Why the Brutal Honesty blog cannot keep their mains clean
Ana Boogiewoogie sez: Amelia Abernathy = Tina Travanti & Elexor Matador = Lothian Utorid
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
I’ve been having a hard time writing this story - probably because it bothers me to see SL society descend to a level of nastiness that exceeds an overflowing cat litter box left fermenting in the sun next to a dumpster serving a French Quarter Gorean slave whore house. Should the payback for writing a story questioning the originality of an SL jewelry design be months of Brutal DisHonesty blog taunting capped off with a call for stalking? Apparently so, for anyone who frequents the SL fashion scene.
Maybe my problem is that I find it hard to justify supposedly upstanding, faux-friendly designers using internet sock puppets and secondlife-swiftboat blogs under alt accounts, when what is at stake is selling the pretend jewelry and clothes we dress our avatar dolls up with. The griefers keep reminding me that SL is serious business - enter at your own risk or GTFO. After over a year on the goon and griefer beat for the Herald, nothing really surprises me anymore - but I still get disgusted.
So - cut to the chase - earlier this week, the SL Herald’s iMojo wire was delivering a steady and credible stream of chatlogs from Ana Boogiewoogie suggesting that prim jewelry designers Amelia Abernathy and Elexor Matado are the “brains” running the über nasty Brutal Honesty blog as a beatdown vehicle to payback whomever they want to go after - while keeping their main accounts pristine, fresh, and clean. When contacted for comments prim jewelry designer Mr. Elexor Matador said, “Well, I'm not going to address it, to be honest. I've had enough drama over it for the last few days”.
But if these chatlogs are real, it is hard to believe the drama is over.
[2007/07/22 22:54] Ana Boogiewoogie: If you dun mind telling me your true indentity
[2007/07/22 22:54] Ana Boogiewoogie: lol
[2007/07/22 22:54] Ana Boogiewoogie: i'm curious
[2007/07/22 22:55] Tina Travanti: okay, but you can NOT tell
[2007/07/22 22:55] Ana Boogiewoogie: I never would
[2007/07/22 22:55] Ana Boogiewoogie: I hate Tenshi as much, if not more, than you do =P
[2007/07/22 22:55] Tina Travanti: or we can't keep havin' all this fun!
[2007/07/22 22:55] Tina Travanti: oh
[2007/07/22 22:55] Ana Boogiewoogie: Anyway to ruin her
[2007/07/22 22:55] Ana Boogiewoogie: is perfect for me.
[2007/07/22 22:55] Tina Travanti: lol
[2007/07/22 22:55] Tina Travanti: I'm Amelia Abernathy and Loth is Elexor Matador
[2007/07/22 22:55] Tina Travanti: omgm
[2007/07/22 22:55] Ana Boogiewoogie: Ah!
[2007/07/22 22:55] Tina Travanti: I told
[2007/07/22 22:55] Tina Travanti: lol
The story starts last spring - when Tenshi Vielle wrote an SL Herald story that noted surprising similarities between Elexor Matador’s jewelry and some RL Cartier designs. Claims of design copying and texture theft are endemic in the fashionista world, and most designers would have shrugged it off and moved on - but not Tina Travanti/Amelia Abernathy. And so Brutal Honesty was born.
[2007/07/22 22:56] Tina Travanti: ya Tenshi went after Lex and I just wanna KILL her
[2007/07/22 22:56] Ana Boogiewoogie: What happened there? I wasn't in the loop for very long lol
[2007/07/22 22:56] Tina Travanti: he made me a Cartier necklace I loved
[2007/07/22 22:57] Tina Travanti: we got so many compliments on the set...he made the earrings, bracelet and anklet from his own imagination
[2007/07/22 22:57] Tina Travanti: we named it the Himalia which is Cartier's TM
[2007/07/22 22:57] Tina Travanti: of course we didn't know it at the time
[2007/07/22 22:58] Tina Travanti: and she did this major blowup on us
[2007/07/22 22:58] Tina Travanti: and she's still harpin' on it
[2007/07/22 22:58] Ana Boogiewoogie: Oh booooo.
How much fun can attackAlt sockpuppeting be if you cannot brag on your exploits to a few confidants?
