Justice League Unlimited declares Green Lantern Core founder an enemy of the state
by Nikola Shirakawa
“Cid is way too friendly with people who are morally dubious despite his holier than thou attitude” -Kara Foley
Stunning news from an early December Justice League Unlimited meeting. In a shocking turn of events, Cid Jacobs, the founder of the Green Lantern Core, an anti-griefer group with a long history of good service, and great conduct, has been labeled a hostile by Kalel Venkman’s Justice League Unlimited anti-griefer group. Among the reasons for this new label?
“He hangs out with Nikola Shirakawa and doesn’t seem to think that the RL raid on my house was really griefing.” -Kalel Venkman
That’s right, because Cid Jacobs was friendly to Tizzers Foxchase - somebody Kalel and his flock doesn’t like - Cid is now an enemy. What does this mean to Second Life at large? Well, you’d better be double checking those friends lists, because if you’re caught talking to somebody on the JLU hit list, you just might find yourself labeled a griefer.
As to the RL “raid” on Kalel Venkman's house? Tizzers Foxchase and some other /b/tards that happen to live close to Kalel in real life, decided on Halloween to knock on Kalel's door while in costume and trick-or-treating. That’s it. They knocked on his door like any other trick-or-treaters, but what was the proper punishment for this heinous crime?
Tizzers was suspended from Second Life for two weeks, for “disclosure”. A two week suspension for trick or treating in RL was news to me - I didn’t know Linden Lab’s rules extended into real life. Perhaps when the exalted Kalel Venkman is involved, the rules suddenly change - or Kalel knows how to say the magic words that cloud some Lindens' minds .
How could we describe activity like that? Hmm, Kalel seems to be growing excessively paranoid, and close-minded. He is doing everything in his power to make the grid bow to his control. What kind of word would you suggest, Kalel?
“Cid’s been a bit erratic lately.” -Kalel Venkman
Erratic. That’s a pretty good word. Anyone else agree?
“Erratic describes him well.” -Sen Pixie
Well, then that is the perfect word. Erratic. Bur are you applying that label to the wrong person?
The next time you find yourself considering the JLU, recall that someone with as spotless a record as Cid Jacobs could find themselves to be branded “a known associate of traitor Nikola Shirakawa and griefer/stalker Tizzers Foxchase. Should be considered extremely hostile to the JLU".
On a final note, what would you consider the bigger example of stalking? Trick-or-treating in a peaceful and legal manner -or- posting photos on the Internet, IP address information, and calling Internet service providers in an attempt to get someone's service cancelled, and threatening to call a certain student's university to get them thrown out of college?
Who are the real stalkers?
Depends, who did the IP tracing?
Posted by: lolwut | December 31, 2007 at 10:36 AM
Posted by: Witness X | December 31, 2007 at 11:22 AM
(1) The GLC does not have a long history of good service. In fact it is mostly useless. About the only thing they have ever done is build power rings, and even then, the JLU developed similar tech in a fraction of the time. All their really good members that I'm aware of.... are also in the JLU. The rest are either idle (like most) or more interested in drama than protecting SL residents (Cid...)
(2) The dislike of Cid amongst the JLU and other members of the security community is unrelated to his relationship with Tizzers. I've previously heard several complaints (dating back many months) against Cid, some of which are pretty serious. However, I've never heard of the Tizzers stuff until today. If it mattered, I'd know about it by now.
(3) The co-founder of the JLU, Kara Timtam, has been given a RL death threat by one PN. Other PN have discussed raiding Kalel's actual house. Turning up on Kalel's door was at the very least profoundly poor judgement on Tizzers' part. Frankly, it seems more like harassment than an innocent prank. Why did they do it, if not to harass Kalel? They KNEW they were NOT welcome there... so why did they go? To cause trouble and harass Kalel, of course. What other explanation could there be?
(4) Kalel certainly does not have the power to bend Lindens to his will. MANY people have tried to do so in the past - even people like Anshe Chung have been told point blank that even with all their money invested in SL, they still do not get a say in how SL is run by LL. The idea that Kalel would have got such influence, when people FAR more important than him have tried and failed to get it in the past, is laughable. Have you ever tried to actually DEAL with the Lindens yourself? Try it. You'll quickly find that no amount of sweet words will turn them to your way of thinking. They have already made up their minds about pretty much everything, and while they pretend to care what we think, they are not interested in changing their plans merely due to our requests.
(5) Cid doesn't have a spotless record. Not even close. The fact you think so simply means you aren't aware of all the facts.
(6) Uh, aren't you harassing Kalel and the JLU by posting this? Just because you feel oh-so-entitled to whine doesn't make what you do any less harassing.
(7) You're definitely stalking Kalel. You're hounding him around the internet, attempting to attack his reputation at every turn, and using the Herald (a newspaper of eminently questionable ethics and reputation) to do so.
(8) Which is more like stalking? Complaining about illegal conduct using legal channels, or stalking someone to their home? Which is more like stalking, conducting yourself with reserve and often refusing to be drawn into flame wars... or going out of your way to harass specific people in public?
Nikola Shirakawa, it is time you grew up, moved on, and stopped trying to play to the already rather paranoid and ill-informed Herald readership. I know that the Herald is the primary place where drama-whores with an axe to grind love to air their dirty laundry, but come on... even you must eventually get tired of this. Let go your personal beef with Kalel for having the audacity to make hard choices which you don't understand, and get a life.
Take up knitting or something. It would do you a world of good.
