[Note from Justine: Daeynaries Lane IM'd me weeks and weeks ago about being a Post 6 Grrl. Though I told her she was on the list and would hear from me, I think she was a bit surprised when I IM'd her last week about scheduling a photoshoot. When we talked about a theme for Thanksgiving and she pulled out the outfits you see on these pages I knew we had our girl. I hope you enjoy her pictures as much as I enjoyed meeting her!]
So I heard about Post 6 Grrrl, and I was like sweet... but I'm not getting naked. Justine chuckled. Anyhow I heard about it and decided I wanted to pose. I probably own enough clothing to do 100 shoots so why not. The name Daeynaries came from a George R Martin book, A Game of Thrones. A totally good read.
I'm heading back to school in a few months, for Broadcasting. I love DJ-in and spinnin' tunes. (Perferably classic rock) I did a radio show for Hyperdrive Radio for like 2 years roughly. It was affiliated with Star Wars Galaxies, but the game just went down the tubes. It got me to thinking about what I'd really enjoy doing irl. I was kinda in between desires, so it really helped turn the tides in my decision. Used to play Ultima Online too, back in the day. I'm a total MMO junky, waiting on the new Conan to come out so I can decapitate bitches. Big fun!
I roleplay a lot in Midian City, and a new one named Aihre 2029. By Roleplay, I mean actual story lines and not bukkake sexual rp. ;p 50 cent words like brackish and masticate turn me on, not pixels.
Much luv to Professor Bebb, Laiyla Gustafson, Aloe Stradling, and all the people from the old Woodbury. Thanks for letting me be Post 6 Grrrl for Thanksgiving.. now someone bring me pumpkin pie..
Yay, Woodbury shout-out.
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | November 24, 2007 at 12:34 AM
What about a master debator? Does that turn you on? >:O
Posted by: Sol Cult | November 24, 2007 at 12:57 AM
I came
Posted by: GreenLantern Excelsior | November 24, 2007 at 01:13 AM
Needs moar flower suit!
Posted by: At0m0 Beerbaum | November 24, 2007 at 01:38 AM
Not getting naked, then why bother? If you want to stroke your fragile ego, go elsewhere. Tired of these coward fashion types cluttering this page with this bullshit. I propose a ban on fashionistas & bloggers. Let's get "real" women with courage.
Posted by: MikeReuters Bandit | November 24, 2007 at 10:33 AM
MikeReuters: to make a woman "real", they have to get naked? Daey is the most real woman you'll ever... wait, NEVER... meet.
Congrats Daey! Holy hell!
Posted by: Selonna Torok | November 24, 2007 at 11:27 AM
Selonna: You left out "with courage". If you are going to appear on these pages and the first thing you say is "I am not appearing nude", what a FLAKE. Like showing up at a nude beach with a wetsuit. Stroke her ego a little more would ya??
Posted by: MikeReuters Bandit | November 24, 2007 at 11:53 AM
I believe the correct phrase is "Tits or GTFO", but there'd be no point in yelling it, as most skins have the individuality of a telephone pole. Once you've seen one blurry photo of a nipple on a low polygon 3D boob, you've seen them all.
Posted by: humanoid | November 24, 2007 at 01:36 PM
MikeReuters Bandit:
I know Daeynaries and she is neither fashionista nor blogger, what's your point?
Posted by: FWIW | November 24, 2007 at 04:29 PM
I love the Autumn leaf outfit. where did she get it?
Posted by: cali | November 24, 2007 at 06:33 PM
The last 3 fashionistas/bloggers I remember here were all nude. (Fanny, Snooker and Iris. I may have missed a couple). I agree with FWIW that I think you may be painting with too broad a brush or have an agenda you're working. So...what IS your point?
Posted by: Fette Mayo | November 24, 2007 at 06:43 PM
MikeReuters: If you need to see Daey nude, why not ask her where she gets her skin from? And then, you can go to a store and stare at pixel tits and cooch all day long, which I know is uber important. Heaven forbid someone have a teeny tiny bit of modesty? It's more sexy wondering about what's under the clothes (or the couple autumn leaves) than just seeing it.
