Fashion-forward babyfurs love loose, kicky dresses, holiday highlights!
[the Herald's babyfur week continues with a look at the babyfur fashion scene]
by Pixeleen Mistral, fake fur fashionista
In-world security can look great
The Holidays are just around the corner - what a perfect excuse to spend a little me-time shopping to dress-for-SL-success! Just look at these young and restless babyfurs, modeling the latest looks in fun and funky virtual fashions.
Petite wardrobes can be a challenge in SL, especially when you factor in the hooves, ears, paws, pacifiers, and furry fluff that defines the basic babyfur avatar - so looking stunning can be a real challenge.
But this challenge is one that Relena Resistance breezes through modeling two outfits - a white blouse and red skirt, and a red blouse and white polkadot skirt. Just the thing for the babyfur security officer on watch. While checking to see if I was really a reporter, Relena and I chatted about keeping the cubs safe and today’s “take a babyfur to lunch” event. To keep the troublemakers away, Relena has eject and ban powers for the Cub Conclave sim, so its important to project a businesslike, yet feminine image.
Relena’s friend Amber Sleeper is a DJ specializing in 80s music, and she shows off a cute santa claws inspired outfit.
Amber Sleeper knows if you have been naughty or nice - the perfect DJ
Finally, Meek Aeon color coordinates her blue hair and eyes with a perfect blue and pink polkadot dress.
Meek Aeon in a sultry blue mood
These three babyfurs show that diapers are really not necessary for a perfect babyfur look - a confident attitude, and some style sense is all you really need! Amber Sleeper promised to play one of my requests the next time she is DJing - does SL get any better than virtual fashionistas dancing to White Zombie?
I'm glad that you've chosen to include the names of these people in the screenshots. I'll dispatch my /b/rothers immediately.
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | November 30, 2007 at 01:24 AM
Words cannot describe what this post makes me feel, apart for these ones:
ill will
that is all.
Posted by: like_ummm | November 30, 2007 at 01:48 AM
Huh. I just look at that first picture, and it brings out in me the uurge to kill.
Posted by: Apollonia | November 30, 2007 at 02:01 AM
Posted by: RoFLKOPTr | November 30, 2007 at 02:36 AM
A psychiatrists wet dream.
The commenters above, I mean.
Seems like even Disney movies would be able to get some people to shoot up school cafeterias.. getting the urge to kill wen seeing a cartoon deer..
You guys are sick.
Posted by: anon | November 30, 2007 at 03:37 AM
Name the sim, verified babbyfurs, and a weeks worth of fun
C'mon SLH, yer taking the fun out of the hunt, giving up all the info like this. This is the kicker though..... ""While checking to see if I was really a reporter, Relena and I chatted about keeping the cubs safe and today’s “take a babyfur to lunch” event."" You do realize by doing this....well let me sum it up with this.
Relena Resistance, Amber Sleeper, and Meek Aeon, you are now PN's best friends for a good, long time.
Posted by: Overwhelming /b/ureaucracy | November 30, 2007 at 03:43 AM
Why oh why oh why...
why can't *every* week be babyfur week???
Posted by: urizenus | November 30, 2007 at 04:37 AM
you had to specify which people need the shrinking
because there was ambiguity in the original statement
because it's a popular belief that furries and babyfurs especially are creepy
Posted by: anon1 | November 30, 2007 at 05:36 AM
need reading halp plz?
Posted by: Anon | November 30, 2007 at 06:32 AM
Furries creepy?
I gotta tell you about something I found on the net...
It was a manga comic, two characters who got it on with eachother. Some sucking, some handhjob, and to top it off a rough fucking.
The thread I plucked it from, was absulutely filled with demands for the source of this several pages long comic, praising the artist, and cries of how much everyone liked the comic. No-one said even the slightest negative bit.
The creepy part of it?
The two characters were a labrador and an underage girl.
Not a furry labrador, either, but just a dog. Child porn bestiality.
Where I found it?
Guess furries arent the only creeps around, eh?
(PS if you think I'm making this up... I'll upload the comic again to somewhere and post a link here later.)
Uri, Jexssica, all you herald 'reporters'...
I know getting vieuwers is more important then anything on the planet, but I would be careful with whom you associate.
The SLH is already known as the PNH.
You sure you want to be known as PN friends? Ya know, could be bad for a professional career if word got out.
Posted by: furry /b/tard | November 30, 2007 at 06:45 AM
7chan creepy?