I'm not, nor have I ever been, a JLU member. So, I must admit that I am not privy to everything that goes on there. However, I am sure that through sources I know more than you. I've been watching this sad saga unfold, and I am certain that you do yourself no favors by continuing to pursue it. The people who matter know that the JLU and Kalel are trying to do the right thing in difficult times. They also know you are someone who appears to have no life except that dedicated to stirring up pointless drama based on false information.
Posted by: WitnessX | December 31, 2007 at 11:26 AM
Also, IP address is a useless thing to get unless you're going to steal all his megahertz like the leet haxxor you are.
Posted by: FrizzleFry101 | December 31, 2007 at 11:32 AM
Paranoia: the belief that someone cares
Posted by: BrickTamland | December 31, 2007 at 11:48 AM
This "JLU" militia has quite an irritating propensity to jump at shadows. Though frankly, it's no surprise to me that some personality cult with a purported "security" agenda actually manifests itself as a terrorist organization that only exists to enforce adherence to whatever portions of the status quo that their leader deems worthy. At the risk of confirming Godwin's rule, might I suggest that this tendency to filter the reality of Second Life, deem certain portions of it good and wholesome without any sort of basis, and blame one particular collection of people (primarily consisting of college students and incidental mutual friends) for all the troubles of our little virtual universe reminds me of certain political parties of the not-so-distant past. The JLU displays all the hallmarks of an illegal mob: covert eavesdropping, outright espionage, secret secure communications devices, tacit support from the arm of Second Life that seems to be the best analogue of a real-world government, and most of all, what seems to be a feeling that they can operate with total impunity. Their modus operandi evidently includes everything from conspiracy to deliberate assassination of the virtual reputations of other individuals. Their supposed mission appears to be completely distorted and corrupted by this pathological, all-consuming paranoia: now someone who appears to have precisely the same agenda as them, but perhaps without this strange afflication, lies in the crosshairs. The JLU has gone too far this time, though frankly I'm not surprised, as they've gone too far at least a few times in the past. Is this really about preventing griefing at all, or is it simply a petty grab for power? I doubt that this situation is the visible consequence of either possibility. It seems more likely to be the realization of an imaginary battle between good and evil forced that never really existed, repeating over and over again in a single, deeply troubled mind.
Posted by: Warren Flanagan | December 31, 2007 at 12:13 PM
Bah! I know both of these 'griefers' well, these are the people that bring me back to SL day after day. Cid Jacobs is friendly with most people as long as they are not complete assholes....guess why he doesn't care for the JLU? Tizzers is the same way, she has always been decent to me and the random noob that we happen across. As to the real life 'raid', Tizzers lives in the same area as Kalel (allegedly I might add, no disclosure from me ;D) and happened to accidentally trick-or-treat at his house. What's the big deal? Did Tizzers go nuts and toiletpaper his yard? Did she spray paint his house? No, she merely asked for candy...OMG!I'd definitely call that a raid! If anyone cares to know, the candy being disbursed were Skittles. <3
Posted by: Cam Mitchell | December 31, 2007 at 12:27 PM
Paranoia: the belief that someone cares
Posted by: BrickTamland | December 31, 2007 at 01:28 PM
"The next time you find yourself considering the JLU"
Well, here's your mistake. Most of us DON'T consider the JLU. They're over privileged and bored youth who cure that boredom by bugging each other and others.
Get over yourselves, you silly cops n' robbers playing kids.
And cry me a river author. If you're going to be friendly with assholes who grief others, you're gonna get scrutinised yourself. It's well known that Tizzers griefs and supports other griefers. All the laughing up sleeves in the world isn't going to obscure that fact.
You can cry all day about guilt by association being wrong, and it probably is ON PAPER, but it's just not how the world really works.
Posted by: Trudeethreedee | December 31, 2007 at 02:54 PM
Hmmm... if you're an ex-member of the JLU as noted in your previous rants, um, er, articles, how the heck do you know what goes on in their private meetings? Sounds made up to me. You got a grudge or something?
Posted by: A-Non-E-Moose | December 31, 2007 at 03:04 PM
Haha Drama queens.
Shit, I'm starting to sound like a channer, but WTF I can just see this...
"He did it"
"Did not"
"Did too"
"Nu uh, you were worse"
"Shut up poopy head"
"You are the poopy head"
"Am not"
"Are too"
Posted by: Angel | December 31, 2007 at 03:33 PM
Good article. Kalel can dish it but he can't take it - even if "it" is a few pranksters harmlessly Trick-or-treating at one of their favorite internet superheroes' house.
Posted by: anon1 | December 31, 2007 at 03:36 PM
I'm sorry...... how old are you anyway?
(Go ban yourself, minors.)
Posted by: Nacon | December 31, 2007 at 03:42 PM
Glad to hear Tizzers was suspended for disclosure, as she engages in it constantly. It's a pattern.
The Lindens don't suspend people for actions in RL, they suspend them for SL, and there was plenty on her record already.
Showing up at someone's house in RL is creepy and offensive -- and could be a criminal offense. It's like the creepy stalker Joshua Nightshade. Normal people don't get their kicks by stalking other people.
Nikola Shirakawa has long been a bad actor.
I'm disappointed in Cid Jacobs, as his door script was a community service, and in the past, he was helpful to newbies. But befriending known griefers in SL *is* immoral, and it has to have consequences.
Apparently what happened to Cid Jacobs is like what happened to Intlibber Brautigan: Tizzers and the other Woodbury goons kept working their wiles on them, trying to appeal to their vanity and flatter as anti-griefers, and convince them that by entering into regular contact and even friendly relations, that they would help control griefing. Nothing of the sort. They merely fell victim to it and helped perpetuate.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 31, 2007 at 04:51 PM
Way I heard the story, Cam, this Tizzers and friends drove like an hour out of their way directly to this guy's house dressed in PN outfits (whatever those are), asked for this Kalel guy by his RL name, spooked his wife, and then got in their car and drove back to whatever suburban hellhole it is they raise lil' bastards like Tizz. I don't know where this "happened to accidentally trick-or-treat at his house" spin comes from.
