by Urizenus Sklar, POTUS and Furries Desk
I don't know how we missed this, but we only just picked up the story via Raw Story, which in turn gets the story via Bloggers for Brownback in an article entitled Furries: A Twisted Freak Show of Utter Depravity. The Lefties at Raw Story think its a parody, but we know parody and we know better. Bloggers for Brownback are every bit as serious as we are!
Quoting B4B:
"Fortunately President Bush has recognized the danger of furries and has spoken out against them:
[Quoting the State of the Union Address]: "America Must Recognize The Value Of Every Life. The President called on Congress to pass legislation to prohibit ... creating human-animal hybrids...."
“And furries are completely sick and wrong,” President Bush later added, off the record. “The less said about them the better.” We couldn’t agree more. Well said, Mr. President. We salute you.
But, not surprisingly, “Great” Britain is forging ahead, blissfully unaware of the Pandora’s Box they are opening. The consequences could be dire for the entire planet. Furries around the world rejoiced at this news. Satan himself let out a hearty cheer."
And yes, Nacon, this is important newz, so stuff it.
Wow, what a scoop! It sounds like those Bloggers 4 Brownback really have it on the ball. Ban furries now! They are sick little perverts.
Posted by: Psycheout | November 07, 2007 at 12:35 AM
Either I just drank way too much poppy tea and will soon die from a morphine overdose or none of that shit made any sense.
Posted by: d3adlyc0d3c | November 07, 2007 at 01:05 AM
This is bad comedy. Rightwing Bible-thumpers scare me with their hatebreeding and bigoted campaigns and attacks, but I take comfort in knowing if Christianity IS the "true right faith", then they will all burn in the lake of fire for having the arrogance and hubris to ignore God's decree to "Judge noot lest ye be judged", let alone the mindboggling arrogance to think they can do God's job for him by judging everything they fear and hate. True Christian live ggod lives, helping their fellow man, and keeping their judgements to themselves, even befriending sinners, knowing God will do what he thinks best when Judgement Day comes. So by the very faith the rightwing wannabes so loudly boast gives them the right to spread ignorance and monger hatred, every single bible-thumping loudmouth who advocates hating anyone else because they dislike who they are or what they enjoy or who they marry, will ALL burn when their Judgement Day comes.
God loves, MAN hates.
Posted by: Purrrple | November 07, 2007 at 01:49 AM
Glad to know the anti fur people are on the same wavelength and emotional level as Bush. This explains so much.
* Both love to start pointless conflict
* Both love to use their faith or morals to make arbitrary decisions
* Both venture away from their territory, into other people's to tell them how to live.
* Both like to preach loudly, even though uninformed on most of their topics of choice.
* Both get agressively defensive and accusational when their points are questioned.
* Both manage to be as big/bigger annoyance/threat than the force they oppose.
* Both think they know better how to run the lives of others.
Yeah. Nice to know you've got Bush in your corner. I think he'd be the perfect mascot for anti-fur movemnt. He certainly sums these peopel up well.
Posted by: Anon for my own protection | November 07, 2007 at 02:13 AM
"And yes, Nacon, this is important newz, so stuff it."
What are you bickering about? You got rid of Prok, so I can't really go on about anything here.
*picks up a copy of Avastar paper and sit quietly, enjoys reading his fresh weekly news*
(PS: that's "News", no Z.)
Posted by: Nacon | November 07, 2007 at 02:38 AM
**Crosses his fingers** I'd only hope this was real.
Posted by: Greefin Oh | November 07, 2007 at 04:03 AM
Well we all know who said that... Better Bush then anyone with an ounce of brain in their heads :D
In before the infights, fur flying about and pools being closed.
Que drama
Posted by: Darkfoxx | November 07, 2007 at 05:36 AM
Here's the crap article trade off from the good "Replicating the Wall" article. The first of many crap articles to balance out the one good article the Herald churns out every once inawhile.
This is moronic and sophomoric as per the Herald's usual.
Posted by: Why Bother | November 07, 2007 at 05:46 AM
Note to Penance:
Bush wouldnt even knowe what a furry is. The thing he's opposing, is stem cell research, and experimentation with embryo's and human cells that possibly bring us the cure for a lot of diseases.
