Herald Paparazzi scores coveted shots of SL Fashionista, demands immediate payment
by Pixeleen Mistral, new media critic
Leading the race for dumbest fashionista in the metaverse is the Brutal Honesty blog, where "clever" Tina Travanti put a bounty out for anyone who produces “a real picture” of Tina’s favorite target to hate on - SL Herald staffer Tenshi Vielle. That was a really smart idea, Tina. Advocating cyberstalking inside SL - a TOS violation - or real life stalking - is your best shot at getting some fame. Try to be careful about the trail of slime you are trailing so you don't slide backwards. Fashion climbing by celebrity starfucking and cyberstalkering is a tricky path to the top.
Of course, Tina has reason to be desperate about her place in the blog-o-sphere - currently ranked 5,594,681 according to alexa.com. We’ll make it easy for you this time Tina - take a look at this real picture of Tenshi - and pay up now. You wouldn’t want to get a reputation as someone who does not keep her word, would you? We kept the screenshots of your blog - in case you are tempted to change your mind. If you are having problems understanding any of this, get someone to explain in small words how Tenshi is the one person who can get a real picture of Tenshi - without being a total creep.
Tenshi stalkers herself, takes her own picture, wins lame contest
And Tina? We had a Herald staff meeting a couple hours ago -- good luck for you! Uri, Tenshi, and I decided to help the less fortunate this holiday season, so we’ll give you a chance to buy a special discounted “starter ad for smalltimers” . It will be perfect for your little blog - you'll get linked to from the most essential newspaper in the metaverse - and raise your traffic ranking. It's not like it can get much lower, right?
You can even roleplay being successful like Celebrity Trollop and Stroker Serpentine - Herald advertisers that can afford our regular ad rates. But since you are so desperate - well - it just seems like a little bit of charity is in order. Who knows, maybe the babyfurs will decide they like your brand of brutally pathetic fashion coverage. You can talk to Tenshi about buying that ad when you pay her for her real picture.
If you cannot afford the starter ad, we can always take up a collection for you. I know plenty of people that would love to pay - if they get to decide what the ad says. That wouldn't be a problem for you, would it? Advocating cyberstalking and real life stalking is not "broadly offensive to the community" or anything, right?
I sort of like Brutal Honesty, even though they never stalk me (no one does anymore, *sniff*). Let's send them a nice fruit basket if this incident propels them into the top 5 million blogs.
Posted by: urizenus | December 02, 2007 at 09:50 PM
Posted by: roberta.beauchamp | December 02, 2007 at 10:24 PM
Uri, I think we can get them into the top 5 million with this - but will it last? That is always the question.
To level up further, they really need to buy a "smalltimer starter ad". It's perfect for the really desperate blogs who don't have any writing ability or things to say. For a few L$s you too can pretend to matter. Contact Tenshi Vielle for very attractive rates!
Posted by: pixeleen mistral | December 02, 2007 at 10:34 PM
Do my eyes decieve me? Is this sum trolling?
Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | December 02, 2007 at 10:41 PM
How amazingly childish.
Urizenus, does your university know what an utterly obnoxious twat you are in your spare time?
At least, I assume you're doing this in your "spare time", or at least your office hours. But, judging from the sad-ass quality of your scholarship, its certainly possible that you spend all your waking hours pursuing pathetic vendettas like this.
Posted by: Spankubux | December 02, 2007 at 10:51 PM
Do you have a link to where this Tina person posted the "bounty"? I see a link to the rather lame and dull blog, but I saw only a post for a photo contest, no mention of Tenshi.
Posted by: Allana Dion | December 02, 2007 at 11:12 PM
Childish or not...Ten, yer pretty damned hot. I say that in a non-stalkery creepy sorta way, kay.
Wanna go out for drinks?
Posted by: Verbena Pennyfeather | December 02, 2007 at 11:14 PM
omg VERBBIE! <3 <3 <3
Tina's "bounty" is no longer there - but we've got screenshots.