If it looks like stalking and sounds like stalking and is planned like stalking, I'm guessing its STALKING.
Posted by: A-Non-E-Moose | December 31, 2007 at 05:22 PM
Yeah, I herd Kalel and Angel kicked Intlibber from Proactive Security cause he wouldn't tell em who the other /b/tards were. If anybody committed disclosure worth banning, it was Kalel who connected Tizzers account with a real world person and then made real death threats against that person. Thats permabannable behavior for anybody else but apparently Kalel is immune, cause Angel's got his back with LL. Who needs the truth when lies work better? Angel gets the gay mafia to ban anybody he doesn't like without reason.
Posted by: Spandex Spaz | December 31, 2007 at 06:13 PM
Prok, next time you slander someone, you should be prepared to legally back it up.
Tizzers Foxchase and her "goons" have put more PN alts on banlink than ANYBODY involved in SLBanlink in the past months since she, Windowlic Klaar, and one other have become banlink mods for BNT. The recent drops in griefing can be credited to them and their hard work, at least in part. Their responsible, mature, and non-abusive work in banlink has as a result grossly embarassed Kalel Venkman and Angel Fluffy, as they had previously insisted that these persons were dedicated PN who were irredeemable. Well, neither Angel nor Kalel has the maturity to admit they were wrong, but I'm not surprised they are conducting witch hunts against others who have admitted they were wrong about Tizzers & company. Next we should be seeing a wholesale exodus of people from Proactive Security who are getting tired of Angel & Kalels big brother tactics, getting people they dont like banned from SL, and smearing those they are unable to ban, like Yiffy Yaffle has been treated.
Posted by: IntLibber Brautigan | December 31, 2007 at 06:23 PM
WitnessX, everybody knows you are Kalel Venkman, so cut the bawwing.
Posted by: Witness Y | December 31, 2007 at 06:24 PM
*listens to "The Outsider" by A Perfect Circle and thinks of Prok*
Pix and I agree, it's her theme song. Go download it, you'll all agree.
Posted by: Penny Sautereau | December 31, 2007 at 08:06 PM
"Apparently what happened to Cid Jacobs is like what happened to Intlibber Brautigan: Tizzers and the other Woodbury goons kept working their wiles on them, trying to appeal to their vanity and flatter as anti-griefers, and convince them that by entering into regular contact and even friendly relations, that they would help control griefing. Nothing of the sort. They merely fell victim to it and helped perpetuate."
Wow...Prok made a good point *waits for the universe to implode on itself*
"WitnessX, everybody knows you are Kalel Venkman, so cut the bawwing."
Ok PN/b/tard/anon. It's been stated time and time again that Witness X is more than one person. Hell, even you PN/b/tard/anon types use the name yourselves when it suits your fancy.
As for you Intlibber. You're exactly like Nikola. You're just ticked that you got kicked out of Proactive. You set up yourself to be dragged through the mud and you further support those who obviously lack moral fiber, so you can't complain when your rep is dragged down by them.
Posted by: Why Bother | December 31, 2007 at 11:21 PM
Stop your whining and band together.
You're going to need it when the PN rapes the shit out of you.
Posted by: Witness Z | December 31, 2007 at 11:37 PM
wow the herald has gone WAY down hill....
Posted by: anamouse | January 01, 2008 at 12:11 AM
Tizzers can't be a PN. She actually talked to me like I'm an actual person. If she were a PN, the minute I IM'd her she'd have just said "Epic lawls" and immediately begun flooding me with boring fakey rape threats. Her grammar would also have been horrid l33t sp33k.
Posted by: Penny Sautereau | January 01, 2008 at 12:48 AM
IntLibber, What does putting out alts on your crappy banlink system going to do? They're disposable garbage. We make like 20 of them a day. Like adding one will make a difference to anyone doing raiding. You "anti-greifers" are nothing to us. We break your scripts, we find the exploits, we rage your customers and we ravage your land like a cheap $5 hooker (aka Prokofy's mother). Tizzer's is a traitor among all of /b/ and represents the cancer that is killing it. There's no way to stop us because we will always be there. The JLU do nothing. They have "tech" that we have found the weaknesses in and can beat. We've exploited it all and we've beaten it. All you people are doing is reinforcing the fact that we will prevail against you.
Posted by: L33t Masta | January 01, 2008 at 12:56 AM
A few things:
#1. I do not believe Tizzers were acting completely OK by showing up at his house. I never said I did. I guess ti was implied, but all I mean to say is they didn't really do anything. It's like those Aqua Teen boxes in Boston. Wasn't really a threat, but the question does have to be asked what was the point if legitimate? Regardless, they weren't a large enough threat for threats of gun violence, and in any case, it was real life which resulted in second life punishments, which was wrong.
#2. I'm a bad actor? The closest thing we've ever had to contact was one comment on you blog I left that I found to be interesting. Where are you getting my dramatic record from? And when have we ever spoken to make that kind of call? I might have forgot something, but I would be curious as to hear how you came up with that particular conclusion.
3. How did I know what they said about Cid? I believe it was Cid himself who told me, and dropped a chat transcript on me which was given to him by one of their members. I'm too busy with more important projects to worry for the most part, but this was a story that I felt should be told. Too bad my tone sucked so much.
