SLebrity Tenshi Vielle hopes to donate prize money to charity
by Pixeleen Mistral, fake fur fashionista
One of Second Life’s famous fashionistas - Tenshi Vielle - still holds out hope that Brutal Dishonesty blogger Tina Travanti will make good on her promise of big prize money for anyone who produces “a real picture” of Tenshi. Ms. Vielle has pledged to donate the prize money to the Make A Wish Foundation in Iris (98, 89, 22), and challenged Tina to match her contribution -- assuming Tina will play by the rules she set Sunday.
This may be a problem. While Tenshi took a real picture of herself to end the sick game - Tina Travanti was changing the rules and is now claiming that inciting RL stalking of the Tenshi was just a joke. Riiiiiight.
Too bad Tina’s trustworthiness is in question - after talking smack on Tenshi for months, Tina the terrible quietly removed her over-the-line odious challenge and buried a retraction in her blog’s comments -- something like a cat scratching to cover up something stinky in the litterbox while poop is still stuck on her fur.
Before Tina started scratching in the litterbox
Unfortunately for Tina, screen shots tell the tale. We all get who Tina targets when she calls for RL pictures of the person with the most comments in the last story. Everybody knows that the fashion scene is catty - but this isn't how you play that game.
Protip: if you are serious about a retraction, you put it in the story itself - particularly when there is rampant content copying in the blog-o-sphere. A copy of Tina’s stalking challenge was running at the Rykerized blog for instance. This is why you don’t pull these stunts, Tina - unless you want to go for the fashion blog griefer crown.
Meanwhile, in an attempt at damage control, several fashionable blogging sock puppets have been pressed into service, adopting different names as they attempt to make it all Tenshi’s fault.
What caused all this drama? As reported previously, Tina appears to be suffering from an acute case of toxic immersion in her own ego - and has some problems understanding that advocating stalking in RL or SL is way over the line. Tina? This is supposed to be a fun game, right? Are we having fun now? Let's hope you never merge with the blog - and become Massively Brutal Dishonesty.
You can make it good though - pay Tenshi for winning your mistake of a content, and we’ll call it good. We’ll even send you a fruitbasket if Brutal Dishonesty ever gets into the top 5 million blogs by page views.
it starts with brutal dishonesty
then the sockpuppets and copycats take over
Um how many times did Tenshi pull shit on her website down without a formal retraction?
You guys should really let this dog lie. You know it was a joke, and you look like idiots.
Posted by: Anon | December 05, 2007 at 10:02 AM
Sitting back with a bowl of popcorn to watch the show. Fascinating how a little blog like BH can keep the Herald (or at least Tenshi and her sock puppet) jumping.
Posted by: mj | December 05, 2007 at 11:15 AM
I don't see anywhere mentioned about 'real life photo'. I see a requirement that the photo be 'real', meaning don't google 'Tenshi' and photoshop a SL pic of her (which are prolific, tons are on her blog alone) into your SL snapshot. That's how I read it anyway.
Of course, I'm a rational human being.
Posted by: Type IX | December 05, 2007 at 01:42 PM
This is really not the place to let a stupid cat fight play out.
Oh wait. It's The Herald. Nevermind.
Posted by: | December 05, 2007 at 01:51 PM
Posted by: Nacon | December 05, 2007 at 02:18 PM
Just stop already...
Posted by: Alicia | December 05, 2007 at 02:28 PM
And you wanted this blog to pay for advertising? How much did they pay you for this and the other article's free advertising?
You are making yourselves look like idiots. But then again, this is the herald. You're used to it.
Posted by: Shelley Sharpman | December 05, 2007 at 03:56 PM
That Rykerized blog link doesn't work. It's broken.
Posted by: Observer | December 05, 2007 at 04:27 PM
~~~~~~~hmm..let me see here... Favorites/ ~~ scrolling down ~~~~ ah..there it is.. /Second Life Herald/ ...ok, now...right clicking..yes, there it is /Delete. Bye Bye! :)
Posted by: Bob Stoops | December 05, 2007 at 05:49 PM
Posted by: Angel | December 05, 2007 at 06:15 PM
Pixeleen Mistral, fake fur fashionista...and idiot.
