by Luuc Writer
Luuc Writer (Lucien Baard irl) is a reporter for the Tentsche Courant Tubantia newspaper in The Netherlands
As reported in the Herald back in February, a Dutch prosecutor opened an investigation into ageplay in Second Life on the grounds that representations of child sex are illegal in the Netherlands, even if children were not involved in the making of the porn. Politicians in the Netherlands are now upset that the prosecutor has dropped the investigation of ageplay in Second Life. The prosecutor’s office in The Hague says the avatars are not realistic enough. Politicians now want an intense discussion with the Department of Justice concerning virtual child porn in general, and specifically in SL.
Spokesman E. Boersman of the prosecutor’s office says that they have been investigating a number of cases, but that prosecutor T. Nooij is sure that a judge will never convict their suspects. "[There is only a prosecutable case] if the virtual children are so realistic that you can't tell whether they are real or not. You have to be thinking there is really a child involved. SL is too much a computer animation."
He also said that prosecutions of child porn cases typically involve large quantities of pornographic material – something that is not the case in Second Life. "Most of the time we find thousands of pictures and movies in the suspect’s possession. [In Second Life] in some cases we find a few virtual pictures. You can imagine that a prosecutor prefers to use the real pictures, so that he is sure that he will get an conviction. You don't want to lose a case, because of the virtual porn is not strong enough evidence."
M. de Pater spokesperson of the Christian Democratic Party (CDA) believes that the Dutch law gives enough opportunities to start a legal case concerning SL-ageplay. "I am not convinced. I want to hear a good explanation why the investigation stopped. Every display of child abuse must be stopped." She gets support from other parties.
Dutch forensic psychiatrist J. Bushman earlier said that “ageplay in SL is a perfect 'school' for a pedophile." He didn’t want to comment now on the prosecutor’s decision, but is convinced that virtual child porn is extremely dangerous for real kids.
Stay tuned.
Simply shouting that ageplay should be forbidden is cheap. What do the Dutch politicians propose to do about it? Have a team of detectives create a child avatar, try to lure residents into ageplay with them and then get LL to give up the IP of the offenders so they can be hunted down, smoked out and brought to justice?
Posted by: Hexx Triskaidekaphobia | September 11, 2007 at 09:25 AM
There is no excuse for ageplay sims. We already know ageplay is against TOS, so why won't Linden Labs grow a back bone and actually take the reports that they receive about ageplay sims and do something about it? I just don't get it, I don't understand why they won't stop this.
Posted by: Esmerelda Oh | September 11, 2007 at 10:03 AM
As much as I hate this shit I have to say I'm glad the Dutch stopped this. I'm not keen on simulating child abuse but SL sexual ageplay isn't criminal in my opinion. It's wrong in an area of morality that I don't want the government regulating.
There are better ways to combat paedophilia than looking for ways to criminalize. It's just that it's easier to look like you're doing something by trying to catch people in the act than taking measures to prevent the act from being an issue.
Posted by: SqueezeOne Pow | September 11, 2007 at 11:53 AM
can we also make a distinction between ageplay and sexual ageplay
merely having a child avatar should not be considered a crime or reason for banning
Posted by: Corona | September 11, 2007 at 12:21 PM
Also i dont think many of you take into consideration what second life communities are actually doing in its own ways to discourage Sexual Ageplay. Instead of shouting about it on forums they are discouraging sexual ageplay and forming codes of conduct. If Linden lab wont lay down any solid rules, then its up to the communities of second life to sort out the society of SL. And its not the shouting for criminalisation thats changing things, its the slow discouragement from Ageplays own people.
Posted by: Anakin | September 11, 2007 at 01:21 PM
I don't give a quart of owls piss what the Dutch think. Let them charge me with some crime over there - they are welcome to try and come get me. See, without a warrant from my land for arrest, that's attempted kidnapping. I'm not into kiddy/age whatever. Not my bag. But I'm also not anywhere where Dutch law pertains to me. So they can go find something more productive to do than waste their tax money chasing nonexistant criminals (not a crime here) for hurting nonexistant children in a nonexistant fairyland across very existant international borders.
As I've said before, if the dutch have a bitch, hand them the phone number to the state department. They can take it up with the Shrub's Gmen.