All I did was report on the evidence I had. I would gladly have heard Kalel's side of things if he was willing to talk, and I tried to send a message along to get him to provide his side of the story, but he is quite simply unwilling to talk to people. As for the idea that Cid is made a griefer by talking with griefers, why could it not be the case that he is rather reforming said griefers? Regardless of what you might think this is not the majority of my time spent on SL. This was churned out in about 45 minutes, between a few avatar projects. My time is spent making free high-quality avatars and gadgets and such for people. When a story doesn't fall into my lap like this, I'm going to do my best to get full sides of the arguments, which can be tough when Kalel does not have the decency to do sit down for a conversation with someone. He's paranoid to the point of refusing to talk, which means that when something comes out, it's undoubtedly going to be biased. I did acknowledge that there were some inconsistincies with what I was told, and I wanted to try to correct those, so I asked someone in contact with Kalel to pass on the message that I would like to speak with him before this went to press so I could make it fair. He apparantly refused. I'm sure I'm missing some details here. But I did try to correct this, so I'm not going to feel guilty about that.
Posted by: Nikola Shirakawa | January 01, 2008 at 06:48 AM
"but he is quite simply unwilling to talk to people"??? lol!!! He's probably had you on mute for months and never given it a second thought (something a lot of people probably have done or should do). I doubt he even knows you're sending him messages. And given the obvious bias in your 'news articles', I can't say that I blame him.
And isn't relaying chat transcripts without the explicit permission of the participants disclosure according to LL? I'm sure all those JLU fags you quoted are having a field day ARing your loser ass for that slip.
Posted by: A-Non-E-Moose | January 01, 2008 at 11:13 AM
What an asswipe!
Nikola solicits full perm content for his "free fandom project", then turns around and sells them on SL Exchange taking all the credit and keeping all the money.
He's always been a liar and now he is a thief!
Posted by: Astonished Reader | January 01, 2008 at 11:47 AM
It might as well be a different version of sL or some other virtual reality
as I never encountered any of the people mentioned
nor do I even care anyway it all sounds like juvenile and petty playground rivalry
so 'Stunning news' somehow no
the two times I have witnessed PN actions it was basically inconsequential
as for
'The co-founder of the JLU, Kara Timtam, has been given a RL death threat by one PN.
Other PN have discussed raiding Kalel's actual house.
the same PN who condemn others for taking SL far too seriously ?
Get a life PN
Posted by: Corona | January 01, 2008 at 12:04 PM
The co-founder of the JLU, Kara Timtam, has been given a RL death threat by one PN.
this would suggest that the PN like to dish it out but cant take it themselves
what shallow men of straw they are
not much in RL warrants a death threat, never mind SL
about on a level with getting upset over the name of a cloth toy
Posted by: corona | January 01, 2008 at 12:16 PM
see, this is the kind of shit the PN should be rewarding. hilarious e-drama is funny for all involved.
Posted by: anon | January 01, 2008 at 04:54 PM
Just when I think the Herald can't think any lower they prove me wrong. Good going Herald. Too bad maybe oh less than 2% of the SL population reads this trash blog.
Posted by: Why Bother | January 01, 2008 at 05:38 PM
Um, I haven't "slandered" anybody, Intlibber, don't be silly, and next time you make false claims like that, YOU be ready to "legally back it up" (rolls eyes).
You were -- and are -- clearly flattered by these wily goons into thinking they are "helping you" control griefing. It's amazing how it works.
Your little goony friend Windowlic Klaar continues to grief me on my land to this day and I have to constantly ban him and new Woodbury alts who harass me constantly. I had to deal with them just today, for example, so spare me the bullshit.
If your little goony pal Windowlic Klaar isn't a griefer then...why would he need to come coming on my land and bothering me and my tenants?
In fact these people ARE dedicated PN who are irredeemable, and as loathsome as Angel Fluffy is, he shouldn't be "embarrassed" by speaking the truth -- that these people have simply found an excellent way to worm their way into your confidences, which is to pretend they "help" you get rid of goons (i.e., they merely sacrifice their own alts, settle some scores, and play an elaborate game).
Penny, it sure makes you feel all warm and cuddly inside to imagine you "belong" eh? But Mr. Pix is playing you like a violin.
uh, Shirakawa, I guess you don't ever google yourself and see where you have left your tracks on teh intertubes...
Anyone who believes these are "reforming" griefers is an accessory after the fact in their crimes.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | January 01, 2008 at 05:39 PM
As an actual anonymous/PN I feel that Kalel should feel GLaD thats all they did with his adress. I would have sent him free korans and condoms and bibles and ect.
PS: lulz Prok is fat.
Posted by: Lulzvan | January 01, 2008 at 07:40 PM
In the real world, nobody listens to what Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and the rest of the neocon band of empire building neotrotskyists say, yet here we have Prokofy, Kalel, and Angel operating the same way, smearing people with rumor and innnuendo, filing false Abuse Reports, trash talking people they dont like.
Proks all bent out of shape cause Int got her fired from the Herald, Angel and Kalel are all butthurt cause Int proved them wrong about Tizzers and Windowlic. I also heard Jasper Tizzy used Turkey Yip to trash Int to try to take over BNT from him, but failed. Everybody trashes Intlibber, but they accuse him of being the negative one. Every time I've talked to him, he's been a decent person. The people attacking him seem to be some of the meanest people around.
Posted by: Why Listen Anymore? | January 01, 2008 at 07:40 PM
Prok, you are a toxic, misanthropic, know nothing, blowhard. Theres a very good reason you were fired from the Herald, and it has to do with the fact you are prejudiced against everybody and anything, you convict people guilty of collective association without documentation of any evidence of wrongdoing. Add to that the decades of soviet interpretation has turned you into the sort of paranoid schitz that so much of the KGB is full of, you've become what you allege to despise. You are a monster.