Anyway, the twist to making it seem like he's against furries, is just a bit of humour that Uri threw in himself. I find it quite funny :D'
Incidently, I'm a bible thumping Christian myself... allthough I don't bible thump in the way that I force my beliefs onto others. Kinda significant difference..
And I'm a furry. Just sayin, there's still good Christians left on this planet, hope is not all gone yet ^.^
And @ Psycheout:
Sick little perverts?
In a world where millions of animals are gassed and skinned, alot o them still alive and concious while their skin is ripped off their bodies, just so little cunts like Jennifer Lopez can wear their fur,
and where millions of pigs are castrated without anastetics, just so their meat won't smell funny when it goes into the frying pan,
where a whole continent of people is dying from hunger thirst and wars because some people don't find it worth the trouble to help them cause there's nothing to be had in Africa,
you're calling furries sick?
I'd laugh so hard if it wasnt so very very sad.
Posted by: just sayin | November 07, 2007 at 07:34 AM
Correction. it's not Uri's twist on it, but the original article's writer's.
Uri just nicked it letter by letter.
Posted by: just sayin | November 07, 2007 at 07:55 AM
Wow, all the commenters who didnt catch the joke, it isnt serious.
if you think SLH is serious business, then you have some real issues.
Posted by: Anonymous | November 07, 2007 at 09:43 AM
The SL group, "Do Not Want", seems to mirror blogs4brownback with their objective...
Was at Cordova and a DNW suddenly appeared, turned to look at 2 furries busy building, and just like that, BANG, the sim was down. What I noticed, unless it's a big joke, these guys use a bible'ish conontation related to pools in their group profile - which I found strangely amusing.
I met a girl at ahern who also has been in a sim that they disabled, and she said they used the same tactics: four DNW appeared, one pointed at a furry, and the sim just went noise, no loud bouncy-boxes, just went down quietly.
If anything, it looks like the anti-furry movement is spreading with the creation of more groups...I did a quick internet search and found the group called PN which seem to be pretty popular here on SLH, and this DNW group may just be a copycat, but their quiet method sure doesn't mirror any group I've seen they're not in it for any attention or kudos, but rather to complete objectives quickly.
It's definitely a pain in the ass to not know what hit you or why...and the worse part is...the girl from ahern said they crashed the sim when script and build were available to the sim group only...and disabled to all other residents. Ugh.
Posted by: Josef | November 07, 2007 at 11:37 AM
If anyone tries to take the Philly Phanatic away from us Philadelphians, we'll have to kill them.
Posted by: FlipperPA Peregrine | November 07, 2007 at 01:47 PM
why is this post allowed on this site? well i wont be logging on here again i will jump out before i start seeing articles against homosexuals gays and jews, nice site nazis
Posted by: dagger | November 07, 2007 at 04:32 PM
Just Sayin'; No worries hon, I know there are good Christians. And by my definition you're no a Bible-Thumper, nor are "Bible Thumpers" Christians. To me a Bible Thumper is a loudmouthed idiot claiming Christianity with no true understanding of the faith, thumping their bibles while loudly preaching hatred and intolerance. So you're good Just Sayin'.
Anonymous; Admittedly, I was unsure whether this article was serious or a very eerie parody, but I should have specified the scary wannabe Christians I was referring to were the glut of them that filled the message board of the original post on the other site that the article cited. There were swarms of them there and they're frightening in their righteous bigotry.
Posted by: Purrrple | November 07, 2007 at 04:35 PM
@Penance Sautereau
LOLWUT? So you are a 'transgendered' dike and then start talking about Christianity. God hates you bitch, got hates uglies. Also I believe I sent you a message recently. Did you enjoy? lulz. I bet you look like Dave Chappelle and became gay because you couldn't get any cock, now you hate men because they all refused to fuck you.
I be your crying right now too.
Posted by: d3adlyc0d3c | November 07, 2007 at 06:58 PM
d3adlyc0d3c, go back to the chans you ignorant little degenerate.
Posted by: Witness X | November 07, 2007 at 09:50 PM
Well, atleast you furfags aren't under an Islamic government. :3
Republicans: "I did it for the lulz"
Posted by: Nigger_Kong | November 07, 2007 at 10:12 PM
Hello furries.
It's easy to cry persecution (or fursectuion for the furfags, who respect the english language about as much as the smurphs), but it's harder to justify your strange and disturbing fetish.