Posted by: shockwave yareach | September 11, 2007 at 01:55 PM
I am curious who is to be prosecuted. If the standard is "realistic" avatar, then should not the person creating and controlling the avatar be considered the creator and possessor of the porn, and the guilty party? Does it extend to everyone that can see it on their computer screen, whether they are actively simulating sex or not? If the controller of the avatar is of the age of consent, is the sex depicted consensual even if the visual image is illegal? is it possible for one act to be both legal and illegal at the same time in one jurisdiction? Rather many questions...lawyers feel free to help point us to precedent, I would love to try and assemble something that describes the problems, the ramifications, and what we would actually have to do to come to solutions.
These issues also cover "bestiality", simulated violence, both sexual and non-sexual, and pretty much anything in a "public" space that one resident takes offense to, since practically every adult behavior is illegal in some country somewhere. Splooshing, anyone?
Posted by: Nexus | September 11, 2007 at 02:04 PM
It's the silly season. What do you expect?
Posted by: Nina A | September 11, 2007 at 02:54 PM
So the dutch ban child porn and the USA bans gambling sims -
simple answer then
move the servers for sims for sexual age play to Iran where the sexual age of consent is 9 years and the gambling and drug sim servers to Holland
problem solved and everything is legal in the cultures where the servers are based
Posted by: Corona | September 11, 2007 at 03:36 PM
@SqueezeOne Pow
"There are better ways to combat paedophilia than looking for ways to criminalize."
You're right. The government is awful at regulating things, particularly morality.
As for combatting paedophilia, I always enjoy holding a mirror up to the sexual ageplayers and showing them the awful truth about themselves. Hopefully the ones that are close to actually molesting a child will kill themselves(i.e. becoming an hero as the ED people call it) in a fit of self-loathing.
*sits back and waits for the ageplayers to start dramawhoring in this thread*
Posted by: Second Lulz Vigilante | September 11, 2007 at 05:47 PM
"can we also make a distinction between ageplay and sexual ageplay
merely having a child avatar should not be considered a crime or reason for banning."
Good point. I have met some child avs who stay away from simulated child sexual abuse and actively hate it. Most of them are in a group called Second Life Children. No sex. Just tricycles, kites, and kicking beachballs.
It sounds really boring to me but it's innocent.
Posted by: Second Lulz Vigilnate | September 11, 2007 at 05:52 PM
there is a huge leap from bdsm based sexual ageplay to real life assaults against real children. its not a blurry line. its the grand canyon. a HUGE vast difference. its frustrating that people either dont understand enough about ageplay to know the difference or dont trust yourself enough not to be fearful or reactionary. but regardless sexual ageplay is as popular as ever in sl and the more stories and witchhunts you have the more people make personal decisions to get involved with that community. so all this frothy rabid hysteria isnt doing you any favors. everyone loves loli. i have a huge problem with people who feel its ok to oppress others liberties. No crime is being commited in sl and as pointed out in the article, the participants arent interested in rl children or real child porn, which is why they cant make a case to prosecute it in the first place. That should be telling to you, but you cling to your ideas of supposed thought crimes. Why isnt anyone monitoring the teen grid for real child abuse? Why cant you admit when you are wrong? What if just what if sexual ageplay has nothing to do with real children? What if there is something entirely different going on? Why are you assuming things and not trying to find out the truth? i dont understand the mentality behind this.
Posted by: greta garbo | September 11, 2007 at 07:47 PM
@greta garbo
"Why isnt anyone monitoring the teen grid for real child abuse?"
Actually they are. A few moths before open registration, I was reading the LL Police Blotter. One thing I noticed was about someone getting banned for smuggling a sexbed onto the teen grid.
"there is a huge leap from bdsm based sexual ageplay to real life assaults against real children. its not a blurry line. its the grand canyon. a HUGE vast difference."
Oh, it's not such a big leap. You keep forgetting that some of the ageplayers uploaded actual kiddy porn pics using real children. REAL...EXPLOITED...CHILDREN. Obviously, for those particular ageplayers looking at digital facsimiles of children wasn't enough anymore. It probably wouldn't be long before actual photos wouldn't do it for them anymore either.
Anyway, the rest is for the lawyers and politicians to wrangle out. But don't try so hard to whitewash sexual ageplay. Paedophiliac urges don't end when they log off from SL.
Posted by: Second Lulz Vigilante | September 11, 2007 at 08:35 PM
"Paedophiliac urges don't end when they log off from SL."