Posted by: Blowkofy | January 01, 2008 at 07:55 PM
I never imagine I belong Prok dear. You certainly imagine your opinion matters. Go listen to the LYURICS of the song Prok, you'll see why it suits you, oh picture perfect numb belligerance. Pix hasn't played me at all dear, I sent her the song after your sad ego-driven tirade about how I obviously did no research or effort at all for my religion article because I didn't ask YOU for an interview and how my not asking YOU proves I didn't care about the subject and sought only to incite flamewars by writing about it. Must be VERY hard for you to find hats Prok.
l33t masta just proves why the pn are sad little losers. They gloat about how well they annoy and irritate people on SL, brag at their exploiting, hacking, scripting, bash people ot concepts they dislike and devote SO much time to doing it all, completely oblivious to the facts that
A) They're as patheticly obsessed with SL as those they target
B) They're losers with no lives if they can devote THAT much free time to what basically amounts to a 6 year old holding his finger an inch from his sister saying "I'm not touching you!"
C) no one except they themselves think they're cool or clever or l33t, and nothing they do on SL will ever really mean anything anymore than anyone else, and no one will remember them when they're gone.
The Pn are at worst an annoyance like a cherry bomb. It makes a loud noise that might irk you for a minute if you're not interested in the fireworks, but afterwards is just a burn-out useless thing you toss aside as you go back to your business.
Loud and annying but quickly shrugged off.
Posted by: Penny Sautereau | January 01, 2008 at 08:22 PM
Just WHO THE HELL appointed Kalel Venkman and Kara Timtam the sole judges of who and what is "morally dubious"??? Kalel made DEATH THREATS, for ghus sakes against Tizzers, INWORLD. Frankly I'm surprised Tizzers hasn't filed criminal charges against Kalel "Bernie Goetz" here. If trick or treating is a crime than I'm the fucking tooth fairy. Grow the fuck up and get a sniff of reality.
ALSO: "Disclosure" can only occur inworld, and it only applies to talking about the RL identities and activities of people in RL while SPECIFICALLY associating their RL name with their SL avatar, their SL name with their real life likeness.
For instance, if I make a doll of a crazy cat lady and give it hovertext "Prokofy Neva", thats disclosure. If I give it hovertext "Catherine A Fitzpatrick", then its not disclosure because at no time did I associate that crazy cat lady doll with an avatar named prokofy neva. Likewise, a doll with proks avatar appearance and the name "Catherine A Fitzpatrick" is also disclosure. See how the linkage works?
However, if I am in real life, and take a superman doll, and give it the label "Kalel Venkman", that is not disclosure cause its in real life where LL has no jurisidiction. This is essentially what happened with Tizzers: Kalel stupidly put his RL name, address, and phone number (cause hes such a goody good clark kent right?) on the domain registration for the JLU's Brainiac server, ergo his RL identity is public domain for anybody to discover with 5 seconds of using the public whois database.
For tizzers to use that real life, public domain information, to go visit Kalel, especially given that Tizzers was ONCE A MEMBER OF JLU HERSELF, it should be obvious that it was merely one neighbor visiting another with whome one had previously been a colleague of.
Posted by: Ayatollah Venkman | January 01, 2008 at 08:35 PM
> "Kalel stupidly put his RL name, address, and phone number (cause hes such a goody good clark kent right?) on the domain registration for the JLU's Brainiac server"
This is valid Googling, not breaking SL TOS. However... it is also Stalking... seeking to find details out about someone without their consent or legal need.
> "For tizzers to use that real life, public domain information, to go visit Kalel"
This *IS* stalking. No if's or buts.
> "it should be obvious that it was merely one neighbor visiting another with whome one had previously been a colleague of."
As an ex-girlfriend would drop in on her previous lover using the whois info, mhmm... stalking. That is a crime in every state of America and alot of other countries too.
Refer to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalking
* unwanted contact (by letter or other means of communication)
* observing a person's actions closely for an extended period of time
* Stalking can also include seeking and obtaining the person's personal information in order to contact them; e.g. looking for their details on computers
Posted by: Angel | January 01, 2008 at 10:05 PM
A Couple of responses that have to be made.
1. To the best of my knowledge, Tizzers has never been involved with the JLU. I was the ex-JLU. We're not the same person, despite a bit of confusion to the contrary.
2. Yes, I do sell some of the Free Fandom stuff on the SLExchange. But the stuff on there is the stuff I made. And I put notices that by going in world, people can get them for free anyway. The 5l Charge is a convenience fee that I put into new projects and occasional custom works. In addition, despite the Herald refusing to post the release on it, we offer a special grant program to assist in upload fees for less privileged citizens. Everything currently available on the SLExchange was my works. The other contributions such as Trance Sodwind's Shredder avatars, the old versions of the Dalek avatars, the RPTool, and the Boxed Heroes Shadow avatar are nowhere to be seen on there. And the fee of 5l is nowhere near a profitable price. If I sell 20 items a day, that's barely 50 cents in real world currency.
3. The closest thing I've ever done to dramatic work was a ten minute spot on High School Stories. my YouTube videos are either machinima without my voice or face, or one of my joke videos that are essentially rants. Unless your referring to my poem in which case, no shit that was bad. It was funny because it was just so bad. If those aren't what you're referring to, please furnish a link because that's the extent of my pseudo-dramatic works.