I gotta tell you something I found on the net...
It was a furry comic, two characters who kept feeding each other until they got gigantically fat.
The page I plucked it from, was absulutely[sic] filled with demands for more of this bizarre creepy artwork, goading on the author to make that damn kangaroo fatter and fatter.
The creepy part of it?
The author was a grown adult man.
Not just a simple nerd, either. He was heavily into this stuff. He was friends with people that made tons of comics about fat dragons.
Where I found it?
Deviant art.
Guess Anonymous aren't the only creeps around, eh?
(PS if you think I'm making this you really think I give a shit what some furry thinks of me on the internet?)
Uri, Jexssica[sic], all you herald 'reporters'...
I know getting vieuwers[sic] is more important then[sic] anything on the planet, but I would be careful with whom you associate. The SLH is already known as the Giant Festive Barn o' Babyfurs.
You sure you want to be known as Babyfur friends? Ya know, could be bad for a professional career if word got out.
Posted by: anon1 | November 30, 2007 at 07:50 AM
[sic][sic][sic][sic][sic][sic][sic][sic][sic] etc
Posted by: furry /b/tard | November 30, 2007 at 09:23 AM
"I'm glad that you've chosen to include the names of these people in the screenshots."
You know, why did you include their names and their sim? You knew from the last article that griefers read this blog, and you know they attack furriesIt's a simple box you can check up in snapshots that allows you to strip the hud and interface off of the pic, and voila! No names and no sim names appear.
I can't help but feel youve set these people up. Either these babyfurs are some kind of trap for the btards or you lured the btards there for drama. Either is rather disturbing. Its one thing to report news and gossip its another to create some.
Posted by: 5sub | November 30, 2007 at 10:48 AM
I wonder why all the PN immediately jumped on this?
Could it be that the only place left that they have any semblance of unity or control is right here on SLH? Many months ago, the PN ran around and did pretty much whatever they wanted, and it would take weeks to get even a single account banned. That was then.
This is now:
* They lose up to a hundred accounts per raid, and sometimes lose dozens before they can even be used once.
* They are shunned in every Chan board as the losers they are.
* No more Fort LongCats - the Lindens use them to find and kill accounts.
* No more weapons caches - the Lindens use them to find and kill accounts.
* No more IM'ing each other in game - the Lindens use that to find and kill accounts.
* No more passing inventory from one avatar to another - the Lindens use that to find and kill accounts.
* Hiding behind proxies no longer works when they're making their piles of alt accounts prior to raids - the Lindens use this to find and kill accounts.
* The current leader of the PN is a spy for the Lindens. The last one was too - and the one before that. They say they don't care about spies, but you should see the shitstorm that happens every time they think they have one - so they throw out their legitimate members, and keep the spies, because they have absolutely no idea how to detect the difference! After months of this, half their membership are now spies.
* Each new form of attack the PN come up with results in a patch that makes SL better for its users - no more texture spamming, inventory drop spamming, and now, no more animation request dialog spamming. And when Havoc4 support comes out shortly, no more sim crashing.
* Grid raids are now cleaned up in record time, thanks to the new high speed object returns. PN Raiders often get spammed with thousands of emails telling them of their returned objects with each and every raid.
While they may win a skirmish or two, overall the PN have been steadily losing ground the entire time.
Watch this space for more ranting and posturing from the PN - and get ready for some real entertainment. The best is yet to come.
Posted by: Witness X | November 30, 2007 at 11:17 AM
if you look on the pic, it has the sim name on the top..epic LULZ
Posted by: anon | November 30, 2007 at 11:45 AM
All right, this is genuinely a fashion crime. But so what? Check out the Christmas sections of the department stores at this time of year and you'll find RL stuff that's just as bad.
Second Life is a place where everyone lives out their fantasies. There's no reality here, and we wouldn't be here if we didn't have a fantasy. I'd like to know what people's fantasies are, and I want them to feel free to have them (as long as they are legal). I don't want a barrage of abuse from psychopathic dyslexics to put people off.
Don't ever ask me to wear a babyfur costume, but *please* don't act as the self-appointed Standardization Police - we need SL to be a place of fun and relaxation.
Posted by: Hilary | November 30, 2007 at 11:57 AM
"I can't help but feel youve set these people up. Either these babyfurs are some kind of trap for the btards or you lured the btards there for drama. Either is rather disturbing. Its one thing to report news and gossip its another to create some."
uhm... isnt it obvious by now which of these two is the case?
of course they done this to generate drama from luring PN to attack these people.