People keep repeating that its paedophilia. well i dont see that. and i dont agree with it. You have no evidence to back those slanderous accusations. What i see are people rping bdsm scenes using avatars that are contrasted big and little to reaffirm a synthetic power imbalance that creates a symbiotic bdsm relationship. Thats all it is. The sexual ageplay community does not tolerate real child pornography when they encounter it. Infact many of the littles involved in ageplay were victims of severe abuse in their own childhoods and would rather stab themselves violently to death (people make jokes about ageplayers killing themselves but you know its really not very funny)then see a real life child harmed. So, im curious to know how you think they might justify being involved in that rp if they thought they were contributing in any way to the abuse of a real child. Also, everyone participating is aware that their play partners are adults in real life. And as for the few token creeps who come into sl and try to exploit the ageplay community, well its much more rare then you are insinuating and that could happen anywhere on the grid. But a real Pedophile would be on the teen grid. I mean DUH. Teen grid not with adults. Really i could go on and on about all the specifics. Those of you are are convinced you are righteous arent going to listen to reason. Youve all made up your minds. But it truely sickens me from the bottom of my heart that people are online arguing about what other people do consentually with their own pixels when that energy could be much better spent volunteering in real life as a child advocate. Or even just drawing attention to safety on the teen grid. Maybe if you used some of that energy and directed it in a healthy way at the source of the problems then people wouldnt feel compelled to reinact their own abuse on the adult grid. So much hate for those you dont know or understand. Who are the real cripples here? i really wonder.
Posted by: greta garbo | September 12, 2007 at 07:36 AM
Again must paedophilia be thought of simply as a transposition of our RL experience when we see it in SL? Do evil men wander SL grabbing children and abusing them, but in virtual form? If so then the answer is more clear, they would represent criminal behavior that destroys lives. However women are the killers of children, too, usually as mothers. Does age play train women to be killers?
One can't age play alone in SL, and one can't take control of unwilling victims in SL. There is nothing about a virtual world that systemically debilitates one gender over another or that promotes power unequally outside of a user's control. Is the other, automatically consensual partner an EQUAL participant? Are not both people responsible for the expression of something that we find unnaceptable? Is it not logical that we must equally condemn the women who are playing girls, or subs, or any who wants to experience that power imbalance, who wants to be pleased by the experience of being controlled?
Are the majority (women) of SL always innocent ignorant dupes, unknowing victims? They have a say in this. They bear an equal share of responsibility to any condemnations that we collectively feel must be offered, don't they? I think a woman's insight into all this, aside from the easy condemnations, is missing and I would love to hear it.
Posted by: Nexus | September 12, 2007 at 09:41 AM
I wonder if anyone has checked that Dutch Prosecutor's offshore accounts for evidence of payoff. ;)
Posted by: Blinders Off | September 12, 2007 at 12:15 PM
Oh, and for every single person who has ever defended in any manner ageplay on Second Life, four thoughts:
1. I can't believe you're that naive.
2. If you don't believe there is something mentally and emotionally wrong with such people, no matter who is involved, that is just plain sad.
3. If you believe that no minors are involved in this, what planet have you been living on. Second Life is rampant with minors.
4. The only reason I don't wish your child meets one of these Ageplay freaks is out of sympathy for the child itself. You personally deserve whatever comes to ya for defending such indefensible people.
Posted by: Blinders Off | September 12, 2007 at 12:19 PM
"People keep repeating that its paedophilia. well i dont see that. and i dont agree with it. You have no evidence to back those slanderous accusations."
Well it's simulated paedophilia when an obviously adult avatar gets it on with an obviously child avatar. It's simulated since both are actually adults.
I have no problem with avs that look like 17-18 year olds getting it on. That taps into a whole different aspect sexually. It's not a matter of abusing children in that situation but a matter of re-living when you first became sexually aware and the curious innocence of the time. There's no law against dressing up like a cheerleader or being an older person getting involved with an 18 year old...hell 16 in Nevada I think...It's completely different.
But the fact that it is two adults pretending to be paedophiles makes it something that I don't think the government should get involved in. It may be morally reprehensible but I don't want people that I can't trust being my community's moral compass.
The government is here to serve us and protect us from ACTUAL dangers and disaster...not pretend ones.