4. I don't care about Kalel and co. trying to mess up my reputation. I really don't There's nothing I could do to stop that. But Cid did not take any actions against them. He did not do anything that could be considered griefing. Tizzers hosted PN in her more ignorant days, and still is proud as hell to be a channer. That makes sense to label a griefer. I posted scripts and betrayed them. I can understand if my reasons for doing so are insufficient to some people, and so they would call me a griefer. But Cid did nothing but be friendly to everybody, including some that others did not. He didn't help make griefer scripts, or spread bad words against them. He was just being a good guy to everyone, instead of secluding a few people he did not like. Would you denounce someone like Mother Theresa or the Dali Lama for being cordial with a criminal? Just because you talk with bad people does not make you bad. I'm not debating the griefer label as applied to myself or Tizzers, but just for Cid's case.
5. I'm not stupid. I know he's muted me. I didn't contact him through IM, I had messages forwarded by mutual friends. Yes, I do still talk to a few JLU people. Not all of them are radically paranoid. I won't mention names because I don't want them to be threatened in the same way as Cid, but they did forward messages to Kalel. They were not muted, he heard them, he just refused to talk. I understand why, he's being smart. A lot of JLU people that have decided to visciousaly speak against me in world, without thinking have dropped the wrong pronoun and violated disclosure. I have seen from experience and corroborated by other people that have heard him speak that he is known to do this himself. There is no indication in world that I am anything other than a woman. Sometimes I change avatars, but they are always female. Anybody revealing otherwise violates disclosure, and I have filed proper abuse reports when it's happened. I'm sure he's just being smart and avoiding that situation. After all, hasn't every mother always said if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all? I wouldn't denounce him for it, I'm just saying that's why I can't possibly get his side of the story. He may be a lot of things but stupid isn't one of them.
5. Posting chat logs from public in world chat, taken by being present and not recorded through scripted objects, is perfectly permissable to post without violating disclosure. Anybody in the JLU could tell you that. Only private chat channels, I.E. IM's and information that comes entirely from out of the grid is considered disclosure. Basically the test for avoiding disclosure has two parts.
1. It has to occur in world.
2. It has to be reasonably public, i.e. heard or able to have been heard by more than a couple of people in person.
Posted by: Nikola Shirakawa | January 01, 2008 at 10:10 PM
: )
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | January 01, 2008 at 11:11 PM
Hey Penny, what did we do to you to make you so butthurt? Did we use one of our advanced weapons to crash your sim or the sim you were in while you were having an e-moment? Your bawwwwwing isn't helping anything here and only reinforcing the point as to WHY we raid SL and sims. To get reactions like yours. You may think us immature and stupid, but yet we keep adapting to patches and new forms of security faster than people can make it. The mere fact that you think we're stupid doesn't make it so. Infact it is not those who make the items, but those that find a way to break them that are smarter.
Posted by: L33t Masta | January 01, 2008 at 11:31 PM
Penny Sautereau and Prokofy Neva should have a battle to the death, for the sacred title of "fat old dike obsessed with PN".
Posted by: FrizzleFry101 | January 01, 2008 at 11:47 PM
Oh and for the record, the "Free Fandom Project" is the brainchild of Marcus Propero. Anyone else claiming to be behind it, let alone stealing and selling donated items is a fraud. Whether anyone has ACTUALLY done this I neither know nor care, but the actual Free Fandom Project is very much a GOOD thing, and Marcus runs it honestly.
Posted by: Penny Sautereau | January 02, 2008 at 12:43 AM
Actually Kalel should count himself lucky that someone like tizzers did go to his door considering every PN has his IRL address. There are other people I have witnessed who would have done something a lot different and worse than knocking on the door and going trick-or-treat.
Also, I recall Kalel saying "If I were there I would have been well within my rights to shoot every one of them." which amounts to a death threat.
Also, to the people who say you cant pay off a linden or control one?
You need about $40USD and you can have a linden ban whoever you want.
I've been in SL for half a year now (oh god) and I've witnessed lindens giving personal favors.
Here's the deal with the powerful people like Anshe Chung being unable to control a linden: They did it wrong and probably tried for one who has morals or who is one of the upper elite.
Kalel finds the new Lindens or finds out, through brute force, who the "weaker" lindens are that they can manipulate and control to their liking. Mostly because they "make their lives easier" or they'll make their "lives a living hell" if they do or dont comply.
You know how they do this? The JLU has people who double as PN members to cause a rise in attacks, then the JLU will bother the living hell out of their targetted linden.
If anyone who was in Sandbox Cordova in October/November noticed the permanent JLU platform owned by Plexus Linden, you will know that there is direct Linden Involvement at play here. You know, shit that compromises the Linden "transparency" policy.
Also, I did a little digging around, and found that the PN information database knew about Tizzers Foxchase's residence on the grid before most people knew, plus the fact the JLU seems to know what's going on with the PN at all times shows they have infiltrated and are more than likely manipulating various members into causing attacks. Considering they do know what the PN are up to, why arent they there to put a halt to a lot of these attacks until later?
Oh right, their first and foremost interest isnt protecting the grid from anything, it's about controlling it and appearing to be useful when all they want to do is become the Lindens themselves and manipulate the entire grid into their own little world where they're needed. If they were truly proactive about griefing and truly interested in protecting the grid, they would be stopping the PN effectively, they wouldnt be having petty squabbles and targetting certain individuals or getting hostile towards anyone who differs from them.
Forget the PN, forget /b/, forget w-hat. The JLU are the real griefers and are more of a threat to the grid than anyone else.
Also, the JLU ARENT called up, Kalel, you guys never are called up, in fact you just look for trouble or nose in on other peoples' business and start shit. I think the best public example would be when you took it upon yourselves to rid Woodbury of the PN by getting it shut down the first time. By going to the lindens or filing all reports on linden land instead of going to the Woodbury mods or Tizzers at the time.