So, Jessica, when is the namechange from Second Life Herald to P.atriotic N.igra herald going to be officially announced?
In any case, I'll be adding everyone's names to my land's banlists who has even a tiiiny bit to do with the SLH.
And I advice everyone who has at least a bit of integrity in them to do the same.
I never thought any of you would sink this low.
Posted by: D.B. | November 30, 2007 at 12:04 PM
Really are you that retarded Anon, I mean I know you can't even count to ten for lovely CP, but seriously can't you figure out how to track someone to a certain sim, or does using common features in SL elude your feeble minds?
Look, its really quite simple, I'll tell you now since you can't figure it out. If you find a specific person you want to grief for a specific thing chances are they'll have a group that corisponds with what you're looking to grief. So you have the names of people who come from the Babyfur Sims, maybe you should search up their profiles and look for the group or even picks, classifieds, or anything else that resembles what you're looking for.
I'll say right now, I'm a furry cub, and even I hate most cubs. They talk exclusively in annoying baby talk, they wear diapers that aren't even real and act like somehow they are. Their are alot of them that are kin to whores and sluts for "mommys" and "daddys" albiet in private, but still. As well I hate furries, they're sexcrazed nerds and retards who live in their moms basement and habitually avoid the shower.
I've lurked moar, I've seen a lot of sick shit on the internet and /b/ specifically. Twogirls1cup, a lady stomping in a cat head with a spike heel, an endless amount of puss coming out of some kids leg. Hell, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the purest person in the babyfur community, I have sexual desires just like everyone else in the world. I have tendancies to cross my fetish into sexual tendancies as well. But I'm not a retard about it, I don't ask everyone I come across for sex and scritches, nor do I wear diapers publically and shit myself for the pure cathartic pleasure of shitting ones self.
Seriously if you want to grief us, then go ahead and grief us PNs. Its not like you haven't popped up on our sims before, its not like this news story is going to change anything. No matter what anyone says there are going to be times when you raid us and times when you don't. I don't mind taking the two minutes it takes to relog when you leave animation scripts, I don't mind standing still for a couple of moments while a security officer bans you like usual so you can have your empty laughs while we supposedly baww and cry over your attacks.
Please, I cordially invite you. Come and leave down particles, textures, prims, noises. Sure its annoying, sure it annoys some people. I personally find it hilarious that you think its funny to do something that doesn't even do any real damage.
Posted by: Kanji Jessop | November 30, 2007 at 12:11 PM
ok babyfurs are just cute.
i know yer thinking " you sic bast***"
well in short there just ppl who are looking and acting cute, they make ppl go "aaawwww" and crush em.
but the thing about secondlife is this...babyfurs dont cyber, no-one would dare do it because unlike ageplayers....furrys really HATE peados.
so all this furry bashing is no-good
Posted by: fluffy bunny feet | November 30, 2007 at 12:34 PM
@Fake Kanji Jessop
At least have the common courtesy not to use the same internet speak that the General Retarded Masses on the internet so flagranlty use. I generally hold myself to a higher standard than that, as I am and will always be an Elitest Jerk.
Posted by: Kanji Jessop | November 30, 2007 at 01:19 PM
Do these avies not realise that the SLH is seriously taking the piss out of them?
Posted by: Nina A | November 30, 2007 at 01:44 PM
I'm not quite sure why I'm getting dragged into this. The by-line is clear that this is by Pixeleen and I don't do this type of reporting/writing.
Posted by: Jessica Holyoke | November 30, 2007 at 04:39 PM
Room to grow Jess, room to grow.
Posted by: urizenus | November 30, 2007 at 04:48 PM
"Where I found it?
well duh, 7chan is furfag central
"* The current leader of the PN is a spy for the Lindens. The last one was too - and the one before that."
lol yeh i was srsly u guyz im a linden spy. also angel fluffy! also angel linden! fluffy linden? EVERYONE IS A SPAI, DEMOMAN IS A SPAI, SPAIS SAPPIN MAH ORGANIZATION
"* No more weapons caches - the Lindens use them to find and kill accounts."
i may be retired but I'm working on something to fix that. if i ever feel like finishing it, at least.
also stop stealing my name ;_;
Posted by: anon | November 30, 2007 at 08:19 PM
Quake 3 creepy?
I gotta tell you about something I found on the net...