Posted by: SqueezeOne Pow | September 12, 2007 at 01:20 PM
Anohter point that was made before - but is worth repearting is while it may or may not be true that sL is 'rampant ' with avatars whole typers are under 18 ( and i thought that 16 was the legal age for sex anyway - so there is a dichotomy there for a start )
how many undergae avatars will be played by 'teens' they will be playing adults - and the same rules that applied for detecting fake male lesbians apply for underage avatars
besides you can usaully tell the age of avatars to the nearest decade - simply by listening and watching them
if the behavior of an avatar is juvenile chances are the controller behind them is also of a similar mental age
if there is one thing that cant be disguised in SL it is intellectual maturity - that shines through no matter what age the avatar appears to be
Posted by: Corona | September 12, 2007 at 03:30 PM
for every 1000 men with rape fantasies a far lower number will actually go out and do it for real
the same is true of any fantasy
it is the paedophiles who become RL child molesters with should put our energy into curtailing - not those who merely have fantasies - however sick their fantasies might be - provided their fantasies remain inside their minds, then that should be their problem alone
Most RL paedophile activity is incestous - not predatory strangers
the fear of them is far more common than the paedophiles themselves
Posted by: Corona | September 12, 2007 at 04:11 PM
@greta garbo
First off, hello again my little pwnie. Secondly...
"People keep repeating that its paedophilia. well i dont see that. and i dont agree with it. You have no evidence to back those slanderous accusations."
Um...yes we do. The evidence is in the name that the sexual ageplayers themselves coined for it. It isn't called sexual ageplay because it involves a simulated midget and a simulated taller person. It's called sexual ageplay because one of the participants is portraying a simulated child. Derrr!
"What i see are people rping bdsm scenes using avatars that are contrasted big and little to reaffirm a synthetic power imbalance that creates a symbiotic bdsm relationship."
Corretion: What you see(and I think you're more like participating in, greta) is people rping scenes using avatars that are contrasted by adult and child to reaffirm a sick power imbalance that creates a symbolic child exploitation relationship.
"Infact many of the littles involved in ageplay were victims of severe abuse in their own childhoods and would rather stab themselves violently to death (people make jokes about ageplayers killing themselves but you know its really not very funny)then see a real life child harmed."
Were victims themselves? I also know some people who are RL child sexual abuse survivors, greta. And they'd rather stab themselves violently to death than re-enact a scene of child sexual exploitation in a VR setting. But then the survivors I know are actually trying to heal themselves from the abuse they suffered. You should be ashamed of yourself for playing that particular card.
"Also, everyone participating is aware that their play partners are adults in real life."
lol wut? I suppose you've never heard of a thing called internet anonymity.
"But a real Pedophile would be on the teen grid. I mean DUH."
A real pedo might also be afraid of going to jail if exposed on the teen grid and decide sexual ageplay on the adult grid is safer.
"Those of you are are convinced you are righteous arent going to listen to reason. Youve all made up your minds."
Same to you, greta. lol!
"But it truely sickens me from the bottom of my heart that people are online arguing about what other people do consentually with their own pixels when that energy could be much better spent volunteering in real life as a child advocate."
And how do you know that RL child advocates AREN'T involved in the anti-sexual ageplay movement? You're assuming a lot about people you don't know in RL...sort of like you're accusing sexual ageplay critics of doing.
"Or even just drawing attention to safety on the teen grid."
I've got an even better idea than worrying about the teen grid. Heavily supervise your kid's time on the internet, people! Don't let them have a computer in the privacy of their own room. NOTHING keeps a kid safe on the internet than keeping their internet time scrutinized.
"So much hate for those you dont know or understand."
That's where you're wrong. I've been encountering these people on the internet for years before I came to SL. They've been some of the rudest, most sarcastic dramawhores I've ever met. And the ones I've encountered in SL are by far the worst of the bunch. I've seen these people disrespecting the private dwellings of residents(i.e. sneaking in and setting up sex balls), bitching and whining like they were the ones imposed upon when ejected, and generally egaging in borderline griefer activity. And they used to wonder why people would shoot at them on sight? lol! Fuck, they couldn't even keep to themselves...always flaunting their shit in our faces before the ban and then expecting us to stay silent.
Posted by: Second Lulz Vigilante | September 12, 2007 at 09:31 PM
i didnt care about must of what you said Secon lulz because you are just making shit up thats not even true and its not worth taking the energy to respond but i will respond to one thing you said:
"You should be ashamed of yourself for playing that particular card."
burn . . in . . .hell . .
Posted by: greta garbo | September 12, 2007 at 10:29 PM
Sexual age play is disgusting, and it SHOULD be illegal. Think about it, would you want some old guy running around trying to get with your kids IRL? Why let them get away with it in SL?! It's sick-minded! People like that SHOULD go to jail!