[2007/07/25 13:53] Amelia Abernathy: we were saying that Loth and Tina are gonna be more popular than Lex and Ame
[2007/07/25 13:53] Amelia Abernathy: lol
[2007/07/26 16:20] Ana Boogiewoogie: I need to get awau from my drama
[2007/07/26 16:20] Amelia Abernathy: lol
[2007/07/26 16:20] Amelia Abernathy: Lex and I live in a bubble
[2007/07/26 16:20] Amelia Abernathy: and venture out for drama as Tina and Loth
[2007/07/26 16:20] Amelia Abernathy: hahaha
[2007/07/28 21:31] Amelia Abernathy: we just did her
[2007/07/28 21:31] Ana Boogiewoogie: Really?
[2007/07/28 21:31] Amelia Abernathy: oh ya
[2007/07/28 21:31] Amelia Abernathy: seams r us
[2007/07/28 21:32] Amelia Abernathy: is all about her
[2007/07/28 21:32] Ana Boogiewoogie: Ohhh.
[2007/07/28 21:32] Ana Boogiewoogie: Well it doesn't have to be JUST her.
[2007/07/28 21:32] Amelia Abernathy: we'll have to plan it well
[2007/07/28 21:32] Amelia Abernathy: Tina just posted an article tonight on the Mercury store
[2007/07/28 21:32] Amelia Abernathy: lol
[2007/08/23 14:55] Amelia Abernathy: hahaha that blog is goin nuts!
[2007/08/23 14:55] Ana Boogiewoogie: which one?
[2007/08/23 14:56] Amelia Abernathy: the kid avie post on BH
[2007/08/23 14:56] Amelia Abernathy: I so love stirrin' the pot
We are sure to be reminded that it is possible to fake chatlogs, so I had a talk with Ana Boogiewoogie to enquire about her motivations, and see if she understood she is putting her own reputation on the line by coming forward.
Pixeleen Mistral: ok, so I understand you know who the Brutal Honesty bloggers main accounts in SL are, and my question is why come forward with this information now?
Ana Boogiewoogie: Well.. I had told their main account personal information about me.. And at first, I was so apprehensive about coming forward with it, that they would put out this info on me. But after they decided to try to pin the blame on me, I decided that it's either take the blame for it, or just deal with the backlash of my info being broadcasted.
Pixeleen Mistral: so Tina's main account is?
Ana Boogiewoogie: Amelia. Just like The Rag said.
Pixeleen Mistral: and Lothian?
Ana Boogiewoogie: Elexor. I know i'm going to get hassled either way. I just feel like it's time to do the right thing. I know everyone's gunna say my excuse for not coming forward is lame and whatnot, but i'd rather be harassed for that than to be harassed for knowing and not saying anything.
Pixeleen Mistral: well - people get to make mistakes, and then get to fix them, so I think you are very brave
Ana Boogiewoogie: And just to say this for the sake of saying this, I don't have a personal vendetta out for them, so this isn't just made up BS lol I have better things to do than type up a fake chatlog.
Pixeleen Mistral: well - maybe people will be a little nicer to each other after seeing all this
Ana Boogiewoogie: I hope so.
Pixeleen Mistral: its OK to disagree - but it does not have to get super nasty
Second Life doesn’t really have a storyline - or the organized quests and levels seen in more traditional PvP and grind-centric games - so serious SL players are left to their own devices in the search for entertainment and drama.
Over time certain rules of the game have grown up - and maintaining your reputation is important if you plan to keep playing. For those who's game is talking smack while running alt accounts, a certain level of circumspection is useful, right Amelia?
oh brother. It seems like Ana has a grudge. Anyone could have written these notecards, and there's nothing about Elexer except for an 'interview' question that I am sure she got paid for.
You guys love your drama, don't you?
Posted by: Here we go again | December 14, 2007 at 08:38 AM
oh stfu anon above me, everyone expects about 22342 billion comments to turn up like yours, so get over it already, if you don't like the herald and "drama" why read it? Moron.
Bravo, Ana for coming forward with some proof of something we've all known for a while anyway, if anyone doesn't want to admit it to themselvs, it's their own funeral.
Posted by: thankful | December 14, 2007 at 08:44 AM
Posted by: GreenLantern Excelsior | December 14, 2007 at 09:17 AM
It's all RP. The jewels, the outfits, the death threats. To us anyway.