Posted by: Tenshi Vielle | December 02, 2007 at 11:22 PM
You might want to read over the comments here:
to get a sense of what is going on. Good to see that Tina and company went for Tenshi's trolling about calling the FBI - or was that trolling? We may never know for sure.
Dance around it as much as you like, but advocating this kind of stalking is just gross.
may I quote one of the comments to you? Sasy Scarborough said:
"My Concern, and I am sure a concern of many, is how would they be going about getting said "Real" photo ??? have you considered the consecquences of such a challenge ?...if you meant real as in finding her in SL and taking a pic with her in it then that is actualy SL stalking and abuse reports can be filed (and yes anyone being encouraged to track down a person to get them in a pic is just that ) and when money is involved people can tend to do more than they usualy or moraly would otherwise.
Then there is the other 'Real' option and that is absolute abuse, and I am sure not only would linden labs have issues with it but so would blogger and the authorities.
I do not know how long either of you have been online, and no I am not just talking about SL, I mean online chat in any form...the internet as anon as it allows many to be, means that people can abuse it, and not just commenting anon or playing silly alts games, but realy do some messed up things."
Posted by: pixeleen mistral | December 02, 2007 at 11:29 PM
I just looked over the Brutally Honest blog, and specifically the post in question, and I have to ask...Did you actually read the post?
Its a SL photo contest, and the rules are you have to purchase (for free) a t-shirt on SLExchange and pose wearing it. The best pose wins $7000 Linden.
Now, explain to me how one takes a pixeled shirt, and wear it RL and get a RL picture with it? It doesn't even mention Tenshi. Assume much? The top poster in the thread they reference isn't even Tenshi.
Reading is fundamental, folks. You only make yourselves look desperate for attention. And I found a new blog, so I suppose they didn't have to pay you for this free advertising. They get front page billing here. They certainly must be enjoying the irony of all this.
Posted by: Chris Henry | December 02, 2007 at 11:30 PM
See, it's the sweater, Tenshi. And the hair. Glasses too.
Actually screw the nonstalker talk. 5 billion VerBux bounty for anyone who produces more Tenshipix plz.
Posted by: Verbena Pennyfeather | December 02, 2007 at 11:47 PM
Verbena, I miss you! [email protected] :)
Posted by: Tenshi Vielle | December 02, 2007 at 11:49 PM
haha, they pulled the post. To bad you can't rewrite history on the interwebs. Shit u put up is there forever. Time to post those screenshots I guess.
"Urizenus, does your university know what an utterly obnoxious twat you are in your spare time?"
Hah, you should see how obnoxious I am at work!!!
Posted by: urizenus | December 02, 2007 at 11:53 PM
"Advocating cyberstalking inside SL - a TOS violation - or real life stalking - is your best shot at getting some fame"
Do you mean, how the Second Life Herald posts nice pictures with name and everything of unsuspecting babyfurs to get the PN to cause more drama, so you can get a higher ranking?
Well if it is against the TOS, I guess I'll have to send in a few AR's against you guys.
Posted by: DF | December 03, 2007 at 04:44 AM
Wow, I've fallen out of my chair now twice:
1) in shock that the Herald had an editorial meeting. My God, they must have been scraping the cobwebs off the conference room chairs for an hour before hand and had to use vinegar in the coffee urn to clean it out from the last editorial meeting that took place in 2003 I think
2) in even more shock that the um "editorial board" (eyeroll) decided to *gasp* protect one of their reporters from stalking and harassment by critics. Interesting, that. And illustrative of how selective, biased, and abusive the "editorial board" is at the end of the day, hanging some out to dry to be savaged, pilloring them in fake editorial and badly research news stories, and giving others the fete. All Hail the New FIC!