Posted by: Ana | September 13, 2007 at 11:59 AM
big fat LOL @ second lulz viligdementia looks like somebody took the movie Minority Report too seriously...yeah better lock em all up before they go from roleplaying to 'realplaying' eh.. ya know i hear there's some popular game on the internets called Counter-Strike where pimply angst ridden teenagers roleplay terrorists!! TERRORISTS I SAY!?! omg call homeland security the nation's kids are training to be jihadists! raise the alert level to code pink! lock em up before they have a chance to even think about getting an AK and shooting up their schools! lol. "Obviously, for those particular ageplayers looking at digital facsimiles of children wasn't enough anymore. It probably wouldn't be long before actual photos wouldn't do it for them anymore either." no obviously making up things is the only thing you have left. i hereby claim that "those particular ageplayers" had real pictures before they ever even heard of second life, and real pictures weren't enough any more that they were driven to using second life. wait how do i know that!? same way you vigildementia does.. i pulled it outta my ass! lol. greta garbo was right.. that wasn't worth my couple minutes gg well it's at least understandable for people to be so scared of those sexually attracted to young REAL children because some of them exploit actual children and media in certain countries pounds it into the public conscience night after night like an elephant herd call spotting an approaching lion pack... they scare you with all sorts of things now.. by now i'm scared that a shark is going to learn to walk and come attack me in my sleep. not really. but i bet vigildementia is hahaha. poor guy what scares me is people like vigildementia and Ana..they want to lock you up for even thinking about something they don't like as a preemptive strike... child exploitation is the easy one because it's hard to disagree that you don't know what the hell you're doing when you're young and taking advantage of someone like that is horrible. problem is, cultures don't agree on how many years after you're born that you suddenly start knowing and stop being a child. anyway if it's not saving the world from virtual pixel exploitation, it's something else and something else. they just want to mold your thoughts and behavior from top to bottom but try to be clever about it. and if you disagree with any of this, the terrorists win.
Posted by: LOLatU | September 13, 2007 at 01:27 PM
@greta garbo
Sure, greta. You don't want to respond because you've run out of shit pro-ageplay recycled talking points.
"burn . . in . . .hell . ."
kk. But let me REALLY earn that comment by telling you a joke. Ready?
Q: What's funnier than a truck full of dead sexual ageplayers?
A: Uloading them all with a pitchfork. lol!
"big fat LOL @ second lulz viligdementia looks like somebody took the movie Minority Report too seriously...yeah better lock em all up before they go from roleplaying to 'realplaying' eh.. ya know i hear there's some popular game...blahblahblah...horrible grammar...mouth farting...blahblah...blah"
LOL at yourself you idiot. You obviously didn't read my earlier comment much farther up where I agreed with SqueezeOne Pow that government intervention in this would be a bad idea. Since you're obviously a stupid motherfucker or just to lazy to read all the comments from start to finish(both I'm betting), I'll reprint the whole thing for you:
@SqueezeOne Pow
"There are better ways to combat paedophilia than looking for ways to criminalize."
You're right. The government is awful at regulating things, particularly morality.
As for combatting paedophilia, I always enjoy holding a mirror up to the sexual ageplayers and showing them the awful truth about themselves. Hopefully the ones that are close to actually molesting a child will kill themselves(i.e. becoming an hero as the ED people call it) in a fit of self-loathing.
*sits back and waits for the ageplayers to start dramawhoring in this thread*
Posted by: Second Lulz Vigilante | September 11, 2007 at 05:47 PM
Only a moron like you could think that criticizing sexual ageplay=wanting to lock them all up. Do you make a hobby of shitting out false dichotomies? But even if I think governments will do a horrible job of regulating this sexual ageplay crap, that doesn't mean I'm gonna sit back and let you pedos whitewash what ageplay really is.
"no obviously making up things is the only thing you have left. i hereby claim that "those particular ageplayers" had real pictures before they ever even heard of second life, and real pictures weren't enough any more that they were driven to using second life."
Ohhh, so the sexual ageplayers had the pictures first and THEN came to Second Life, is that right? Hey LOL, you just made the sexual ageplayers look as bad if not worse than I did. I've been saying all along that a pedophile is a pedophile and that it doesn't end when they log off. In fact, it sounds like you're saying that sexual ageplay and RL child porn CAN go hand in hand. greta garbo probably hates you now. lol!
These "oh but they're only attracted to FAKE children!" argument is complete horseshit.
Posted by: Second Lulz Vigilante | September 13, 2007 at 05:55 PM
you talk too much Second Lulz. You have such a vivid imagination. So vivid infact that im a little concerned for our safety. im scared youre gonna hurt somebody and im scared youre gonna hurt yourself. Every comment you make contradicts your last comment. Ive never heard so much bullshit in my entire life. i honestly wouldnt know where to start by correcting your misconceptions. but the more i read your posts the more im sorry i ever posted to begin with. i have other things to do.