You masturbate to cartoon animals, dress up in animal costumes and fuck plushy animal toys, you're not a "race", you can't reasonably compare yourselves to jews or blacks, you have a disturbed fetish and you only don't feel like a freak because you associate with others like you on the internet.
Isn't it a bit ironic to want to be an animal and to look down on the normal, productive people in society ("mundanes", “hyoomans”, or whatever you call then), while also wanting to be treated and respected like a human? Do you furfags really think you deserve it? This isn't about the ignorance of society, its about the delusions furries put themselves through.
dagger: You're a perfect example of the furfag persecution complex.
just sayin: Killing animals painfully for the sake of efficienty and quality of the product is completly different from wanting to fuck them (like furries).
Witness X: BAWWWWW, Z is the superior letter
Posted by: Witness Z | November 07, 2007 at 10:35 PM
Because we can always hide behind the past struggles and suffering of actual ethnic groups to justify our obscure, internet-based fetish.
Posted by: Persecution Complex | November 07, 2007 at 10:51 PM
It's always funny how little it takes to bring out the chan fucktards to show everyone just how much the chans need to be wiped off the internet.
It's like swatting at a hornets nest and watching all the hornets fly out to try to sting you but they can't because since all they can do is fling stupid insults. Like Anonymous themselves say: Anonymous power (or lack thereof really) lies in the internet. In real life these little pricks can't do anything to you.
It's obvious that Urizenus Sklar is a /b/tard now. It's been said over and over but he should just get it over with and rename this the Chan Herald.
Posted by: Witness X | November 07, 2007 at 11:27 PM
I'm a Witness!
Posted by: Witness Milhouse | November 08, 2007 at 01:43 AM
Witness X: (the second one, first too if it's the same retard)
Completely different from a
"Oh think of teh poor animals" point of vieuw, or from a
"Baaaawwww I don't like it cause I think it's icky and because furries look like animals they must wanna fuck animals, that's how retards like me think" point of vieuw?
Posted by: just sayin | November 08, 2007 at 02:19 AM
seriously i can see both pros and cons to this aruguement towards the human/animal hybrid thing.
personally. if someone just wants to transform themselfs into a animal human hybrid for the pure fact that it turns them on... i feel that is wrong and immoral and just plain stupid and a waste of time effort and money. main reason for that is because the use for this technology can really be used for more useful things other then someone havening a horse dick. think of it this way. we can splice the genes in a fish so we can have lungs that work underwater (the old movie waterworld as a reference)i know crappy reference but this is what i came up with at the top of my head.
have we really come this far in genetic technology that we can really splice ourselfs into hybrid's!?
if so where does our future lie. is it in the perverted minds of furry's who want a good time or will more useful things come out of this. also i think bush is too one sided in his thoughts and arguments. he isn't the most intellectual person either. im glad i don't have that wanker running my government. if someone cant think of both sides of the coin then they need to look in the mirror and truly think to them selfs.
"did i put enough thought into my decision?"
Posted by: DarthBlueAfro | November 08, 2007 at 03:15 AM
"Isn't it a bit ironic to want to be an animal and to look down on the normal, productive people in society ("mundanes", “hyoomans”, or whatever you call then), while also wanting to be treated and respected like a human? Do you furfags really think you deserve it? This isn't about the ignorance of society, its about the delusions furries put themselves through."
Wow, hold your horses. Whoever gave you the impression your opinion and respect matters to anyone BUT yourself?
Talking about delusions...
We, the furry fandom, couldn't care less about respect of some insignificant kid on the internet, cause in the great scheme of things, you don't matter enough.
The only reason why I'm even replying to you here, is not because I want to change your opinion about furries, or somehow do my utmost best to gain your respect at all, I do it because you guys are so hilarious in taking being anti furry so seriously.
You spend so much time and energy on letting furries and everyone else know your opinion about it, but in reality, whatever effect you think you have, it's nothing at all.
This indeed isn't about the ignorance of society, but about the delusions you channers, SA goons or whatnot have about the dent you can make in a fandom that doesnt even takes itself seriously. But oh well...
Cue baawing about how you do it for the lulz etc etc etc, no-one will care. Spare yourself the trouble.
Posted by: a furry | November 08, 2007 at 06:39 AM
It's not a "fandom" you animal-fucking retard. A fandom is people who like playing Mario games or watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer or something, not wanting to fuck a giant Koopa Troopa plushie.