Posted by: Nina A | December 14, 2007 at 09:31 AM
what grudge and who cares who told us the truth. After seeing their profiles, reading chat logs, comments on the rag, hearing so many people come fwd and matching their IPs to that of their alts, just drop the "it's a conspiracy" BS and take it as the fact it obviously is. especially after BH's blog post which made it extra obvious their guilty.
I'm surprised at the stupidity of what started all this. and while being petty and mean isn't something new in SL or the internet, BH took it much farther then anyone should. In my opinion and I think in a lot of other people's opinions. which is why a lot of us are finally glad to know the names we should avoid, and hopefully now that they have a small dose of their own medicine, the over-the-line-ugliness BH likes to shove down people's throats will come to an end.
Posted by: anon | December 14, 2007 at 09:48 AM
well said thankful!! And I agree thanks Ana for coming forward!!
Posted by: anon | December 14, 2007 at 09:51 AM
I am thankful as well towards Ana. Supporter #2. It's disgusting that adults who are (possibly) married w/ children would behave the way these 2 dillholes ("Lex" and "Ame" *gag*) have. Their 'partnership' borderlines on the obsessive psychotic and it's not healthy. They need to grow up and get some psychiatric help for their mental problems. Ana: you're a good person, don't let anyone ever tell you differently.
Posted by: tyAna | December 14, 2007 at 09:52 AM
[2007/07/22 22:55] Ana Boogiewoogie: I hate Tenshi as much, if not more, than you do =P
Your source is no better than they are.
Posted by: Mark | December 14, 2007 at 09:54 AM
Let me understand this (the fashionista drama goes over my head half the time):
1) Tenshi exposes these people for intellectual property theft (ripping a Cartier design)and reports the IP theft in the Herald.
2) They respond by creating alts, creating a blog run by their alts, and using it to orchestrate a hate campaign, encouraging real world stalking of Tenshi
3) Their real life stalking is reported to law enforcement authorities and here in the Herald
4) They respond by attempting to cover up that there was ever a stalking attempt, then
5) The Electric Sheep fire Tenshi "because she is controversial", which means what exactly? that if you work for the Sheep you should not expose intellectual property theft or report real life stalking and harassment to law enforcement authorities?
Do we have a statement from the Sheep on this?
Posted by: urizenus | December 14, 2007 at 10:03 AM
Yes they both have kids in RL and I beleive one of them at *least* is married yet they still managed to meet up and have "extra maritals"... how charming.
I don't know about Elexor, but Amelia is psychotic and I know a few people that could tell you why, anyone care to name and shame her other alts, I wish I could :(
Posted by: lovin' it | December 14, 2007 at 10:14 AM
Tenshi was fired from Electric Sheep??? Well at least something good came out of this.
Can we address the irony that it was TENSHI'S ALT WITH AN EQUALLY INSULTING AND ATTACKING BLOG (that wasn't as entertaining) that supposedly "scooped" this story? If it was wrong for BH, guess what? It was wrong for you idiot bitches too.
Do go and look up the definition of "irony", won't you?
Posted by: Anonymous | December 14, 2007 at 10:27 AM
It really wouldn't be so bad if these two didn't claim to have "talents". Elexors Jewelry is ok, if you like clunky and own a dog on a string. Amelias is the kind of stuff you'd find for $1 at the local hobo store, and that's only because they would be paying you to take it away from them to stop the pain of owning it any longer.
*pats Ana on the back* Good on you, girl. We knew it was coming anyway, you've just saved the non believers from either a) not believing anymore or b) a lifetime full or moronism if they don't believe it yet.
I know, i am no better than them for posting this, except I am... because I might be anon but i'm not a complete psychotic 80's throwback :)))
Posted by: notquiteahobo | December 14, 2007 at 10:53 AM
Everyone's better then those two!
1. we didn't start a blog
2. we don't get off on speaking ill of the dead
3. we don't act like assholes so damn often it requires a 2nd identity
4. we're not middle aged people who never grew up and should be spending that time teaching their kids NOT to grow up and act like amelia and elexor
Posted by: miaomiaomiao | December 14, 2007 at 11:04 AM
So what if Ana hates Tenshi. I'm sure she's not the only one who claims that. The thing is Ana has *NEVER* done have the psychotic BS that those 2 at BH have done. Not liking someone and saying it is one thing hell- even not liking someone and gossiping about them (such as: "Did you see what Tenshi wrote on her blog..LOL no taste" or whatever), not liking someone and creating an alternate just to harass/discredit someone is a mental problem. To the couple behind BH: Please do the world a favor (so you don't go Virginia Tech on anyone or possibly shoot people in a mall like that nutbag did recently) and get MEDICAL HELP for your mental problems. You are very very sick and you need help.