3) uh, isn't Tienshe running for president or something? So I guess this pours more water on her mill
As for Brutal Honesty, I noticed they were no. 2 in some sort of "social media" ranking that I think is probably a typical SL thing, "I rate my friends the highest". The Herald is completely missing from this top 100 of the social media ranking around SL.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 03, 2007 at 05:12 AM
Uri is proof that /b/tards aren't only childish, pathetic, acne ridden nerds in moms basement.
They're also childish, pathetic, balding professors.
Least the kids are smarter them mister Ludlow... they stay anon.
Of course he doesnt have to be afraid to be raided at work...
PN hardly attacks one of their own.
Posted by: blaaat | December 03, 2007 at 05:42 AM
"We kept the screenshots of your blog - in case you are tempted to change your mind."
Can you please post them for those of us who didn't see it?
Posted by: nimrod Yaffle | December 03, 2007 at 06:08 AM
How the fuck SL fashionistas find time to churn out clothes in between their drama I don't know.
Posted by: Nina A | December 03, 2007 at 07:08 AM
Tenshi - you're purdy. :)
Posted by: Apollonia | December 03, 2007 at 07:58 AM
Where do you see that they pulled the post? They got called on an error in judgment and edited the post accordingly without days and days of drama before admitting it was a bad idea. I know, bizarre, huh?!
Posted by: mj | December 03, 2007 at 08:04 AM
Tenshi, you've got a real Astrid Kirchherr thing going on there. I like it.
Posted by: Gideon Television | December 03, 2007 at 08:49 AM
The Babyfurs knew what they were getting into. It's not like SLH just randomly swooped in, snapped photos, and ran. Hell, queen babyfur herself "verified" the reporter was real.
What were you expecting, SLH to blur names and conduct everything anonymously, to protect the innocent. Ye olde interviewee should have asked for it...just like every time I've done an interview for SLH and and wanted to stay anon. They respect it.
Posted by: Verbena Pennyfeather | December 03, 2007 at 08:54 AM
It looks as if the 'offending' commentary was edited from the post approximately 6 hours or more before this post here on the Herald.
So, um, why is this such a big deal. As mj said, it was a bad error in judgement, or more likely a bad joke that people didn't get. It's clearly an online photo contest. Anyone who reads too deeply into that is clearly obsessed with them and themselves.
Posted by: Jimmy C | December 03, 2007 at 08:59 AM
So Tenshi's a "celebrity"? I thought celebs usually get to be celebs on some sort of merit, not just because they and their clique proclaim them to be one.
Is this just poetic justice or what, the head starfucker (you can see her starfucking Mr. I-play-both-sides Pennyfeather above for instance) being starfucked?
This is like watching a really lame high school (or college) B-movie, complete with the balding, overfed I-wanna-remain relevant-at-all-costs, creepy teacher/professor. So Pix and Tenshi are two out of three Heathers, where's the other one and who is Veronica? Prok??
Posted by: Pablo Cruisemissile | December 03, 2007 at 09:28 AM
Hey, I didn't even know who Verbena was until late, late last night! I just knew he was this awesome guy from the IRC channel. Don't be mean!
Posted by: Tenshi Vielle | December 03, 2007 at 10:00 AM
PS - Prok, don't be an ass. You know very well how to spell my name, so do it. Or I'm going to start calling you Porky.
Posted by: Tenshi Vielle | December 03, 2007 at 10:02 AM
Wow... Tenshi *IS* adorable. What was this article about again?
Posted by: Tharik Oyen | December 03, 2007 at 10:10 AM
"Hey, I didn't even know who Verbena was until late, late last night! I just knew he was this awesome guy from the IRC channel."
Now go shovel the driveway, and no lip!
Posted by: Pablo Cruisemissile | December 03, 2007 at 11:05 AM
"Wow... Tenshi *IS* adorable. What was this article about again?"
Sure, if your idea of adorable is a bulbous nose, baggy eyes, and hair that looks like it was cut by a chimp on LSD (or Uri on Viagra and Cristal).
Posted by: Pablo Cruisemissile | December 03, 2007 at 11:11 AM
oooh, you ARE a pain, Pablo.