Posted by: Anon | November 08, 2007 at 08:43 AM
@a furry
Your logic about delusions fails. If someone has to be deluded to assume they will be heard, then that would apply to you to, and by your own logic you are insignificant.
Instead of even attempting to counter my argument (which I doubt you could), you just went on a long rant about how you shouldn't listen to me.
Also, mr "furry fandom spokesman", you're lieing about how seriously the furfags take themselves (another delusion?), why do you think they're getting trolled in the first place, instead of the pedophiles and fecalphiliac? PN, W-hat and the other groups wouldn't be here if you were right. (in b4 bawwwwwing about one of those groups)
Once again, a furfag fails at properly countering an argument, and only manages to BAWWWWW.
Posted by: Witness Z | November 08, 2007 at 12:13 PM
@just sayin
As you are a furfag, there was a 1/5 chance that you typed that while wearing an adult diaper.
Posted by: Rape-Ape | November 08, 2007 at 12:21 PM
Posted by: Witness X | November 08, 2007 at 12:24 PM
Really 'anon', as I said, save yourself the trouble. It's very clear to everyone already how retarded you are, you don't have to prove it to everyone over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Posted by: a furry | November 08, 2007 at 01:51 PM
"It's not a "fandom" you animal-fucking retard. A fandom is people who like playing Mario games or watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer or something, not wanting to fuck a giant Koopa Troopa plushie."
Umm....oooook.....Bush is definately a perfect mascot for their team
Posted by: Benson | November 08, 2007 at 02:01 PM
There's a lot of Anons, actually "a furry". This one is a certain ex-griefer who doesn't like namefagging it up.
also, lol trolled
Posted by: Anon | November 08, 2007 at 02:20 PM
I'm laughing at all you chantards posting under a Witness X name or some sort of mockery of it you think it is funny. Really, all you chantards give me lulz because you go around thinking your funny and irreverent when all you can do is stumble on your own faces.
Chantards, thanks for the lulz, no one laughs with you though, we pity your inept ignorance.
Go ahead and use the Witness X name all you want. It just proves my points everytime you do. Have fun.
As Kirtypoo would say: Hugs and Kisses.
Posted by: Witness X | November 08, 2007 at 04:25 PM
I is witness x and I hate channers but I use their memes. Oh and by trolling me epicly you only prove all my points, that I am another butthurt dike. In my upcoming article I will talk about my personal riveting experience with e-rape after d3adlyc0d3c attached a giant vibrator to his e-pelvis and began impaling me on it. ZOMG HE IS SO VICIOUS *gives himself an enema and begins moaning orgasmicly.
Also (cocks?) d3adlyc0d3c pwnz me.
BTW I am an ignorant big degenerate so get it right next time.
Posted by: Witness Desenutsinurmouth | November 08, 2007 at 09:11 PM
DeadlyCodec (I refuse to spell it the l33t way you do loser) You are a fucking coward. Griefing my land several times a day with your stupid "I will rape you and your wife" griefer bot like a chickenshit little coward, afraid to say anything to my face, and taking off like a little bitch when I come down to try and get your avatar name so I can report you. You are pondscum, and a pathetic whiny little troll with clearly no life if you think your juvenile griefing of me does ANYTHING but prove to anyone who sees it that you're a degenerate little boy with no life, no honor, no balls, and no sex life. Sooner or later I WILL catch you before you can tp away, and then not only will I orbit you and ban you but also report you to the Lindens, and will repeat the process every new avatar you make until you get bored and find someone else to be a chickenshit loser jackass to.
And by the way, it's spelled DYKE, not DIKE. A Dike is a dam in Holland. Idiot.
Posted by: Purrrple | November 08, 2007 at 09:32 PM
and they're still going on :D
here lemme help.. how was it again?
Pool's closed?
Posted by: Darkfoxx | November 09, 2007 at 02:10 AM
You clearly misunderstood my point, Witness Z. I don't blame you. Reading is very difficult for some.
I said, none of the furries care about you and your ilk's respect and opinions.
Of course some will find your trolling and ' griefing' anooying, but that doesn't mean they actually CARE.
Most however, don't even find your lulzcubes or whatever even a slight nuisance. The usual response to someone coming into our club with screaming cubes yelling "Yiff in hell" is:
*continue what they were doing*
I repeat again;
We really don't care about what you think of us or if you have or havent got respect for us, despite what you might percieve in your own little world.
