[Today our Post 6 feature is Ekkeo Drake, a super cute Ice Joguani. Be careful here - these pictures might lead some human avatars to take a walk on the wild side - possibly resulting in a permanent transformation. As always, this fabulous pictorial was created by the supreme artist of unabashed avatar art - Marilyn Murphy, visionary, entrepreneur, and photographer behind Players, SL’s premier in-world erotica publication -- the Editrix]
I'm Ekkeo Drake, and I'm an Ice Joguani!
When I first entered SL, like everyone else, I was a human. However, the first true friend I met was Elliott. Elliott was a furry, and most of my time spent in SL was spent with him. After a while we drifted apart and went our separate ways, however, my interest in the furry world had been piqued. I met many of Elliott's friends who were also Furries, and I began to save up money to buy my own Furry AV. Furries to me can hold more expression than the human avatars, most of them look much nicer and seem to be put together with more care and skill (In my opinion) and most furries take pride in their appearance so you get few people running around with the Linden Hair and skins. Personally, Furry Avatars look much cuter and well thought out than Human's and the community is much more welcoming than any other SL clique I have been a part of.
Elliott also led me to meet my other furry friend Fa who inspired me to begin animating. With his help I put out my first 2 or 3 Animation Overriders and opened my own shop, Glacialis Creations (My first vendor location is still in his store in Mew!) My shop, although still small, has brought in a steady flow of L$s from the sales of cuddles armor and animation which allowed me to expand my AV collection and even begin to modify my own. I bought an Air Joguani and a Light Joguani, and eventually made my own element, the Ice Joguani. Ever since I have been editing my Avatar, and working on animations to improve the way Furries and Humans stand and move in Secondlife!
Anyways, that is the story of my Secondlife, I hope you enjoyed reading it!
Oh, wow, another furfag.
Posted by: WitnessX | July 28, 2007 at 01:50 AM
Was that really Needed, WitnessX? We're all adults here, or are we?
Posted by: Brennan Planer | July 28, 2007 at 02:43 AM
i have notthing wrong with fluffys i think they are cool
Posted by: puff | July 28, 2007 at 07:18 AM
Bring back Prokofy Neva!!!
Posted by: andw | July 29, 2007 at 07:10 PM
"Personally, Furry Avatars look much cuter and well thought out than Human's and the community is much more welcoming than any other SL clique I have been a part of."
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | July 30, 2007 at 09:52 AM
uh oh...do you hear that crackeling sound....the splintering of timbres...the wood work is about to rend open as the nut jobs emerge....be right back, i want to get my pop corn. this will be good.
Posted by: moses | July 30, 2007 at 02:16 PM
I liked your story and its good to see a furry make it in this ruff SL world full of idiots that cant understand that if you go furry your not one of those real world furry types, its just another way to represent your self and being.
You go girl
Signed by a part time human/furry (lioness)
Posted by: Ishtarangel Micheline | August 07, 2007 at 06:55 PM
Good to see someone's still looking after themselves, huh Ekkeo?
Posted by: Nanaki | August 24, 2007 at 03:28 PM
Love You! <3
Posted by: Kazu | October 17, 2007 at 11:37 AM