Posted by: Tenshi Vielle | December 03, 2007 at 11:32 AM
Pablo: ?
What is your problem? If its attention you seek, go point your "cruismissile" into oncoming traffic.
Posted by: Tharik Oyen | December 03, 2007 at 11:37 AM
Judging from the comments so far, most of your readers seem to disagree with you on this.
The comment, although wildly inappropriate, stupid, and admittedly somewhat threatening, was clearly made in jest. And much more importantly, it was IMMEDIATELY retracted.
Pixeleen posted a critical comment about the affair, but neglected to acknowledge the author's answer, in which she admits fault and corrects herself:
"You know what Sasy, you are absolutely right.
The commment was written in the spirit of satire and I didn't think the online stalking issue through. I retract that category of bonus points from the contest, and won't approve any picture with her in it."
This article is far too gleefully snide and slanted to be worth real consideration. You should have focused on what they actually did wrong, which was big enough, rather than filling the sentences with taunts and nonsense about sl fame.
Posted by: Kitten Martynov | December 03, 2007 at 11:50 AM
Tenshi still look like a minor to me..... still.
Posted by: Nacon | December 03, 2007 at 12:20 PM
I'm about 80% convinced that Tenshi wrote this article and just asked Pixaleen to put her name to it. It's practically identical to the same stupid comments she makes about BH everywhere she can get someone to listen.
The alternative theory is that Pix is a sock puppet that took Tenshi's slant in total at face value without even bothering to insert her own ideas into the piece.
Either way, it's Tenshi talking here and that explains the need to insert snide comments and leave out essential parts of the story, such as it is.
The real fun is the part of the story where someone in comments is threatening BH with 'prison rape' and make sure that they know it's not a joke! And the part where Tenshi swears she called the FBI on them.
Posted by: mj | December 03, 2007 at 12:30 PM
After reading the following line, I coughed up coffee and almost fell out of my chair.
"you'll get linked to from the most essential newspaper in the metaverse"
I can't believe that the heads at SLH decided to spend the little credibility capital they have on Teshi. SLH is nothing more than the real world's verision of the National Enquirer. Sure you may get a bunch of traffic, but you also get a bunch of traffic from a car wreck, more cars the better.
Not to say that all the articles are crap, some are very well done and I enjoy reading them, however the vast majority are pure garbage. But that's the point, publish the ridiculous, create drama and add to the traffic count. Cha Ching
SLH is a multi-person blog, nothing more. Many times the comments are more interesting and informative than the actual "article" (posting). Metaverse Messenger is a newspaper, I'll reserve comment on whether it is the "most essential newspaper in the metaverse".
Posted by: Lloyd Wayne | December 03, 2007 at 01:00 PM
Kitten: You think that asking for RL pictures of me with a "special bonus prize" was only jest? I don't think so. Then again, I'm the one that was targeted... so my view of things might be "slanted".
Posted by: Tenshi Vielle | December 03, 2007 at 01:04 PM
Lolz this is so stupid. They both take themselves so seriously.
Posted by: fsgbsdbsdb | December 03, 2007 at 01:18 PM
Leonard, it's not as good as the National Enquirer, not by a long journalistic shot.
It used to be, but no longer. Rather than serving the news, it's now a self-serving group of individuals making, as you say, their own little blog. (None of whom apparently have any background in journalism at all.)
The news - loses. Bias - all over the place. Editorial voice - only for their friends. Integrity - none left.
Posted by: Cocoanut Koala | December 03, 2007 at 01:22 PM
...and people on here say SL military people are immature or stupid?! At least we KNOW it's a game!!
Also, SL fashion is a joke. It should be called "RL Fashion 10 years ago".
Posted by: SqueezeOne Pow | December 03, 2007 at 01:24 PM
Yay, a Verbena sighting! :)
Posted by: FlipperPA Peregrine | December 03, 2007 at 03:47 PM
"Pablo: ?