It was machine code, two variables who were combining with each other. Some memory addressing, some classes, and to top it off a rough XOR.
The thread I plucked it from, was absolutely filled with demands for a compiler, praising the code, and cries of how much everyone couldn't figure out what it did. No-one used even the slightest null pointer.
The creepy part of it?
The two characters were a string and an unsigned int.
Not a signed int, either, just unsigned. Typecasting with no negative integers.
Where I found it?
SL's client code.
Guess PNers arent the only creeps around, eh?
(PS if you think I'm making this up... I'll upload the source again to somewhere and post a link here later.)
All you Linden 'coders'...
I know getting users is more important then anything on the planet, but I would be careful with your memory leaks.
The SL is already known as a memory hog.
You sure you want to be known as shitty coders? Ya know, could be bad for a professional career if word got out.
Posted by: anon | November 30, 2007 at 08:59 PM
I think the PN should have their own Fashion Show now to compete against the babyfurs. Just put up a sign in front of the SLH HQ that says "Dead Nig.ger Storage" and they'll all show up sooner or later for opportune picture taking.
Posted by: Anonymous | November 30, 2007 at 10:39 PM
@Witness X
You're trying too hard.
Posted by: Rape-Ape | December 01, 2007 at 12:20 PM
More truths
* PN works with Philip Linden to purge undesirables from SL.
* Their "n1gra death squad" goes around curb stomping furries irl.
* They did wtc.
* The current PN leader is really a spy from the KGB, and a leninist conspirator.
Posted by: Witness X | December 01, 2007 at 12:33 PM
The real truth about the PNs:
The vast majority or 13-16 year old kids that under normal circumstances would get shoved into their lockers by the bullies and jocks of the schools they are in.
They say we have no lives when they wait around for some other lame scripter to make a weapon for second life to use in a raid that lasts maybe an hour and gets a few dozen accounts blitzed, banned, and laughed at.
None of them can actually spell or type to save their lives except if you count 1337 speak, which is just a white boy version of ebonics.
They outed their leaders and have since been denegrated to trying one old cliche of an attack after another.
The KGB does not exist, at least not with the same name, GRU however does and if you knew anything about Russian Intelligence Services, the GRU were the better of the 2 agencies.
The PNs are the biggest joke and laughing stock of the internet, even Somethingawful makes fun of how horrible they are now.
Posted by: Raven Welesa | December 01, 2007 at 01:05 PM
@Raven Welesa
Bawwwww, too many n1gras on your lawn?
Also SA fucking loves us (w-hat doesnt count, all the real goons left it).
Posted by: Rape-Ape | December 01, 2007 at 03:25 PM
@Raven Welesa
You sir are a liar, the KGB is still alive and strong.
Posted by: Lenin | December 01, 2007 at 03:28 PM
You know whats funny, the PNs are uncapable doing anything other than causing mischief. Thats the real thing they don't want anyone to know. They are good for nothing else, and that pisses them off more than anything. They have no other skill set. Most of them can't even create the scripts they use.
The PNs cannot build, cannot script, cannot create anything. They will be doomed to a life of failure. They have no life what so ever. How many alternates do they create for a lame excuse for an attack? They spend their time spoofing email addresses, changing ip addresses, getting a weapon for an attack, and going to a teamspeak server to talk to all the other morons on there that have no life to say hey lets go do something.
Is it boring living in your parent's basement? Are you PNs just tired of getting bullied at school? Or are you just bored of playing magic the gathering every night?
You know I'm right too. You can't do anything except rez an object which even a noob can do, and you all need an instruction video to be shown how to do it! Proove you all aren't just a bunch of noob hacks trolling the internet.
Instead of telling all of us to get a life, why don't you just proove you have lives.
Posted by: Raven Welesa | December 01, 2007 at 05:02 PM
I would like to remind everyone that Raven Welesa is a babyfur in a pretend family in sl, google his slname.
Posted by: Infidel | December 01, 2007 at 05:24 PM
@Raven Welesa
lol'd. Someone is clearly butthurt.
Posted by: Rape-Ape | December 01, 2007 at 08:03 PM
I think Raven Welesa needs a diaper change.
Posted by: Stalin | December 01, 2007 at 09:21 PM
A babyfur who used to be in the military. No wonder we're sucking so bad in Iraq right now. Do they stock Depends in ACU print?
Posted by: /b/ackhanded | December 01, 2007 at 09:46 PM
@ all the PNs in here.
LOL, how pathetic you all are.