But, like I said, go to skin stores and get your self-loving on. It's probably the only action you get. At least you have the "courage" to post your SL name.
Posted by: Selonna Torok | November 24, 2007 at 07:58 PM
FWIW & Fette Mayo: If a person says that "I probably own enough clothing to do 100 shoots so why not", I see that as a fashionista phrase. If a model is silly enough to make it known in their comments that they are not "posing nude", then why bother? I would love to know the motivation for appearing in a T&A piece clothed.
Selonna: This is Post 6, not some other "straight-laced" piece. Everytime someone comments that the idea is NUDE, someone wants to point out that there is something wrong with the person making the comment. Stick to the point and you'll get more cred. Post 6 is a puff piece, readers come to this post with a T&A expectation. Keep stroking that ego.
Posted by: MikeReuters Bandit | November 24, 2007 at 09:01 PM
"Heaven forbid someone have a teeny tiny bit of modesty? It's more sexy wondering about what's under the clothes (or the couple autumn leaves) than just seeing it."
Well, think about it like this way. For one, the Post 6 Grrrl spot has been running for over 3 years and until recently nudity was mandatory. The point of this whole thing was pretty much entirely to have playboy style nude pictures with an article about the person. Now think about if a model applied for Playboy and said "It's cool but i'm not going to be nude", I'd imagine they'd say "okay, Maxim magazine is down the street, bye bye.", because honestly most don't read it for articles, and most don't care about the person's biography. So without the nudity, it pretty much just is a random person getting chosen to rant about themselves for a few pages, and get insulted by herald commenters.
Posted by: Artemis Fate | November 24, 2007 at 09:04 PM
SECOND LIFE ADDICTION...Once again, the comments here are truly sad. People are upset over not being able to see a fully nude cartoon girl? Sir, you have a problem.
Hey, here is a solution...turn off the computer, stop ignoring your family while staying up all night, get some excercise, read a book, learn hobby, go to church, play catch outside with your son, help your daughter with her homework, buy your husband a gift, cook your wife a nice dinner, donate to a homeless shelter......etc....
Posted by: Mark Mangino | November 24, 2007 at 10:17 PM
"When we talked about a theme for Thanksgiving and she pulled out the outfits you see on these pages I knew we had our girl. I hope you enjoy her pictures as much as I enjoyed meeting her!"
So i'm guessing thats suppost to be some kind of native American outfit for the holiday?
checking my history books, I'm pretty sure Pocahontas didn't dress like that, in some cheap assed gorean panther girl knock-off.
Frankly any native American should be offended by it. I know I am.
Posted by: Stereotypes arnt cool | November 25, 2007 at 02:13 AM
I agree with MikeReuters. As a former Post Six Grrrl, I was offended when Miss Lane said "but I'm not getting naked." When I posed for my Post Six shoot, I knew going into it that I'd at least be posing topless and I was fine with that. Your avatar is lovely, but you and all the others who've chosen to pose with your naughty bits strategically covered are missing the point of Post Six Grrrl (or Guy). I know people giggle over "pixelated boobs," but I think being willing to bare all shows a level of comfort with yourself and your avatar that I applaud in the Post Six participants who've chosen to do it.
Post Six has lost some of it's spirit and that makes me sad.
Posted by: Siobhan OFlynn | November 25, 2007 at 12:08 PM
Uhm, Artemis? Plenty girls have posed for Playboy without going fully nude. Recently, I can recall Kim Kardashian didn't. Maybe you're thinking of Hustler? But again, I digress - go back to looking at pixel tits and cooch.
Posted by: Selonna Torok | November 25, 2007 at 01:10 PM
I agree with Sio...
Everything is PIXELS... her face, arms, legs etc and she's showing that LOL. What's to hide anyway? That skin can be seen in a shop, tits and all. I always thought Post Six was about the photography to make it real and the person to add character.
Apart from that, nice shoot and beautiful av.
Posted by: Nina A | November 25, 2007 at 03:25 PM
@ Selonna "Plenty of girls have posed for Playboy without going fully nude. Recently I can recall Kim Kardashian didn't."
That may be true, but we've already seen Kim Kardashian having sex, so it's not like we haven't seen it all anyway.