Many of you out there will scoff at this idea, but the reality was, the reason the mods and the admin of the WU sim never did anything about the PN there was because no one would report problems to them. They'd run to the Lindens when shit was going down. Plus at the time most of the Woodbury staff were inexperienced and maybe, just maybe, the JLU, if they were being all good and wholesome, could have given a few pointers instead of making Woodbury public enemy number one.
Instead, knowing that the PN DIDNT need a base on the grid to function, the JLU needed a new target, a new enemy, a scapegoat for anything a group they couldnt touch did, and thus, random mass bannings occurred, spying increased, meanwhile, when I started and checked out WU, I noticed the time when the PN did come to the sim and start bragging about their new weapons, was with each other, at 4 or 5 am when no one was around except me because I'm a night owl. at the time I was new so I had no idea what was going on, though looking back I see what went on.
Then SL4B came along, and the PN waged a large scale attack on the event.
Not too long after WU disappeared from the grid due to reports of involvement with the PN, which is funny because we had flushed out a lot of PN well before the attack.
We found out later that the JLU had almost a direct involvement with this decision. They fired off a volley of AR's against the sim after that attack.
After WU was down and Tizzers kept trying to recreate it elsewhere, the more hostile the JLU, notably, Kalel Venkman got.
and over the last few months I have noticed that Kalel has become more and more focused, biased, and outright obsessive towards anything to do with Woodbury, never mind the fact there are multiple /b/ groups and other groups that actively grief, or have members that do so; However, anything involved with Woodbury has been in his crosshairs since the sim shut down, as if he's trying to eradicate every last trace of it. Hell, what is left of Woodbury as of recently, actively, have been non-/b/, non-4chan, non-PN members.
Another example would be Yiffy Yaffle, who spoke out publicly against Kalel and the JLU, and has been slandered, smeared, and has had his reputation nearly destroyed by the JLU.
Look at Nikola Shirakawa, someone who just wants to roleplay with superhero garb, and wasnt into the whole "HURR LET'S CONTROL THE GRID" mentality that permeates from the highest branches of the JLU. Someone who has been outright slandered as well (see a pattern here?) and has been made out as someone in the "axis of evil" because she went against the JLU.
Intlibber Brautigan, despite his personal flaws, is now in the process of being discredited by the JLU and Kalel Venkman, look at these comments to look any further.
Cid Jacobs, just read the article above.
Tizzers Foxchase - to add to the above, has been naive in some decisions in the past, but has been made out as the greatest evil to strike the grid, yet, I have personally witnessed NOTHING that would allude to the title. and Tizzers isnt putting people in some deceptive trance. Tizzers literally hasnt done shit except be the admin of a group the JLU hates, and not taking Second Life seriously and being a generally open and accepting person. Something that is obviously frowned upon on SL. Thing is, if the JLU had decided to handle the whole WU drama correctly (if they wanted to that is..) We probably wouldnt have this article here, WU would still be around, and things would be being handled correctly.
Also, another point I should make, try registering a random Justice league or other DC comics related group name, I bet you cant. That's becuase Kalel Venkman made sure he held a intellectual monopoly over anything DC comics related on SL.
I can feel for people here who are now seen as "public enemy number one" because I have been put in this very situation before myself, on a few different occasions. I spoke out against someone who was obviously corrupt, I ended up not only alienated from a group, but targetted, and even had threats against my life and my family because that person wanted me completely gone from the internet and reality itself because they were on a power trip, much like Mr. Venkman here who has gone as far as threatening lives. (Like Yiffy Yaffle and Nikola, who have been harassed by the JLU)
Another event was, I was running a site, and because one of my users did something to another user, the victim, instead of going to me, went to my host and try to shut me down, luckily I was friends with my host and the situation was put under control, though I got slandered a lot by the affected person who saw me as his enemy because somehow, even though I wasnt present, I was responsible. Much how someone like tizzers foxchase has been crucified.
Then the last time was, I didnt do what some random member said, which wast hey wanted me to ban a user that they personally didnt like, so they went after them and harassed them constantly, created a one-sided (and unsuccessful) campaign, so they started at me instead and tried to turn people who ran the site against me and to give them control of the site in my place so they could change policy. (also unsuccessful)
The point here is, the JLU is nothing more than a group of bullies who want to push people around. You can talk to people who arent related to /b/ on the grid who know about the jlu (and arent related to the JLU either) and you'll find a lot of hate for the JLU.
Sorry for the long-winded comment, but damnit. I've sat back too long and have seen the bullshit that the JLU has dished out.
The only other group that I say shares guilt is Linden Labs, for allowing these wanton acts of abuse to go for so long, unpunished.
report the JLU? try doing it, You'll be the one punished. Despite Linden Labs "officially" distancing themselves from the JLU and not supporting them. They sure like to help them out and give them tons of kickbacks for their "efforts".
I'd also like to point out that it's the JLU that have made me hold back on ever getting a premium account because I know that they, at any time, can have me banned for any reason, which is why I remain anonymous. It's the only way I can have a voice against them.
Posted by: Anonymous | January 02, 2008 at 01:06 AM
Also, remember what your parents taught you.
Those who scream the loudest are often guilty.
and the JLU does a LOT of screaming, so does prokofy and angel fluffy.
Second Life isnt YOUR world, they didnt mean it was your world exclusively, you idiots.
Posted by: Anonymous | January 02, 2008 at 01:10 AM
Kara Timtam is the sole judge of what is morally dubious, because she will eat you if you do something unethical. When her and Penance are brought within a 50m radius, the world comes to an end as it is slowly devoured, leaving a hole in space-time the size of the solar system.