Posted by: Raven Welesa | December 02, 2007 at 12:38 AM
So, Raven, your abrupt end to your military career, due to a service related injury....with "several awards, medals, and commendations during his career both state-side and at numerous overseas locations". But your now working as a defense contractor. Now, I could be wrong and stuff, but last I checked...being a former soldier with service related injuries and all, you can't get a contractor job with a VA disability rating over 30%. Normally, the Army won't "cut short" the career of a "distinguished Non-Commissioned Officer" for something under 30%...UNLESS there are underlying circumstances *cough*babyfur*cough*, and it's easier for your CO to write you off as broke-dick and discharge you, than going through the hassle of all the write-ups needed to toss a wierdo.
So what gives...Top find out you had a diaper fetish, and they toss you for shin splints? Or didja get a bar to re-enlistment? It's how my last unit handled a freakboy, had the PA declare him medically unfit. Quicker than having to do up the 6+ months worth of counseling statements to justify any other discharge.
Posted by: /b/lack power | December 02, 2007 at 08:49 AM
LOL @ /b/lack power,
I hope you aren't studying for a board then. What are you stuck behind? The E-4 Specialist Sham Shield? Your ignorance must be bliss.
Posted by: Raven Welesa | December 02, 2007 at 11:19 AM
9/11 happened because Raven Welesa was too busy pretending to be a baby on the internets to do his job as a US Intelligence Analyst. Never Forget.
Posted by: Diaper Commando | December 02, 2007 at 04:02 PM
Hehe, sounds like someone thought about that one for a few hours.
So do you PNs sit in your rooms, staring at your computer screens doing these attacks and beat off? I bet your Teamspeak or ventrilo server or irc channel are just one big circle jerk for all of you. Which is funnier since you all are guys.
Let me bring you now into the voice channel for a PN Raid! (PN 1) "I just hit that one valley sim" (PN2) "oh you are making me so hot!" "What did you use?" (PN1) "The Jumping Marios attack!" (PN2) "mm, I am getting so hard!"
I will let you all use your imaginations to go any further than this.
Posted by: Raven Welesa | December 02, 2007 at 04:22 PM
First the herald came for the babyfurs, i did not speak out because i was not a baby fur
then the herald came for the furries, i did not speak out because im not a furry
then the herald came for the goreans i did not speak out because im not a gorean
then the herald came for the homosexuals i did not speak out because im not a homosexual
then the herald came for came for the escort girls i did not speak out because im not an escort girl
then the herald came for the role players and i did not speak out becasue im not a role player
............then the herald came for me,
there was nobody left to speak out for me....
Posted by: Natu | December 02, 2007 at 04:30 PM
Haahaaa, Raven, I haven't had to sit for a board for years. From your 31337 Spec Opz tiem in service, remember at what grade you stopped sitting for boards physically, DA just reviewed your records and recommended promotion? I'm there.
Posted by: /b/lack power | December 02, 2007 at 07:29 PM
lol, so do your e-3s always come to you from your e-5s asking for a prc E-7? You know what they say about the Army. F%$# up, move up!
Posted by: Raven Welesa | December 02, 2007 at 09:15 PM
I fap to furfag tears.
Posted by: Diaper Commando | December 02, 2007 at 11:11 PM
How's that war against furry going?
Any furry sims taken permanently down yet?
No? All still there?
Posted by: anon | December 03, 2007 at 05:08 AM
Sims can't be permanetly taken down, dumbass, SL doesn't work that way, you have to bankrupt the owner over time if anything.
Posted by: Diaper Commander | December 03, 2007 at 01:52 PM
Lemme introduce you to a brand new word: Sarcasm.
And bankrupt the sims out of existance? Oh my god, you guys really are stupid.
Do you really think, that with five minutes of downtime a day, any sim owner will notice even the slightest bit of a decline in their income, donations and rent payed for vendors in malls? Come on, even that 'big raid' where you took down 'hundreds of sims' had no effect whatsoever on the big furry sims. It kept their security and admins entertained for one afternoon, that's it.
Your war against furries is a joke. It's not even a tickle.
GB2 Habbo Hotel, PN fags. You dont cut it as griefers. you fail.
Posted by: anon | December 04, 2007 at 03:09 AM
Posted by: Diaper Commander | December 04, 2007 at 12:37 PM
I think a certain furry is butthurt.
Posted by: Rape-Ape | December 04, 2007 at 12:38 PM