Posted by: greta garbo | September 13, 2007 at 07:40 PM
@greta garbo
"you talk too much Second Lulz."
Same to you.
"You have such a vivid imagination."
Same to you, cf. your standard "sexual ageplay isn't paedophilia" argument.
"So vivid infact that im a little concerned for our safety. im scared youre gonna hurt somebody and im scared youre gonna hurt yourself."
lol whatever! Check this out: sexual ageplayers aren't people...they're things.
Bet that sentiment will keep you up at night. I've made people mad at me on the internet a lot over the past decade but I NEVER knew I could make people feel fear with my words alone! *pats himself on the back and then does the Snoopy Dance*
"i honestly wouldnt know where to start by correcting your misconceptions."
Of course you couldn't correct any misconceptions I have...or anyone else's for that matter because you're completely unwilling to look at your own. After all, you make this big talk about being "open-minded/diversity/freedom of thought/whatever" yet you've shown me that you're completely unable to look at things from the side of your opponents. Your false dichotomies are your biggest weakness, greta.
"but the more i read your posts the more im sorry i ever posted to begin with. i have other things to do."
You've been trolled. lol!
Posted by: Second Lulz Vigilante | September 13, 2007 at 09:05 PM
I agree with all of you re the Dutch Politicians it si disgraceful ageplay is allowed.
But then in some countries homosexuality is rewarded with death sentances and we cannot just take the Dutch perspective. Therefore all homasexuials shoyuld be immediatly removed from Sl and names /adedresses given to these governments.
Sex with animals is banned in many countries therefore all beastiality (including ALL furries) should be immediatly eleiminated from SL
Demons are contrary to most religions and should be banned the RL people have there names given out and if appropriate burned or whatever should happen to them in RL .
Prostituion is banned in many countries therefore all escorts , Dancers,Club Owners and the Land Owners who allow this sort of behavious should be ejected from SL.
Romantic behavious (ie holding hands ,kssing ) inpublic is banned in some countries let us immediatly remove those who do this in SL.
Elves,fairies and other fabntasy figure are bad as they do not accept reality they should also go.
All of the catagories above ehibit anti social behavious and should be identified and sent to re-eduction camps.
Get the message .
To paraphrase and old joke "The only sane people here are you and me and I am not so sure about you"
You are all about "even if 1 {insert name} is found we have to make sure EVRY OTHER PERSON CONFORMS OR WE WILL KNOW THEY ARE THE SAME.
Sorry but SL is getting to be pathetic with all you whingers wanting to impose your will. Crikey you complain about griefers theya re only expressing the same thing but you dont like it and complain about them.
SL IS NOT RL.....but the closer you try to make it then by golly it will be.
War Destruction
In concluding Build a bridge ...get over it....
Posted by: gAME pLAYER | September 14, 2007 at 12:22 AM
As far as the Dutch politicians go, fuck 'em. Politicians love to regulate the Hell out of everything and they usually make things worse.
As far as Second Life's own TOS ban against sexual ageplay, it's LL's product and they have a legal right to ban whatever they want. And it's not like the ban came about because of resident complaints. It came about because of horrible press and a couple of sexual ageplayers uploading RL kiddy porn.
As for people bitching on a blog, both the sexual ageplayers and the anti-sexual ageplay critics can say whatever the owners of the blog let people bitch about. Bitching and trolling about things is a big part of what the blogosphere is for ya know. *chuckles*
Posted by: Second Lulz Vigilante | September 14, 2007 at 01:20 AM
"Bet that sentiment will keep you up at night. I've made people mad at me on the internet a lot over the past decade but I NEVER knew I could make people feel fear with my words alone! *pats himself on the back and then does the Snoopy Dance*"
lol please continue with your faggy snoopy dance . . lol oh my god
"You've been trolled. lol!"
funny i didnt feel a thing.
you need to not be online its past your bedtime im sending you to bed and patting you on the head Good boy
Posted by: greta garbo | September 14, 2007 at 03:38 AM
@greta garbo
"funny i didnt feel a thing."
Sorry, but yes you did. You felt afraid:
"So vivid infact that im a little concerned for our safety. im scared youre gonna hurt somebody and im scared youre gonna hurt yourself."
Ya might as well get a tattoo on your forehead that reads "Internet: SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESSS!!!111!!!" lol!
Posted by: Second Lulz Vigilante | September 14, 2007 at 12:10 PM