The thing that made Post Six special was that the women (and men) who posed, some of whom are quite well known in SL, were willing to bare all (or most). I think it should go back to the way it used to be. If you don't want to be photographed nude or semi nude, then don't apply to be a Post Six Grrrl. It's not so much about seeing someone naked, it's about the person posing being comfortable enough in their own skin to be willing to pose naked.
As far as I'm concerned, Post Six without some nudity isn't the same.
Posted by: Siobhan OFlynn | November 25, 2007 at 08:50 PM
"Uhm, Artemis? Plenty girls have posed for Playboy without going fully nude. Recently, I can recall Kim Kardashian didn't. Maybe you're thinking of Hustler? But again, I digress - go back to looking at pixel tits and cooch."
I don't actually know, I don't read playboy. But you get the point.
I don't really care all that much if people go nude or not in the Post 6 grrls thing, I just understand why some people might be annoyed at people not doing it.
Posted by: Artemis Fate | November 25, 2007 at 11:49 PM
The model is lovely but frankly some of the photography here is second rate.
Where is the post-production work? There are ugly lumps and bumps all over the model's outline that could and should have been quickly cleaned up. If you don't know how to do it and can't afford a photographer who does, Vint Falken has a winderful video tutorial on youtube for you.
For example, in the last photo under the model's right breast (which itself has a nasty sharp angular shape) there is a huge and ugly bump made all the worse by being silhouetted by her black hair.
Please, show the model's some respect with some decent clean-up work on the shots.
Posted by: BlueGum | November 26, 2007 at 05:02 AM
BlueGum is right. The 'photography' is very much second rate.
Posted by: Very True | November 26, 2007 at 08:21 AM
I agree with the people who have commented that Miss Lane should have respected the spirit of Post 6, despite what Justine Babii may allow. To have a model openly admit “but I'm not getting naked” and to have Justine chuckling, only shows (coupled with the poor photography) that Miss Babii has been and still remains (after many weeks) a poor choice to lead this page. I respect friends wanting to support their friends, but perhaps your support should have started BEFORE the model decided to appear. As a former Post 6 model, I agree with Mike Reuters & Siobhan, and I would love to know Miss Lane’s motivation for appearing.
In the past I have been careful not to make comments against the models that appear, but when a model makes these types of statements, jeez…it’s like drawing a bull’s eye on her forehead and yelling “Commence Firing“!!!
Selonna: Artemis Fate’s comments were very easy to understand. If you are trying to find small fault in the Playboy statement, either you are too stubborn or you have missed the entire point. Give reason to why Miss Lane’s decision was the right and spend less time trying to degrade the people who have decided to voice their opinion that her decision was wrong.
Posted by: Taylor Barnes | November 27, 2007 at 01:05 AM
Look.... seriously.. I had NO... and I mean NO... idea post 6
was entirely about showing pixelated nipples. If I had known if were to be this big an issue, I would've stated, I was jesting. I wanted to show my outfits in entirety. Those particular outfits wouldn't have worked topless. I didn't mean to offend anyone.. but those who have been offended are truly grasping at straws here. Seriously... chill out.
Posted by: Daeynaries Lane | November 27, 2007 at 03:19 AM
Posted by Selonna: Heaven forbid someone have a teeny tiny bit of modesty?
Post 6 really isn't the place for modesty kiddo. That kinda defeats the purpose. Heaven forbid.
Posted by: whatever | November 27, 2007 at 04:14 PM
Daeynaries, why would you do a photo shoot about something that you admit you know nothing about?
As you stated "So I heard about Post 6 Grrrl, and I was like sweet... but I'm not getting naked. Anyhow I heard about it and decided I wanted to pose."
Maybe you should have done some research before you posed for something you apparently knew nothing about other than what you had 'heard'.
Were you just hoping to become 'popular' or what? As someone else stated, it seems you just want your ego stroked.
Posted by: whatever | November 27, 2007 at 04:24 PM
Wow, nice to see someone I know on the Herald again. =p
Mike, Artemis, whatever, GTFO
Posted by: Nidol Slazar | November 28, 2007 at 07:24 PM