Posted by: WTFBBQ | December 14, 2007 at 11:13 AM
Uri raises some good points. If getting mixed up with the BH duo is a fireable offense at ESC, judging by recent activity in world and recent comments on the BH blog, they better take a good hard look at Simone.
Posted by: Observationista | December 14, 2007 at 11:18 AM
Now if we could just root out the identities of all the nasty anonymous commenters and string them up by thier ... uhh wait ... umm ... nevermind! :)
Posted by: Proudly Anonymous | December 14, 2007 at 11:20 AM
Um, hello where's my comment? I wrote before those last three, I'd like it published.
Posted by: Anonymous | December 14, 2007 at 11:22 AM
So how is this article that much different than what the two subjects (or targets) of this article? It sounds like a personal attack to try to discredit these people.
Regardless of if they need to be discredited the fact remains this is doing nothing positive to resolve the situation but is in fact prepetuating it. You are essentially playing at these people's level and are about as mature as them. This is also at a lower level than the SL military drama that has recently been reported on. At least THEY know it's a game...most of them anyway.
So shouldn't you guys be busy making tacky clothes from 10 years ago? Some of you have a family to ignore!
Posted by: DaveOner | December 14, 2007 at 11:49 AM
Someone in SL used alts and cover of anonymity to tell things and act in way they didn't want to have associated with their 'main' name? Shocking news, truly-
oh, wait.
Posted by: Joannah Cramer | December 14, 2007 at 11:59 AM
"5) The Electric Sheep fire Tenshi "because she is controversial", which means what exactly? that if you work for the Sheep you should not expose intellectual property theft or report real life stalking and harassment to law enforcement authorities?"
Tenshi is nearly as responsible for this crap as any of the rest of these freaks. She's is right there in the cattery with the rest of them. As we all know, she fired the first salvo.
I doubt it was these specific things Uri, it's probably more of a "Enough is enough" thing. No company wants an employee who goes out of her way to be catty and controversial in the public eye.
She is bad PR, plain and simple. And you guys shouldn't be encouraging her. You're just helping her make her second life more complicated.
There's a simple lesson here - don't shit on people because it will come back to roost on your own doorstep.
I am not in any way excusing what these tards are up to, but hey, if you're gonna roll in the gutters, you're gonna attract flies.
Posted by: Mark | December 14, 2007 at 12:08 PM
"So what if Ana hates Tenshi. I'm sure she's not the only one who claims that. The thing is Ana has *NEVER* done have the psychotic BS that those 2 at BH have done."
I am not talking about the fact that she hates her. She is being deceitful and manipulative. If you can't see that then I can't help you.
Posted by: Mark | December 14, 2007 at 12:12 PM
Tenshi got fired from Electric Sheep??? Well at least some good came out of this!
Can we all address the fact that it was TENSHI'S ALT ON HER OWN INSULTING/ATTACKING BLOG that supposedly "scooped" this story? Hey guess what! If it was wrong for them to create alts and write nastiness, it was WRONG FOR HER TOO. Duh.
So how about you spend some time with a dictionary, the word is "irony". How are you going to condemn a blog who's actions you COPIED?
Posted by: Anon | December 14, 2007 at 12:27 PM
Actually, I'd like to know what the Electric Sheep have to say about employing Simone Stern as well. For "not liking drama", Simone has been quite involved with all of this. Maybe they should go take a good hard look at their policies and start acting like a real grown up company. They're their own bad PR.
Posted by: Anonymous | December 14, 2007 at 12:43 PM
Since none of this can actually be proven, this whole post is rather pointless.
Posted by: Lucien Godenot | December 14, 2007 at 12:45 PM
"Actually, I'd like to know what the Electric Sheep have to say about employing Simone Stern as well. For "not liking drama", Simone has been quite involved with all of this. Maybe they should go take a good hard look at their policies and start acting like a real grown up company. They're their own bad PR."
