?
In answer to Rosa/Rose, while I do appreciate your attempt in assisting me with having a more natural look, I can’t help but note that you fail to consider the first thing that Artimis Fate said “It's hard to tell with these poses”. I am quite certain that my Avatar looks at least as if not substantially more well proportioned than Barbie does!
As to Marilyn Murphy, Allex Lindman, Jig Chippewa, Queen Coronet, and Lucien Ducasse, and also to so many others: Thank you so much for your love, for your support, and for your great hearts!
Posted by: Kaylia Burgess | March 11, 2007 at 12:05 PM
Kaylia baby! Are you available this weekend? hehe. What a lovely lady...Once again Herald, you have outdone yourself. Seriously, Kaylia...you can email me....
Posted by: Gibby Oh | March 11, 2007 at 12:18 PM
Kaylia has a rare talent in design, her keen eye enables her to capture the essence of her chosen object be it a person or even a building.
She is a delight to know and i am proud to be her friend.
Way to go Kaylia!
Posted by: Saker Paderborn | March 11, 2007 at 01:34 PM
Hey! I could look at these pics all day long.....where do I find chicks like this on SL??? TP me now!!!!
Posted by: Lex Looter | March 11, 2007 at 01:35 PM
"In answer to Artemis Fate, I do thank you for your commentary and commend you for standing behind it by using your full name. Regarding my arm length: My arms, when in normal standing pose, reach to mid thigh. They are set to a length of seventy five. Would you suggest that I make them even longer?"
As I said before, it's hard to tell with the poses, but there seems to be something unnaturally short about the arms. I'd do what Marilyn suggested, stand in front of a mirror, as stiff and straightbacked as possible, and hold your arms down your sides and see how far they go. Unfortunately of course, you can't do this in SL (especially not in appearance mode) without the help of an animation, but you can atleast see where they should about be.
For some reason, I see a lot of people with the same stubby-arm syndrome, and I was wondering if this was a sold bodyshape, perhaps one of yours? Although you say you try to mix them up each time so maybe not.
In the end anyways, it's all about how much you like it, but it never hurts to fiddle around with the shape every now and then to see if you like something better. I made my own bodyshape in October 2003, and almost 4 years later, I'm still tweaking and changing little things.
Either way you turned out very pretty in the photos, good luck with the bodyshape arms.
Posted by: Artemis Fate | March 11, 2007 at 02:15 PM
Lex, Gibby, Valjean, and Kevin.... you realize you have no first life? Hooting at a 3D model with skin texture slapped on it. That's total non-sense.
PS: A casino? ...that's it? How's that any different with over 1,000 different casinos on SL? There is no difference, they're just bunch of Noobisms. (people who herd noobs like cows.)
Posted by: Nacon | March 11, 2007 at 02:25 PM
My full name is my email, which was included in my first, second, and this post. :) Just a space before the V. It is very long, so I prefer Rosa as a nickname. (Rose was a Typo) But I digress.
My intention wasn't to be a "slanderous whiner". Albeit I did come of harsh, sleep deprivation is a bad thing. :P The Barbie comment was supposed to point out that even with fantasy shapes, arm length is fairly constant. Was a bad comparison, I know. Apologize for that too. The anatomy link I gave is still very valid.
Poses are sometimes dreadful for certain bodyparts in Second Life. :( However, there are good ones out there. Trick is to look for ones that compliment you and to find the best angles. Though that isn't your fault at all, just for future photos it may help. Reel Movement has some lovely poses.
As pros: The hair and skin compliment the character well. The hair color is unique, even blonde can be unique if it's done differently. Both are very pretty and great quality. The face and torso on her are pretty as well. I would have liked to have seen more complimentary poses.. and maybe more legs too. Because legs are pretty too! The biography/interview portion is one of the better ones. Reflects a very nice and down to earth personality. :) Which is rare it seems.
~Now, Well rested Rosabelle Vieria.
Posted by: Rosa | March 11, 2007 at 03:04 PM
Hey Nacon... Who has less of a first life? Those of us who will hoot and holler to support something we like? Or someone who actually takes the time to comment on something he thinks is so silly? The non-sense is in crapping on other people's fun. Good luck to Kaylia... She seems very sweet... More than I can say for Nacon...