What is your problem? If its attention you seek, go point your "cruismissile" into oncoming traffic."
Defending an attention whore by calling me one. Classic! Who writes your material? Pauly Shore?
Yeah, I am such an attention whore that I use a pseudonym!
And buddy, only if you're in the front car of that oncoming traffic.
Posted by: Pablo Cruisemissile | December 03, 2007 at 04:19 PM
Pablo just prefers guys.
Tenshi, you're hot. ;)
Posted by: Kahni Poitier | December 03, 2007 at 05:34 PM
The problem is now you have given her a nice link to her blog to. The traffic you send her should help her Alexa rating which by the way simply measures the number of people with an Alexa toolbar installed.
Posted by: Panty King | December 03, 2007 at 06:09 PM
Didn't Tenshi apologize for this a long time ago? This article seems a step back in her road to drama recovery.
BH didn't even mention her by name. She just assumes this is all about her. I saw the original article, and nowhere did it say get a real life picture of her.
What's interesting? Them asking Brutally Honest to pay for advertising lice Celebrity Trollip, and yet, this post was posted 8 minutes after the 'paid' advertisement below it...knocking the spotlight value for an actual paid advertisement.
If I were paying for an ad, I'd be pissed that a stupid drama article was ahead of my paid ad.
Posted by: Wahhh | December 03, 2007 at 06:12 PM
I don't know about anyone else, but when I read the "real pictures" line, considering that the post was clearly made out to be an SL photo contest to begin with, I just assumed that they meant pictures of Tenshi's avatar. You know... none of the "copying Tenshi's shape for the contest" thing. Not that I'm condoning that kind of behavior (tracking Tenshi down to take a picture of her), and I'm all for a photo contest of some sort, being the avid photographer that I am; but in all honesty, as someone who is completely objective to the situation (seeing as how I have no idea of the history behind Tenshi and BH other than what I've read), I didn't see it as a threat to Tenshi in any way. It might've been a poor choice of words given the alleged audience, but I honestly don't think it was meant to be threatening.
Posted by: Ryker Beck | December 03, 2007 at 06:34 PM
Pretty sad to read this kind of muck on the Herald. I'm actually a tad disappointed in your folks. I'll keep checking in tho, because for the most part I enjoy your Second Life missives.
Posted by: Anon | December 03, 2007 at 06:38 PM
Well, prolly a guy before Tenshi, but that has nothing to do with my sexual preference, which happens to be hetero (I am sure that my wife is going to be amazed when I tell her that I like guys, because some phony ass-kisser on the net said so), but hey, don't let me rain on the parade of fakes who give fakey compliments to other fakes. What would SL be without a bunch of phony losers lying to each other about how wonderful and beautiful they are?
Post more fishing for compliments pics disguised as rants about other Tenshi-type bloggers please! That's what I find most sick of all aboutt this "article" - that this person you're ranting about is cut from the same cloth as Tenshi, the RL pic making fun of little girl wanna be important in the Metaverse based on nothing but my big mouth Tenshi.
This "publication" is a disgrace. I really never thought it could get worse than when you all indulged Prok's circular and haggard theories for years, but hey, the high school drama club is sure giving old Prokskaya a run for her money!
Posted by: Pablo Cruisemissile | December 03, 2007 at 07:11 PM
this article (I mean pile of feces) was a sad excuse for journalism.
God...I'm on Tenshi's side without even knowing her after reading your rabid article. I support Tenshi.
(Dear second life herald owner, please be a bit more professional with your writer designations, the current filth is an outrage)
Posted by: Jaclyn Cazalet | December 03, 2007 at 08:02 PM
You're gorgeous and all Tenshi, but I'm starting to feel like I walked into a minefield taking this job. Pix, throw me a flak jacket, the shrapnel is getting worse.
Posted by: Penny Sautereau | December 03, 2007 at 08:07 PM
Pixaleen Mistral...
I see wut you did thar
Posted by: Anon | December 03, 2007 at 08:13 PM