Ironic that Simone even ended up with the Sheep when she is (or was) one of Prok's supporters with the whole FIC thing.
Posted by: Mark | December 14, 2007 at 01:04 PM
Hahahahaha...wait a minute...you guys are serious? I'm not really sure what the hell you people are talking about, but it sounds like a joke. I mean come on...are people really crazy enough to blog name-calling back and forth? don't you guys think its kinda creepy that you pay so much attention to each other? I bet you all secretly enjoy fucking with each other and that is the way you get your griefer lulz. It's all rumors and heresay that you can toss around. you guys should get an MTV reality show or something.
Posted by: foxcutter | December 14, 2007 at 01:26 PM
Tinmelia's tactics? They amassed a bunch of sycophants and blind haters of Tenshi (not a hard thing to do) having essentially wooed them to their side using lies (we're just ordinary shoppers, we're not alts, we're friends of the people!), scandal, and attacks on Tenshi. Even the tips they got on thieves were from well-meaning people, not out of the goodness of their black hearts, and used to attract even more of a loyal readerbase. Just before you dismiss this as fashionista drama, remember their blog was getting hundreds of hits and ranked up there with Torley Linden's blog.
[2007/07/28 21:32] Ana Boogiewoogie: Well it doesn't have to be JUST her.
[2007/07/28 21:32] Amelia Abernathy: we'll have to plan it well
Casualities in their goal of downing Tenshi:
Ripped on Starley's skins (nice objective review...not) http://brutalhonestysl.blogspot.com/2007/07/skins-skinned-skins-just-downright.html
Encouraged bile against the Quad and their fans, fanned the flames of drama surrounding Ginny's death http://brutalhonestysl.blogspot.com/2007/11/four-for-road.html
Their neighbours in their own sim, Bali Hai http://brutalhonestysl.blogspot.com/2007/08/magical-mystikal-tour.html
Various designers and fashion personalities using the Brutal Awards (with 'overhyped' and 'worst' categories). http://brutalhonestysl.blogspot.com/2007/10/results-are-in.html
Once they'd reached critical mass by gutting people on their blog they started going all out on Tenshi. It backfired on them, since Tenshi and people who had reason to see them go down began hunting. So something good came from all their shit-stirring after all, though one wonders why they had to commit all this ugliness anyway.
And shut up Anon 12:27 you BH-loving piece of fecal matter. It wasn't just Tenshi who brought them down. You members of the Tenshi Fanclub give her too much credit. So long as there are people like you morons like Bush are capable of winning elections.
Lucien: They also have IP proof matching Amelia and Tina's ips, that many people have seen. Elexor also shut down his blog (way to prove the suspicions people have about you) but here is the Google cache of Amelia's last post: http://www.freewebs.com/tinmelia/search.htm Note the third comment.
Posted by: Angry Ant | December 14, 2007 at 01:27 PM
"The Electric Sheep fire Tenshi "because she is controversial", which means what exactly?"
I'd say it means you buried the lead. Explains the delay - hold off on the *gasp* shocker to time it to minimize this part of the story which is actually much more significant than catty gossip, if less *gasp* shocking. :)
Posted by: Morgana Fillion | December 14, 2007 at 01:38 PM
I don't normally condone things like this, but Amelia was IM'ing SCD and Herald people last night to beg them not to go forward with the article. Here's the chatlog:
[2007/12/12 21:00] Amelia Abernathy: please, please beg Pixeleen not to run the story
My only response was that I would show her all the mercy and respect she showed me and be a better person than her. And because of that, I'm posting that chatlog and laugh-clapping like a five-year-old. Love you, Ame! Hope you burn in Hell! BFF4E!!!
Posted by: Iris Seale | December 14, 2007 at 01:39 PM
Tenshi was "let go" from ESC along with countless others of us when the CSI project was starting to wrap up. She was never a full time employee with them as far as I know. That's it, that's all.
Posted by: YOINK | December 14, 2007 at 01:46 PM
I didn't really care who the hell wrote what until they turned on their own supposed "friends" that really put my back up, especially when they were being all nicey nicey to their faces, hypocritcal twats.
I hope a lesson is learnt in this that no matter what you do, or how well you think you're hiding it, you can always be found out. Especially if you are dumb enough to not even try and sound like a different person.