Posted by: Gibby | March 11, 2007 at 04:20 PM
Hey Nacon... Who has less of a first life? Those of us who will hoot and holler to support something we like? Or someone who actually takes the time to comment on something he thinks is so silly? The non-sense is in crapping on other people's fun. Good luck to Kaylia... She seems very sweet... More than I can say for Nacon...
Posted by: Gibby | March 11, 2007 at 05:08 PM
"I am deeply struck by the thoughtfulness and intelligence of some, while equally dismayed by the arrogance and sheer ignorance of others. I suppose that everyone in public view should expect to contend with such; though I would hope that those making comment and passing judgment would take pause to offer useful and not meaningless words."
I AM offering you useful words. You look VERY generic. This is simply my opinion. If you don't like it, I would seriously consider never posting your pixels again for public consumption. You look extremely similar to many, many avatars I see at clubs. That's a FACT. You also look very much like the type of avatars real men make. So if you were going for that barbie doll look then congratulations! You did it! You now look like every second avatar on the grid. But please... don't tout yourself as looking "unique". Cause you're really not.
Posted by: Pookie | March 11, 2007 at 05:25 PM
I think that everyone should be so lucky as to know one person like Kaylia in their lives. She is truly special. Nuff said.
Posted by: Patrick | March 11, 2007 at 05:53 PM
Are these people mad or just plain stupid?
Kaylia Burgess is hardly a 'stick' model
the girl has more curves than Silverstone.
(Formula One racing track to the same numb nuts)
Some days I just despair at the studididty of humans:
"The more I get to know my dog, the more I despise people."
Who wrote that?
We have to face facts,some people just moan, give them a million quid and a mansion full of wanton women and they would complain about the weather.
Beelzebub wept!
Posted by: archie lukas | March 11, 2007 at 05:54 PM
Oh man!.....I am gonna wax up my board...because I wanna be at whatever beach this baby is at!!!!!
Posted by: Goobs | March 11, 2007 at 06:06 PM
Yeah man. These pictorials are always an amazing example of what can be done with the SL platform....the convergence of art and technology. Too bad that some people cannot see the fun and beauty in it.
Posted by: Helpful Harry | March 11, 2007 at 06:18 PM
easily the best look-back I have seen on an SL photo. I just hope she isn't walking away. Great pics, Kaylia, would love to meet you
Posted by: Getorix | March 11, 2007 at 07:02 PM
Alli can say is that this girl can ride my hawg any time!
Posted by: Harley Honda | March 11, 2007 at 08:01 PM
"Since when is skinny, blond, and big titted a "unique look"?. You look like every real life guy's female avatar in sl."
There's some truth in it. Not considering Kaylia - she is actually female in RL and just designed an avatar looking like her:-). Just in general. But actually there is also some lack of discrimination, too - and if I knew your avatar I could say whether it is even self-righteous.
There might be guys who are building the girl of their dreams in SL, but do you think all those perfectly styled, model-like avatars in SL are guys in RL? I dont think so, guys usually do not have enough taste to make an avatar look like that. And since almost every girl in SL looks better than an average-RL girl, there are also some girls trying to be the beauty queen. But is that worse than trying to be the funniest avatar (greetz to the furries)? Or the most extreme (greetz to the goths and cyberpunk-like creations)? Or trying to be an extraordinary smart critic?
We are all striving for being unique - in RL and SL - and the means we use for that show who we are as a society, for sure. But look closer at them. There are a lot more cheap, stupid ways of distinguishing oneself than being blond and good-looking. Using arrogant, pseudo-sarcastic standardstatements to give the impression of being intelligent, for example.
Criticism using cliches (guys behind) while critisizing cliches doesnt help at all.
Posted by: FreiaLouise | March 11, 2007 at 08:35 PM
Why is everyone so uptight about negative feedback? She posted her avatar so people could look and comment..so that's what I'm doing. That's the point otherwise comments would be turned off. If you only want positive feedback, don't post your pixels for public consumption! I'm not being "arrogant" or "ignorant" my opinions are just that...my opinions. And i happen to think she looks like your everyday barbie doll, not unique in the least. Just go to a club, and have a look for yourselves. I'm sure there's a lovely person behind the avatar but that's not why we're here! We're here for the avatar! So to the sanctimonious "thought police" who posted here... come on lighten up, it's just pixels.