Posted by: Lloyd Wayne | December 05, 2007 at 06:43 PM
Where exactly does it name Tenshi in the screenshots?
Also, the previous post, you were pissed off that they \'did this to you\' (again, you\'re assuming it\'s you), and when they\'ve removed it, you\'re pissed off about that?
Funny how this other blog isn\'t even acknowledging you.
Posted by: Where? | December 05, 2007 at 10:35 PM
I suggest you rename your blog to FOX SLH.
That way, you will be closer to your current journalistic principles. FOX TV sensationalism and FURS!
Posted by: James Kazan | December 06, 2007 at 03:25 AM
I don\'t understand this. Why does Tenshi think this is directed at her? Was it a slow news day?
According to one of the owners of that blog in the other post, they edited the original post some 7 hours before you even posted the first article. What is the problem with that?
This makes no sense.
Posted by: Chilly Leandros | December 06, 2007 at 04:21 PM
Where are you getting your Alexa number? They are 4,726,735. They are already under the 5 million mark on websites (not just blogs, by the way). Alexa says that.
Considering they have only around 40 posts or so, that's pretty good.
Posted by: Mazzy Starr | December 06, 2007 at 06:16 PM
Tenshi and I are not friend and sometimes her journalism leaves a bad taste in my mouth so my statements are not based on any friendship obligations. I discovered this particular blog when I was looking to show an article on the herald that Tenshi wrote to a friend. The blog that came up was pretty much all about Tenshi. Off and one since then, it seems that a majority of the postings on there are about Tenshi, her blog, her friend, and without her that 40 posts or so number would be not worth even noting.
Although it does not outright name Tenshi in words, if you go back to the older posts you will know that it is Tenshi that the statements are referring to and the readers of that blog know it as well. Pretending that it is not about her is being just plain ignorant. They seriously need to add a subtitle to this blog that read "The I-Hate-Tenshi Blog" because the amount of time they go out of their way to insult her is amazing.
Many of the blog entries exist merely as a bashing tool for anyone they do not like. The entire thread about The Quad and Ginny Talamasca was horrific, callous, and disrespectful. The comments that are intelligent get passed over or the commenter is told off for daring to have an intelligent response to the blog. I am still trying to understand why this blog is on the fashion feed when so far the most fashion they've covered was the above mentioned post about the Quad.
With so many issues that could be looked at with brutal honesty, I think focusing so much on Tenshi hurts any creditability they have.
Posted by: Not Tenshi's Friend But | December 06, 2007 at 07:36 PM
Good point, friend.
I wanted to check it out for myself. To be honest, I only saw maybe 8 posts that dealt with her, and those were due to comments left by her, which caused a firestorm.
I dunno, it may seem Tenshi heavy, but the articles maybe have three out of all of them that mention her by name. A good majority of the others have her posting in them 'taking the credit' (or bait, which would be pretty clever). When you have someone who oozes drama like Tenshi (see this excuse for an article that we are posting under for a prime example) it's an easy target for a blog that tends to expose big time drama.
The Ginny thing? Well, there's still a HUGE sanction of people who still don't buy it. Does it make it right? No, but at the same time, you'll be hard pressed to find someone to agree with everything there.
I think that's the point.
Posted by: Mazzy Starr | December 06, 2007 at 08:27 PM
What the fuck is wrong with you people? Most of your readers condemned your last stunt right here on Herald, and now you're back with more diatribe. Get a real life, or get laid or something. But for fucks sake, move on.
Posted by: Anon | December 07, 2007 at 10:33 AM
Hows this for irony? I wonder if Pixeleen has stiffed the Brutal Honesty folks on their fruit basket that they've earned?
Posted by: Shelley Sharpman | December 07, 2007 at 05:44 PM
LOL @ Shelley...
That is funny and true.
Posted by: Anon | December 08, 2007 at 10:57 AM
Shelly, if you only knew how hard it is to find a durian fruit backet right before christmas.
Dean and DeLuca cannot supply us with a stinkfruit basket at this time, and our sources in Singapore are hampered by the ban on taking durian on any form of mass transit. Are there any in-world sources for durian?
Posted by: pixeleen mistral | December 08, 2007 at 12:33 PM