Also, 'lol trolled'... whatever. Still don't care.
Posted by: a furry | November 09, 2007 at 06:37 AM
Anyone want to help me find DeadlyCodec? He wears an invisible box to be unseen and hides on the sim my home is on and sets off his griefer object, then if I get close enough I might actually be able to spot him by highlighting his scripted object, he tp's out before I can get his avatar name. Like the chickenshit coward he is. I can't ban him or report him til I know his avatar name, and I can't rent the shops I set up for my landlord as long as the land is flooded with -
I need help here. Anyone?
Posted by: Larluna Woodget | November 09, 2007 at 08:35 AM
@Penance Sautereau
HAHA dumbass I used object IMs from objects planted on no return sims, it checks to make sure you're online before spamming you so you cant find out who is sending the spam by logging out. lulz. You can never find any avatar I use to do this because Im not even in the same sim as you, nor have I ever been. Also the whole process is automated and will continue even tho I havent logged into SL for about 2 days now. Anyways, Im no coward though so if ya wanna call me:
Posted by: d3adlyc0d3c | November 09, 2007 at 09:12 AM
@Penance Sautereau
".... blah blah blah blah blah degenerate little boy with no life, no honor, no balls, and no sex life."
lulz, okay you silly dike. Funny how SLers always insult other people's sex life. Its usually the first insult that come out of their mouth. I dont fuck e-pussies with e-penises tho or have e-sex at all.
Posted by: d3adlyc0d3c | November 09, 2007 at 10:01 AM
Posted by: a furry | November 09, 2007 at 12:45 PM
Oh god I'm loling
Posted by: NotAFurgot | November 09, 2007 at 12:53 PM
Well you ARE a loser. And I meant real life sex. No woman not getting paid for it would touch a creep like you. Stop harassing me. Your phone number? I doubt it. If I call it it'll be a pizza place. Stop griefing me you pathetic homophobic loser. I don't deserve your bullshit, I never did dick all to you. All you're doing is proving what a loser you are.
Posted by: Purrrple | November 09, 2007 at 06:43 PM
deadlycodec's RL name is J Adams, he works for Cox Communications. In SL, he was originally the bawwing failbag 'mafia' lord, Sil Demina, whose land was repo'd by Jenna Fairplay for being 24 hours late on tier (ironic last name in this situation).
J Adams is a former malware author and I'm sure his current employers would love to know what he's been up to....
Posted by: PN = Closet Furry | November 10, 2007 at 02:05 AM
lulz, j adams.....hmmmm doesnt that sound like an alias? Zomg, genius? I do work for cox communications though. Not much you can do w/o my real name since there are hundreds of thousands of cox employees.
Posted by: d3adlyc0d3c | November 10, 2007 at 09:12 AM
Object muted, idiot defused.
Posted by: Purrrple | November 10, 2007 at 12:59 PM
@PN = Closet Furry
At least spell out the first name, dumbass.
Also your name is an obvious sign of butthurt AND acceptance that furries are freaks that no one wants to be associated with.
Posted by: Rape-Ape | November 10, 2007 at 04:54 PM
My cock was extremely hard and leaking pre, but was trapped in the confines of the noisy, crinkly diaper. I won't lie. I liked it. It was a new feeling of both being dominated harshly and treated carefully at the same time. He pushed in and out of me in swift motions. A wet squishy noise was added to the crinkly noises from the diaper with each thrust. The entire scene was amazing.
Posted by: Hibernian Yellowjacket | November 10, 2007 at 05:06 PM
It has never been a big secret (except for most PN members themselves) that a lot of the more prominent PN members visit the same furry clubs on their main furry accounts.
Of course this has been and always will be denied, either because PN don't know about this, and or don't want to believe it. Probably most because they simply don't know.
"Spiez? In mah chickenshackz?"
Nope. No furry spies. Just furry PN.
Unlikely? Not really. Just look at the amount of furries belonging to the various /b/ groups.
7chan didnt have a /fur/ board for nothing for so long... just noting.
Posted by: PN are closet furries | November 12, 2007 at 06:37 AM
I Lolled, you all know that this is a bunch of parody? all you furries whining at this article? srlsly.
Posted by: Random Self-hating Furry | November 12, 2007 at 07:14 AM