Posted by: Pootie | March 11, 2007 at 11:35 PM
Pookie, I think the point is that this is a forum where we celebrate the genius of SL and the beauty of what these artists have done. It is people like you that just want everyone lse to be miserable
Posted by: Max Smart | March 12, 2007 at 01:59 AM
I think that anybody who has ever known Kaylia would have to be proud of her and happy that she is getting some recognition. Nobody could be kinder or more giving, especially to newbies. She is a fine friend and a truly beautiful person we should be proud to have as part of the SL community. She is loved and admired by many.
Posted by: Babe | March 12, 2007 at 03:37 AM
You know what the problem is with these photos?
It's not the skin.
It's not the shape.
It is the horrible photography and the horrible quality of the images.
Get a real photographer.
Posted by: Me | March 12, 2007 at 04:00 AM
Always the same story, in every forum, every blog, every chat in the whole, wide world:
First, there is an A somewhere in the world.
Then, a lot of people start to like A.
Then, others start to critisize A.
The people who like A feel offended by the criticism and critisize the criticism of A.
The people who critizised A feel offended themselves and complain about "thought polices", about people disrespecting the freedom of speech, or ignorant peole who see nothing but the false, beautiful surface of everything (or dont feel offended, but were just striving for the occasion to complain like that). The answers of the former "positives" are usually not a slightly bit better.
And all this b******* will happen again and again and again, if the people do not understand that you have to follow a few, very simple rules in a forum, where anonymity protects every single member and makes a discussion so easy to escalate:
- make it clear that your purpose is constructive (by constructive arguments, not by saying that you are constructive) - in RL and with people you know you can be more harsh, but in the anonymous part of the internet you lack most if the "communication channels" (nonverbal/facial expressions, intonation)or "interpretation helps" (background knowledge about the person) to regulate the effects
- never confuse persons with issues - for example: It is NEVER a good argument to explain someones opinion by alleging some negative personality dispositions.
- Therefore: use interpretations, but not allegations
Might work better this way. Have fun, Louise
Posted by: FreieLouise | March 12, 2007 at 07:09 AM
"It is the horrible photography and the horrible quality of the images. Get a real photographer."
Posted by: Nacon | March 12, 2007 at 08:25 AM
to:me and nacon.
oh my. well, you should be very very angry with that person that forced you to look at this terrible photography.
perhaps you need better friends.
Posted by: marilyn murphy | March 12, 2007 at 12:51 PM
Marilyn, they didn't force me to look at their shitty pics, but they have made sure I won't look at them again. Nor would I recommend anyone pose for them. If you have a great looking avatar, why have the SLH make you look bad and have people mock you?
If that was the Herald's intention, well done.
As for the model, I know enough not to judge her avatar based on these crappy pics.
Posted by: Me | March 12, 2007 at 03:13 PM
I suppose that it is telling that those who try to do things, to change the status quo, to drive progress, are often held up to ridicule. I guess that it is just a sobering thought to see that even in an environment as intellectually unrestrained as SL, there are some people who simply will not, or cannot, accept others' success. It started here with thoughtless criticism of Kaylia, who, trust me, is a lovely avatar. Then, when many people pointed that out, the stream became a "hate Marilyn" blog. I think that maybe those who are so critical could either try to do it better themselves (I am sure that SLH would be interested, if there were anyone beter than Marilyn in SL, and I don't think there is), or they should maybe find stuff to look at that does not compel them to spew their bilious remarks publicly like this. If I don't like something, I will typically not view it. An example for me would be pretty much anything with Richard Gere in it. I don't bother to complain, as it is not worth my time. I just do not participate. So really, that is always an option. I would like to know the one person that Kaylia has ever known that she did not do something good for. I don't think there is one. And Marilyn has brightened many a weekend of mine with her tasteful, playful, yes, HUMOROUS spreads in the SLH. I appreciate people like Marilyn for bringing their passion and art into SL, especially when it is easiest and least painful to just do nothing. Marilyn likewise is the sort of person who makes it all about others. But I am quite sure that some of you won't understand that. I get the feeling that some of these posters have never played very well with others, really.
Posted by: Allex Lindman | March 12, 2007 at 05:11 PM
"I would like to know the one person that Kaylia has ever known that she did not do something good for."