Posted by: anon | January 02, 2008 at 02:39 AM
what are you all 12 years old? it's a game, idiots. stop caring so much.
Posted by: Melky Fugazi | January 02, 2008 at 05:19 AM
"Hey Penny, what did we do to you to make you so butthurt? Did we use one of our advanced weapons to crash your sim or the sim you were in while you were having an e-moment?"
L33t Masta; I'm hardly butthurt, and I don't own any sims, and I've never been on any sim when you crashed it. My PN irritations are limited to just your boy Billy rezzing cheap object that flood me with horribly spelled threats of raping me or silly l33t gloating about giant balls that got boring weeks ago. All of which are muted and forgotten before they even get off three repeats.
"Your bawwwwwing isn't helping anything here and only reinforcing the point as to WHY we raid SL and sims."
No, Baaaaawing would be me shouting and cussing angily about you. I just pointed out clear truths about how pointless you are. Might not help, but the only real point you make is how much you lack anything resembling a life. I laugh at you, because I may be fat and disabled but I know I STILL have a better happier life than you.
"To get reactions like yours. You may think us immature and stupid,"
Reactions like calmly pointing out that you really accomplish nothing but annoying some strangers and in scripting the little toys you do so with, proving exactly that, that you're immature and stupid. *laughs* Post another scathing reply and prove me right even further, it's funny how predictable you twits are.
"but yet we keep adapting to patches and new forms of security faster than people can make it."
And I care because....? I don't own any sims, I've no need for security, and harassing me just proves your ineptitude since A) I have nothing TO crash, B) I'm not all that important on SL or famous so unlike attacking the JLU or a furry sim, text flooding me hardly gets you epic luz since I'm the only one who even sees it, and C) that anyone claiming to fight some noble fight against people who take SL too seriously would devote free time to scripting little toys devoted solely to annoying said people is a sweet irony, since to DO so you yourselves are clearly taking SL too seriously to find it worth that much effort.
"The mere fact that you think we're stupid doesn't make it so."
Nope, never claimed it did,. The fact you all ACT stupid is what makes it so. You proves yourselves stupid losers every time you devote time and energy to irritating complete strangers on the internet so you can get a couple laughs in your otherwise boring uneventful day.
"In fact it is not those who make the items, but those that find a way to break them that are smarter."
No, just those with nothing better to do. Intelligence to outcode each other is all well and good, but SMARTS is another beast altogether. If you were actually SMART, you'd find something better to do with your time.
Feel free to Baaaaaaaaw back, in your own charming vernacular, and prove me right again. Just remember, I'm not laughing with or OR at you, I'm laughing near you. You're too boring and predictable to be worth much else.
SL itself is just a game, but there are real people playing on it. Just because some of them express or share their real feelings on it doesn't make them weak or losers, just a bit more open. Feeling on SL is only a problem if it becomes your entire life. Which is why the PN appear tio be the sad empty losers most people think they are. Harassng strangers on the interweb seems to be all they live for, and that's just depressing.
You want me to get all angry and indigant and call you motherf**ker or curse at you or whatever in the hissyfit baaaaaawing fashion that strokes your ego? Sorry. The only reaction you ever get from me anymore is pity. I genuinely feel sorry for you if you need to bug people you don't even know just to feel anything empowering.
Posted by: Penny Sautereau | January 02, 2008 at 07:06 AM
Actually, if you will check the names on both the founded by title on the group and the items that are on the SLExchange and make up the majority of the items at any of the other six kiosks, you will see my name listed as founder. Of course that's just technical. Truth is Marcus and I are more cofounders, as we didn't really get rolling until Marcus added his shop and freebies to the mix. and it's properly spelled Marcus Prospero. If you don't believe me, feel free to ask him yourself.
Posted by: Nikola Shirakawa | January 02, 2008 at 09:18 AM
Also, since the topic of the Free Fandom Project keeps coming up here, I might as well post the Content Creation Grant note that was never published:
The Free Fandom Project is pleased to announce the start of a special Content Creation Grant Program. The grant is open to all Second Life, for the purposes of encouraging creative efforts on the grid. To receive this grant, you will be required to demonstrate a certain level of skill, and the project must be not-for-profit. If you are seeking an upload fee for a project you intend to sell, with no intention of giving away, the project is ineligible for the grant. The grant is not need based, and is open to all Second Life Users, with no preference given to avatar age, fame, or history. Preference is given, however, to projects that are intended for donation to the Free Fandom Project itself. Original works are not ineligible, however, just given lower priority. The Grant will be open to as many projects as possible within a given week, with a minimum of 50 Single Upload Fee Grants given per week. If a project is deemed to be eligible for the grant, but is submitted at a time in which funds cannot be given, applicants will be given the option of being put on a wait list or having their application forwarded to a designated Patron who might be able to approve it in special circumstances. Past applications, regardless of approval, will not be considered on new applications. To apply for the grant, please fill out a notecard with the following information:
Project Name:
Funds Needed:
Why are you a good person to give the grant to?
The notecard must be named "Content Creation Grant - [YOUR NAME HERE]" to be eligible for consideration. The note card must also not have any restrictive permissions attached to it. Names of Applicants and/or Involved Patrons will be kept confidential. To submit the application, drop the properly formatted notecard in one of the designated dropboxes that may be found at the following locations:
This notecard, and the terms of the grant may be modified or amended due to extenuating circumstances at any time. This note card was last updated on October 29, 2007.
Posted by: Nikola Shirakawa | January 02, 2008 at 09:20 AM