Television viewers yawn, move on with first life
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
CSI:NY adotped by native SL businesses
Responding to the CBS-funded Second Life hypervent for CSI:NY, in-world entrepreneurs are now using CSI search terms to help promote their largely sex-based businesses. Querying the Second Life search tool for CSI yields a number of highly ranked hits - primarily oriented toward sex clubs and pr0n video emporiums.
In retrospect, it is not surprising that a number of Second Life's finest business ventures have unilaterally joined forces with CBS television's CSI:NY venture. In the cutthroat world of Second Life advertising, any tactic is fair game to gain more attention, traffic, and customers. Since businesses may use any terms they like to describe their ventures, adding CSI to the usual list of sex-oriented keywords is a natural tactic.
Unfortunately for CBS, these might not be exactly the sort of partners they had been looking for. Or perhaps this is all part of a cunning plan that feeble intellects simply do not have the power to comprehend.
We expect that both CBS and the virtual sex trade have been a bit disappointed at the rather anemic initial results of the CSI:NY event. Besides scattered complaints of increased lag and sluggishness in the metaverse, there does not appear to have been anything close to the numbers required to reach the touted goal of a million new players entering the world.
Still, for those new players to do visit Second Life, an introduction to the virtual business world is simply a search away. Look for CSI guys - you won’t be disappointed.
Glad to see Bukkake Bliss is up to date in their guerilla marketing tactics. Are they offering CSI Facials?
Posted by: Urizenus | October 25, 2007 at 12:20 PM
Wow, this is pretty bad. You have to think that well in excess of 50% of newbies will not follow any tour guiding and use the search button. Of course, sex sells, so maybe this is what LL had in mind. CBS doesn't matter. LL already has their money.
Posted by: Obscure Doodad | October 25, 2007 at 12:53 PM
This is hilarious! Where else could this happen? Regardless if it's sex stores or what would have been casinos if this happened pre-ban, it's awesome to me in an anarchist "take back the streets" kind of way that the tables have been turned and the average Joe could take advantage of a corporation for once.
It's purely symbolic and ultimately doesn't mean shit but then again what does anything we do in consumer society mean?
Whatever keeps us pacified and makes us appear to be doing anything worth mentioning with our lives is good for the economy!
Posted by: DaveOner | October 25, 2007 at 02:28 PM
Two thoughts...
1. They are only shooting themselves and SL in the foot. They are only confirming the negative press about SL, i.e., nothing but filthy pr0n.
2. LL can fix this with a press of a button. Just as they removed the word "casino" from descriptions, all they have to do is remove the words "csi" and "csi?ny" from descriptions, except from approved CSI:NY descriptions.
Posted by: Rickey Booney | October 25, 2007 at 03:19 PM
Hahahahahahaha! This proves ESC as hopeless as others outwit their plan in advertising market more than ESC & CBS can.
Posted by: Nacon | October 25, 2007 at 03:30 PM
/me licks his lips "Bukkake Bliss eh" as he shifts on his feet "I think it's time for another high quality expose on seedy sexual practices in the metaverse!" he laughs out "The cheap thrills are reall the only reason we readers keep cumming back"
Posted by: Angel | October 25, 2007 at 04:30 PM
Good to know that the SL porn industry is as sleazy in their marketing tactics as their real life counterparts.
Scum there, scum here.
Posted by: Artemis Fate | October 25, 2007 at 09:40 PM
"Good to know that the SL porn industry is as sleazy in their marketing tactics as their real life counterparts.
Scum there, scum here." - Artemis Fate
But thein again, so is CBS (And the other networks as well). Most all TV seems to contain the obligatory double-entendre (sp?) 'jokes' and excuses for some T&A to boost ratings.
I rather see it as scum vs scum. Quite amusing, actually.
Posted by: Maklin Deckard | October 26, 2007 at 11:07 AM
Well if people come to Second Life for "Sex", they are kind of sad.
But each to their own, right?
Posted by: Ownage Emmons | October 26, 2007 at 12:00 PM
"But thein again, so is CBS (And the other networks as well). Most all TV seems to contain the obligatory double-entendre (sp?) 'jokes' and excuses for some T&A to boost ratings.
I rather see it as scum vs scum. Quite amusing, actually."
Don't be a fuckstick. CBS isn't doing anything wrong here, and the SL pr0n merchants are, intentionally trying to sully and destroy something. It's as simple as that, fuckstick.
Posted by: Spankubux | October 27, 2007 at 06:41 PM
ok guys before you start dragging SL and CSI into your sorry ass flamers net remember your own herald is on the internet. The same internet with more porn than anyone can count. So really your doing it too. Now as far as SL and CSI look it was a good show. They worked hard to get it and broke some new ground. How about supporting the efforts of these talented people? Can you imagine working inside SL? Geez just shopping there is tough. So lets give them a round of applause...they did a pretty damn good job.
Posted by: bob | October 28, 2007 at 12:39 AM
"Bob" says...
>> "Can you imagine working inside SL?"
Yes, we do. There are three ways to survive in SL, get a job, camp and bludge or buy Lindens with real money. So... many of us do work inside SL.
>> "Geez just shopping there is tough."
We know, XML-RPC failures, non-delivery of goods, lag (caused by aforesaid -bludgers- campers, silly bling-tards with inane chatte and abhorent gestures, asset server problems meaning your just-bought items poof.
>> "remember your own herald is on the internet."
You must be new here. /me grins and bares his teeth, it's been a few days since he feasted on n00b and the last round of bukkake and uro-guro tentacle snuff has left me desirous of some fresh meat...
Your Whitehouse has a website, their website is on the internet therefore the Whitehouse uses pr0n to sell... what does your whitehouse sell? Oh yeah, world war three and yankee imperialism.
So, your point is?
yes... exactly irrelevant. This is about the pr0n marketers using SL search weakness to get their wares foisted to the top of the list if someone types in CS:I of course, the way they do that is quite easy... the system is so simple to rig... Do you know how "Bob"?
Posted by: Angel | October 29, 2007 at 01:36 AM