Karma is such a bitch and so many people have been betrayed with this, I hope Elexor and Amelia are prepared for a lot of boot licking.
As for the Tenshi thing, Tenshi has never bothered me, there are tons of people more dramatic out there and at least she admits her mistakes, now if Elexor and Amelia come forward and do the same, maybe just maybe people will cut them a bit of slack.
Oh a bit of this post was sarcasm by the way, can you guess which bit?! ;)
Posted by: Anon #392 | December 14, 2007 at 01:46 PM
Ok let's rip this all apart just a bit.
1. This whole issue was originally divulged by Tenshi...opps, I mean Pierre...citing evidence of IP addresses. People wanted proof of said IPs and the proof was never provided. So now out of no where there is no mention of IPs and its now a chat logged conversation. Which, by the way, holds even less water than the 'IP claim' that no one could prove.
2. This supposed 'chatlog' was released by Ana B. Umm...Ana is a drama monger. She is known to run around the blogosphere posting comments that are controversial or 'against the grain' in nearly every comment. And we all know that bad publicity is still publicity. You just lost another 10 points of credibility off of your story.
3. Ana's proof is a chatlog. I think we've already established these can easily be made up. And considering the source...
4. Now lets just assume that the chat log is real. Anyone who has ever read Brutal Honesty knows that there is sarcasm leaking from nearly every line written. INCLUDING the photo of Tenshi thing that you morons blew up into a 'stalker situation'. So assuming the convo was real, do you really think that Tina would honestly tell Ana (whom she isn't exactly best friends with) the truth? How thick are you people? If I was constantly being harrassed that I had an alt when I didn't or that my alt was so and so when it wasn't I'd prolly just tell everyone I was Bill Gates. Does that make it true? NO geniuses.
5. You guys are saying that Tenshi shouldn't be fired because she 'exposed' injustice. Umm...she 'exposed' a blog of supposed alts who post about controversial issues that others don't have the guts to post about by ALSO starting her own blog under an alternate name that posts about controversial issues that others dont have the guts to post about. AND she supposedly 'exposed' content theft?? HAHAHAHA. DID you somehow miss the article she wrote where she was praising content theft? Stating that a particular designer who STOLE and RECREATED exact copies of Chanel jewelry (including the logo) and was SELLING them for profit was 'doing it the right way' because they admitted on the ad it was an original Chanel piece. See any flaws in your logic yet?
6.Those who are saying Simone should be fired to....huh? I don't remember seeing Simone create a random blog under an alternate name to flame and berate others. Lets not forget that its NOT ONLY BH that 'Pierre and Guiles' (*cough* Tenshi) ripped into. 'They' also managed to attack Minnu skins, Skin Within, Scarlett Niven, AND Celestial Studios and Last Call. BEFORE Tenshi supposedly 'exposed' their alts she too was discrediting designers as an alt people. The Rag was NOT created with the intentions to expose anyone. Suer she claims it was in a round about way in the 'closing post'. But did you forget it was around months BEFORE this whole thing? Tenshi was attempting to make another sarcastic blog hoping it would blow BH out of the water and it didn't. Suddenly Tenshi and idiots scream that BH suggests stalking her and not thats the point of that blog? Ummm.....the logic just gained an even bigger hole.
7. Those laughing about this blog (and others) tracking IPs....don't worry. They probably are trying to track down as many anonymous posters as they possibly can like the Nazi's they are. In this world we have freedom of anonimity...and for good reason. Idiots like you all track down and try to smash anyone who doesn't think like you.Nazi much? So the next time you try to cite 'freedom of speech' or go to a voting booth to vote for the next US president when elections come up again, just turn around and walk away. Nazi's. If you do live in the US, you don't deserve to. We believe in freedom over here. Nazi's.
Posted by: Anonymous | December 14, 2007 at 01:52 PM
The only positive result of this drama is that it proves that the characters involved are in fact women in RL. Very typical of the feminine nature.... :)
Posted by: Lao-Tzu | December 14, 2007 at 01:53 PM
I do hope you guys are aware that the amount of insults you send to me is directly proportional to how damaging my point of view is to you. Yeah, actually, that blog WAS just Tenshi, and all my questions remain valid.