Dude you're confused. This is about her pixels not her personality. There's nothing wrong with saying her avatar looks generic and has short arms if that's what people think. And yeah, people who pose nude, or sell things, or do anything that involves the public should know that not everyone is going to think they're fantastic. If they're looking for hero-worship they should buy a dog. Just because you have a picture of you avatar on a website doesn't mean you're entitled to anything, not even unquestioned praise. Stuff people make in sl is critiqued all the time, and subjected to scrutiny, this isn't any different. If kaylia only wants a bunch of yes men to tell her that her pixels are teh hot, she needs to send pictures to her friends and that's it.
Posted by: Pookie | March 12, 2007 at 07:57 PM
Just to set the record straight, I saw her in person and her arms are fine, it was just the posing.
Posted by: Artemis Fate | March 12, 2007 at 08:08 PM
Funny thing about arms. There are some classic examples of paintings where everything looks well proportioned and then you pay attention to the arms and they are in point of fact loooong. The painters knew you had to extend them unnaturally to make the painting look natural. I'm not sure what that means for a post 6 shot, but it is interesting.
Of course fashion shots do the same thing, the great recent example being that youtube Dove commercial where they do the photo shoot and among other things extend the model's neck in photoshop. One presumes it is done all the time in fashion photography.
That having been said, I like that our post 6 avatars are 100% natural! ;-)
Posted by: Urizenus | March 12, 2007 at 08:50 PM
I remember the first time I met Kaylia. She looked so beautiful that I just couldn't take may eyes off her!!! I'm very surprised to see how harsh some people can be on her and the posters. When I see them, I see nothing but beauty. Kaylia isn't only gorgeous but also giving and kind. As a newbie, i didn't know how to enjoy the world of SL at the beginning, but those days are over, thanks to her!! I'm so glad I met her and proud to be her friend.
Posted by: Fuji | March 13, 2007 at 02:14 AM
Hello Everyone!
As I continue to read through the many thoughts, ideas, opinions, comments, and posts directed in my regard, Marilyn Murphy, and that of the SL Herald, I feel compelled to share the reasoning behind my decision to become a Post 6 Grrrl.
For me, avatar design is an art. It is in effect painting a living portrait in three dimensions! I have been striving to create beautiful yet realistic looking avatars and wanted to share my artwork with others so that they might be able to see what was possible; and also perhaps could help me to improve what I had already done.
As I mentioned in my biography, “It is the greatest feeling to be able to help others. I like to think that I can help people’s avatars better reflect their RL characters.”
My hope has been, and continues to be, that the spirit of this discussion could be that of kindness, and the theme that of helping others to have a more realistic and attractive presence.
Not withstanding the callus and self serving commentary made by what appear to be apprentice blacksmiths, who seem to be looking for a place to grind their axes, I am for the most part very grateful for all who have and continue to contribute productively to the Post 6 Grrrl experience!
I am truly grateful to Artemis Fate, Rosabelle Vieria, Urizenus, FreiaLouse, and all those who have made positive contributions.
P.S. I truly believe that it is time for Pookie to put down his axe. :P
Posted by: Kaylia Burgess | March 13, 2007 at 02:57 PM
Having struggled myself a lot with the avatar editor to get just a lousy caricature of a person, I find amazing what others manage to do with the same kind of tools. In the case of Kaylia, she's taking the craft to almost perfection, first with herself, and then with others that ask for advice or help. And I'm sure she's not the kind that contents easily, so she'll keep improving her skills.
Although I'm familiar with the Herald's Post 6 Grrrls and cruising SL one sees around many very well designed avatars, only in the case of Kaylia I was compelled to leave a comment here (particularly as a reaction to all those that threw in bad intentioned criticism) and to congratulate and encourage Kaylia personally.
Kaylia's avatar beauty is archetypical (at least for some cultures, I guess), but I don't see why this should deserve criticism. Particularly when her original intention was to bring her SL appearance as close as possible to her RL's, criticising it is as stupid as blaming someone tall for being higher than average. I applaud the Herald's choice. About the proportions shown in the pictures, at first glance they may strike like something is not right... but it doesn't take too much work to realise it's a pose and/or lighting problem (for instance, this is not an issue in the first picture, which is great). So, no big deal, really.
Now I met Kaylia and after a brief conversation with her it was plain obvious to me that besides a beautiful avatar (and allegedly RL body) there is a beautiful, sweet personality, worth having around.
Keep it up, Kaylia!
MrE Rosse
Posted by: MrE Rosse | March 13, 2007 at 06:05 PM