Anonymous, hate-spewing blogs are irrelevant and wrong right? So no-one should be paying any attention to "the Rag" either. You can't condemn someone for using the same tactics that YOU YOURSELF EMPLOY. And herein lies the idiocy of this article.
Posted by: Anon | December 14, 2007 at 01:58 PM
It's time to drop the ridiculous Tenshi fixation and actually look at the evidence.
Is there some concrete evidence that The Rag is run by Tenshi herself that I'm not aware of? Because there seems to be two very different standards of proof in play here.
On one hand you have many people just assuming that The Rag is run by an alt of Tenshi herself. Some say it's friends of Tenshi. There is no proof either way. Just innuendo. If someone has some proof, please bring it forward and show it. And you know what? It's probably safe to say that somehow The Rag is connected to her. So what? It doesn't matter. Whinging about Tenshi doesn't change any of the other facts.
As far as the identity of the BH people is concerned, we have matching IPs for Tina and Amelia - not just once, but repeatedly. It's ridiculous to dismiss this because it's assumed to be "from Tenshi" or because confirmation comes from "one of the quad members". Tina was obviously careless, and it doesn't matter who pieced it together, it still happened.
Now we have Ana coming forward, risking her own reputation and bringing forth new, damning evidence. Then, while not proving anything, you have an odd sequence of events, with Amelia's carefully worded denial: (http://www.freewebs.com/tinmelia/search.htm), Elexor's smug silence, and Loth and Tina having to send Lizbeth Darcy out to post their own denial. Not to mention the closing of Elexor's blog. It's turned into a circus as they scramble to respond and try to find a way to maintain their reputations.
The bottom line: Tina screwed up and used the same IP, not once, but multiple times. Oops. Now it's just piling on. They're obviously embarassed, and never wanted these alts to be revealed, and as a result, they keep digging themselves a deeper hole.
People give Tenshi far too much credit, as if she orchestrates every bit of drama in SL. This is far bigger than Tenshi, and people need to look at it independently of that. Tenshi can be a vindictive bitch? Newsflash...everyone knows that already. The clusterfuck that was Brutal Honesty far exceeds anything she's ever done. Granted, she was hard to top, but we finally found the right people for the job.
Congrats to The Rag, The Herald, Ana, Starley, and eveyone else who helped out the two biggest assholes in SL. Going after someone who just died? We're waaaaay past Tenshi here.
*Hands Elexor and Amelia "Biggest Douche in the Universe" awards*
Posted by: LowRes Althouse | December 14, 2007 at 02:08 PM
To the stupid idiot posting the same comment all over the blogosphere:
Posted by: OMFGSTFU | December 14, 2007 at 02:21 PM
"Anyone who has ever read Brutal Honesty knows that there is sarcasm leaking from nearly every line written."
Low-brow sarcasm from people who can't write a good rebuttal to save themselves without resorting to "Thanks for playing" or "sheep". Their lack of intelligence was as much a capital sin as their nastiness.
"Idiots like you all track down and try to smash anyone who doesn't think like you."
Um, no, but it's well within the right of people to hunt down a pair of slanderers who may be harming their reputations and sales for no reason other than to advance their own ends (forget about the 'right of the public to know', they were just using their alts as masks to slander and mudsling). No thought-policing there, nice try to make it look like a censorship issue, but the public does not bite.
Anti-BH squad: *presents evidence*
Tenshi BFF club: No, you're Tenshi's goons, you're evil and cannot be trusted.
Anti-BH squad: *presents even MORE evidence*
Tenshi BFF club: Tenshi did this! She is the Antichrist! I will not believe it!
*eyerolls* Go on being blind, we can't help you there.
[2007/12/12 21:00] Amelia Abernathy: please, please beg Pixeleen not to run the story
Posted by: anonymous | December 14, 2007 at 02:36 PM
OH MY GOD! Amelia Abertwatty and Elexor Twatador won the biggest douche award?!
Ah, who am I to argue, tis well deserved.
*golf clap*
Posted by: agolfer | December 14, 2007 at 02:43 PM
Wait, so Tenshi exposed sockpuppets through her own sockpuppet? Dude, this is THE BEST DRAMA EVER!
Posted by: Chav Paderborn | December 14, 2007 at 02:44 PM
@ Angry Ant -
..."we" have matching IPs for Tina and Amelia...
Oh do we? Hi, Tenshi! *waves*
Posted by: Anonymous | December 14, 2007 at 02:49 PM
oh. my. gawd.
ok, i give up. i am urizenus' alt.
Posted by: marilyn murphy | December 14, 2007 at 03:17 PM
I still can't understand why these hags are hatin' on our Tenshi.
But because she's at the center of the storm, she's becoming one of the best-known names (and RL faces) in Second Life. Can her own jewelry line be far behind? Let's start brainstorming tag lines that differentiate her from these Cartier knockoffs. "Own a true original. Own a Tenshi." "Everyone notices when Tenshi is hanging on your neck."
Posted by: Wendell Holmer | December 14, 2007 at 03:18 PM
@ Angry Ant -
"..."we" have matching IPs for Tina and Amelia...
Oh do we? Hi, Tenshi! *waves* "
Thanks for misquoting me dramatard Anon 2:49. That line was from Lowres' post. Goes to show just how smart you BH apologists (and Tenshi-fixated loons) are. FYI, I'm not Tenshi, but to you everyone out to humble BH is, so we should all wear Tenshi masks and stand at the bombing of Parliament, like that scene in V for Vendetta, maybe that'd make your wildest neurotic dreams come true.
Posted by: Angry Ant | December 14, 2007 at 03:29 PM
Isn't it sad when one doesn't own up to their mistakes and blames others resulting hardships, whether real or perceived? Instead of owning up to the similarities between their product and Cartier's, in their own minds, Elexor/Lothian and Amelia/Trina have demonized the person who brought to public attention what was already buzzing in social circles. It wasn't that big a deal in the first place. Many SL creators have done the same and are open about their real life inspirations and reference points for in-world design, including the outspoken elka Lehane. A simple "Oops! This was our oversight" blog post from the EMJ camp would have put an end to the entire issue. Apparently, its easier to give in to one's own self-aggrandizing delusions and orchestrate the largest vulture-fest thus far in SL history.
Instead, it seems, pride, arrogance and ego has once again led to downfall. Doesn't anyone read and retain Shakespeare anymore? Much more has been lost than a few sales from the Himalia incident. Through the malicious and destructive actions of Lothian and Trina who have now been linked to their main accounts and Elexor and Amelia stand to lose much more than a few sales (which are never guaranteed in the first place) - respect from peers, customers and friends. Was it worth it?
I was personally disgusted by the activity over on the BH blog surrounding Ginny Talamasca's death. While other bloggers who had speculated about the reason of the closing retracted or removed previous statements when information on the death became public Lothian and Trina refused to act with diplomacy and continued to stir the pot, encouraging the other bottom feeders to congregate. Despicable behaviour.
All this backdraft can be covered by a simple word: karma.
"Ego is the biggest enemy of humans." -- Rig Veda
Posted by: Nondescript Personality | December 14, 2007 at 03:34 PM
Nondescript and LowRez: AMEN.
They are indeed douchbags. Spend your money elsewhere.
Posted by: AMEN | December 14, 2007 at 04:34 PM
Let us not forget that both of them tried to use their main av's contacts to find out what happened to "the quad" when their closure posts went up.
Disgusting indeed, shame on you both.
Posted by: Anonymous | December 14, 2007 at 05:09 PM
Awwwwwwww poor Elexor's hiding from his friends. sniff.
Posted by: Anonymous | December 14, 2007 at 06:26 PM
Hey, watch out - they've got new alts again. Chriss Kondor and Tinelia Troglodite. Fitting names. Created 12/10 and 12/12.
Posted by: Anonymous | December 14, 2007 at 06:35 PM
*looks at their profiles and splits her sides laughing*
Anonymous 6:35 they're obviously not-so-subtle jabs at Amelia and Elexor, what kind of alt would they be to be the "Wacko Wenches from Hell" group? "Lothexor is my Fucktoy?" Ummmmmyeahhhh...very indicative of their being alts of the Dastardly Duo.
Whoever it is, they must be having a lot of fun at A&E's expense right now.
Posted by: Angry Ant | December 14, 2007 at 07:10 PM
Ummmm... No, it looks to me like maybe this article has finally shoved them over the precipice and right off the deep end. Knowing them, they probably think it's "satire", but it sure looks like "psycho".
Posted by: Disturbed | December 14, 2007 at 07:36 PM